University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 10-15-1911 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 10-15-1911 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 10-15-1911." (1911). abq_mj_news/2175 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. TWELVE PAGESALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, S1NDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1911. By Mall 60 Cent ft Month : Mn-- Copte. k Cent. THIRTY-THIR- D YEAR, VOL CXXXII, No. 15. Bj Carrier, to CenU ft Month. liS FOR OVERTHROW OF PROGRESSIVE REPUBLICANS iG ROLE IN NEW MEXICO NAME 0116 COUNTY 10 LAUNCHED IN ALBUQUERQUE LEGISLATIVE TICKET i M'OONALD, HAGERMAN AND FLOOD, DEMOCRATS COMBINE WITH ! ARE GIVEN TREMENDOUS OVATION GOOD GOVERNMENT FORCES All Multitude Gathered in Elks' Theater Listen to Ringing Ad- Candidates Selected Men of Sterling Integrity and Business dresses By Noted Men; People's Candidate For Governor Ability Who May Be Relied Upon to Conduct Affairs of Coun-t- y Fires a Few Hot Shots Into Ranks of Opposition; Former in the Satisfactory Manner Which Has Marked Their Governor Hagerman Tells of Organization and Purposes of Administration Since the Downfall of the Hubbcll Regime; Republican Progressive League, While Congressman Flood Present Board of County Commissioners Renominated as Gives Some of the Inside History of the Fight in Congress Are Also Sheriff and County Clerk. For Statehood. and the result of It work I a ticket which vvil undoubtedly lie swept In victory by an avalanche of vote on Thi' opening fJ"f "f the donincratic-progressiv- c lorrupl powers are driven out of New thi. i'koi.ih i: Ticki'i'. For Stale Kepl cscntativ os November 1. Several of the men republican state campaign Mexico." named on Hie ticket re the men who in iiiitral .Now Mexico was tired last "If 1 am elected :nu hae the abil- Touuis A. Curule, John It. lhirg. I ( have been so successfully conduct ing niuht ill ii rousing mass meeting ht'lil ity there will be no machines in the Itafai tlari la, di inocrut endors- ed ) the county office lor tho past tow In Hi'- which was parly live years. I will inks' theater, democratic for years and whoso work ha won the l.y Hon. W illiam C. McDonald, 1 (.present Hie people."' For County Commissioner commendation of all friend of good ii. governor, "1 believe publicity. The All red Crunsl ehl. M. U. Springer, linn nail' candidate for in iiuestlon government ill ihe county. t Henry I). Vir- publicity is not new to I have Folicarpin Annljo. i.iKii siiiiiii Flood of of inc. .Voluble among the men ginia, ii ii Hi rhert J. always believed in it and have prac- For l'robale Judgi Manuel I'. Vigil, mo throe iiiemer of the pres- H r a. ticed il in my business and if ' " (democrat endorsed.) I v - F.. ent board of county commissioners, i 'ii hi n i nl (Iriimt Tain from tin1 four elected, shall let Ihe people know For Count Ch rk A. th,, men who brought out of in ol' New Mexico were present what Is mi; on, particularly In one Walki r. order the ml is Ki chaos by Hubhell gang, nl (he ini'i ling. These Included Cratt-vill- i depal liucnt." For Sheriff Jesus Komcio, hit the when AVho For Assessor K. It. Hevn. l hey were driven iroin power by the A. kieharilsoti of Itoswell; A. A. Talk iibout a bU 'slush fund.' Indignant Junes, of Vegas: N. White, it? 11 we had it 1 would turn It For Treasurer M. Mandcll. voter of the county. These Ahull has men nl Silver City, and W. It. McOill, of back. We will, however, have ciioukIi (deiiiocrat endorsed. have restored the credit of th county, placed It busi- I.ando. to make this campaign and to prose- The Recruiting Officer. For Superintendent of Schools affair on a Mc-nm- ness basis Its Ciiiil;ii ssniiin Flood, Captain :i cute and conv ict those who steal elec- Atanacln Mnntoya. where warrant are 111 y worth tun on and oilier members of the par-tr- tions. U attempted, somelMidy will For Surveyor Tilt Itoss, cent the dollar and I Us I'nile to the theater from the regret It. tlon into the oi l ice of governor, n di- zona and New Mexico, but w.inl to (democrat endorsed. I where debt aio met promptly INDIANA VILLAGE IS when due. in a utomoMlcs, escorted hy the "1 believe uicordiiiK to capital rect primaries law and lh(. use of say here that (wlth our verj. best ef- in Tho men by luniil and a Ions line of marchers. On every protection and safeguard it is (he Australian ballot in elections in forts, handicapped as wa were by VISITED BY TORNADO nominated the demo- liii-i- n crat are endorsed by republican arrival a constant stream of entitled to. I represent a corporation, New Mexico. These rccomiiieno'.i-tio- standput republicanism, aided anil With representative delegations the 1.1 pur-b- y are all sterling citizen of tile county i 1'iiplc was pouring into the theater perhaps several. .No corporution 1 have were received with horror hy the abetted us was this clement the piesent from every precinct In the ami h t'ne time the speakers took ever had anything to do with ovpt put republican leaders, he said, especial- the delegate from both territori- Covington. lud Oct. H, llillsborn, county, the republican county con- and men who are devoted to Ihe I (if guod I h places on the stage, the opera a cent into politics. Kvcry corporation ly hy fiolomon l,una, wlio told hlin es, do not believe we would have a small (ouiilry lown cast nf here, vention met yesterday at the armory principle government In thu t Interest of whole people Mud de- Iiiiiim' was filled to ovci'llowing. I have anylhiin; to do with is con- that tlie native people wore mil in- succeeded in our laudable i f,, i ts ii was swept by a tm iiailo late till af- and nominated ii full county ami the V. A. , opposition to cor- Joins, chairuian of the dem-- trolled hy me. I am always wllliim telligent enough to use II undi'i sta we had not oei n hplcndnllv aided by ternoon ami il is reported many legislative ticket, composed of men termined graft and that 111 Ulii- - .i r. slati central committee and to take advice and am hunting for in- Mr. Hagerman said he did not a deb gallon of democrats from this buildings were wrecked. Loss of life who hiiv,. have won Ihe confidence oi ruption nil Ice. or-ib- r thi' national committeeman of this sources, Hit believe assertion, sine,, he had territory, who spent many ami has nol been reported. Some say Ihe people of county. A the ll The convention Mil culled to formation hum all all this weaiy the thi by imrty in New Mexico for some years, time, then take my lime to think seen the Australian oallot In opera- trying weeks lu Washington In the property os will reach HiO,tnO. of a conference with a conimit-le- e chairman W. 11. ijlllenwiter prc-idc-d as clialriuan, Air, Jones it do as please." tion in the southern counties of industrious and Intelligent ubl ol The storm broke while tho town's from the ib'iiiocr.itic convent loll, of Ihe Central committee, yesterday about and morning, It) introduced In the audience by "The first legislature, whether It is Colorado, where the Spanish-America- n y our congressional frterun, refer ol streets were filled Willi shopper and which was also In session, candidates shortly niter o'clock. Tha Isaac liarth. .Mr. JotieH was cut husias-tieall- y republican will put the had used it even with course Hon. W. McDonald, Hon. it Is considered miraculous If it de- fur the office of probate Judge, coun- seating capacity of the flour of the democratic r voters lo Ariuoiy I'cci ied as he advanced to tin1 county affairs in the several cotmilei. ureal er success than had ninny of the A. A. Jones of Vega.s, Hon. Siun-mir- s velops that no one was killed. ty treasurer and collector, county sur- was timed to accommodate I thu peo- fluid of the tta..v. In said that he o:i a salary h.u is. I ant told thure. 'lll Knglish speaking elector. - He said Iturkhuit f llmi, veyor and ono reprcsentiitlv e in the delegate and the luUlesUU hail Ai'uiiti.,' - liillmi-wnt- er lieeii nidi ehuitmati of the state be nboai lill counlv of I Icon, with h(. told Mr. r.itnii he din not believe J. D. Hand. lion. 'I. Js. I clgilsson, roHKC.VST. legislature, nominated by Ihe ileum- ple of Ihe county. I hatrmiin ii'iniuittcc picsuitinhly to keep him live-ye- t rins. am told Unit a re- that lie, Mr. l.una, was sincere in his Judge McCill and that splendid voting Washington, Oct. H. New Mexico, orals, were endorsed by the republ- stated the object of Ihe meet- t ii n u ing, speaking doling the campaign, publican campaign fund Is being rais- opposition to the modern election progressive ri publican, ,'lon.
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