Hope College Hope College Digital Commons The Anchor: 1925 The Anchor: 1920-1929 6-10-1925 The Anchor, Volume 36.58: June 10, 1925 Hope College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.hope.edu/anchor_1925 Part of the Library and Information Science Commons Recommended Citation Repository citation: Hope College, "The Anchor, Volume 36.58: June 10, 1925" (1925). The Anchor: 1925. Paper 21. https://digitalcommons.hope.edu/anchor_1925/21 Published in: The Anchor, Volume 36, Issue 58, June 10, 1925. Copyright © 1925 Hope College, Holland, Michigan. This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the The Anchor: 1920-1929 at Hope College Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Anchor: 1925 by an authorized administrator of Hope College Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The Anchor VdtUME XXXVI HOPE COLLEGE, HOLLAND, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 1925 NUMBER FIFTY-EIGHT COMMENCEMENT ATTENTION FRATERNAL ATTENTION PLANS COMPLETED TALENT SHOWN BY WEEK PLANS ARE ALUMNI FOR GRADUATION The annual Fraternal Ban- AH members of the class • SCHOOL OF MUSIC of 1924 who plan to be In Hoi- • quet will be held on June 12 NOW COMPLETED I land on Tuesday morning, I NINETY-FIVE WILL RECEIVE in the Warm Friend Tavern. NEW TALENT DEVELOPED BY June 16, to attend .the class • DIPLOMAS Will all the Fraters who breakfast, please notify W. • SCHOOL OF MUSIC MELIPHONE PROGRAM Zwemer before June 10. plan to attend kindly notify The commencement exercises of the secretary,' John H. Al- The pleasing talent of many new The Meliphone Society will present ••••••••••••••••s the class of 1925 of Hope College, will bers at 254 College Avenue., pupils and the noticeable improve- "In Walked Jimmy" on Friday, June be held In the Carnegie Hall on Wed- Holland Michigan. ment of those who have appeared in 12, at Carnegie Hall. The cast for this DORIANS HAVE nesday, June 17, 1925. former years made the Annual play calls for eleven hoys and two At that time, ninety-five graduates Spring Recital of the Hope College girls. The prep, men's society has al- FINE BANQUET will receive their bachelor degrees School of Music which was held In ways been noted for the program that and a few honorary degrees will be TAVERN SCENE OF W^nants Chapel 8:00 o'clock Monday It schedules at the close of the school ARTISTIC DECORATION S AND conferred upon some of the alumni. evening, June 1, a most successful year and It is promised that the com- FINE PROGRAM FEATURE Miss Marian Van Vessem of Zee- DELPHI BANQUET one. A fair-sized crowd greeted the ing attraction will be the best ever. land, Michigan, will present her val- On the evening of June 5th the participants in spite of the extremely Stanley Albers is coaching the cast.v edictory and the other class speakers VAGABOND PROGRAM ENJOYED Doriian Sisters, Alumnae, and guests warm weather. The Interesting pro- include: Clarence Lubbers of Cedar BY ASSEMBLY celebrated their fourth annual ban- gram, consisting of vocal and piano FRATERNAL BANQUET Grove, Wisconsin, Harriet Vander Bos quet at The Warm Friend Tavern. It On Saturday evening, June 6th, the solos by students of M^s. Fenton and of Holland. Michigan,- Josh Hogen- The ninety-first annual Fraternal was a warm evening, but all hearts memheis of Delphi entertained their Mr. Cress, was very well arranged by boom of Clymer. N. Y., and Raymond society banquet will be held in the and hopes seemed to be in a joyful guests at the Warm Friend Tavern at Dr. Nykerk. All of the pupils dis- C. Van Zoeren of Holland. Michigan. Warm Friend Tavern Friday even- tune. Hecause June is the month of seven o'clock. played a skill and artistry which Soloists and a mixed choir of the ing, May 12 at six o'cloc^. It will end roses, -and other pretty blossoms, an After a delicious supper. Miss Jean •peaks most highly for our School of class will add to the program by pre- the college social functions of the artistic flower scheme was carried Kuyper, toastmistress introduced Miss senting appropriate music. Music. The audience was disappoint- school year. A program has been ar- out. The tables were decorated with Geraldine Dykhulzen. who toasted to ed that Miss Henrietta Kelzer, one of flowers and beautiful bouquets were The college alumni who are to re- ranged which will consist of toasts by Hope. We are all vagabonds, whether the most advanced pupils, was in New placed about the room. During the ceive their masters degree will include members of the Alumni and by the we be Dutch or Irish, or whether we York and could not appear. The pro- dinner, which consisted of a choice the students who graduated in 1922 come from China or Cyprus. "Come, active members. Frater President, gram was rendered as follows: menu, the Van Wyke Orchestra from and have taken up advanced scholas- choose your road and away, away, Fred Yonkman will act as toastmaster Piano—Sonata, Op. 10, No. 1 (first Grand Rapids flavored the feasters tic work. A number of prizes will be we'll follow the gypsy sun." for the evening. The music will be movement) Beethoven with many fine selections. awarded to the winners of various de- Anne and Martha Barkema sang a furnished by Van Duren's orchestra. Alice Van Hattem Thoughts were then turned to an- bating. oratory and essay contests. very lovely duet "June Magic," fol- o Piano—Nocturne in G. Minor....ChopIn other part of the evening's program. The exercises will mark the divis- lowing which Clarissa (Snoopy) Pop- BASEBALL Eunice Brockmeler Miss Hilda Nyland was toastmistress. ion of the class into several varied pen toasted to Delphi—a company of Voice—"I Shall Enter His Halls In and in her clever way, she introduc- lines. Some of the students will pur- warm hearted friends, working for the The baseball squad has two home Silence # " Ashleigh games to play. On Friday, June 12, ed each speaker. Miss Anne Voskuil sue advanced work at larger schools best In life. A sextette composed of toasted "To the June Knights". Fol- Raadways Densmore Mt. Pleasant will cross bats with the and still others will teach for a time. Cornle Nettlnga, Henrietta Beyers, lowing this. Miss Cynthia Buehler de- Paul Nettlnga Hope men. The Mt. Pleasant team Four of the graduates will go to Ja- Polly Schutt, Anne Barkema, Edna Piano—March In D flat Hollaender was beaten by Hope three weeks ago lighted the assembly with her musical pan for short terms to carry on re- Reeverts and Alice Scholten, sang just reading. "Counting Daisy Petals". Harriet Boone bv the close score of 9-G. so a good . ! - • i v. ligious work. Thus Hope's largest before Lillian Schmid's toast to Men— Voice—The Azure Blue Logan game is promised. On June 16, the Francis Tate toasted "For-get-me- graduating class will contribute their the guests of Delphi—true Romany Happy Song —del RIego Alumni will stake their reputation nots" to the alumnae. She beoutiful- energy toward the accomplishment of gold. Alicia Scholten against the college team. The Alumni ly expressed the thought that for- worthy tasks. Two Alumnae , Miss Sue Hamellnk, get-me-nots stand for remembrance Piano—To the Evening Star can bet on a lineup that includes sev- Rev. William IT. S. Demarest, presi- and Miss Pearl Paalman were the next and pleasant memories of by-gone Wagner-Liszt eral former Hope stars who still are dent-elect of New Brunswick Seminary two entertainers, the former on the days. "Garden Secrets" was toasted Marjorie Selby playing the game. and former president of Rutgers piano, and the latter with her voice. by Alice Van Hattem. She said that Voice—-"if God lent only you" College has been booked to preach They are both as good as ever and the garden represents the life of a - Densmora CLASS OF *24 REUNION the baccalaureate sermon to the class were thoroughly appreciated. Hope College girl; and the different Garden Gossips cox of 1925 at Hope College, Sunday ev- Miss Amanda Zwemer was the last On Tuesday morning, June 16, a re- flowers in the garden teach valuable Mary Prlscllla'Collins ening. June 14. This will be the open- to toast, and she toasted to the Fu- lessons of patience, loyalty, consist- union of the senior class of 1924 ture. The flames of the gypsy fire Piano—Polonaise, Op. 9, No. 6...+... ing event of commencement week. ency, and opportunity. Delia Vander will be held. Arrangements have been are burning low, they are almost out, Paderewskl Kolk, in tan interesting way toasted made to have a class breakfast at the and the blue smoke curtains with Helene Van Kersen to "The Spirit of June." Nella Tanis COMMUNICATION Warm Friend Tavern. A unique pro- silken mist the future. Voice—-"My heart Is a haven". sang two vocal selections. Last, but gram has been arranged. All those The banquet was closed by singing Stelnel not least, Harriet Vander Meer In appreciation of the generally ex- who plan to attend the first reunion the Delphi son. Joy Scott toasted to the "Flower of Hope". pressed desire of the students to have of the class of '24, are requested The guests of honor were Mrs. Dyk- Nella Tante This flower is the Hope spirit itself, Dr. Patterson remain In his position to notify Miss W. Zwemer before or hulzen and Mr. Walvoord. Piano—Melodie a la Mazurka which includes • loyalty, kindness, as biology teacher, the following com- on June 10.
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