Perú: Rainy season Situation Report No. 9 (as of 27 April 2017) Departamentos más afectados y números de damnificados. (Fuente de la data INDECI | Mapa por OCHA) This report is produced by the OCHA team and is prepared in collaboration with the partners of the National Humanitarian Netw ork (RHN). It covers the period from 21 to 27 April 2017. The next report will be published around 4 May. Highlights ● Nearly 1.3 million people have been affected or severely affected in the country as a result of the rains and flooding. Of these, more than 400,000 are children and adolescents. ● A total of 16,048 dengue cases at national level have been registered, among confirmed and probable cases, according to the Ministry of Health. ● 2,258 educational institutions have been affected and 198 collapsed and uninhabitable in the country ● More than 42,000 houses at national level have been destroyed, including collapsed and uninhabitable ● The Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) allocated a total of US$5.1 million for the implementation of 9 UN agencies’ projects in the Piura region. ● The National Congress passed on 25 April the revised text of the law proposed by the Government for the reconstruction of the areas affected by the Niño Costero and the Authority for the Reconstruction with Changes (Autoridad para la Reconstrucción con Cambios -RCC). 1,292,320 399,103 31,288 413,165 42,627 435,000 Affected people Severely affected People in 205 Severely affected Destroyed Houses Food insecure People (1,104,247) and and affected temporary and affected including 21,294 in the departaments of 1 Severely affected people shelters Children and collapsed and Piura, Lambayeque, people (188,073) in Piura adolescents 21,333 La Libertad, Ancash at national level uninhabitable and Tumbes Fuente: INDECI, cut off date 26 April. Grupos sectoriales de Agua, Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición, Salud, Protección y Educación en emergencias. Situation overview To date, according to official figures provided by INDECI (Instituto Nacional de Defensa Civil - INDECI), at least 1’104,247 people are reported as affected and 188,073 as severely affected2 at national level. As of 26 April, 1 Source: INDECI, as of 26 April. Information pertaining to La Libertad, Piura, Tumbes, Lambayeque, Lima Metropolitana, Lima Provincias, Ica, Ancash, Callao, Junín, Huancavelica and Tumbes. http://space.indeci.gob.pe:8080/share/s/4vhDElsJQtq95OekD5Zs4g 2 Source : INDECI, cut-off date 26 April. Perú: Rainy Season - Situation Report No.9 | PAG: 2 INDECI reports the following level of affectation in the most affected departments: Departaments Severely Affected Deaths Missing Affected Piura 42,893 356,120 16 3 Lambayeque 52,861 144,117 3 0 La Libertad 23,017 124,745 14 4 Ancash 31,796 96,555 23 1 Tumbes 978 37,512 0 0 Total 151,545 759,049 56 8 The National Emergency Operations Center (COEN) has made a call in relation to the recent increased flow in some rivers, alerting that SENAMHI has noted that the rivers Napo (Cuenca Napo), Amazonas (Cuenca Amazonas), and Marañón (Cuenca Bajo Marañón) remain in red alert. These have presented a slight increase while the river Ucayali (Bajo Ucayali), even though it has shown a downward trend, remains in red alert. On the coast, the river Tumbes has increased substantially, whereby the SENAMHI urged the population to avoid carry out activities near the banks of the river, due to possible floods in agricultural areas in locations such as El Prado, Pampas de Hospital, San Jacinto, Tacural and the city of Tumbes. The national Congress approved on 25 April a text replacing the bill proposed by the Government for the reconstruction of the areas affected by the Niño Costero. The Parliamentary changes include the participation of Regional and local governments, and extends the oversight period from Contraloría. It also gives competence to the Congress in the evaluation and approval of the work of the Authority for Reconstruction with Changes (RCC), which had been proposed by the Executive. Other than this approval, it is important that the Government continues with the response activities to ensure access of the humanitarian aid to all people affected by the disaster. Response actions in Piura: INDECI's latest report on housing damage in the department of Piura states that 8,551 houses have collapsed and remain uninhabitable due to the rains and flooding, while 76,569 houses were affected3. Piura continues concentrating the largest number of severely affected and affected people with 399,1034 people, which represents 31 percent of all affected and severely affected at national level, while Lambayeque shows the largest number of severely affected people with 52,861 personas. As of 26 April, 61 shelters had been established in Piura and 1,618 tents had been erected, whereby currently 15,780 people remain. This new figure shows a large reduction in the number of people remaining in shelters as compared to last week. Notwithstanding, Piura continues to be the region with the largest number of people living in shelters. Piura also remains in State of National Emergency 5, due to a great disaster, since 29 March. The Piura Regional Government (GORE) implemented in Paita during three days a large campaign to prevent the dengue transmission, intervening in a total of 19,375 houses. Humanitarian Response National Response: As of 26 April, INDECI reports a total 2,119 tonnes of goods have been transported among the national donations, which includes 1,059 tonnes of water, 585 tonnes of food, 420 tonnes of clothing and shelter, and 55 tonnes of other humanitarian goods. As of 24 April, the Peruvian Red Cross, with the support from the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent (IFRC) has supported 6,322 families with non- food items and distributed more than 250,000 litres of safe water in affected areas of Lambayeque, Piura and Ancash. 3 Source INDECI, 26 April. http://space.indeci.gob.pe:8080/share/s/4vhDElsJQtq95OekD5Zs4g 4 Source INDECI, cut-off date 26 April. 5 Decreto Supremo Nº 035-2017-PCM, Declaration of State of National Emergency en Piura: http://busquedas.elperuano.com.pe/normaslegales/declaran-estado-de-emergencia-nacional-en-el-departamento-de-decreto-supremo-n-035-2017-pcm-1503315- 2/ Elaborado en colaboración con Perú: Rainy Season - Situation Report No.9 | PAG: 3 International Response: In addition to the Flash Appeal prepared by INDECI and the United Nations System in Peru, several countries have sent humanitarian aid bilaterally. According to INDECI, as of 26 April, more than 232 tonnes of humanitarian goods (including food, shelter, basic goods, cleaning kits and others) have been received and more than $4 million, and EUR 2.5 million donated by cooperating countries. The Netherlands sent a team of experts on governance and management of water resources to provide technical assistance to the Piura Regional government, other than tools to mitigate the consequences of the flooding and prevent new situations. Germany has provided aid to affected people in the districts of Piura and Castilla, with the aim of restoring the health and sewage systems. This assistance includes five experts and three tonnes of electromechanics machines, and individual protection equipment. Germany, through Caritas Internacional, has also supported in the distribution of 450 metric tonnes of food, clothes, drinking water, hygiene goods, materials for shelters and water pumps, especially in Piura, Lambayeque and Chulucanas. Through the Centro de Investigación y Promoción del Campesinado (CIPCA), Gernany has also contributed with the distribution of emergency household packages for 700 people in the Piura region. IFRC has mobilized as of 23 April a total 12,012 metric tonnes of humanitarian aid through maritime way to continue supporting response actions. The UN Emergency Relief Coordinator approved an allocation of some US$5.1 million for the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF). This amount will be allocated nine UN projects to assist in the response to the emergency in the north of the country and target 90,000 people in the WASH, Camp Coordination and Camp Management, Nutrition, Health, Education, Protection, Food security and Early Recovery. For further details, please consult the infographic included at the end of this document. Temporary Shelter Damage and Needs: 42,627 As of 26 April, INDECI reports that 42,627 houses have been destroyed, of which 21,294 have collapsed and 21,333 are uninhabitable. Another 247,127 Houses collapsed and homes have been affected. uninhabitable In Piura and Lambayeque, important differences have been found between the number of households affected according to different sources of information, including COER, INDECI and door-to-door assessments that some agencies are doing in the field. For this same reason, it is imperative to have a single registry of victims that has official validity. According to the Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation (MVCS) authorities, this task has been entrusted to COFOPRI, which is the state body responsible for the formalization of state ownership. In Lambayeque, a large proportion of those affected are in the rural sector (85%) and a minority in urban areas, and agencies are being asked to focus their efforts on temporary housing in rural areas. The Government has offered 21,500 temporary housing modules (MTV), but the proportion that will be delivered to each region is not yet known. The need to start reconstruction quickly should not be to the detriment of the humanitarian action needed to provide emergency and temporary housing to the families urgently affected. Response: ● As of 26 April, INDECI reports that a total of 3,342 tents have been installed in 205 shelters where a total of 31,288 people live. ● The Peruvian Red Cross has supported 2,005 people with non-food items in the region of Lambayeque between 20 and 24 April.
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