The Manchester Sill1) Canal Water Quality. r1I 2t)th Century in perspective, and recornniendat.ions for the new Millennium. - g soon. It’s affccting polar bcäisn hc Arctic.’ . : Author: Eric Harper, on behalf of a client group, the Environment Agency tEA), the Manchester Ship Canal Company(MSCC), Noah Nest Viater Ltd NVdV) and the Mersey Basin Campaign(MBC)1 Author: Eric Harper, BScTeeh, AMCT. MCIWEM. He first worked for the Mersey River Board and Lancashire River Board in the early 1960’s, returning in 1969 to the Mersey and Weaver River Authority where, before the 1974 reorganisations, he became Chief Pollution Officer. On the formation of North West Water Authority he held various posts in charge of pollution prevention, water resources and drinking water quality. On privatisation in 1989 he became Chief Scientist/Quality Director to. North West Water Ltd and retired in 1997. He was a member of the Regional Environmental Protection Advisory Committee (REPAC) for the north west region of the National Rivers Authority and its successor the Environment Agency, from its inception until April 2000. Acknowledgements. Theprovision of data and help from the client group, Environment Agency, North West Water, Manchester Ship Canal Company and Mersey Basin Campaign, is gratefluly acknowledged. The views expressed and recommendations are those of the author and not necessarily those of the client organisations. Cartoon on front cover. This first appeared in Punch prior to 1971 and is reproduced with the permission of the proprietors. 1 THE MANCHESTER SHIP CANAL: WATER QUALITY. 20th The Century in perspective, and recommendations for the new Millennium. CONTENTS Page number Section 1 Introduction 2 Section 2 An Overview Over 25 Yeats of Water Quality in 3 The Upper Canal, Manchester to Warrington. Section 3 Water Quality In Recent Years Along The Upper 7 Canal, Manchester To Warrington. Section 4 Some Localised Problems. 11 C) Section 5 Modelling Work Already Undertaken 14 Section 6 Storm Sewage Problems. 16 Section 7 Water Quality In The Lower Canal: Warrington To 17 Eastham Locks. Section 8 Some Potential Future Problems. 21 Section 9 Uses Of The Canal 22 Section 10 Dredging. 24 Section 11 Ecology. 25 Section 12 Discussion 25 Section 13 Recommendations For Future Water Quality 26 Objectives And Actions. Recommendation 1. Short Term Objective 27 Recommendation 2. Medium/Long Term 28 Objectives. Autobiography: Author. Acknowledgements: Front cover reverse 1 THE MANCHESTER SHIP CANAL: WATER QUALITY. The 2W” Century in perspective, and recommendations for the new Millennium. Section 1. Introduction When the canal was opened to traffic in 1894 it heralded a new era of prosperity and commerce in the Manchester region. The impetus given to the textile industries, particularly cotton with the shipment of raw materials directly from America, would have brought a substantial increase in the pollution of the local waterways that drained to the Ship CanaL This inevitably would have added to the appalling conditions that must have been constantly present in the Ship Canal waters. The Canal was within the area of the Mersey and Irwell Joint Committee, formed in 1891, and it was no coincidence that this was one of the first bodies set up specifically to deal with river pollution problems. It was formed following Royal Commission Reports, which set out to investigate the problems of river pollution in the frwell and other waterways. These reports describe sources of hundreds of polluting discharges being made and water quality conditions that are almost 21st unimaginable at the beginning ofthe century. Conditions may be illustrated by the following description reported to have been found on II boardroom table after a meeting of the Joint Committee about 1901. If with a stick you stir well The poor old River Irwell, Very sick of the amusement You will very soon become: for foetid bubbles rise and burst But that really is not the worst For little birds can hop about Dry- footed on the scum. Industry thrived, the Trafford Park Estate was developed, and it is little wonder that even in the 1960’s there were often complaints of smell ftom the Canal as far down as Wamngton. This was despite the activities of the pollution control authorities and what can now be seen as the early stages of decline in basic manufacturing industries in the North West such as textiles, paper, mining and in the last decade, chemicals. C) The Canal continues to provide an important transport route with industries such as Shell, Kemira, Associated Octel, Nova Chemicals and Cerestar basing their operations on its use. The Canal handles over 8million tons of cargo per year. This report will look in some detail at the water quality in the Ship Canal over the past 25 years in order to predict the future conditions and will discuss aspirations for possible future uses, which may require differing water quality objectives to match their needs. It is clear from the anecdotal evidence outlined above and the analytical evidence presented later, that the water quality in the Ship Canal has never been better. The client group, namely the Environment Agency (BA), the Manchester Ship Canal Company (MSCC), North West Water Ltd (NWW) and the Mersey Basin Campaign (MBC) have chosen a particularly pertinent time to undertake this review. Several studies of water quality in the Canal and associated issues have been reported on in the last three decades and a list of those studied in carrying out this review is included as Appendix 1. 2 A schematic diagram of the Canal. showing the main features including river inputs, effluent discharges and distances measured from Eastham Locks is provided as Diagram 1. ctiiii 2. J AN OVERVIEW OVER 25 YEARS OF WATERQUALITY IN TilE UPPER CANAL MANCKSTER TO WMRiNGTON. fIG. 1 illustrates the strongly improving trend in the biochemical oxygen demand (BOlD) since 1974. This measure best reflects pollution J by organic matter which can break down to produce ‘septic”, smelly conditions and reduce oxygen levels below those needed to support higher life forms such as fish. It shows the conditions in the Irwell at Salford University reducing from around 8 mg/i to around 4. The chemical oxygen demand (COD) has not reduced to the same extent indicating that residues resistant to biological breakdown remain Ic chard COD. FIG.1 The units ofalt cheinicatparameters are expressed in mg/I untess otherwise stated, and dissolved oxygen levels in ¾ saluTation. the canalised kwell flows towards Barton the BOlD levels are shown to increase, and increase still further by Irlam Locks. These increases were due initially to discharges from the Trafford Park Estate and Salford Sewage Treatment Works (51W) but more significantly, below Barton, due to the discharge of effluent from the largest STW in the North West, Davyliulme, which drains a large part of the greater Manchester conurbation. The Salteye Brook bringing in the Eccies and Swinton $TW effluents also adds polluting loads to this stretch. The Canal then improves, despite some further relatively minor discharges of effluent, due to self-purification processes and additional dilution from the Rivers Mersey, Glaze, Bollin and other smaller tributaries. Conditions at Howley Weir the start of the tidal section of the Mersey, and at Latchford Locks the upstream point of most tidal effects on the Ship Canal, are shown to have improved substantially so that BOlD’s of 2 to 3 mgJl are now commonplace. FIG.2 shows the high saturation levels of dissolved oxygen (DO) of the Invell at Salford below Adeiphi Weir; these are then reduced downstream by the physical conditions in the canalised river, which inhibit re-aeration and by receiving further pollution loads. However, the trend in the Canal at all routine sampling points does show an increase in dissolved oxygen levels with time. By the 3 Diagram 1. Schematic of Manchester Ship Canal Croal Mersey Howleyw&r I--“‘-- Irk WfstOn weir Salteye Bk MedIocI / j.2ton Pplnt Mode Wheel EasthomIE locks St Footbridge Manchester Ship Canat Distances in km Includes routine sampling points 67.9 ‘ .4 51.8 51.2 54.7 00.7 50.0 51.3 010 45.9 45.8 44.3 45.2 45.7 41.5 4t0 4t4 41.4 07.0 35.4 . 33.0 54.0 J24i STANCE FROMEASTHAM LOCKS I Distance from Woden StreetI 56 8505ham Low ltThl SbzortWh’ StonIowP’nt lncscur Irods?,5arsh W6otonPnt 1oRUn0t1 I(9ckwlok u/sActanor Sow Wstbr gazo mita obovo EIos Port StanIo9Mlhr Of I Berth CEOB triam ovy11ulmeLLLLLLLLiHlUhLavol Irwetl Pork ModnWhoel SwtoqBr WoaverSltilc Rwicom Rzn4tu0SIuIc disActonO? Lotch5rd oHTn RodBk (Mersey) SotteycLOi5on Aqueduct Solford Lowsy WODEN ST 1 outflow of the Mersey, at Bollin Point, DO levels are reasonably healthy as measured at Woolston J and Howley Weirs. In overview the worst conditions with lowest DO levels usually appear to be at friarn but a more detailed examination of particular lengths ofthe Canal will be made later showing more serious localised problems. FIG.2 100 izHowley Weir iJrIam Locks DO ¾ SATURATION WooIston --uis Latchford Lock -_dIs Barton Locks . IrweliSaiford 80 -.““ . p - !,f 60 40 20 0 1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1966 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 1975 f977 1979 1981 7983 1985 1987 1989 7991 1993 1995 1997 1999 Another key parameter that measures pollution is the level of ammonia, much is derived from the effluents from sewage treatment works but significant quantities are also contributed by industiy in the catchment. Again the trend, FIG.3, shows great improvements with time; significant reductions are evident. blam Locks were particularly polluted, with the effluent from Davyhulmc having a major effect right down to the tidal reaches at Howley. Improvements in the Canal at Irlam are the greatest in relative terms and the reasons will be discussed later.
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