THEWESTFIELD LEADER 7,4oo THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY NET PRESS RUN SEVENTV-THIRD YEAR—No. 36 PulillDhdd u< WVniield. N. J. WESTFIEL1), NEW JKKSKY, THURSDAY, MAY 2, 19GI5 Kvery Thursday 36 Page.—10 Cento National Music Week 'Let The World Rejoice With Music' /V«r/«imw/ in Town i An official proclamation from aging young musicians, to increas- aware that music in its essential During the month of May schools, ; Mayor Hurr A. Towl Jr. will usher ing musical knowledge, and to ad-nature does not invite disagreement churches and civic organizations will I in Westfield's observation of Na- vancing American music—and its or opposition. It is harmony, relax- feature special spring concerts. Mu- I tional Music Week, MW3, from Sun- cooperating organizations join forces ing, enjoyable. It is something we sic assemblies will he held in all i clay, May 5 to 12. The theme of theto direct attention (o the dynamic in- do together, whether us |«'rfonners schools discussing and explaining | [ 40ih annual celebration is "Let the fluence of music in everyday living; or listeners. It is one of nature's the purpose of Music Week. | World Hejoice with Music." National Now, Therefore, I, Burr A. Towl Jr.. universal languages of pleasureahle The following dates have been list- | Music Week is sponsored by the Na- Mayor of the Town of Weslfield, do communication . The basic pur- ed as special programs for music j tional Federation of Music Cluhs of hereby proclaim the week of May pose of National Music Week is to in Ihe Weslfield schools: Today, ''• which the Musical Club of Westfield 512. 1M3 as National Music Week set apart seven days each year for Tama<|Ucs School; May 7, Columbus 1 is an affiliate. and ask that all citizens of this coin- music lovers, whuse own lives havo School will present their spring pro- Mayor Towl's proclamation is as nuinily observe and take part in ac- been enriched by music, to focus Hie gram with choir and orchestra at follows: "Whereas music plays an tivities, recognizing the importance attention of the general public on its7:30 p.m.: May il, the 12-13 teens invaluable influence in the life of of music, musicians, and musical value so that mare lives will be sing for the Old Guard: May 10. our world; and Whereas music is organizations in I he cultural life of enriched. Let us spread the ltoosevelt School; May 10 and 11, ROBERT 3. LINCOLN K. R. BAKKETT JK. one of the most sublime of human our city, and stute, and the nation, harmonizing influence of music as High School Uaiul Concert; May 15. Named Vice Chairman Appointed Chairman pursuits and is subscribed to by alland world." one means of promoling harmony, Lincoln School; May 17, Kdisoli of VF Division of UF Division races and creeds; and Whereas mu- The late Charles M. Tremaine, friendship, and pleasurable inter- School's Spring Festival with chorus sic is the language of all peoples founder of National Music Week, ex- cummunienlion between nil the peo- and glee club; May 21, Washington SCllOI.AItSllll' WINNER—Lorraine Cain|ian, renter nbovc, U shown Junior I'roni Time and one of the greatest forces in pressed his views on the philosophy ple within our nation—and, gradu- School festival. receiving notification of her selection us the winner of the Westfleld lajor Gifts Unit creating peace and harmony; and of National Music Week in the bro- ally, between all of the people of The Trebles of St. Paul's Kpisco- Council of I'TAs llelly Marlk TcnchliiK .Scholarship. A senior nt The Westfleld Senior High Jun. Whereas the National Federation of churo for the 1003 observance of many nations, as the influence of pnl Church's Tallis choir will parti- Westfield High School, Miss Campnn wan out over 12 applicants (or ior Promenade will be given to- Music Clubs—dedicated to eucour- National Music Week; "We arc allmusic spreads." I Continued on page 21 the honor. Making Ihe presentation Is Mrs. Carl W. Bcrquist, scholar- )f United Fund morrow evening in the school's Kiilp chairman, ns Mrs. John W. Smith, council president looks on. varslly gym. 9 p.m. (0 1 a.m. Jets Leaders The prom Is given by (he junior class to honor the seniors. Vieki Concert to Mark Some Want Them College Men's Club Save the Ducks! Marik Scholarship Top leadership in the important Hsu is the junior prom chair- An urgent plea him IH'CII innde lajor sifts division of (he forth- man. National Music Elects Michaels In "save Hie ducks" during the Award Given To omint! United Fund Campaign was Sidewalks iinnunl fishing derby at the Mln- nnounccd today by Arthur C. Tried, A Reminder— itowankin Park Lake Saturday cneral chairman. R. R. Barrett Week Locally And Some Don't As President when linyn and Klrls will he cast- Lorraine Campan Ir.. president of Barrett and Crain, ing their lines for (rout. nc, local realtors, will serve as "Bundle Day" The Musical Club of Westfield will A difference of opinion, it has been would destroy the "aesthetic beauty At Ihe regular meeting of the trus- In (lie excitement of casting At n meeting of the Westfield najor gifts chairman, with Robert celebrate National Music Week wild said, is what makes horse racing— and charm" of We.stfield. Others tees of the College Men's Club, held (lie halted hooks the hike's tenth- Council of PTAs held Thursday at Lincoln, 600 Highland Ave., serv- a concert to be presented Tuesday in Westfteld differences of opinion questioned whether they would pro- at the home of Willnrd Magnlhaes, ereil family often arc uninten- Wilson School. Miss Lorraine Cam- ile as vice chairman, Is Saturday at 11:30 p.m. in the Grant School au- on the installation of sidewalks were tect children, a major factor in the with Henry ('. J. Kvnns presiding, tionally honked by the flying pan was awarded the Betty Marlk ditorium. The public is cordially in- the following new officers were elect- Mr. Harrett, long active In Com- A last minute appeal to Westfield given an airing by the Planning* overall consideration. lines and a number uf ducks Tenching Scholarship. vited to attend. ed for Ihe 1M-U4 year: President. have been hHit in (he pust, it nunily affairs, has served the Unit- residents to remember Bundle Day Hoard last week. Hesidents aloni; Shackamaxon Or. Miss Campan. a senior nt West- Melvin Michaels; vice president, was reported. d Fund in many capacities includ- —this Saturday—was made today by Mrs. Elmer Schmalenlx'iger, so The occasion (or the expressions favored sidewalks but want proper field High School, stands 30th In her HIIIK-I-I Kllsworlh; corresponding «t chairman of the professional di- Mrs. Charles II. Ilowell, Thrift Shop piano, will open the program with of public views on Ihe matter arose street drainage and grading first. class of some 500 students, and was s e c r e t a r y, Thtimas MacDougal; ision in I960. Ho is a past presi- chairman for the Weslfield Service the aria "Mi Tradi" from Mozart's after the Planning Hoard completed Some living in the Wyclnvood sec- chosen lo he Ihe recipient of this treasurer, Clinton Haider and execu- lent of the Westfield Board of Real-1 League. "Don Giovanni." She will also sing n three-month study and, alter con- tion saw the installation as possibly Historical Essay scholarship from among 12 appli- sulting with other town agencies tive secretary, C. Ktedmnn MitcKar- irs, a past director of the New Jer- an arietta, "Maidens Kver. To Ho destroying slnibbery nnd bringing cants. The presentation was mada "We need your donations of used Clever" and an aria, "May the bless- came up wilh a proposal thai the laud. by Mrs. C. W. nergqtiist, chairman Association of Heal Kstale clothiiij!, furniture and household ar- Ihrir homes wilh 15 feel of the walk, ings of heaven he granted to you" town spend at least $.~iO,O0O a year The following members were elect- Contest Winners of the Hetty Marik Teaching Sehol- loards and a director of the YMCA. [ tides to stock our Thrift Shop." she a violation of the set hack laws. from "La Serva Padrona" by Per- for the next five years for the con- ed to Ihe board of trustees for three arsliip administrative committee. ither memberships include: St. j said, stressing that all proceeds from To others the sidewalks represent- golesi. Her group will conclude will) struction of sidewalks where there year terms: Albert Hobal, William Raul's Episcopal Church, Kcho Lake the shop are returned to the eom- ed a strolling area for dog lovers, Listed by DAR Lorraine Is a member of the Na- "Pastorale" by Carey. Mrs. H. C.are none. Cloyes, James Crawford. William "ountry Club and Westfield Chap- j immity's charities. Particularly need- and one or two suggested that a tional Honor Society, the Art Club, Lauver will be her accompanist. Thawley and William Treun. IT of Hie SAR. He is a graduate j ed arc toys, men's clothing and baby Before submitting their sugges- "head count" be taken of the pedes- Winners ot the Historical Kssny the Literary Club, the Latin Club, tions to Town Council—whose task I the University of Vlreinia and clothes anandd equipment such as high Mrs, Sclimalcuborger is a mem- trians, supposedly periled by having Donald iiowaru, cnairmau of the Contest sponsored by Weslfield nnd Mask and Mime, She Is tho it will he lo appropriate the money, tas a naval aviator for nine years, chairs, playpenl s and carriages.
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