Number Title Cost to send Cost to receive Phone contact Web address 018 Directory Assistance 100 2degrees 200 (from mobile) or www.2degreesmobile.co.nz 0800 022 022 200 2degrees 200 (from mobile) or www.2degreesmobile.co.nz 0800 022 022 201 2degrees 200 (from mobile) or www.2degreesmobile.co.nz 0800 022 022 202 Westpac – SMS Banking 0.20 0800 400 600 http://www.westpac.co.nz/ 203 BP Txt Competition 0.09 www.bp.co.nz 204 Esendex SMS Gateway 0.09 0800 999 767 www.esendex.com 205 2degrees - Xmas promo 200 (from mobile) or www.2degreesmobile.co.nz 0800 022 022 207 Gardisal 0.20 0800 502 757 http://www.cslbiotherapies.co.nz/ Last updated on April 12, 2018 Number Title Cost to send Cost to receive Phone contact Web address 208 TalkingTech – Payment Reminder Service 0.09 0800 999 767 http://www.talkingtech.com/ 209 2degrees 200 (from mobile) or www.2degreesmobile.co.nz 0800 022 022 210 Play the Quiz 200 (from mobile) or www.2degreesmobile.co.nz 0800 022 022 212 Sky TV 0.09 0800 777 021 www.skytv.co.nz 213 2degrees 200 (from mobile) or www.2degreesmobile.co.nz 0800 022 022 215 SMS Global 0.09 0800 180 900 www.bizztxt.com 218 Yellow Mobile – SMS 0.30 219 Kiwibank Retail Alerts 0.09 0800 11 33 55 www.kiwibank.co.nz 220 Chat service 0.20 0800 528372 www.txtchat.info Last updated on April 12, 2018 Number Title Cost to send Cost to receive Phone contact Web address 221 Gold Max txt2win Promotion 0.09 0800 99 22 44 222 2degrees 200 (from mobile) or www.2degreesmobile.co.nz 0800 022 022 223 RNZAF Info 0.20 080024736723 www.airforce.mil.nz 224 2degrees 200 (from mobile) or www.2degreesmobile.co.nz 0800 022 022 225 2degrees 200 (from mobile) or www.2degreesmobile.co.nz 0800 022 022 226 Comtxt - Mobile Message Service 0.09 0800 466 422 https://ezitxt.com 229 2degrees - Voucher Redemption 200 (from mobile) or www.2degreesmobile.co.nz 0800 022 022 230 Northern Mystics 0.09 0800 999 767 www.northernmystics.co.nz 231 Trade Up Samsung Discount Campaign 200 (from mobile) or www.2degreesmobile.co.nz 0800 022 022 Last updated on April 12, 2018 Number Title Cost to send Cost to receive Phone contact Web address 232 2degrees 200 (from mobile) or www.2degreesmobile.co.nz 0800 022 022 233 2degrees 200 (from mobile) or www.2degreesmobile.co.nz 0800 022 022 234 Youthline 0800 376 633 www.youthline.co.nz 235 2degrees 0800 022 022 www.2degreesmobile.co.nz 242 2degrees 200 (from mobile) or www.2degreesmobile.co.nz 0800 022 022 243 Salmat 0.09 0800 999 767 www.salmat.com.au 244 Text2get 0.09 0800 333 012 www.txt2get.co.nz 246 SMS Balance 0.20 0800 842 877 www.smartfuel.co.nz 250 2degrees 200 (from mobile) or www.2degreesmobile.co.nz 0800 022 022 Last updated on April 12, 2018 Number Title Cost to send Cost to receive Phone contact Web address 255 2degrees 200 (from mobile) or http://www.2degreesmobile.co.nz/ 0800 022 022 256 Provisioning for Sonic Services 0.09 0800 776622 www.sonicmobile.com 260 Modica Shared Shortcode 0.09 0800 383689 www.modicagroup.com 265 2degrees 200 (from mobile) or www.2degreesmobile.co.nz 0800 022 022 266 Competition for Mercer Magazine 0800 776 622 www.mercermagazine.co.nz 268 Mobit 0.09 0800 451 495 www.mobit.com 269 BNZ SMS Alerts 0800 275 269 www.bnz.co.nz 272 ASB Bank 0800 999 767 www.asb.co.nz 288 2degrees Boosters 0800 022 022 www.2degreesmobile.co.nz Last updated on April 12, 2018 Number Title Cost to send Cost to receive Phone contact Web address 299 2degrees - Device Unlock & Check 200 (from mobile) or http://www.2degreesmobile.co.nz/help/phone- Service 0800 022 022 locking 300 2degrees number verification 200 (from mobile) or www.2degreesmobile.co.nz 0800 022 022 301 Txt4Info 0.20 0800 800 324 http://www.txt4info.co.nz 304 Coke SMS to Email service 0.09 0800 999 767 www.modicagroup.com 305 Blind Week 3.00 0800 776 622 http://blindfoundation.org.nz/ 306 Foster Hope 3.00 0800 326 226 http://www.mediaworks.co.nz 308 Sky City Entertainment Group 08007592489 http://www.skycityauckland.co.nz 309 Salmat 0.09 0800 999 767 www.salmat.com.au 310 Global Connect Gateway 0.20 Last updated on April 12, 2018 Number Title Cost to send Cost to receive Phone contact Web address 311 BTL Jagermeister SMS Promotion 0.09 0800 99 22 44 www.facebook.com/jagermeisterNZ 312 Prime TV Competition Service 0.09 0800 759 759 www.primetv.co.nz 313 RTR Gateway Service 0.09 0800 999 767 www.runthered.com 314 Mobile Embrace Bulk 0.09 0800 542 833 315 Wellington Wishing Well 0.09 0800 933 5363 http://www.wellingtonwishingwell.com 316 Samsung TV Promotion 0.09 0800 726 786 317 Txt2Donate campaign OXFAM NZ 0.20 0800 600 700 www.oxfam.org.nz 318 Trinity Group 0.09 0800 542 833 319 Txt2Get 0.20 0800 333 012 www.txt2get.co.nz Last updated on April 12, 2018 Number Title Cost to send Cost to receive Phone contact Web address 321 Statement Stopper 0.20 0800 327 863 http://www.asb.co.nz/story_images/156_stateme ntstopper0_s2044.pdf 322 Interislander GO GET 0.20 0800 802 802 http://www.interislander.co.nz 324 SMS Appointment Reminders 0800 TENANCY (0800 http://www.dbh.govt.nz/ 83 62 62) 326 Comtxt – Mobile Message Service 0.09 0800 466 422 https://ezitxt.com 332 Schwartzkopf Ultimate Team Salon 0.09 0800 930 930 http://bit.ly/1ell81l Experience 333 SMS Notification - Vibe Communications 334 Salmat 0.09 0800 999 767 www.salmat.com.au 335 Optin Program 0.20 0800 808 822 http://www.ccf.org.nz 336 ANZ Daffodil Campaign 3.00 0800 CANCER www.cancer.org.nz Last updated on April 12, 2018 Number Title Cost to send Cost to receive Phone contact Web address 338 SAP Shared shortcode 0.09 0800 661 263 n/a 339 The Sound - Radio Station 0.09 0800 326 226 http://www.thesound.co.nz 341 txtcalling 0.20 0800 277 272 www.txtcalling.co.nz 342 SAP Australia Shared Number 0.09 0800 863 163 www.sap.com/sapmobileservices 343 Txt2Get 0.99 0800 333 012 www.txt2get.co.nz 344 Inland Revenue MylR Activation 0.09 0800 227 770 www.ird.govt.nz Auto'mation Service 345 CYS NZ Hoyts Photo Booth 0.09 0800 776 622 www.coke.co.nz 348 Mobile Embrace Bulk 0.09 0800 542 833 350 SAP Australia Shared Number 0.09 0800 863 163 www.sap.com/sapmobileservices Last updated on April 12, 2018 Number Title Cost to send Cost to receive Phone contact Web address 353 RTR Gateway Service 0.09 0800 999 767 www.runthered.com 358 SAP Australia Shared Number 0.09 0800 863 163 www.sap.com/sapmobileservices 359 Loyalty NZ 0.20 0800 77 66 22 www.modicagroup.co.nz 360 ISL win a UTE 0.09 0800 776 622 www.isl-industrial.co.nz 361 Txt2Donate campaign for OXFAM NZ 0.20 0800 600 700 www.oxfam.org.nz 362 Yellow Pages – Business contact details 0800 803 803 www.yellow.co.nz 364 Hampsta Register 0.09 0800364364 www.hampsta.co.nz 365 Red Badge Security Alerts 0.09 0800 776 622 www.redbadge.co.nz 367 Infobip Alerts 0.09 0800 444 374 www.infobip.com Last updated on April 12, 2018 Number Title Cost to send Cost to receive Phone contact Web address 379 BaseFM 0.20 www.basefm.co.nz 380 Magpies Loan Promo 0.09 0800 502 442 www.sbs.net.nz 381 TxTEngine Limited 0.20 0800 277 272 www.txtengine.co.nz 382 Cabots Deck out your man cave 0.09 0800 222 687 383 Waipara Hills Promotion 0.09 0800 99 22 44 www.waiparahills.co.nz 384 TxtEngine 0.20 0800 277 272 www.txtengine.co.nz 387 SMS Global - ANZ 0.09 0800 180900 www.skytv.co.nz 389 Txt2Donate campaign OXFAM NZ 0.20 0800 600 700 www.oxfam.org.nz 393 Pocket voucher 0800776622 www.mediaworks.co.nz Last updated on April 12, 2018 Number Title Cost to send Cost to receive Phone contact Web address 400 TrackABus 0.20 0800 776 622 www.trackabus.co.nz 406 Inspire 3.50 0800 898 406 www.txt406.co.nz 407 Comtxt Alerting Service 0.09 0800 999 767 422 Mother & Lift+ promotion 0.09 0800 505 123 www.liftplus.co.nz 424 TAB TXT Competition 0.09 0800 999 767 www.tab.co.nz 425 Modica SMS 0.09 0800 77 66 22 www.modicagroup.com 434 Career Service 0800 222 733 http://www.careers.govt.nz/ 439 SAP Australia Shared Number 0.09 0800 863 163 www.sap.com/sapmobileservices 455 Farrimond (Awesome Mondays Sep - Feb 0.09 0800 999 767 awesomemondays.co.nz Promo) Last updated on April 12, 2018 Number Title Cost to send Cost to receive Phone contact Web address 463 Mai FM 0.09 0800 326 226 http://www.maifm.co.nz 468 2degrees 200 (from mobile) or www.2degreesmobile.co.nz 0800 022 022 469 Cancer Society Donations 3.00 0800 CANCER http://www.cancernz.org.nz/ 473 Greenfields SMS Service 0800 776 622 www.greenfields.net.nz 484 Fullers 0.20 09 367 9111 www.fullers.co.nz 494 BayCity Technologies Limited 0800 FARMSIDE www.farmside.co.nz / www.baycity- technologies.com 499 Vodafone Warriors 0.09 0800 999 767 http://www.vodafoneonetribe.co.nz/ 514 Hurricanes 2016 Season 0.09 0800 999 767 www.wrfu.co.nz 515 Various Txt4Info services 0.20 0800 800 324 http://www.txt4info.co.nz Last updated on April 12, 2018 Number Title Cost to send Cost to receive Phone contact Web address 520 Radio promos 0.09 09 928 9000 http://www.mediaworks.co.nz 538 SAP Marketing Messages 0.09 0800 863 163 www.sap.com/sapmobileservices 546 Banrock Station 0.09 0800 992 244 https://www.facebook.com/banrockstation 556 Halberg Awards 2018 Voting Service 0.09 0800 77 66 22 www.halbergawards.co.nz 559 MORE FM 0.09 0800 TV THREE www.morefm.co.nz 560 Calf Food Sample 0800 287 325 www.sealeswinslow.co.nz 564 V Xbox One Campaign 0.09 0800 99 22 44 www.venergydrink.co.nz 575 TEXT 4 INFO - Intanza 0.09 0800 727 838 http://www.sanofi.com.au 586 BTL Jagermeister SMS Promotion 0.09 0800 99 22 44 Facebook.com/jagermeisterNZ Last updated on April 12, 2018 Number Title Cost to send Cost to receive Phone contact Web address 589 Mediaworks Radio 0.09 0800 326 226 www.mediaworks.co.nz 590 ComTXT
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