Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 12-7-1951 The B-G News December 7, 1951 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The B-G News December 7, 1951" (1951). BG News (Student Newspaper). 1034. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/1034 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. ■gSSTIGE u» Decorations To Present Traditional CmdstmasJtoncert ^VSPWlieiaWLINO OHM*'Q««« The traditional Christmas Chor- Contest Is al Concert will be given tonight at 8:15 in the Men's Gym. Dr. J. Paul Kennedy, professor of music, will conduct the 160 voiced Treble Clef, 100 voiced A Announced Gappella Choir, and 65 voiced Men's Glee Club in their com- Roles for tbe seventh annual bined concert. all-campus Christmas decorations contest, sponsored by Student Music will include hymns; two Christian Fellowship, have been spirituals; "Hail Mury" and announced by Bill Opie, chairman "Ain't That Good News;" and a iWfiiw Green State XJtiiifetsitu Christmas song, "O Carry me of the contest committee. Home." Trophies will be awarded to Among the conventional Christ- winners in the men's and women's VoL 36 Official Student Publication, Bowling Green. Ohio, Friday. Dec. 7. 1951 No. 20 mas songs are "I'll be Home for divisions for the best decorations Christmas," "Jingle Bells," "White at residences. Christmas," Bnd "I Wish You a Rules for this year's contest Merry Christmas." are: Some responsive singing from 1. The decorations shall in- the bnlconies will be used by the clude only one doorway of a res- Grainger Directs Band Sunday Treble Clef. They will sing "Pucri idence. Other decorations may be Hcbracorum." "The Night Before Christmas" will be given us a put up, but they shall not be con- Percy Grainger, pianist and citizen in 1918. sidered by the judges. choral reading. composer, has been on campus One of Grainger's most popu- Three soloists, Jane Bowman, 2. All decorations must be since Wednesday, preparing for lar numbers, "Country Gardens," Richard Payne, and Robert Peter- completed and on display by noon the third Artists Series program was written from variations he son will be featured in one song, Friday, Dec. 14. They will be with the University Concert Band made of an old English tons, "The Shepherd Story." Other solo- judged that evening sometime Sunday evening. As a bandsman during the first ists arc Ruth Bowen, Carol Lcntz, after dark. Mr. Grainger, his wife, and World War, he made many im- Harriet Peter, and James Jarvis. 3. The coBt of decorations manager arrived in Toledo by buR provisations on the tune for Lib- A brass sextet will play short- shall not exceed $10. A running from New York Wednesday morn- erty Loan shows. ly before and after the concert. budget shall be kept. ing. He finally put the tune on pa- Members of the sextet are Gwcnn 4. All decorations shall be Tickets for the concert are on per and it now sells over 27,000 Mackctt, Charles Dowdell, Keith suitable for both day and night. sale until 4 p. in. today in front copies a year in the United States Bradley, Anthony Roberts, Ken In cases where spotlights are used of the Main Aud. alone. Smykil, and Duane Tovey. to illuminate the decorations, the Mr. Grainger will direct the A man wHo tears music off his Student directors for the con- spotlights will not be included University Concert Band in many wulls is Mr. Grainger's idea of a cert are Jane Bowman, Ruth Bow- in the $10 maximum. numbers which he composed. Some real music-lover. Grainger had en, and Robert Peterson. 6. The cost of lighting fix- of these will be "The Immovable heard of a man in Lincolnshire, Dr. Walter A. Zaugg, professor tures used within the actual dec- Doe," "London Pageant," and England, who knew a version of a of education, will give a short talk orations shall be included in the "Shepherd's Hey." folk song which Grainger wanted. on the free will offering to be tak- $10. The band will also join him The man was so enthusiastic over en during intermission. 6. All decorations must re- in the final number, "Grieg's Pi- helping him that he wrote the The program will end with aud- main intact until the morning of ano Concerto." Mr. Grainger is a whole song on the wall. Then he ience participation in the sing- Dec. 19. former pupil and friend of the tore off the nine feet of wall-pa- ing "Silent Night." 7. The trophies shall be award- Norwegian composer, Edvard per and gave it to Mr. Gruinger. ed at the annual all-campus Grieg. Both diet and exercise are im- Christmas Caroling. Wednesday afternoon Mr. Grain- portant to an artist for keep- 8. Three persons will act as ger rehearsed with the concert ing fit, Mr. Grainger feels. He CLEW Events judges. Two of them shall be band, under the direction of Prof. practices close to an open window connected with the University, and Arthur Zuclzkc and Richard Eck- whenever possible. el1, assistant director. one shall be a resident of the city One of hiR favorite exercises is Well Attended of Bowling Green. Mr. Grainger and the band will rehearse again this afternoon and trotting instead of walking. He Judges for the contest arc Miss wears summer clothes all the Attendance at the various all day tomorrow. CLEW activities show that stu- Dorothy Fornia, of the women's The pianist brought with him time in order to be able to trot physical education department; whenever he hus a chance. dents have supported this year's a "page turner" which he and his program very well. Churches were Dr. W. Maurice Nielsen of the manager have developed. This Mr. Grainger never eats meat or philosophy department; and Mr. fish, or drinks tea or coffee. Among filled to capacity Sunday when al- mechanical machine rolls the mu- most all of the fraternities and Virgil Taylor from the Cla-Zel sic pages which have been pasted his favorite foods are boiled rice, theater. oatmeal, fruit, wheat cakes with sororities uttended in a body. together. The play, "The Terrible Meek," Committee members arc Bill Mr. Grainger plans to use it syrup, pies, plain sweet puddings, ami nuts. a new feature this year, played to Dunn, Dave Dawson, Judy Jud- during the Sunday night concert, cupacity audiences. Although the son, Marilyn Sweet, and Pat Mut- and yesterday he, his wife, and Phoio by lob last* The 69-year-old pianist began Percy Grainger, right talk» with Prof. Arthur Zuelxke before studying music when he was six. turnout for the 9 and 2 o'clock ter, SCF adviser. his manager took the machine to seminars wus not so good as ex- Winners of last year's deco- Elkhart, Ind., on a business trip. rehearing with the Univ.rrtty Concert Band Mr. Gralng.r «^-«£ |£J &£»£ pected, attendance at the others rations contest were Sigma Chi The Australian-born musician and the band will appear as the/ third Artists Series program _ „i . European coun- was very good. still speaks with a slight accent, via al otntr and Alpha Gamma Delta. Sundcry night In the Men's Gym. • tires. ' Many events were scheduled although he became an American during CLEW this year. A lead- ership retreat was held Saturday 1 afternoon and evening in Maumee. Changes Set Sunday afternoon the faculty held 'Portrait In Black Constitution Convention Debated a reception for the CLEW speak- ers. Vesper services have been held every afternoon at 4 o'clock in the In 42 Phones Tickets On Sale; Chapel. The discussions in the dorms and houses, led by CLEW By Senate-Gallery Committee speakers, proved to be one of the At University Cast, Crews Listed most interesting features of the BY DON HAMMERSTROM * week. Changes of telephone numbers Tickets for "Portrait in Black," discussion next week. A constitutional convention and its value to Bowling Senate accepted the consti- In order to evaluate CLEW, went into effect yesterday for 42 two meetings will be held tonight. second major University Theater Green student government was debated Monday night when tution of Beta Beta Beta, University telephones. These new One is for the chairmen and vice- production, are on sale from 11 to Student Senate, in an unusual move, turned Senate and the national biology honorary, with numbers are listed in the Stu- chairmen of the various commit- 12 a. m. and 1 to 4 p. m. daily at which the present Biology Club dent Directory and in the new gallery into a committee of the whole. tees, and the other, designed to is becoming affiliated. city telephone directory soon to the Gate Theater box office, ac- The proposed convention would affect 96 organizations get the opinions of a cross-section be released. cording to Eugene Reynolds, di- which have their constitutions on file with Student Senate, From the Suggestions Commit of the campus, is made up of stu- The new numbers are vas fol- rector. plus the unrepresented stu-* .„„„„,,„„„_ „ .. „„«.' tee came the announcement that dents. lows : id> Thl according to President McDonald The mystery will open Wednes- dents. tution ia not just for the con- Air Force ROTC 86093 day night In the Gate Theater Following are some of the there will be no mid-year com- Airport 9481 venience of Student Senate, but mencement.
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