CASS CITY CHRONICLE VOLUME 31, NUMBER 33. CASS CITY, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1936. EIGHT PAGES. ELMWOOD EXTENSION" nedy, subject: "Only Believe . ." morning session of the r~aturaliza- MET ON FRIDAY Thursday, Roy. Charles Bayless, tion hearing, had been passed for MJ[L[R 99 PROPOSED[HANGE "HOT SPOT " OF MRS. BARDWELLn!ED ,:itizeh~hip aml -~,a~ a~ked tv reLurn Friday, ~ev. George A. Spitier, in the afternoon to take .the oath. STRET LIgHtinG'wood Extensionmeeting group ofwas the held Elm- on subject: "For Such a Time as Henry Warner, Jr., driver of the Friday, November 6, at the home WORLDFXPLAi FD This." • IN HER99[H YEAFIWarner machine, and Ernest Moss- A great closing service is VOTE; tN RECOUNT -. of Mrs. Stanley Hutchinson. The net, of Port Hope, driver o]~ the meeting was called to order by the planned for Sunday evening, No- second ear, were severely injured in vember 22, in the Evangelical Council Asks Detroit Edison new chairman, Mrs. Fred Palmer. Rev. P. J. Allured Reviewed Funeral Services Will Be Held the wreck and A. J. Glaess, school Precinct 1, Indianfields, Had In answer to roll call, members church, featuring Rev. Henry I. teacher of Harbor Beach, was less Co. for Plans on Overhead told what part of last year's lesson Critical International Sit- Voelker, of Flint, as guest preach- at Mrs. Levi Bardwell seriously hurt. All three were 131 Straight Democratic System of Lights. they enjoyed most. This year's er. At 6:00 p. m., there will be a taken to the Sandusky general hos- lesson, "Choosing the Right Fash- uations at Club Meet. young people's rally and reception, Residence Here. pital. Ballots Instead of 29. ..... ions," was conducted by the lead- open to young people of all the churches in the community. At ers, Mrs. Lloyd Reagh and Mrs. MASONS TO HOLD ROLL Village trustees, at a special Elmer Bearss. Silhouette pictures In order to be good American 7:45, there will be an evangelistic Mrs. Jerusha Botsford Bardwell, Four prominent Democrats of meeting of the council Monday eve- were ~tudied. Various types of citizens, we need a better acquaint- service in the church auditorium, a former resident of Cass City, CALL MEETING HERE Caro called on William G. S. Miller ning, listened to the explanation figures were chosen to determine ance with the critical international with Rev. Mr. Voelker, preaching. passed away at the home of her of Cass City last week and asked of an overhead lighting system for the proper length of skirt and the situations. This was the center "The Union Preaching mission daughter, Mrs. Hattie Parmalee, on A roll call meeting of Tyler him to petition for a recount of Main and Seeger streets as pro- sleeve and collar best suited for around which Rev. Paul J. Allured is not expected to finish anything, Wednesday morning, Nov. 11, at Lodge, F. & A. M., will be held votes in Precinct No. 1, Indian- posed by the Detroit Edison Co., the slender and stout figure. explained some of the "hot spots" but rather to begin a fruitful peri- the age of 98 years. The remains here this (Friday) evening when fields township, declaring that they and voted to request the company Mrs. Bearss very artistically ar- existing in the world today when od in Christian activity here and were brought to the home of Mrs. officers will endeavor to secure as were satisfied that a hundred vot- to prepar e and submit plans incor- ranged tams and hats, these being he spoke before the Woman's Study in other communities across Ameri- Levi Bardwell in Cass City Thurs- many members as possible to ans- ers had cast straight Democratic porating changes in the street discussed by the members as to club Tuesday afternoon in the home ca," said one of our ministers re- day morning: and funeral services wer "present." ballots in the Nov. 3 election and lighting system of Cass City as shape and color best sui.ted to the of Mrs. Warren Wood. Two of cently. will be held at .that residence this A degree team from Unionville precinct officials had reported only suggested by a representative of :hair arrangement and face. Miss these "hot spots" are located in the (Friday) afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. and Sebewaing lodges will confer 29 of the straight Democratic va- the Detroit Edison Co. _ i Lura DeWitt, county • chairman, far East between Japan and Rus- Rev. Lincoln Ostrander of Reese the second degree on two candi- riety. Mr. Miller finally yielded The proposed changes include I ..... ...... + ~+ +~ .... ~,,~ sia and Japan and China. The Flint Hunter Found and Bey. Grant Ostrander of Vas- dates of Tyler Lodge .tonight. to their importunities and filed ,the 1;ne enmma~lon of the present DOU- 1 The Elrnwonrl ~raun af twenty military clique of this island em- sar, both nephews of Mrs. Bard- petition and Monday was ,set as the le~ard• hghtmg" system on Maln i farm women promises to be a very pire is definitely aiming to bring Dead near the Bay well, will officiate. Interment will date for the recount proceedings. street • _.In its~ place,_ will be six~__ ,a___veI ctl el ....nh W~ne ne .......~e ~e et_oin~ most of Eas±ern Asia under their be made in Elkland cemetery. Wild Life Movies Mr. Miller, Democr%tic candidate overnea~ ~ignts each of 600 candle lwll~............... l h~ held with Mr .....s F Palm_re control, their program now being Shore at Sebewaing 5erusha Botsford was born in for prosecuting attorney, added 99 power size, placed in the center, at Th~r~nv r}oo 1~ ~11 eM1 -~av to occupy the whole of Inner Mon- the town of Southfield in Oakland Highly Entertaining votes to his official vote as the re- street intersections. Twenty-three ,[ .....t~h.'~ ~-~.im.... ng--~-wi--'he~''''_11__ Yo_ur- Be-~t golia in order to be able later to county on April 6, 1838. She was sult of the recount, held at the other overhead lights, each of 250tR~m~tv Hint" strike Eastern Russia from the William Wildbore, 23 years .of age and a Flint pharmacist, was the daughter of Simeon Botsford to Club Members court house. Instead of 29 straight candle power size, will be placed at I ..... " ....... rea~. and Mary Ann Delling, the latter Democratic ballots, there were 131 ~ther street intersections on Main ® , found dead in the marshy waters . / But they still have to reckon a native of Maine. Simeon Bots- straights cast for that political street and on Seeger street. Twen-iCass with the growing resentment of the that fringe Saginaw bay near Se- Keith McConkey, Dr. B. H. Star- City Gives bewaing Monday afternoon. The ford and his brothers, Abner and party the recount revealed. ty street lights, each of 100 candle Chinese agains.t the persistent en- mann, L. A. Koepfgen, Stanley Me- body was found in two feet of Levi, were Michigan pioneers from Arthur, Lester Bailey and Delbert The 99 votes given Miller by the power, will be stationed in the resi- Central State 3 croachments upon their territory. Connecticut, who came west in the recount board were taken from his dential section at street intersec- And Outer Mongolia, with Russia's water, a mile from .shore. Appar- Profit were elected on Wednesday ently Wildbore had become ex- covered wagon days. Simeon took night at the November meeting of opponent, Bates Wills. As a re- tions as at present. In these are Good Players backing', is becoming a formidable up land in Oakland county while suit, Wills' total vote is officially included two new lights, one at the barrier to further Japanese ad- hausted and fallen. the Community club .to represent Twenty-five men began search- his brothers settled nearer De- six churches in the community as 681 and Miller's 155. The unof- driveway entering the school vances to the north. ficial returns compiled election grounds on Seeger street and one Cass City is credited with giving ing for him not long after Dr. E. C. troit. It was in 1847, that Abner's members of the board of directors Three other "hot spots" are lo- night gave Wills 780 and Miller 56. lighting the parking space east of Central State college at Mt. Pleas- Smith, 23, also of Flint, staggered son, Milton G. Botsford, bought .the of the club and Dougald Krug was cated in Europe, the tension be- The error in the count can be the school building. It is also pro- ant three good football players, on frozen feet to the home of a inn, which was later named Bots- chosen to represent the community. tween Germany and Russia, be- explained only in One way, one of posed to place a light on Seeger Clare Ballagh, Fred Ward and Ed- fisherman near Sebewaing at three • ford Tavern that came to have These men toget~her with the super- cause of the opposing aims of historical significance in south- the precinct election officials is street at its intersection with the ward Graham.. o'clock Monday morning and ex- intendent of schools and pastors of Communism and Fascism, growing hausted by the day's hunting, Dr. eastern Michigan and is now a part said to have announced. Some one alleys % block north and south of Ballagh, in the high school class out of the injustices of the Ver- local churches compose the govern- Main street, of '35, starred on a two-year chain- Smith said he lagged behind his, °f Henry Ford's old time village ing" body of .the Community club on the board" by mistake must have sail!es treaty, and the terrible Civil piled 102 straight Democratic bal- According to Detroit Edison rep- pionship team in class "C." He companion, who disappeared in the l at Dearborn.
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