Gamma Phi Beta Fall 1976 GOING GREAT TO '78 . Highlights of the Grand President's for this is Gamma Phi Beta's theme Report to the Seattle Conclave the next biennium. That we're ofF to a great start is obvious from the Betty Luker Haverfield (Missouri) convention and honor reports in this issue. Let's keep up the mo Here we are in Seattle, on the far west coast of the United mentum. Support your local chap States and a stone's throw from Vancouver, the site ter and International by paying just away of one of our camps, one of our great Greek Letter chapters dues . .. contribute to camp and and with hard-working alumnae. It seems ... many outstanding, scholarship programs back our 0 way out west, that the theme of this magazine program for chapter especially appropriate, convention is "From Sea to Shining Sea." Not only does it profit . report to the CRESCENT. < to mind the bicentennial celebration of the United Presidents will be alerted to pro bring States, but the bicentennial celebration of the Greek system. gram directives via THE COM know that Phi Beta was the first social fra MUNIQUE, published in January, Did you Kappa and it was founded at the College of William and April and September each year. ternity on December 5, 1776? Don't fail to pass assignments U Mary Here, of Gamma Phi Beta are as along to the proper officials. today, representatives sembled�from Montreal to Pasadena, from Tallahassee to The Staff Honolulu. We are truly represented�from Sea to Shining Sea. As Grand President it befalls me to report to you about Editor-in-Chief the changes and accomplishments of your Grand Council Geraldine Epp Smith during the past biennium. I hope you won't think me brogg- 300 Mansion House, Apt. 1501 adocious when I say, I believe we have accomplished a great St. Louis, MO 63102 deal. Alumnae Editor s Answering Kansas City Mandates Kristin Brandt Riske o First, I will answer the eight resolutions presented to us by 429 James Court the 1974 convention assembled in Kansas City: Falls Church, VA 22046 Resolution 1: reword Article X, Section 4�voting body� of our bylaws so that there is no misunderstanding about Editor o Collegiate those chapters eligible to send voting delegates to conven Mary Agnes Welsh tions. This has been included in our proposed bylaw changes 3365 Steve Rd., #6 to be presented at this convention. Memphis, TN 38111 Resolution 2: set up guidelines for the formation of Cres cent Circles. Grand Council has decided there could be no Business Manager X cut and dried rules. Designed primarily to bring together alumnae, on an almost social basis, in communities Mary M. Moxley purely where there were few Gamma Phi Crescent Circles Central Office H Betas, came into being about four years ago. The preceding Coun cil had a number of six to eight to form a Crescent Circle. THE CRESCENT This, generally, remains true. But there are exceptions. We a of more 30 in a Volume 76, Number 3 have group than alumnae California retire Fall, 1976 o ment center. They want to meet and share experiences but should not be burdened with the regulations and paper work THE CRESCENT Is published quarterly In set down for an alumnae chapter. Therefore, we have granted Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer by the them Crescent Circle status. For this, and other reasons, we Gamma Phi Beta Sorority, 630 Green Bay have decided that each application must be considered in Road, Kenilworth, IL 60043. Printed H by dividually. George Banta Company, Inc., Menosha, Wl 54952. Second class postage paid at < Resolution 3: provide swap shops for alternate delegates Kenilworth, IL, and additional mailing and non-delegates to be held during business sessions instead offices. Printed in the U.S.A. of late at night. If you will consult your program, you will POSTMASTER: Please send notice of un note these provisions have been made. deliverable copies on Form 3579 to Gamma Resolution 4: encourage every member to be alert to the Ph! Beta, Box 310, Kenilworth, IL 60043. possibilities for expansion. Elna Magnusson Dimock, Director SUBSCRIBERS: Send all and questions of Expansion, has alerted PCDs and PADs to be ever watch changes of address in regard to the Di ful for new colonization sites. Elise Berthon, coordinator of rectory of International Officers, chapter State has asked her workers to do list, membership chairman, chapter presi Membership Chairmen, dents' lists and In Memoriam to Central likewise. We have had excellent results from information Office, Box 310, Kenilworth, IL 60043. forwarded through them. BETTY LUKER HAVERFIELD, Grand President, At the Carnation (left) Banquet, more than 600 assembled raised their glasses in a toast to Alpha Phi Mrs. Haverfield used the Sorority. golden goblet sent to the Sorority by Alpha Phi in commemoration of Gamma Phi Beta's 100th anniversary. The was lost at the hotel cup during the Kansas City conclave. Hence this belated act of appreciation for fraternal affection. (Right) ELNA GIVES WAY TO BERTA. Signifying the in Grand Council Elna only change membership, Magnusson Dimock (Idaho) relinquished her badge as Director of Expan sion to Roberta Moore Sorensen (Washington). One beauty replaced another. Resolution 5: continue the Ad Hoc Committee to study our option of paying taxes and most of our older members, who with a view to camps expanding our camping program. This have given up volunteer service work, feel this is the only committee was headed Bennie J. Wilson by Burkett (SMU� contribution they can make to the Sorority. Wichita Falls Alumnae). Other members are Lynn Russenholt Other Exciting MacFarlane (Manitoba�Winnepeg Alumnae); Nancy Yount Happenings � Reberger (Idaho�Northern Virginia Alumnae), and Mary Lou Title IX came across my desk. This was the act that pro Thompson (Colorado College�Chicago Alumnae). hibited discrimination for reasons of sex on any college cam Among their many recommendations were: 1) that the pus�the penalty to be withdrawal of federal funds from any present philanthropic combination of camps, camperships and college or university supporting organizations not open to local endeavors be continued; 2) that we adopt a more am members of both sexes. Gamma Phi Beta and many other bitious promotion of camping among members by making sororities and fraternities went to work protesting this move camp slides available with more emphasis on the non-fun ment. Thousands wrote their congressmen in support of an side; 3) send out a brochure detailing various ways alumnae amendment that would exempt sororities and fraternities chapters could incorporate camping into their local philan from Title IX. The efFort paid off. thropies and generate more favorable publicity; 4) that Van � In the fall of 1975, Grand Council was overwhelmed couver investigate possibilities for maximizing the use of its when it became necessary to appoint 25 new Province Alumna facilities, such as leasing to school camps, retreats, etc.; 5) and Collegiate Directors. It is a joy to report all new appoint that because of the question of an available campsite in ments have been extremely successful. Colorado, the Colorado Board pursue the possibility of alter � In the spring of 1975, Eleanor Sieg announced her nate camp programs such as wilderness-primitive camps, planned retirement. Pat Denton, a member of the Endowment- sharing an existing campsite, etc.; 6) that consideration be Loan Board, accepted the task of heading a search commit given to including in the Sorority bylaws a provision for an tee. They found Mary Margaret Moxley, a graduate of the annual gift to the Foundation; and 7) that there be a review, University of Evansville and a professional administrator for at least every four years, of our entire camping program be volunteer organizations. She assumed her new duties in Cen cause of changing ACA and federal regulations. tral Office on July 1 and the Grand Council is still amazed Resolution 6: study the possibility of substituting a quar at the rapidity with which she became familiar with the So terly newsletter for the many bulletins sent from Central rority and its policies. Not being a member, she was initiated Office. The CRESCENT COMMUNIQUE was issued for the first in time for the National Panhellenic Conference last fall by time in January, 1975, and appears three times yearly in Epsilon Chapter. January, April and September. � Perhaps one of the greatest accomplishments of the Resolution 7: the HISTORY OF GAAAMA PHI BETA be up biennium is the update and revision of eight manuals. This dated every 10 years. Under the editorship of Charlotte was achieved via the services of an expert Publications Chair Hamilton Mason (Michigan�Jackson Alumnae), the update man, Lynn Thompson (Memphis State), a former Collegiate is now available. Consultant. Finished and in use are the PROVINCE ALUMNAE Resolution 8: consider a bylaw amendment waiving the DIRECTOR'S MANUAL, THE RITUAL MANUAL, COLLEGIATE annual tax for 50-year members. The Research Committee CONSULTANT'S MANUAL and the PRESIDENT'S HAND felt this bylaw should not be considered. Each alumna has the BOOK. FALL, 1976 / THE CRESCENT OF GAMMA PHI BETA / 3 THE Te be printed and ready for distribution this foil are COM EXPANSION MANUAL, THE ALMUNAE ADVISORY THE PLEDGE DEVELOPMENT MANUAL. GOING GREAT TO *78! MITTEE'S MANUAL, Besides these, Lynn has written and edited THE CRESCENT COMMUNIQUE. Because Gamma Phi Beta has concentrated on Leadership Council feels Training for the last three years, the Grand another blessed to have found Noncy Parker, (Moorehead), former Collegiate Consultant. She developed a leadership manual, a 107-page booklet titled "Chapter Dynamics." Goals and Objectives � Another innovation of the biennium has been a special which from the presentation on goals and objectives sprang Dimock fertile brain of our Director of Expansion, Mrs.
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