30. 7. 84 Official Journal of the European Communities No C 200/1 (Information) EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT WRITTEN QUESTIONS WITH ANSWER WRITTEN QUESTION No 1599/83 two countries of the Treaty and the derived legislation. by Mr James Moorhouse (ED - GB) No exception to that rule has been discussed with respect to air transport or the aeronautical industry. For the to the Commission of the European Communities aeronautical industry close cooperation with the (4 January 1984) Community has been in evidence for a long time in many (84/C 200/01) aspects. 2 and 3. The Commission does possess generally Subject: Effect of enlargement on air transport available information but has not needed to ask the Governments of the two applicant countries for exact 1. The accession of Spain and Portugal to the information. Under these conditions the Commission is European Communities in the near future will increase not in a position to furnish a reply to these questions for the need for a common air transport policy. Has the time being. agreement been reached in the negotiations with Spain and Portugal on the application of the provisions in the 4. The question of State aid to airlines, aeronautical EEC Treaty concerning transport, with particular industries and airports will be taken up upon accession reference to air transport? Has any agreement been and examined under the relevant provisions of the EEC reached concerning the Spanish and Portuguese Treaty, i.e. Article 93 (1). Until the time of accession, aeronautical industries upon accession? rules under the Treaty do not apply in any way. 2. Which Portuguese and Spanish airlines operate international services and what is the percentage of public shareholding in each of these enterprises? WRITTEN QUESTION No 1655/83 3. With which Member States do Spain and Portugal by Mr Thomas von der Vring (S - D) currently operate bilateral air transport agreements? to the Commission of the European Communities (17 January 1984) 4. Is the Commission aware of any State aid currently granted to Spanish and Portuguese airlines, aeronautical (84/C 200/02) industries and airports, and what measures have been agreed with the two applicant countries to end such aids Subject: Animal feed or to bring them into line with the Community rules on 1. What amounts of individual types of animal feed the granting of State aids? are currently being imported, and what proportion of each is imported from the developing countries? 2. What are the prices in ECU of imports of such feed? Answer given by Mr Contogeorgis on behalf of the Commission 3. What are the equivalents in feeding value of these (8 June 1984) amounts? 4. What is the breakdown of these types of feed in 1. The accession of Spain and Portugal to the respect of the following end products: beef, pork, European Communities indicates the acceptance by these poultry, eggs and milk? No C 200/2 Official Journal of the European Communities 30. 7. 84 5. What are the average quantities of feed units total and unit values of products from all non-member required to produce 1 kg of beef, 1 kg of butter and 1 kg of countries and quantities from developing countries. skimmed milk powder? However, certain products listed in this table, in 6. How does the cost of imported types of feed particular cereals and molasses, are not used solely as compare with prices obtained on the world market for animal feed. Community surpluses of the same products? 3. Overall these imports represent about 57 000 million FU (Feed Units). Answer given by Mr Dalsager 4. Generally speaking these feedingstuffs are on behalf of the Commission incorporated in varying doses in compound feedingstuffs. No statistics exist at Community level giving a (28 May 1984) breakdown of imported feedingstuffs according to their intended use in livestock farming. However, the 1 and 2. The table below sets out imports of Commission has carried out some research and has feedingstuffs into the Community in 1982: quantities, obtained the following estimates: Poultry Cattle Total Imported Pig Products (%) Meat Eggs Meat Milk % '000 (%) (%) (%) (%) tonnes Manioc 60-70 6-9 9-11 5-6 10-14 100 8,1 Corn gluten feed 10-15 2-4 3-6 20-25 55-60 100 2,8 Fruit waste 4-6 1-2 1-2 25-30 60-70 100 1,4 Bran 30-40 4-9 6-11 10-20 30-40 100 2,0 Soya 40-45 10-13 18-20 7-10 17-20 100 20,9 5. On average: — 4 to 6 FU are required to produce 1 kg live weight of beef; — 0,4 to 0,45 FU are required to produce 1 kg of milk (in addition, one should take into account that the basic feed requirement of a cow is 4,5 to 5 FU per kg of live weight). Nine kg of skimmed-milk powder or 4,45 kg of butter can be produced from 100 kg of milk. 6. The total value of imported feedingstuffs in 1982 was approximately 11 000 million ECU; exports of livestock products (livestock, meat, offal, milk products and eggs) totalled 22 000 million ECU, whilst imports of livestock products amounted to 20 000 million ECU. Imports of feedingstuffs into the Community in 1982 Quantity Of which, Non-member Goods developing countries countries (million tonnes) (million tonnes) Common wheat grain 3,0 Grain barley 0,5 Grain maize 7,2 0,4 Other cereal grain 0,2 0,1 Total A: cereal grain 10,9 0,5 Soya beans and soya cake 20,9 5,6 Other oilseeds and oilcake 7,2 4,7 Meals of animal origin 0,7 0,6 Other high-protein feedingstuffs 0,3 Total (a): high protein feedstuff's 29,1 10,9 30. 7. 84 Official Journal of the European Communities No C 200/3 Quantity Non-member Of which, Goods developing countries (million tonnes) countries (million tonnes) Manioc 8,1 7,7 Corn gluten feed and starch residues 2,8 0,1 Citrus pellets and fruit waste 1,4 0,7 Bran and cereal sharps 2,0 1,3 Molasses 2,8 2,1 Other high-energy feedingstuffs 0,5 Total (b): high-energy feedingstuffs 17,6 11,9 Total B: (a) plus (b) 46,7 22,8 Overall total: A plus B 57,6 23,3 Imports of feedingstuffs into the Community in 1982 Goods Total value Unit value million ECU ECU/tonnes Common wheat grain 588,3 196 Grain barley 73,2 151 Grain maize 975,1 136 Other cereal grain 37,4 207 Total A: cereal grain 1 674,0 154 Soya beans and soya bean oilcake 5 237,2 250 Other oilseeds and oilcake 1 717,0 239 Meals of animal origin 276,4 387 Other high-protein feedingstuffs 38,5 140 Total (a): high protein feedingstuffs 7 269,1 250 Manioc 1 010,5 125 Corn gluten feed and starch residues 504,5 178 Citrus pellets and fruit waste 204,5 147 Bran and cereal sharps 256,4 131 Molasses 217,6 78 Other high-energy feedingstuffs 126,5 237 Total (b): high-energy feedingstuffs 2 320,0 132 Total B: (a) plus (b) 9 589,1 205 Overall total: A plus B 11 263,1 196 WRITTEN QUESTION No 1661/83 strictly controlled, as recommended in paragraph 14 of by Sir James Scott-Hopkins (ED - GB) the resolution on Southern Africa adopted by Parliament on 9 February 1983 (*)? to the Foreign Ministers of the 10 Member States of the European Communities 0) OJ No C 68, 14. 3. 1983, p. 43. meeting in political cooperation (17 January 1984) (84/C 200/03) Answer (25 June 1984) Subject: Arms sales to Republic of South Africa and front-line States This question has not been discussed in the context of What action have the Foreign Ministers taken to ensure European political cooperation. that arms sales by the Member States to States neighbouring on the Republic of South Africa should be No C 200/4 Official Journal of the European Communities 30. 7. 84 WRITTEN QUESTION No 1679/83 WRITTEN QUESTION No 1702/83 by Mr Alfred Lomas (S - GB) by Mr Willy Vernimmen (S - B) to the Council of the European Communities to the Council of the European Communities (17 January 1984) (23 January 1984) (84/C 200/04) (84/C 200/05) Subject: Return to democracy in Argentina Subject: Persecution of Turkish citizen, Ismet Imset Eight years of military dictatorship, massive violations of human rights, an economy in ruins - that is the dramatic In 1978, Mr Ismet Imset, a Turkish correspondent of picture of Argentina today. United Press International, was charged with illegal ownership of a pistol, a charge he admitted to under The holding of free elections at the end of October 1983 torture. He has been out on bail for five years and the signalled the return to democracy. charge has now been upgraded to 'running an armed The European Community should not only welcome the gang', for which he could be sentenced to 10 years in gaol, democratization process; we must actively support it. if found guilty. No new evidence has been presented against him. The United States Embassy carried out a Will the Council state how it intends to assist this security check on Mr Imset and found him to be development? completely clear. Answer by the Foreign Ministers of the 10 Member States Mr Imset has also had a special ban on travelling abroad put on him. He has been harassed by the police and of the European Communities meeting in the framework frequently told not to publish certain stories.
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