Development Plan and AWI Vision for the Southwest Waterfront SL This is an important site in a very But nobody’s been able to succeed on significant, fully comprehensive body poor neighborhood that has had this site ever before. They did it of work. It’s not being diagrammatic a lot of problems. It’s an incredible here by being more comprehensive, or schematic. SL It’s part of a huge resource, this waterfront. And the I would argue, and getting more process that starts at a very large scale neighborhood wants it developed. committed. JC This is a serious, and works down. At each scale, not Good revitalization plans often succeed by making the The current character of the waterfront area only complex seem simple. In established urban settings, one emerged during the urban-renewal era of the 1950s and reason may be that only the clearest visions can lure 60s. This was when large swathes of southwest Washington entrenched stakeholders to put aside their fears of change were declared “blighted,” and redeveloped with new and pull together for a common future. mid- and low-rise housing and commercial structures. The difficult legwork behind such visions, however, About the same time, the area was also cut off from the often belies their veneer of inevitability. Much hard- nearby Capitol Mall by construction of Interstate 395. headed investigation must normally take place behind the In many ways, southwest Washington provides a text- scenes to sort through the complexities of local real estate book example of the ills of such heavy-handed government economics, regulatory structures, and patterns of intervention, says Neil Kittredge, Southwest Waterfront ownership and to realistically account for such physical project manager for Beyer Blinder Belle. Across the country, problems as infrastructure upgrading and environmental many poor urban communities were similarly devastated mitigation. And then there is the political process. Success during this period. But after fifty years, it should be possible here often hinges on effective outreach, identifying objec- to take a new look at the real quality of places like southwest tions and accommodating concerns before they can create Washington today, he says, and build on what is there. difficulties during later phases of the approvals process. In positive terms, Kittredge points out, Washington’s Jurors in 2003 identified the Development Plan and southwest now accommodates a viable neighborhood of AWI Vision for the Southwest Waterfront of Washington, mixed income and ethnicity. Architecturally, the area also D.C., as just such a comprehensive, professional product. provides an almost pure example of modernist space, In a nutshell, it envisions transforming the lands adjacent consisting of rental and co-op housing superblocks with to the Washington Ship Channel into “a world-class green, airy interiors. On the other hand, the near complete waterfront district” for the nation’s capital. destruction of the southwest’s historic fabric created In addition to praising the plan—by a primary consultant featureless intervening spaces that are almost completely team of Hamilton Rabinovitz & Alschuler, Beyer Blinder dominated by vehicles. And this is nowhere more apparent Belle Architects & Planners, and Greenberg Consultants— than along the waterfront, where urban renewal met the for its thoroughness and clarity, the jury also cited its channel in a series of access roads and parking lots that potential to bring real change to an area long bypassed by came to serve little more than private marinas, tour-boat such placemaking efforts. operators, and isolated, pavilion-style restaurants. The Southwest Waterfront Plan envisions a two-stage A Troubled History approach to the transformation of this area. First, a The condition of lands along the Washington Ship “Development Plan” addresses things that can happen Channel has been an embarrassment to officials in the nation’s capital for years. The channel, itself, was created at Above: Outreach to neighbors played a significant role in establishing the form of the end of the nineteenth century to provide port facilities new mixed-use buildings along the Ship Channel. Computer collage courtesy of and reduce the severity of seasonal flooding. During the Beyer Blinder Belle. early twentieth century it served this purpose well, while Opposite: The larger opportunities for the area are contained in the “AWI Vision” adjacent neighborhoods accommodated port-related portion of the plan. Numbered buildings would be developed during the earlier businesses and worker housing. “Development Plan” phase. 16 Development Plan and AWI Vision for the Southwest Waterfront / Design / Planning / Research / only did they have public hearings, it at that point. They get absorbed in difference. I think that how you but they went back to the community. envisioning what this place could be. present your material, it’s not just the It’s an incredible piece of work. It’s not just analysis. SL And it’s beau- quality of the graphics but the order You can see the depth of the study. tifully presented and it’s clear and and the logic of it. There needs to be a You can see the broad range of understandable, which I think for this kind of internal logic. The graphics the overview. And it’s politically kind of document is important. I need to be clear. The vision needs to endorsed, so I guess it’s really going think that’s one thing we haven’t said be out front. The details need to to happen. JC But they didn’t leave today. I know readability has made a follow the design. Those are small right away to establish the basis for a new waterfront What finally appears to have broken the logjam is the neighborhood. A second “Vision” section then proposes Anacostia Waterfront Initiative, a comprehensive effort longer-term actions to consolidate its character and to use redevelopment of lands bordering the District’s establish better connections to the city around it. “forgotten” second river to revitalize its entire southern half. AWI was inaugurated toward the end of the Clinton A Larger Vision Administration through a memorandum of understanding Over the years, a number of studies have addressed the between the District and some twenty federal agencies with potential for redeveloping lands along the Ship Channel, jurisdiction over land bordering the Anacostia River. says Uwe Brandes of the District of Columbia Office of District of Columbia Mayor Anthony Williams has been Planning (DCOP). But none have come to fruition, in a major force behind AWI. Since his election, Williams part because of the great difficulty overcoming the legacy has sought to bring a new focus on economic revitalization of urban renewal. A perennial lack of communication to local politics. Indeed, one of his stated goals has been to between federal and District agencies has also stalled attract 100,000 new residents to the District. redevelopment efforts in general in the nation’s capital. In terms of the southwest waterfront, Brandes also Places 16.1 17 things, but yet they’re important impressed by the comprehensiveness That’s not really necessarily talked professionally. And this is an incredi- of this project. WM I would agree. about here. If this were to happen, bly professional job. ALS It certainly It’s an exhaustive research. It is so well would the residents still be able to live has an eye toward implementation. done it has the power of getting built. on this waterfront? Or does it really There’s market analysis, some prelim- The goal of all these things is to get ultimately mean relocating them? inary cost estimates. It really goes as something done. SL The biggest close as possible to actually finding the problem would be the threat of gen- money and doing the project. I was trification, if and when it does happen. points to the significance of a new partnership between his to ensure a “high-quality modern architecture.” If there agency (DCOP) and the National Capital Revitalization is one area of Washington where traditional styles are Corporation. A public economic-development corporation inappropriate, it is here, Kittredge says. Innovative modern which began operation in January 2001, NCRC controls design could be very important in terms of complementing much of the property along the Ship Channel through a the better qualities of the older urban-renewal areas. subsidiary which succeeded the District’s old Redevelop- ment Agency. Today, while DCOP has been managing the Further Connections larger AWI effort, NCRC has been driving its southwest Once the impact of the new mixed-use buildings and waterfront element. waterfront public areas has been established, the plan The reason why NCRC has a special interest in the area imagines that aspects of its longer-term, “Vision,” section is obvious. Other parts of AWI focus on rebuilding public would come into play. Of particular importance here is the housing, developing new sites for offices and government rebuilding of a hill south of I-395. The hill was originally buildings, and restoring parks and the natural quality of the formed out of material excavated during freeway construc- river itself. But because of their largely undeveloped charac- tion, and today it is occupied by an oval waterfront ter, the lands along the Ship Channel have long been seen as overlook that serves as little more than an architectural the ideal location for an entirely new mixed-use community. conceit at the end of L’Enfant Way. Altogether, the plan estimates such a development According to Kittredge, this overlook was once would result in $9 million in annual tax revenue for the intended to connect to the waterfront, but it never did District, 1,500 permanent jobs, 800 new housing units, because of grade difficulties. As a result, anyone wanting sites for several new cultural buildings, and improved to walk from the Capitol Mall to the Fish Market today public access to the water.
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