Help From Nanny. TOM SAWYER ANDt HUCKLEBERRY FINN IB, dwk. The Kaiser i* consistent in hit villainies, mad THE^SEHERALD he will now have to blow up Norway'* passenger ships, trade ships, ferries, hospitals and maternity £22232 PUBLISHED EJVERT MORNING BT homes, for Norway has- just concluded a trade treaty with America which, if anything could, would The Washington Herald Company. the strafe business to the limit Phong Main justify 4»5-4»7-4a9 Eloenth St. 3300 Under this new commercial treaty Norway can -p«r»cn.J "tllmk the«« get from America necessary supplies provided that ¦ CLINTON T. BRAINARD... .Pre*, and Publisher Sfnivj. «/ Tfca Secretary of Agrlealtara win aa- Ourt dr*ftsd aUtau la th« !«»*. no goods forwarded with the aid of American rni^kOj tabtlsh and operate plants far tba .ten* tor Which the rt«ht to oouat bunker coal get to the Kaiser. Norway, on her drying or dehydration of vegetables, prior atrrtea la Mm National Guard FOREIGN REPRESENTATIVES I fruits and other edible product!. Tba or nuaiifcil militia la determined. BECKWITH SPECIAL AGENCY. part, is to furnish nitrates, ores and many other THE a C. Tribune agricultural appropriation Mil. which The acceptance of a comndaston la New York, Tribune Building; Chicago. necessaries of war to America and her allies and, waa agreed to laat oontalna aa of the after Building: St. Louts, Third National Bank Building; week, soma other branch army Detroit. Ford Building. as America doesn't need these things, they'll go to appropriation of OH.MI for tMa pur- entrance with the National Qoard hr and France. poaa. It enables the Secretary of war at draft takea away the drafted England Agriculture to oo-oparaU with Indi¬ status. thereby sxtln*ulshlnx the right SUBSCRIPTION RATES liT CARRIER: Our view of has been some¬ Arms, or corporations which la made ac- par perfect neutrality viduals, owning to loncarlty par to Dally and Sunday, ro cents per month; |1.*0 what mussed up events in this war, but wrf*can't or operating planu for dry or dehy¬ companr the drafted statu* hr aec- year. by dration of vegetablea. fruits and other I act of Jnne i. ltW. To the a tton of the help feeling that Norwegian neutrality has perishable edible products to deter¬ pot It more almply. and make the SUBSCRIPTION RATES BT MAIL: sort of Tower of Pisa inclination. And we're right mine tba beat means and prooaaaaa of contract with the lancuace of the Dally and Sunday. 45 centa per month: $5.00 par glad of it dehydration aad to diaaeinitiate infor¬ aald aectton more awarant. the comp¬ year. Dally only. 25 centa per month: M-QS per year. mation as to the value and suitability troller aara that "an oflkser who. after of such products for human food. Ha bates drafted into the eerrice of the Entered at the postofflce at Washington. D. C. aa Is also authorised. If the freaideat United Btatee. aceepta a commteeion second-class mall matter. Make* Them Happy. shall determine It to be necessary. to In the oOkcear' natirra corpe or In the The success of downtown clubs of business wom¬ use all or any part of the appropria¬ regular armr la no lancer la the MAY 6, 1918. en has been a feature of the growth of cities for tion for the establishment and opera¬ eerrice of the United State, under the MONDAY, tion of a plant or plants for the de¬ term* of thla aectton.' and therefor# several years past But it is a question whether hydration of vegetablea, fruits and la not entitled to the prlvlleee. of employers appreciate what these big clubs are do¬ other perishable edible productMn any thoee who come within the term* of Such Leaders. to increase the of women workers. Place or places in the United Statas the aectton." War is the final test of men. In the long run ing efficiency for the purpose of supplying food for The Chief of Stiff of the army tee » it is means "woman's to I the strongest of heart, the biggest of brain, the Feminism, said, right the army and the navy, and the money approved a memorandum on the sub¬ labor, leisure, love and laughter." Women who received from the operation of any ject of promotion and aatfcnmrnt or ( soundest of mettle alone survive. It has no place such plants or will constitute oHlcera know the most of the first often confess to a sad plants of the recular army and na¬ t for the weak. It demands the best of blood, brawn a revolving fund until June SO. ifxs. tional army. It will he read wit* In¬ of the other three. es¬ and brain. ignorance terval by officer* of the military J The new organizations of women supply this Some tablishment. ud. It may be added, us of America to thank thought should be (Ivan with appreciation In the caee of thoee ¦ Therefore it behooves None of them are formed for to the of a has such lead- lacking knowledge. design medal that may member* of the commissioned per- God that the cause we are serving the benefit of nevertheless be issued to the next of kin of mem¬ aonnel who have been adversely af¬ Y employers, they keep bers of the force ¦» ers in this hour of destiny as Woodrow Wilson, mllltary-naval fected by the Inequalities of the women on excellent terms with their jobs and con¬ who die In battle or from wounda method* which have * David Georges Clemenceau, Fer- prevailed and Lloyd George, tribute to the permanence of women in their em¬ received In action. Such an em¬ which were adopted during the ad- dinand Sir Douglas Haig and John J. blem has been prepared and dis¬ mlnlatratlon J Foch, ployments. tributed of Gen Bllae as Chief of ' Pershing. by the British government StafT. The new plan, approved by Scores of employers distrust "feminism" as pro¬ and haa been received with con¬ Gen. March, haa been the occasion of a of men siderable favor and In Here we have in the front rank group moting unrest * It doesn't, always. appreciation exhaustive study on the part of mem ' that country. It la believed that whom we neither have to idealize or "retouch," her* of the General Staff and the ad¬ It would be regarded In the aame jutant general of the ef¬ > to use the word the photographers way in this country those who army. Every camouflage Old Abe Wonld Be Prood of Her. by fort has been made to eliminate, a* in order to make them what they, by rea¬ would naturally cherish a medal far aa ^ use, Mary Lincoln Beckwith, great granddaughter of that is given by the government possible. Inequality in promo¬ son of their official place, ought to be. All of them In behalf of those whose tion. and It la believed that this pur¬ Abraham Lincoln, insists this is no time for her to lives have pose has been realised, although It * have jobs, but they are just as big as the jobs. been given in the defense of the will be big sit around and gossip or whirl about in social nation. The nearest to appreciated In the service that no for little or sccond-rate men in approach In such a There is place affairs. this is the well-known snd highly complicated system of pro¬ * motion as must bow this war. Yet a second-rate man might have been prised medal of honor, which Is Is¬ prevail Hi the "This is the time when X get busy learning sued under certain preeent military organisation It is ex¬ President of the United States in this great hour, statutory re¬ ceedingly difficult If not something about farming," Miss Mary is quoted strictions and by existing law may Impossible, ¦* and it would have been impossible to dislodge him. not be to attain absolute equality In ad¬ as saying. Forthwith she enrolls as a student at given to the next of kin vancement. In Europe, of course, no leader of men can hold after the death of the peraon for Cornell for a short term course in agriculture. whom It la Intended in recognition The an office when confidence has forsaken him, * . chief of ordnance of the armr public "Not men to work our farm o:fa "m«i tna\3. of extraordinary service. Pending enough (in Ver¬ ¦w«y cannot suspend a reserve officer who or when he proves unequal to his task. But de¬ leglslstlon attempts to correct this is the mont) so I'm going to help," she explained. the medal subject of Investigation by a mocracy always has a way of matching opportunity by permitting of honor board of officers The Comptroller of If only her great granddad could hear that! to be issued to the heirs of the the with the man. The American Revolution found its deceased who has been recommend¬ Treasury holds that the effect of A LINE O1 CHEER the atatate Is to limit the pay of offi¬ Washington and the civil war found its Lincoln. ed during his life time for tha cers of the Officers' Cook have now EACH DAY 0' THE YEAR emblem. But the medal of honor Reserve Corps Destiny has never proved traitor to the best inter- County, 111., juries acquitted who have entered on active duty to By John Kra4rlck Ban**. Is of rare issue, as It should be. the duration of their ests of the American she has been twenty-seven women of murder the last twelve and there Is no Intention and no active duty.
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