Embry-Riddle Fly Paper Newspapers 9-17-1943 Embry-Riddle Fly Paper 1943-09-17 Embry-Riddle School of Aviation Follow this and additional works at: https://commons.erau.edu/fly-paper Scholarly Commons Citation Embry-Riddle School of Aviation, "Embry-Riddle Fly Paper 1943-09-17" (1943). Embry-Riddle Fly Paper. 161. https://commons.erau.edu/fly-paper/161 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Scholarly Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Embry-Riddle Fly Paper by an authorized administrator of Scholarly Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. EMBRY RIDDLE ··srICK TO 1r·· VOL. VI S~PTEMBER 17, lfl4:J NO. 22 - -:.---= ----- ___- -=-- link Room ot Dorr Field It's Done This Woy ot Dorr Back in 19:~9. 1\ith \\ar clouds darken­ sand cormnl'rciall ~ lirl'ns<'Cl civilian air­ f1ying on air shows and cin·u-;r,;, risking ing the Europ1•an horizon. Hitler marching plane pilots, men from all walks of liff', all their necks and equipment to pionc(•r the into Poland, the prdiminary bouts in Spain ages. shapes, huilcls, ccluC'alional back­ air age of the present. A.,, stated hefore, finished, the practic(• session of Russia and grounclc:;. abilities, marri(•cl, single', cager ho11ever, the majority of these commercial Finland heforc the main curtain call of and \\ill ing. Comml'r<"ial a\"iation prior to pilots found it necessary to combine their Germam and Russia ahout over. our gen­ 1939 wa.., never a wn lucrative husincss flying with some other activity sud1 as eral staff and top ranking officers of the even though it 11 as fill<'d with romanre. 'rnrking as auto mechanics, operating re­ Flying Training Command were already heartbreaking 11 ork, mptny and crashes. pair shops and filling -.tations. driving busy. both financially and likrall). trucks. operating grocery slorcs. camera ~hops. meal markets, clothing :;tores, de.• Du"' to no other rea..,on cx1·ept our in­ Dorn .. tor minp; in order to keep the wolf from th<' cloor. herited lo\<' o f peace. '' e were very meag­ The majorit) of the commerl'iall) li­ erlv staffed and manned and had wn- little Then :.-uddenly in 1939 a 111''' era wa,., cen!<f'd pilob in the countr\' at that time horn. a new hori7.on hegan to show and fir;t linr E'fJUipment in an~ of our· Ayin~ found it nece:;sary to ket•p ·their f1ying in training pro1nams. A.; mo-.t anyone could things :;tarted happening fast. Tlw Army a more or ll's:- :-.N·ondary po .. ition and aug­ Air Corps had decided to increa:-.e its train­ haYe foreseen in those days gone bv- thi!< ment it 11 ith soml' othn line of 11ork in ing program tremendou,.Jy. Aft<'t muc·h War was to he 0111· of the air. and although order to keep hocly ancl ~nu! togc•ther. di-.cussion. planning and experinwnting. the we sonwho\\ ho1wd to sta} isolated and True. :-om<' of them did make a somewhat deci~ion wac; reached to plan' the entire awar from tlw n>llflict. there \\as a \CrY erratic Iii ing hy barn-.torming from lOl\ll defii1ite net•1I for some <'Xpansion. no mat­ primary phase of the training program in to town, carrying pa-. .. 1·11gt'rs for "" murh a the hands of ch ilian contrnctor,.; using ci­ ter how .;light. in our ,\ir Corp,., training ride. sl<'eping un<lcr tht' wings of their ships \'ilian commercial pilots and instru1·tor" for pro~ram. at night. <'aling hamburgers hy da). some­ On th e J ob the training of Air Corp::o Aviation Cadets times slu<'k i11 a onl'-hor..,e tel\\ 11 for days under supervision of !ikclclon -.tafT~ of \ir \gain, for the' same reason of love of trying lo raise enough morH') for ga~olinc. Corps officer;; at <>arh school. peae1•. ancl not luning planned on a war. parts. food, room rc'nl. Tlwiw n1t•n ''ere all W<' did not have a fraction of the necessary good pilotr-;. hut lo datc' the puhlil' still \\<IS Nine Seh oo l ~ pilots. instructors. planes or ground crews not convirH'<'<I that tlw airphuw ''as her<' This program started out ,.towlr in l<J:W lo <;('[ up a ('ompreht'nsi\I' training pro· to F>tay. and thcs<' m1'11 W<'rc doing tlw pio­ 11 ith nine civilian contract schools partici­ gram 011 a 1H1r-ti11w hasis. Something had neering, trying lo ro11vi11rt• tlw a\'crage la) - pating. There was a great cll'al of hard work to he do11c n11d done quic-kh. and. a,; stated men that the airplane was lo he the future done at these nine original -.chools in !'>Ctting hl'fore. Lh<' high e·onunand was al ready on mode of tra11sporlation. up routines. standards ancl prn<'<'<lur<':-> and the joh a11cl had clt·finite plans formulated Others of tlw 1·onrnw1-eial pilot group al!'>o in training the ci1 ilian c·omlll<>r<"iul ancl i11 nc·tion lo a .<:mall degree. made ends nwel Ii~ in-.lntt'l ing studl'ub. pilots to Ay and inslrul't in the Army Air Throughout the ll11itcd Statt',., there wnc hauling freight or pcri-.halilP food aml fish. Corps manner. \aturally, the• t•iYilian pilob l11111clrl'cl"', ) t·:- , prohnhly quite a fl'w thou- sk~ -11 riling. flying tlw e•mhr~ o mail route... Co11tillued o>L Page Jfi Page 2 EMBRY-RIDDLl!l FLY PAPER "Stick To It" September 17, 1!>43 __:..;__~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~-- EMBRY -RI ODLE FLY PAPER Letters to the Edi tor "STICK TO IT" Lconarcl Stanle\' House time when I was at Riddle Field. Or rather Published Weekly by Stonchon:-c, Gl1~'· the Florida climate made me too Inn· to write anything. Howe\'er, you may fi1~1I a THE EMBRY-RIDDLE CO. F.nglnnd July 15, 19-13 small place for my nonsense. Only pl<•a.,1! ~7 use your better judgment ancl not your Dear Editor: tact! I don't want to spoil a goo<l magazinc I don't know i £ you rcmcmher me with my tripe! Jon:-; l'At't, Rmm.E. Pre•ident among::;t all the Briti-.h hoys \\ho eame to the Deauvillc in tht· good old da\:-.- llnl­ TO RIDDLE FIELD- GHEETl\GS ! JOHN G. McKAY, Vice·Pre.,ide11t and Legal Advisor lowe'en party. etc: .. hut thought I'd drop l.f:os,\l\O J. Pon:Y, Vice-President vou a line ahout sonw of the hovs of - / rom those 1d10 ou·e so much to JO Lt in Ch"rse of Flying Operations • Courses 10 and 11. · -1cho taught us in the air to fight A foe who with your help has lost air might GEORCF. G. Wm:u.rn, JR .. Vice·President Alan Bruet>, Mike CanolL Ed­ Lt·~liP Showing how much you are in it too! Jos•:rn R. llo11TON. Vice-President and wards and Fenwick Charlc>sworth arc up General Manager of Aircraft and Engine Division in Scotland with me lt>arning to Oy with And you, through us, are hitting hard. • • • two engine::. insl<>ad of one - double Freeing lands oppres.sed and anguished: RIDDLE AERONAUTICAi I'\STITUTE trouble! Johmn Potll·r was Jn ... t heard of Together ire 1l'ill see them t•anqu i.~hed CarJ,trorn Fil'l<l, Arcadia, Florida doing a Commando Cour::-e ~omt•wlwre in - we're already in their orm back yard! H. Rosco& Bnt:><TO:><, General .lfcmager the wilds of northern England! • • • Your boys are ot•er Europe Pete De\'er.. 011. Hoh Higgin:-, John ~lark RIDDLE AERO~AUTlCAL 1'\STITUTE In light arul heavr bombn.s and ''the Grand Old l\lan,'' Chnrlt•,.. Hieb, Dorr Field, Arcadia. Florida l'ou too deserre ihe honours are all at Bournen1011tl1, or were wh«i>n I GORDO:\ MoUGF.Y, General ,\lanager JP e'll fix him--our dear Fuehrer! • • last heard of tlwm. Ceo ff rev Chc1•::-horou!!h is in Yorbhire. ~o rnu cru't ... cc Course ll I must stop now. Plea,;c rcmemher me DIBRY-RIDDLE SCHOOL of ..\\'IATION Miami, norida has got pretty wdl "plit up. George Thatch· to John Paul Riddle. Be i-ceing you after er ha,- followetl me up lwrc lo Scotland. TECHNICAL Dl\'ISIO!'i the War. J AMF.~ E. BLAKtLF,\', General Manager Plea:;e convey my congratulntion" to Yours sincerdy. Helen Dillard on her wl'1l<ling. Sornl'hody l~~ :\Dt'l.A:'i•; Dl\'ISIO!'i John A. Curti,.; Hanrnrd STF.R1.1sc W. CA)lDE:'i, JR., General Manager told me they'd .seen it in th1• Fly Paper. Course 11 · ~EAPLA:'i & BAs•; That particular edition Jrn,..n'l n~aehe<I me RUTH A. NoRTos, General Manager yet, as my parent:- h:ne tlw <lPuce of a time Editors Xote: .llanr at Ri,lclle Field will • • • trying lo keep up with 111y mo\·enH'nls. remember John. arid those 11 ho attended RIDDLE-McKAY AERO I went on l<'av1• almo"'t as soon as T ar­ the Demt. :l'z ! . : _ tl1•ri1tg his visits to INSTITUTE OF TEN:"iESSEE rived here and had a hig time in London. Miami couldn't forget him. We'ri• ll'riting F.mhry· R iddl~ Field, Union City, Tenn. ;\fy mother and I w1•11t to a th1•tllre prnc­ to him personally, and zt·e know he.'<l ap­ T. E. FRANTZ, General Manager ticallv evl'ry ni~ht for a wl'ek.
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