![First National Workshop on Marine Biotechnology and Genomics](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
FIRST NATIONAL WORKSHOP ON MARINE BIOTECHNOLOGY AND GENOMICS 24-25 May 2012 %RGUXP0X÷OD– TURKEY Edited by &HPDO785$1 FIRST NATIONAL WORKSHOP ON MARINE BIOTECHNOLOGY AND GENOMICS 24-25 May 2012 %RGUXP0X÷OD– TURKEY %X NLWDEÕQ EWQ KDNODUÕ 7UN 'HQL] $UDúWÕUPDODUÕ 9DNIÕ¶QD 7h'$9 DLWWLUø]LQVL]EDVÕODPD]oR÷DOWÕODPD].LWDSWDEXOXQDQPDNDOHOHULQELOLPVHO VRUXPOXOX÷X\D]DUODUDDLWWLU $OO ULJKWV DUH UHVHUYHG 1R SDUW RI WKLV SXEOLFDWLRQ PD\ EH UHSURGXFHG VWRUHGLQ D UHWULHYDOV\VWHP RU WUDQVPLWWHG LQ DQ\ IRUP RU E\ DQ\ PHDQV ZLWKRXWWKHSULRUSHUPLVVLRQIURPWKH7XUNLVK0DULQH5HVHDUFK)RXQGDWLRQ 78'$9 &RS\ULJKW 7UN 'HQL] $UDúWÕUPDODUÕ 9DNIÕ 7XUNLVK 0DULQH 5HVHDUFK )RXQGDWLRQ ,6%1 978-975-8825-28-8 &LWDWLRQ 785$1 & (G )LUVW 1DWLRQDO :RUNVKRS RQ 0DULQH 7HFKQRORJ\ DQG *HQRPLFV 3XEOLVKHG E\ 7XUNLVK 0DULQH 5HVHDUFK )RXQGDWLRQ,VWDQEXO785.(<3XEOLFDWLRQQXPEHU $YDLODEOHIURP7XUNLVK0DULQH5HVHDUFK)RXQGDWLRQ 78'$9 P.O. %R[ 10 %H\NR],67$1%8/785.(< 7HO )D[ (-PDLO WXGDY#WXGDYRUJ ZZZWXGDYRUJ 3ULQWHGE\0HWLQ&RS\3OXV 7HO 0212 CONTENTS Keynote Speech %OXH%LRWHFKQRORJLHV– %ULGJHVbHWZHHQ0DULQHDQG0DULWLPH 6HFtorV /*LXOLDQR…………………………………………………………………....1 2LO+\GURFDUERQ'HJUDGDWLRQ(IIHFWVRI 6RPH%DFWHULD,VRODWHGIURP 9DULRXV(QYLURQPHQWVLQ7XUNH\ * $OWX÷6*UQ%<NVHO$50HPRQ………………………………..10 &KDUDFWHUL]DWLRQRI6RPH(36-SURGXFLQJ%LRILOP%DFWHULDRQWKH3DQHOV Coated E\'LIIHUHQW$QWLIRXOLQJ3DLQWVLQWKH0DULQDV $.DoDU$.RF\LJLW*2]GHPLU%&LKDQJLU…………………………… 6FUHHQLQJRI3RWHQWLDO$QWL-%DFWHULDO$FWLYLW\RI0DULQH6SRQJH([WUDFWV IURP*|NoHDGD,VODQG$HJHDQ6HD7XUNH\ *$OWX÷36dLIWoL 7UHWNHQ6*UQ6.DONDQ%7RSDOR÷OX……….. %LRJHQLF$PLQH3URGXFWLRQ$ELOLW\RI/DFWLF$FLG%DFWHULDLQ(XURSHDQ %DUUDFXGD&RPPRQ3DQGRUD6WULSHG0XOOHW,QIXVLRQ%URWK (.OH\)g]R÷XO(%DOLNoL0'XUPXú6*|NGR÷DQ<8oDU……… %LRORJLFDOO\$FWLYH6HDZHHG5HVRXUFHVRI7XUNH\IRU,QGXVWULDO $SSOLFDWLRQV *7XUDQ='HPLUHO0 &RQN'DOD\………………………………………. $Q(FR-)ULHQGO\%LR-6WLPXODWRUIRUZea mays IURP,QYDVLYHCaulerpa racemosa YDUcylindracea /&DYDV'dDSDUND\D 7.HVHUFLRJOX……………………………………. 7KH(IIHFWVRI7ZR'LIIHUHQW)H)RUPV )H+2 DQG)H+3 RQWKH*URZWKRI Spirulina platensis &\DQRSK\WD 66D\LQ2,úLN/+L]DUFL6'R÷DQD\6O]\UHN………………………99 (YDOXDWLRQRI'LIIHUHQW0LFURDOJDH6WUDLQVIRU%LRPDVV3URGXFWLRQ (,PDPRJOX='HPLUHO0&RQN 'DOD\…………………………………107 $QWLR[LGDQW$FWLYLWLHVRI0DULQH0DFURDOJDH&ROOHFWHGIURPWKH &RDVWRI8UODDQG(IIHFWVRIPadina pavonica RQ&HOO*URZWKRI MCF-%UHDVW &DQFHU&HOO/LQH )*dHOHQN$%g]ND\D++$\GLQ+$dHOLN$6XNDWDU………...11 Chlorella vulgaris &RQWLQXRXV &XOWXUHDQG/LSLG&RQWHQWLQ 3KRWRELRUHDFWRU6\VWHP /8VOX2,úLN<0XWOX<'XUPD]..Ro……………………………127 $SSOLFDWLRQVRI0LFURDOJDHIRU7LVVXH(QJLQHHULQJ d'HPLUND\D&dHOLN06DUÕNDQDW0&'DOD\$ùHQGHPLU hUNPH]…………………………………………………………………….. %LRFKHPLFDODQG 3KDUPDFRORJLFDO5HVHDUFKHVRQ7XUNLVK0DULQH$OJDH .&*YHQ…………………………………………………………………1 &RPSRVLWLRQRI)DWDQG)DWW\$FLGVRIWKH0HGLWHUUDQHDQ*DVWURSRGV DQGUVDJHIRU+XPDQ+HDOWK '$\DV <g]R÷XO+<D]JDQ$5.|úNHUøg]R÷XO………………...15 7KH(IIHFWVRI1DWXUDO=HROLWHRQ)DWW\$FLGV3URILOHRI0HGLWHUUDQHDQ 6DUGLQH)LOOHWV ) g]R÷XO(.OH\6*|NGR÷DQ 0'XUPXú<8oDU(%DOÕNoÕ d.DoDU+<D]JDQøg]R÷XO0g]…………………………………… '1$%DUFRGLQJWKH6F\SKR]RD (.HVNLQ++$WDU………………………………………………………17 &RQVWUXFWLRQRI3UVJ9HFWRUIRUXVHDV)HHG$GGLWLYHRI Ǻ-1, 3-*OXFDQDVHLQ&XOWXUHRI0DULQHDQG)UHVK:DWHU)LVK *0D]L0%D\ODQ1g]FDQ…………………………………………….. 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DireFWRU7h'$9 First National Workshop on Marine Biotechnology and Genomics 24-0D\%RGUXP0X÷OD-Turkey Keynote Speech Blue Biotechnology: Bridges Between Marine and Maritime Sectors Laura Giuliano CIESM, The Mediterranean Science Commission INTRODUCTION Oceans occupy 70% of the Earth’s surface with practically untouched fauna and flora and host ~87% of life on earth. Marine environments, such as deep sea sediments, from the seashore to the depths of 10 000 meters are rich sources of microbes as soil samples. Several millions of undiscovered organisms, microorganisms for the most part, are speculated to exist in oceans. A detailed investigation of the marine biosphere was initiated only in the last 15–20 years, when advances in molecular methods made it possible to study in depth the huge variety of adapting mechanisms / processes that allow marine organisms to thrive in the oceans. For millions of years, marine life has continuously interacted with its physical, chemical and biological environments. Planktonic organisms (including most marine microorganisms) need to behave opportunistically, as they are ‘strolling around’, mainly transported by currents. They often develop chemotactic movements or the capacity to duplicate faster and faster when placed in their optimal environmental conditions. Some of them float only for some part of their life span and then need to settle, displaying ad-hoc induced adhesive capacities. Such adaptive mechanisms rely on complex membrane structures, with trans membrane molecules playing pivotal roles while mediating communication between the outside environment and the regulation of some cell metabolic pathways. Sessile organisms, typically exposed to very high risks of aggression (i.e. infections/biofouling), need to develop sophisticated defensive mechanisms to survive. They may produce bioactive molecules (so called ‘secondary metabolites’) acting as signalling or antimicrobial agents. In addition, microbes interact with other living organisms, as studies have shown that these organisms communicate with each other. All marine organisms (with special emphasis on marine microbes) produce compounds (i.e. the so called ‘secondary metabolites’) that serve as the chemical interface between the producer organism and other living organisms or the environment. 1 Analyses of the diverse types of natural molecules produced by marine organisms, the clear implication of their role in nature, their specific building blocks, possible active sites have shown logical interlinks between the real biosynthetic mechanisms and the marine life processes, and have provided a better understanding of structure–activity relationships. In general, several facts complicate the analyses as bioactivities are displayed on a molecular level, using diverse interactions with various targets under variable conditions. Sometimes, these constraints may pave the way to important opportunities. For example, at different sub inhibitory concentrations, some metabolites may display different activities. While creating obvious difficulties related to experimental reproducibility, this ‘flexible’ pattern enlarges the range of potential applications for those compounds Marine bioprospecting based pharmaceutical sector – focus on antibiotics After the ‘golden age’ from the '60s the efficiency of antibiotic research decreased and productivity of classical screening methods failed. The declining trends in natural products research call for a refocusing of this research area. The increasing resistance of antibiotics was the first problem derived from the widespread and uncontrolled application of antibiotics. The largest advantage microbes have against antibiotics is their incredible adaptability to changes in their environment due to their flexible metabolic power. More than 90% of the studies performed by large pharmaceutical companies between 1980 and 2003 resulted in decreasing profits due to increasing research expenses, the small number of new leads and regulatory obstacles. As a result, Governments and almost all large pharmas moved away from shortterm antibiotics to the profitable ‘lifestyle’ drug market, and those used to treat chronic diseases. One reason for the declining trends in antibiotic research is the negative effect of several unrealized scientific expectations. For example, the chemical profile of metabolites produced in laboratories, especially by industrial strains, may be quite different due to numerous artificial mutations compared with strains growing in the
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