TABLE OF CONTENTS House of Representatives Uashington, D. C. Subcommittee on Territorial February 23, 1960 and Insular Affairs of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. PAGE Statement of Honorable Daniel K. Inouye, a Representative in Congress from the State of Hawaii............. ... ............ ....... ...... 4 Statement of J. Monroe Sullivan, Vice President, Pacific American Steamship Association. ......... 10 Statement of Honorable Hiram L. Fong, a United States Senator from the State of Hawaii ....... 17 Statement of Honorable Oren L. Long, a United States Senator from the State of Hawaii.......... 19 Statement of Wilbur K. Watkins, Jr., a Deputy Attorney General of the State of Hawaii ........ 22 Statement of Harold Seidman, Assistant Chief, Office of Management and Organization, Bureau of the Budget (Accompanied by HoWard Schnoor, Management Analyst, Bureau of the Budget, and Mrs. Ruth Van Cleve, Act'ng Assistant Solicitor, Department of the Interior..................... 25 Statement of John F. Donelan, Kahulul Railroad Company, Maui, Hawaii. .............. ......... 67 ,....2~ C i. .E~*L'. ' C" 'i TI'Cyll.-(~ * - . * J~h~i ~rr?~ '---- ~7ur~w--' ley- 1 ttle H. R. 10434, H. R. 10443, E. R. 10456, H. R. 10463, and H. R. 10475 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1960 House of Represontatives, Subcommittee on Terri.orial and Insular Affairs of the Committee on Xnterior and :'Pular Affairs, Washington, D. C. The subcommittee met, pursuant to call, at 9:48 a. m., in the committee room, New House Office Building, Honorable Leo W. O'Brien, chairman of the subcommittee, presiding. Mr. O'Brien, The Subcommittee on Territorial and In- sular Affairs will be in order for hearing on the several bills to amend certain laws of the United States providing for admission of the State of Hawaii into the Union and for other purposes. This legislation was introduced as a result of an executive communication. Similar legisla- tion was enacted last year for the State of Alaska, at wuich time this committee was given jurisdiction in the matter, thereby perhaps setting something of a precedent. There are matters in the several bills affecting the jurisdiction of other committees,and we will ask for comment from the chairmen of those other committees. In fact, that has already been requested. .' r*s .; -. -. .- .~,,~,, . S I 2 Unless there is objection, H.R. 10443, by Congressman Inouye, will be printed in the record at this point, with appropriate references to H. R. 10434, by Mr. Aspinall, H. R. 10456 by O'Brien of New York, H. R. 10463 by Mr. Saylor, and H. R. 10475, by Mr. Westland. (H. R. 10443 is as follows:) I . 4 , r U. r I'r r. ~" (COMMITTEE INSERT) ' ~ ' C~(,5 :*Y~r:2~~ ;'1 -C :1~ i .1~ t L~fl a"; i. I)- 86TH CONGRESS 10443 2DoSEoN j-H. R. lu 4 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES FF.RUCARY 16, 1960 Mr. INOUYE introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Com- mittee on Interior and Insular Affairs A BILL To amend certain laws of the United States in light of the admis- sion of the State of Hawaii into the Union, and for other purposes. 1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa- 2 tives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, 3 That this Act may be cited as the "Hawaii Omnibus Act". 4 PRINTING OUTSIDE UNITED STATES 5 SEC. 2. Subsection (a) of section 2 of the Act of Au- 6 gust 1, 1956 (70 Stat. 890), is amended by striking out 1 7 the words "the continental United States" and inserting in 8 lieu thereof the words "the States of the United States and 9 the District of Columbia". 1 9 2 1 SUGAR ACT 2 SEC. 3. Section 101 (j), 203, 205 (a), 209 (a), 209 (c), 3 and 307 of the Sugar Act of 1948, as amended, are each 4 amended by striking out the words "the Territoiy of" in 5 each place where they appear therein. 6 SOIL BANK ACT 7 SEC. 4. Section 113 of the Soil Bank Act, as amended, is 8 amended to read as follows: "This subtitle B shall apply to 9 the several States and, if the Secretary determines it to be in 10 the national interest, to the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico 11 and the Virgin Islands; and as used in this subtitle B, the 12 term 'State' includes Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands." 13 ARMED FORCFS 14 SEC. 5. (a) Title 10, United States Code, section 101 15 (2), is amended by striking out the words "Hawaii or". 16 (b) Title 10, United States Code, sections 802(11) 17 and 802(12), are each amended by striking out the words 18 "the main group of the Hawaiian Islands,". 19 (c) Title 10, United States Code, section 2662 (c), is 20 amended by striking out the word ", Hawaii,". 21 (d) Title 10, United States Code, is amended by strik- 22 ing out clause (6) of section 4744; by renumbering clauses 23 (7) through (9) as clauses (6) through (8) ; by amending 24 redesignated clause (8) to read as follows: "The families 25 of persons described in clauses (1), (2), (4), (5), and 3 1 (7) ."; and by striking out the words "clause (8) or (9)" 2 in the last sentence of such section and inserting in lieu 3 thereof the words "clause (7) or (8)". 4 HOME LOAN BANK BOARD 5 SEC. 6. (a) Paragraph (3) of section 2 of the Federal 6 Home Loan Bank Act, as amended, is further amended by 7 striking out the words "the Virgin Islands of the United 8 States, and the Territory of Hawaii" and by inserting in 9 lieu thereof the words "and the Virgin Islands of the United 10 States". 11 (b) Section 7 of the Home Owners' Loan Act of 1933, 12 as amended, is further amended by striking out the words 13 "Territory of Hawaii" and inserting in lieu thereof the words 14 "State of Hawaii". 15 NATIONAL HOUSING ACT 16 SEC. 7. The National Housing Act is amended by strik- 17 ing out the word "Hawaii," in sections 9, 201(d), 207 (a) S 18 (7), 601 (d), 713 (q), and 801 (g). 19 SECURITIES AND EXCIIANGE COMMISSION 20 SEC. 8. (a) Paragraph (6) of section 2 of the Securiti 21 Act of 1933, as amended, is further amended by striking out 22 the word "Hawaii,". 23 (b) Paragraph (16) of section 3 (a) of the Securities 24 Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, is further amended by 25 striking out the word "Hawaii,". 4 1 (c) Paragraph (37) of section 2 (a) and paragraph 2 (1) of section 6 (a) of the Investment Company Act of 3 1940, as amended, are each amended by striking out the 4 word "Hawaii,". 5 (d) Paragraph (18) of section 202 (a) of the Invest- 6 ment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended, is further amended 7 by striking out the word "Hawaii,". 8 SMALL BUSINESS INVESTMENT ACT 9 SEC. 9. Paragraph (4) of section 103 of the Small 10 Business Investment Act of 1958 is amended by striking out 11 the words "the Territories of Alaska and Hawaii,". 12 SOIL CONSERVATION AND DOMESTIC ALLOTMENT ACT 13 SEC. 10. (a) Section 8 (b) of the Soil Conservation and 14 Domestic Allotment Act, as amended, is further amended by 15 striking out the words "in the continental United States, 16 except in Alaska," and inserting in lieu thereof the words 37 "in the States of the Union, except Alaska,". 18 (b) Section 17 (a) of the Soil Conservation and Do- 19 mestic Allotment Act, as amended, is further amended to 20 read as follows: "This Act shall apply to the States, the 21 Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands, and, 22 as used in this Act, the term 'State' includes Puerto Rico 23 and the Virgin Islands." " f , *- 5 1 WATER STORAGE ANI) UTILIZATION 2 SEC. 11. Section 1 of the Act of August 28, 1937 (50 3 Stat. 869), as amended, is further amended by striking out 4 the words "the United States, including the Territories of 5 Alaska and Hawaii, and Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands" 6 and inserting in lieu thereof the words "the States of the 7 United States and in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands". 8 WILDLIFE RESTORATION 9 SiE. 12. Section 2 of the Act of September 2, 1937 10 (50 Stat. 917), as amended, is further amended by striking 11 out the words "; and the tenr 'State' shall be construed 12 to mean and include the several States and the Territory 13 of Hawaii". 14 FISHERY RESOURCES 15 SEC. 13. The Act of August 4, 1947 (61 Stat. 726), 16 is amended- 17 (a) by striking out the words "the Territories and s 18 island possessions of the United States" and inserting 19 in lieu thereof the words "the United States and its 20 island possessions" in sections 1 and 2; 21 (b) by striking out the words "Territory of Hawaii 22 and" in section 1; 23 (c) by striking out the word "Territorial" and i , 1 inserting in lieu thereof the word "State" in section 3; 2 and 3 (d) by striking out the words "Hawaiian Islands" 4 and "Territory of iHawaii" and inserting in lieu thereof, 5 in both cases, the words "State of Hawaii" in section 4. 6 FISH RESTORATION 7 SIc. 14. Section 2 (d) of the Act of August 9, 1950 8 (64 Stat. 431), as amended, is further amended by strik- 9 ing out thle words ": and tie t1'rm 'State' shall e construed 10 to mean and include the several States and the Territory of 1 Hawaii".
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