THE WYANDOTTE NEWS-HERALD On Wytndott* Scmn PAGE FOUR MONDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1945 Army Engineers BUY VICTORY BONDS sci Meyers With Minesweeper On Aircraft Carrier Remove Yokohama ON THE USS HOPKINS—Hugh ON THE USS COWPENS—Thad- Bomb Rubble Qrahl Meyers, machinist’s mate, deus Wroblewski, yeoman, second The rubble that marks the rain second class. USNR, 3432 Third class, 441 St. John street, served on Darn Right We’re Good street, served on this destroyer this ship when she became the first of bombs that hit Yokohama is now We people are talking aainesweeper when she and other U. S. aircraft carrier to To- being removed by Army engin- know enter the about Murray Cleaners —and aweepers cleared the way for troop we kyo Bay with the occupation force. eers in preparations for a cub air- don’t blame them one bit We transports and major fleet units The Cowpens participated in field, mess halls, hospitals, parking set out to accomplish one thing to move into Tokyo Bay for the strikes against Kwajalein, Eniwetok, ¦ / Jjß we areas and camp locations for the —and the whole town knows occupation of Japan. Truk. Saipan, Tinian, Guam, Wake, htve succeeded. That is superior Bth Army occupational troops. Bh# taw action at Guadalcanal, Iwo Jima, Okinawa, Formosa. Chi- i, 'JBBt' I dry cleaning with that extra add- Working with a majority of these If'TS V;.. • I service ill the First Island, na. Indo-China, Mindanao, Leyte, B fl B jU IB ¦ ed touch of that folks Battle of Savo jobs is PFC George E. Mclntosh, h 9 B appreciate days. at Georgia, Luzon and the Japanese these the Resells, New Em- homeland. surveyor for the 153rd Engineers, press Augusta Bay, Kula Gulf, a veteran construction battalion of Bougainville, Priscilla Lana and Wayne Mor- Gaum, Saipan, Lin- Most of the surface of Michigan the New Guinea and Philippine ris star in "Brother Rat" which MURRAY CLEANERS gayen Gulf, Iwo Jima and Okinawa. is covered with the hills and plains campaigns. will be shown on the Wyan- At the end of war of gravel, clay dotte theatre screen Tuesday 1517 EUREKA PHONE 4653 the she was sand, and boulders PFC Mclntosh, son of Mr. and sweeping mines through Thursday. in the China Sea, left by the melting of glaciers that Mrs. G. H. Mclntosh of 1092 Fifth 48-HOUR SERVICE ON CLEANING and PRESSING than 200 miles .rom Japan. once covered the Great Lakes region. street, entered the Armed Forces in On and On They Go. July of 1943, receiving engineer Bronze Star Xeitzel Receives Degree training at Camp Claiborne. Louis- It’s Smart to Can iana and military police training at Donald Carl Neitzel. 13132 Phelps Singer Discharged ESCORT CARRIER RETURNS Awarded to OPEN EVERY DAY INCLUDING SUNDAY Alexandria, Virginia, prior to sail- Singer boulevard, was a candidate for the you Sgt. Edmond J. was hon- PLANES TO UNITED STATES all Can! ing for the Pacific. degree of Bachelor of Laws at the orably discharged from the Army SOMEWHERE IN THE PACIFIC Allen Coker For his work on roads and air- University of Michigan’s midyear today the separation —Richard J. Gabriel, 19, seaman, FISH DINNERS fields, dock installations and sup- Air Forces at Private First Class Allen R. graduation held at 2 p.m. in Rack- first class, USNR, of 522 Elm street, 20, • • ply depots during the initial days center at Macuiu neia, Tampa, Coker, son of Mrs. Oenevieve SERVED DAILY ham Lecture Hall Saturday. There is a crew-member of the Navy’s of the Leyte campaign, PFC Mc- Fla. He entered the service April Coker, 511 East Eighth avenue, FRESH PICKEREL NOW SERVED were 325 candidates. first escort aircraft carrier, the Intosh has been awarded the Phil- 9, 1942, and since that time has Gary, Indiana, has been awarded USS Long Island, now' employed in Tuesday's Special ippine Liberation ribbon with battle served at various military installa- the Bronze Star Medal for extra- returning planes to the United ordinary heroism combat against HOT star. He is also authorized to wear tions including MacDill Field, Tam- in DOGS and States and returning dischargees on the Asiatic Pacific Theatre ribbon pa. Fla. and Punta Gordft AAF, the Japanese Luzon, Philippine SAUERKRAUT under the Navy's demobilisation DINNER Fla. Islands. and the Good Conduct Medal. Punta Gorda, program. BQILED DlNNEßS—Wednesday A graduate of the Theodore Before entering the service he During the push through the Ca- George IRISH STEW—Thursday Roosevelt school, he was later em- was employed by the Firestone Steel Gabriel, son of Mrs. A. gayan Valley In Northern Luzon, ployed by the Wyandotte General Products Cos. Singer’s home is at Gabriel, who is striking for a rat- Coker, with his mortar crew oper- Bring the Whole Family for One hospital. 12907 Pennsylvania avenue. ing of radioman, operates radio ated anew type heavy mortar of These Delicious Treats! sending and receiving sets aboard amidst enemy counter-battery his aircraft carrier. During war- shells and anti-tank fire bursting BM H time general quarters, the radioman around him and continued the fire took a station by the emergency mission of the weapon. With the CORRIGAN'S CAFE $ HIAGO $ generator. mortar support knocking out the CASH enemy positions, the attack was PLUM AT THIRD NEAR BIDDLE Jardine Aboard Cabot successful. I Df ON THE USS CABOT—Robert R. Every Wednesday Nite at 8 P.M. With his Bronze Star Medal, Jardine, seaman, second class, 1276 vnlftp Coker wears the Philippine Liber- Commonwealth avenue, served on CASH ] HI ation Ribbon with one battle star, carrier which took a AND CARRY this aircraft the Asiatic-Pacific Theatre Ribbon Kossuth’s Hall leading part in the battles that LEADING THEATRES 1 with two battle stars for the North- led to the defeat of Japan. I* FOREST at FIFTH WYANDOTTE ern Solomons and Philippine cam- PRIDE CLEANING The CABOT saw action in the paigns, the Soldiers’ Qood Conduct ¦ FREE PARKINCI 15 GAMES 50c—55.00 FIRST PRIZE-43.00 SECOND PRIZE Marshalls, at Truk, the Palaus, New Medal and the Combat Infantry- WYANDOTTE • MAJESTIC • RIALTO Guinea, in the Battle of the Philip- man’s Badge for outstanding serv- ¦ I JACKPOT EVERY WEDNESDAY NITE S2OO pine Sea, the Battle for Leyte ice as a foot soldier under fire. BIG LOTS ¦*“ FIRST at Gulf, at Guam, Luzon, Lingayen M i OAK ST. 1 IN 55 NUMBERS OR LESS After graduating from Ralph ¦*' Gulf, and Indo-China, Iwo Jima, 1 TRENTON NEXT TO THEATRE 1 Waldo Emerson 6chool in Gary, 3 CASH DOOR PRIZES! Okinawa, and raids on Tokyo and Indiana, he was employed as a other Japanese homeland* cities. clerk. Os his tw*o and one half Pyle FINE Sponsored by The late Ernie was aboard years in the service, he has spent during a Tokyo raid and the Iwo two years overseas with the famous invasion and described the life of “Euckeye” 37th Infantry Division CLEANING DOWN RIVER MARINE the crew in his columns. from Ohio. He is scheduled to re- —— r ih • turn home soon with that outfit. l irni 4 * - - Simons Promoted Open Mon. Fri., 6:15 Sal. Sun. 12:30 V- CORPS Simons, Phone Wy. 0117 Biddle Awe. LEAGUE Donald O. 26, husband Newspapers during 1944 assisted '<! BENEFIT OF OUR SERVICEMEN of Mrs. Irene M. Simons, 1075 Pop- in collecting 7,036,000 tons of waste NOW SHOWING YOU MUST SEE ITU lar court, Wyandotte, has been pro- paper which was processed into moted to the grade of Technician newsprint and Implements of war. J-aiu* DRESSES (piam) PLUS!! Fifth Grade from that of Private First Class. COATS Tom A Jerry Color Cartoon Jltlui .V SPECIAL- . , . A member of 145th Infantry Reg- Refrigeration < v "TEA FOR TWO'' iment of the 37th Infantry Divi- Jim's SUITS i '->¦ Wt«k KnSing sion, Corporal Simons has served Service Ms*', Octebtr 27th ALSO!!! overseas six months and is a vet- TOPCOATS eran of the Luzon campaign. WE SPECIALIZE IN * PETE SMITH'S BINGO He been • COPELAND has awaded the Combat • "THE SEE SAW Infantryman's Badge and is auth- CAOBLEY Every • COLDSPOT ! ¦ITO “I*ll orized to wear the Soldiers' Good BATHROBES "lT— AND THE SHOES" • FRIGIDAIRE Conduct Medal, the Asiatic-Pacific • GENERAL ELECTRIC MONDAY and THURSDAY Theater Ribbon with one battle • GIBSON 79- c star and the Philippine Liberation • KELVINATORS at 8:00 P. M. Ribbon with one bottle star. • NORGE 1 69 i Before his induction into the • ORUNOWS fed- • eral service Sept. 2, 1944, Corpo- UNIVERSAL COOLERS Given By The • AND ALL MAKES itl Simons was a grinder at the OTHER MILITARY ORDER OF THE Firestone Rubber Company. REGAL Mrs. Simons is making her —PRIDE CLEANERS- gyBQDDTTE PURPLE HEART home REFRIGERATION at the Poplar court address with Tr»nton Alltn Park Open Mon. • Fri. 6:15 Sat.. Sun. and Holidays. 12:15 the couple's one child, Sales and Berrice 58 W. Jefferson 7416 Allan Hoad First at Elm Kossuth Hall Forest and Fifth Sis. Caroline, 6 Phone Wy. 2066 Ends Tonite years old. Licensed Bonded Melvindale— Dearborn TYler 6-2780 18514 Allen Road 24125 Michigan Merle Oberon "DARK WATERS" Franchot Tone S2OO ON MONDAY JACKPOT Spends Furlough On Riviera with CHAS. COBURN "ROYAL SCANDAL" S2OO JACKPOT ON THURSDAY Corporal Henry P. Malicki, son of Mrs. Viola Malicki, 3379 Twelfth street, a (A) TUES. • WED. - THURS. 2 LAUGH HITS Double Money Paid on Door Tickets! mechanic with 68th Field Artillery Battalion, Ist Ar- proceeds Bingos we sent 10,050 From the of these hare over mored Division, recently spent a cartons of cigarettes to our men in the service seven-day rest furlough in the U.
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