CU49 - Escorts.xls ABCDEFG H 1 Name Hull Number Call Sign Ship Builder Keel Laid Commissioned Commander Comments 2 Bethlehem Ship Building Commander Albert This vessel was the flagship Corp. of ( Fore River ) David Kaplan, U.S.N. for Task Group 21.6 and the 3 U.S.S. Mayo DD 422 NALN Quincy, MA 16-May-1938 18-Sep-1940 # 71551 entire convoy CU49. 4 This vessel was the flagship for Escort Division 35. The commander was a graduate of the University of Lieutenant Thomas Richmond ( VA. ) in 1939. Nash Broaddus, Joining the U.S. Navy in Tampa Ship Building Co. U.S.N.R. # 96696 ( 1918 1940, he came through the 5 U.S.S. Cates DE 763 NZXZ of Tampa, FL 1-Mar-1943 15-Dec-1943 - 2009 ) ranks to earn this command. This vessel was a member of Lieutenant Escort Division 35. The Commander Winfield commander came from the Tampa Ship Building Co. F. DeLong, U.S.N.R. # New York Naval Militia and 6 U.S.S. Earl K. Olsen DE 765 NZYD of Tampa, FL 9-Mar-1943 10-Apr-1944 75564 was an ensign in 1940. Federal Ship Building & Dry Dock Co. of Kearny & Lieutenant Douglas H. This vessel was the flagship 7 U.S.S. Eisner DE 192 NFEU the Port of Newark, NJ 23-Sep-1943 1-Jan-1944 Lay, U.S.N.R. # 101777 for Escort Division 55. Commander William Tampa Ship Building Co. A. Sessions, U.S.N.R. # This vessel was a member of 8 U.S.S. Gandy DE 764 NZYB of Tampa, FL 01-Mar-43 07-Feb-44 60924 Escort Division 35. Lieutenant Federal Ship Building & Commander Richard Dry Dock Co. of Kearny & Gordon Werner, This vessel was a member of 9 U.S.S. Garfield Thomas DE 193 NGFW the Port of Newark, NJ 23-Sep-43 24-Jan-44 U.S.N.R. # 72161 Escort Division 55. This vessel was a member of Lieutenant Escort Division 55. The Federal Ship Building & Commander Partee commander was an ensign Dry Dock Co. of Kearny & Wilson Crouch, Jr., aboard the U.S.S. Arkansas 10 U.S.S. Rinehart DE 196 NWZJ the Port of Newark, NJ 21-Oct-43 12-Feb-44 U.S.N. # 82317 BB 33. Lieutenant Federal Ship Building & Commander Robert Dry Dock Co. of Kearny & E. Parker, U.S.N.R. # This vessel was a member of 11 U.S.S. Roche DE 197 NXUL the Port of Newark, NJ 21-Oct-43 21-Feb-44 70564 Escort Division 55. Lieutenant Federal Ship Building & Commander John B. Dry Dock Co. of Kearny & Shumway, U.S.N.R. # This vessel was a member of 12 U.S.S. Thornhill DE 195 NQDZ the Port of Newark, NJ 07-Oct-43 01-Feb-44 79985 Escort Division 55. CU49 - Escorts.xls ABCDEFG H Lieutenant Federal Ship Building & Commander Robert Dry Dock Co. of Kearny & C. Joerg III, U.S.N.R. # This vessel was a member of 13 U.S.S. Wingfield DE 194 NPDQ the Port of Newark, NJ 07-Oct-43 28-Jan-44 74193 Escort Division 55. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 G-6 G-7 G-8 G-9 G-10 G-11 G-12 G-13 mck January 12, 2016 mck March 7, 2016 l'1LC No. ~.Jr, .,, u. s. s. MAYO (422) ,.... · ( M c/o Fleet Poet O!!ice, . San Franciloo, Calitornl.a. 22 Octob.r 1945. ,,, r<Cl.'EJVclil 111Wy °"1£' ~. /\II;..... ii ""*1 ~ ""~ ' -.... 8011 5 245 From: Ca!manUng ot!icer. To : The Secretary d the Navy, l'ra11h1ngt.oo, D. C. Subject: Ship 's Histoey - sumittal of. Reference: (a) AI.PAC 1/202 o! 14 Septeci>er 1945. i¥>l> a,..-_..-. In accordance with reference (a), enclosure (A) is submitted. l. 1 ~~ t7. imuamss, aid. co: Cin<Pac Pearl (with enclosure) . II ,.,-. 157659 ., • • SHIP 'S HISTCRY: U.s.s. W.YO (00-422) &lit at Bethlehllll Fore River, lif&ssacbusett.s , 1940. Commissia'led at l~vy Yard, Beeton, llaasacbusetts, September 181 1940 and assigDSd to duty in the Atlantic Fleet as a unit of Destroyer Dimion Thirteen in Destroyer Squadron Seven. Pri or to the outbr eak of war operated as part of the neutrality patrol and as convoy escort fer North Atlantic Cccvoys , including the f irst l.fs.rine t r oops in Icelalli in 7 July 1941, am being present at the signing of the Atlantic Charter in August 1941. Upon cutbreak of tha war continued duty as escort for convoys to p:>rts in the Briti sh Isles and event~ North Africa. t1bile on this duty during sUlll!ler of 1942 till l'iAKEFIELD disaster occurred an::l the commanding officer then Lieutenant Camamer Irving T. lllKE was conmended by the Task Force Cormiander for the ship's creditable performance in the rescue of personnel . One trip to the Caribbean in l.!ay 1943 . On Auguat 21, 1943, entered the M:editerranean and participated in the Salerno Land!.ngs, Septsnber 1943 as fire support ship. Camianding Officer, CcrnmaMer Frederic S. Habecker, U. S. Navy was awarded the Legion of llerit fer this duty. Att~ted t.o save the bcrnbed and burning British Hospital ship tm'IFCXJNDLAND, off Salerno in September, but ship was abandooed and pronounced unsalvagee.ble by salvage crew arriving on tm scene from Salvage Headquarters. Continued duty in the Mediterranean theatre as convoy escort to bases in the forward areas until Januar.r 1944, at which time participated in the Anzio-Nettuno lanlings as fire support ehip, for which canmanding officer, Conrnander Albert D. WIAtl, U. S. Navy received letter of ccmnendation from Secretary at the Navy. During this operation on January 24, 1944 the ehip hit a mine which eicpl.oded under amidship sectia'l, flooding after engine am fire roan. llAYO was towed to Naples, Italy for tErllporary repairs . Upon completiai of teiqiorary repairs towed to Oran, Algeria fran there to CaSfblanca, French llorocco, and from there to Navy Yard, lfow York arriving on "pril 5, 19'44 . In August 18, 1944, all repairs to battle damage v:ere completed am ship returned to duty with ai:proximate:Q' 70 of or iginal ert111, after a month 1 s sl».kedown and training period at Casco Bay, l!aine. Upon completion of this shakedown peri od a run to Trinidad wl.th USS SAVANNAH was made, returning to the U.S. early in October with the USS WILKES BARRE. In the end of October the W.YO waa designated a s escort group flagship assigned to oonvoy groups in taet caivoys fran l~ew York to the United Kingdan . This caitinued until Apr il 1945, at which time the J.!AYO was ordered t o <llty with the U.s . Pacific Fleet, passing thru the Panana Canal in May; departed San Disgo, 22 llay 1945 for Pearl Har)!or; there re­ cei ved intensive gunnery training air er a t wo w• k period. • •• SHIP'S HIS'.L'CBY: U.S.S. l.?.YO (DD-422) Cait1d: June 13, 1945 deputed Pearl Harbor with tast carrier taak group tor Lqte Gult, Philippine Islams. Carriere on 20 June 1945 made an air strike at Wake Islani. On 28 June 1945 awived Fbilippinl :r.lame, and trom thtre •s ordered to report to Ulithi a:Jnvey escort group, arrirlng on July 2, 1945 at ID.it.hi, Caroline I•l&n:l.s. Continued a:Jnvey escort duty running between Ulit.hi am Ckimwa until surrender. Participated in occ:ui;ation of Hcriahu, escorted occ:upatialal t roops into Tolqo Bay, co 2 September at the otticial surrender at Japan . From September 2 to the present date, JIAYO continued as escort ot occui:ational troops into variooa Jai:an.. e ports trom loading centers in the Philippine Islands. ENCLO&JRE (A) 1'1L& No. • DD4Zi./A7-l/A'!1J/!gd Serial 18.> U.S. S. MAYO <422> c/o Fleet Post. O!!ice, Hew York, N. Y. 1 Janmey 194b From: Coramndi."lg Officer. To : The Secretary or tm Navy (Public Intorcat1on). Subject; supplementary Ship I s Histcry. Re!erenoe: (a) ALI.ANT "/O . (b) CO USS !!AYO ltr. DD422/A.12-l/i'IH/fgd sari.al ~ ot lC>-.i:.!-45 With encloSllI'e (A) t.herot.o. Enclosure : (A) Supp.J.etlO?lt.aey mat.erial t.o U .S.S . MAIO ahip1 s history. 1. In accordance with reference la), enclosure (A) 1s sib- m1tted as a supplement to ref erence (b) . , - By d1rect.1on. cc: CinCLant . • • SUPPLK 'EiCT 'IO SHIP 1 S HIS lmY OF U. S ~S • I.:AYO ( Dl¥t22J Es~ort duty in Japanese waters tenn.1.na.ted for t he U.S .S . J.!AYO on November 5, 1945 the date of sailing from Yokohana, Japan, with Destroyer Division '1birteen for return to tbe United States v1a Pear l Harbor and ult:imate decommissioning assignment to t.he Inactive Atlant ic Fleet at the U. s. Naval Base, Charlest.on, S . C. as a unit of tte l oth Fleet. Arrived in San Diego, California on November 21, 1945 having been outside continental U, S. exactly six months. Departed San Diego, November 24, 1945; transited Panama Canal on December 2, 1945; conducted last full povrer trial onrrute to Charleston, arriving De cember '/, 1945. Conmenced decommissi oning availability - personnel complement reduced to 15 officers a nd 125 enlisted men by demobilization.
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