20 -MANCHESTER HERALD, Thursday, Dec. 7, 1989 A Nrwfpaprr In Education Program CARS CARS Sponaored by I Stolen Bolton TAG SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE Against THE QUIZ The Manchester Herald MOVING-ln basement 1980 DATSUN 210, four door sedan, 113,000 1990 VOLKSWAGEN (10 points for each question sale. Freezer, kitchen 243 question answered correctly) set, braided rugs, and miles. Clean, excellent JEHAGL Panel will oppose Strong UConn defense WORLDSCOPE other Items. December condition. $400. Call 4 door, 5 speed 9, 10-2, 125 Grissom 647-9382 anytime. phone tower site/3 too much for Hartford/13 assessment process/4 R o ad ._____ PONTIAC, 1980, Gran Prlx-6 cylinder, excel­ YOU CAN enlov extra lent condition, original CARPENTRY/ ELECTRICAL vacation money by ex­ owner, garaged. Call $10,244 REMODELING changing Idle Items In 568-4269. your home for cash ... DUMAS ELECTRIC with an od fn classified. HANDYMEN/CARPENTERS Service changes, Call 643-2711 to place your ITRUCKS/VANS Cleaning, Hauling. Carpeniry, RemodeWng additional wiring and ad. I FOR SALE ORDER YOURS TODAY Reasonab^ Priced repairs on existing Free Esilmates homes. Quality work at FORD 1985 - F150, long 1990 VOLKSWAGEN All Cals Aremred bed, V6, standard. 6IK, Rick's Handyman & FOX affordable prices. "i.i FOR SALE Cap. Excellent condl- 2 door coupe Carpentry Service Entirely owner operated. tlon. 646-2439.________ 646-1948 27 years exp. Call FORD, 1971, Maverick. DODGE - 1986. '150', 318 Jla n rlip atp r H rra lJi Joseph Dumas Needs body work. CIO, automatic, bed PAINTING/PAPERING 646-5253. Runs. $99. Call 647-1824. liner, tool box, 50K, 1 One of the high points in the recent popular upheaval in CHEROKEE Jeep, 1977. $5500. 742-8669._______ $7,690 With 1985 motor. $3,500 TRUCK, 1977, GMC. $300 Czechoslovakia came when ..?.. reappeared to address the or best offer. 646-2358. McHugh Himself "EASY DOES IT" Is the crowd. He was the Czech leader who was forced into obscurity or best offer. Road way to describe placing a DODGE - Omni, 1984. One Painting & wallpapering at worthy. Call 643-1901. want ad. Just call 643-27H after the famous Prague Spring was crushed by Soviet tanks owner. Air condition­ its best Free Estimates. Fully Friday, Dec. 8, 1989 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Newsstand Price: 35 Cents and we do the rest! in 1968. ing, AM,'FM Cassette, CARS flR flF fl YOURS TODAY Insured. Establisheed 1974. cruise, sunroof. $2375. I 646-5652.____________ FOR SALE 643-9321 2 Lebanon recently picked a new MISCELLANEOUS MATCHWORDS 1979 concord. 2 door, 9.9%* SERVICES President, replacing the one who excellent, fully loaded. was killed a few days ago in yet (2 pmnts fnr each correct match) Radial tires, new S ch ailer's MMH aids YOU CAN enloy extra ON ANY vocation money by ex­ another blow to efforts to end Leba­ brakes. $1500.00. 649- 1-replace a-many stars 4931. Quality changing idle items in non's ..?..-year-old civil war. NEW VW IN Man claims your home for cash ... SNOW PLOWING a-7b-14c-21 2- suspendb-lhwart Pre-owned Auto in test of with an ad in classified. Commercial and Residential STOCK 3- galaxy c-start up again CLYDE Value Priced Call 643-27H to ploce your Snow blower services avaiiabie 3 El Salvador suspended diplomatic ad. 4- stave offd-interrupt PRE-OWNED Can Mike 649-4304 relations with saying a recently CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC. 83 Olds Ciera ROUTE 83, VERNON heart drugs e-substitute Mon-Sal 9am-9pm downed plane carrying antiaircraft 5- revive AT.A/C.PS $2,900 84 Line. Continental $9,995 SPECIALS WEXarS PAMTMG CO. LOW RATES missiles to the rebels had come 86 Ford Tempo Quality work at a 84 Buick Century Ybg $5,995 88 FORD RANGER self defense from that country. AT.A/C.PS $4^495 reasonable pricel 84 Bonneville 4 Dr. $6,695 By Dianna M. Talbot Need repairs around the PEOPLE/SPORTS Extra Cab 8688 Interior & Exterior 85 Elecira 4 Dr. $9,995 86 C hew /u.ra Manchester Herald Free Etllmates hornet Call an expert. 4 Scientists recently discovered a i5 fniiritx for each correct an.^irer) 87 TOYOTA T E R C a You’ll find the help you 85 Caprice Wagon $6,695 AT SterSO\-Vl,995 huge “wall " of closely packed gal­ Call Brian Welgle need In Classified. 643- 1 Ex-Bcatle ..?.. is wowing audiences 85 Buick Somerset 4 Dr $7,295 Auto 6188 Starling Monday, people with axies stretching several hundred 84 C hP'2:,'n 5brity 645-B912 2711. on his current lour with a mixture of old 85 Celebrity Wagon $6,695 87 SUZUKI SAMURAI heart trouble who are brought to million (CHOOSEONE: miles, light- ALA/cSOV^' 9 ^ , 9r 0 0 Beatles tunes and songs recorded with 86 Honda Civic 2 Dr. $5,695 SSpd., Air 4995 Manehester Memorial Hospital will in shooting years) across space. LAWN CARE his current band, Wings. 86 Della 88 2 Dr $9,995 88Hond7i..*i n ird lX be asked to panicipale in an intema- CONCRETE 5-Spd.,A l 87 TOYOTA P/UP 86 Bon nevllle 4 Dr $6,995 Loaded'^^V.U .495 lional study whieh could eventually 5 On the eve of the superpower 2 According to a new poll of young 86 Century Vfegon $7,495 5388 save more lives. summit, Mikhail Gorbachev fried to 87 Merci»i-, Breaks up attempted mugging Get that chimney r^ ire d people in grades 8-12, Chicago Bulls 86 Chevrolet Celebrity $7,195 V-8,1 84 FORD PROBE Cardiologj’ specialists will try to YARD MASTERS slave off growing conservative criti­ Ukete New V O i ' ' b before winter! Call now LEAVES RAKED &REMOVEC basketball star is their top hero. 86 Chevrolet Nova 4 Dr $6,395 determine which of three modem cism of him by insisting that Marx­ 85 Toyota Comry Auto, Air 10^388 for a free estimate. Fully Trees cut, yards cleaned Other heroes include Ronald Reagan, 86 Chevrolet Spectnim $4,995 Bourgoin was arrested at the scene. ism will be (CHOOSE ONE: revived, AT. Loaded $6,995 heart medicines arc most effective in By Dianna M. Talbot insured. Lawns. Brush removal Bill Cosby, and Eddie Murphy. 86 Chev Cavalier 4 Dr $6,895 87 JEEP CHEROKEE Both youths were held at the ended entirely) in the Soviet Union. saving heart attack victims’ lives Manchester Herald TALAGA MASONRY gutters cleaned, driveways 86 Pont Grand Am SE $8495 82 Pontiac Firebird Laredo 13^488 under certain circumstances. The police deptartment on $25,000 bond sealed.- V6.AT.A/C. 6 ^ AQC 643-8209 3 One of the biggest surprises in the 872-9111 Low Miles 84SCIROCCO hospital will ask victims of heart at­ and are charged with robbery, lar­ 643-9996 NFL this year is the Green Bay Pack­ A Bolton man who slopped two ceny and assault on a person over NEWSNAME 88 H o n d a Prelude S' _ 5 S £ ^ Leather 4388 tacks to participate in relum for youths from mugging an elderly ers, who are now atop the NFC Central. 5^spd.A/c, 610 0 0 $ ; which llicy will receive free medica­ age 60, police said. Lacy posted The Packers last made the playoffs in Uke New V I 8 8 G U woman in broad daylight Thursday 1 15 fxnnts for correct answer or answers) CARDINAL tion. bond, was released and is scheduled (CHOOSE ONE: 1972, 1982). 85 Toyota Celica OSopd 6988 has told Manchester police he shot to appear in Manchester Superior I PAINTING/ I HOLIDAY/ As Secretary of $6,995 Dr. Joseph Hanna, chief of car­ BUICK, INC. AT, Loaded 8 6 JE H A one of the teens in self defense, PAPERING SEASONAL Defense, I re­ diology services at the hospital, said Court on Wednesday. Bourgoin was 4 Notre Dame’s loss to Miami caused 1989 Century Coi4 ie $11,960 86 Buick Regal police said. cently called on 1988 Skylark Sedan Special $8,590 Auto 5998 being held at the police department the Irish to plunge to number five in the V8, Loaded, C T Q O *; the study will determine which of Police have not charged Mark P A IN T IN G - In te rio r. the armed forces 1988 Chev S-10 Ext Cab P/U $10,960 Low Miles y/,TTO the drugs or what combination and is also scheduled to appear in Reasonable rates. Free college football poll. That made unde­ 1988 Buick Park Ave. $13,960 87 GU Sheehan, 45, of 62 South St. in the MANCHESTER to prepare to cut 86 Honda Accord LX estimates. Excellent feated (CHOOSE ONE: Michigan, Colo­ l987 0ldsmoblle Firanza $6,490 SSpd ,$Ltnti>of798$ works best to help save lives. incident. Sheehan, who was driving court on Wednesday. work performed. 646- LIVING CHRISTMAS $180 billion from 1987 Buick Riviera T-Type $10,960 5- Spd, Loaded $7,995 The three dmgs to be studied arc An investigation into the incident rado) number one. 1987 Buick Regal $8,695 84 BUICK CENTURY a United Parcel Service truck at the 2149 after 5pm. TREES projected 1992- 1987GMCS-15SplP/U $6,360 85 Pontiac G rand A m tissue plasminogin activator (TPA), lime, told police he shot Christopher continues, but police said they 1994 budgets. 1987 Chev S-10 P/U $6,280 Wagon, V6 4188 CUT YOURS FRESH 5 Defending NCAA basketball cham­ V6.AT.A/C $4,995 which has been available for about Lacy, 17, of 622 E. Middle Turnpike believe the robbery was Who am I? 1987 Cadillac Brougham $13,960 84 MONTE CARLO premeditated by Bourgoin and Lacy, I CO J CLEANING $23 any tree pion Michigan lost its first game of the 1986 Corvette Loaded SPEOAL 87 Mif?'n cis LS two years and is preferred by the in the leg after slopping him and 1SERVICES season to coach Lute Olson and the 1966 Buck LeSabre Coqw $7,960 5^Spd,A,SUVr'i QQC SS, Rare 6788 hospital’s physicians; Eminasc Michael Bourgoin, 17, of East who was employed by the Amazing l9 Lewis St.
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