when humpback whales are commonly seen migrating migrating seen commonly are whales humpback when in particular rock engravings. engravings. rock particular in • Firearms are not permitted on the islands. Whale watching is popular between June and September September and June between popular is watching Whale opportunity to see excellent examples of Aboriginal heritage, heritage, Aboriginal of examples excellent see to opportunity Caring for the Dampier Archipelago The islands, like the Burrup Peninsula, offer the unique unique the offer Peninsula, Burrup the like islands, The and diving popular. diving and • Camping is permitted only on selected islands up to • Fish for the future. Observe size, bag and possession grass and more than 650 species of fish make snorkelling snorkelling make fish of species 650 than more and grass limits. Quickly return undersized and unwanted fish to reptiles found on the islands. the on found reptiles 100 metres inland of the high water mark on beaches with the Great Barrier Reef. Coral reefs, sponge gardens, sea sea gardens, sponge reefs, Coral Reef. Barrier Great the with the water. Use wet hands or a wet cloth when handling the rare Pilbara olive python, one of 41 species of terrestrial terrestrial of species 41 of one python, olive Pilbara rare the zoned for recreation (see map) and for no more than five biodiversity known in Western Australia, and is comparable comparable is and Australia, Western in known biodiversity fish and avoid placing them on hot dry surfaces. among the rock piles on the larger islands or, if very lucky, lucky, very if or, islands larger the on piles rock the among consecutive nights. Observe these restrictions to protect The Dampier Archipelago is the richest area of marine marine of area richest the is Archipelago Dampier The Visitors may also see the elusive Rothschild’s rock wallaby wallaby rock Rothschild’s elusive the see also may Visitors wildlife and the landscape. • Anchor in sand to protect fragile coral, sponge, seagrass boating, it has much more to offer. to more much has it boating, • There are no bins on the islands. Always take your and seaweed communities. and rock stacks. stacks. rock and While the Dampier Archipelago is best known for fishing and and fishing for known best is Archipelago Dampier the While camp can be seen at Black Hawke Bay on Gidley Island. Gidley on Bay Hawke Black at seen be can camp rubbish home with you – rubbish can harm wildlife. are prominent and common features on the island headlands headlands island the on features common and prominent are • Minimise disturbance to marine wildlife by following the pearling area of the North West. The remains of the pearlers pearlers the of remains The West. North the of area pearling Archipelago and the large osprey nests constructed of sticks sticks of constructed nests osprey large the and Archipelago of recreational opportunities. recreational of • Open fires are not permitted on the islands – escaped observation guidelines for whales, dugongs and turtles. Between 1870 and 1900 Flying Foam Passage was the major major the was Passage Foam Flying 1900 and 1870 Between Ospreys and sea eagles are frequently seen soaring over the the over soaring seen frequently are eagles sea and Ospreys skies. It provides a visual feast for all who visit and a wealth wealth a and visit who all for feast visual a provides It skies. campfires can cause damage to the ecology of the • Take care not to disturb seabird colonies on the islands. to Australia from their breeding grounds in Northern Russia. Russia. Northern in grounds breeding their from Australia to sandy beaches contrast against aqua waters and bright blue blue bright and waters aqua against contrast beaches sandy islands. Please use a portable gas stove. stone buildings and extensive sheep pens still visible. visible. still pens sheep extensive and buildings stone Many seabirds lay eggs on the ground or in burrows beaches and mudflats to feed and rest during the long flight flight long the during rest and feed to mudflats and beaches covered islands, dramatic piles of jumbled red rock and white white and rock red jumbled of piles dramatic islands, covered Lewis Island are the remains of a pastoral settlement, with with settlement, pastoral a of remains the are Island Lewis • Keep pest plants and animals off the islands – they are close to the beach. Do not walk in areas of nesting birds bird species, including several migratory waders that use the the use that waders migratory several including species, bird The Dampier Archipelago’s scenic landscape of spinifex- of landscape scenic Archipelago’s Dampier The operated between 1870 and 1872. On the east side of West West of side east the On 1872. and 1870 between operated important refuges for native animals threatened or no (walk below the high tide line) and when boating stay Bird watchers have the opportunity to see more than 100 100 than more see to opportunity the have watchers Bird on Malus Island are the remnants of a whaling station that that station whaling a of remnants the are Island Malus on turtles. longer existing on the mainland. clear of resting birds. activities. Large cast iron try-pots encased in stone ovens ovens stone in encased try-pots iron cast Large activities. world. nesting sites for threatened seabird populations and marine marine and populations seabird threatened for sites nesting • Do not take pets to the islands. structures remaining from whaling, pearling and pastoral pastoral and pearling whaling, from remaining structures • When boating be alert for marine wildlife. Reduce speed rookery in the Indo-Pacific region, one of the largest in the the in largest the of one region, Indo-Pacific the in rookery Zones where no public access is allowed as they provide provide they as allowed is access public no where Zones Relics of later occupation can be seen on the islands with with islands the on seen be can occupation later of Relics • Check your boat is clean and pest free. in shallow areas and where animals have been sighted. turtle hawksbill largest the supports Archipelago The and weeds. Some islands are classed as Special Conservation Conservation Special as classed are islands Some weeds. and Boats are damaged and animals are killed and injured by green and hawksbill turtles nesting on several beaches. beaches. several on nesting turtles hawksbill and green • Check your clothing and footwear are not habitats for plants and animals, undamaged by feral animals animals feral by undamaged animals, and plants for habitats Cygnet in 1688. in carrying soil or seeds. collisions. flatback, female watch to opportunity the have visitors This protection is important as some islands maintain unique unique maintain islands some as important is protection This Archipelago was Englishman William Dampier aboard the the aboard Dampier William Englishman was Archipelago seen in the Dampier Archipelago and during the summer summer the during and Archipelago Dampier the in seen the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC). (DEC). Conservation and Environment of Department the Company the first recorded European to visit to the Dampier Dampier the to visit to European recorded first the Company • Check your containers and food are clean and • Please do not collect shells. Some shells provide homes Flatback, green, hawksbill and loggerhead turtles are often often are turtles loggerhead and hawksbill green, Flatback, Many of the Archipelago’s islands are reserves managed by by managed reserves are islands Archipelago’s the of Many appeared on a chart drawn in 1628 for the Dutch East India India East Dutch the for 1628 in drawn chart a on appeared pest free. for animals such as the hermit crabs and octopus. Although the islands now known as the Dampier Archipelago Archipelago Dampier the as known now islands the Although regularly seen. regularly heritage values. heritage European heritage European Bottlenose and Indo-pacific humpback dolphins are also also are dolphins humpback Indo-pacific and Bottlenose natural beauty, high conservation values and outstanding outstanding and values conservation high beauty, natural tropics. the in grounds breeding winter their and within a 45-kilometre radius of Dampier – has exceptional exceptional has – Dampier of radius 45-kilometre a within circular stone arrangements. stone circular The Dampier Archipelago – 42 islands, islets and rocks, all all rocks, and islets islands, 42 – Archipelago Dampier The Antarctic the in grounds feeding summer their between of stone features, including standing stones, stone pits and and pits stone stones, standing including features, stone of geometric patterns. The area also contains a high density density high a contains also area The patterns. geometric range of mythological beings, human and animal figures and and figures animal and human beings, mythological of range rock engravings in the world, designs include an exceptional exceptional an include designs world, the in engravings rock area. Identified as one of the densest concentrations of of concentrations densest the of one as Identified area. acknowledged through the National Heritage Listing of the the of Listing Heritage National the through acknowledged and culture within the ancient landscape have been been have landscape ancient the within culture and These outstanding examples of Aboriginal heritage heritage Aboriginal of examples outstanding These date back to the last ice age. ice last the to back date intensive land use by past Aboriginal
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