STATE OF MINNESOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION June 25, 2010 NOTICE OF COMMISSION MEETING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the items listed on the attached agenda will be heard at the Commission's regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday July 8, 2010 at 9:30 AM. The Meeting will be held in the Large Hearing Room, Suite 350, 121 7th Place East, St. Paul, MN 55101-2147. Occasionally items may need to be rescheduled. Commission staff will make all reasonable efforts to notify you if your item is rescheduled. However, if you wish to confirm this hearing date, please call (651) 201-2234, and you will be directed to the appropriate staff person. The Commission hearing rooms have wheelchair access. If other reasonable accommodations are needed to enable you to fully participate in a Commission meeting (i.e., sign language , or large print materials), please call (651) 201 - 2202 or 1-800-657-3782 at least one week in advance of the meeting BY THE COMMISSION Burl W. Haar Executive Secretary Public Utilities Commission Agenda Thursday, July 8,2010 9:30 AM start time Utilities represented: Telecom, Electricity, Energy Facilities To view all documents related to the following Agenda items, visit cDockets DELIBERATION ITEMS No Items DECISION ITEMS *1 P421/AM-08-1489 Qwest Corporation In the Matter of the Petition of Qwest Corporation for Approval of Batch Collocation. Should the Commission approve the rates filed to resolve the case? (PUC: Fournier) **2 P466,P430,P551/C-l0-642 Sprint Communications Company L.P.; Embarq Minnesota, Inc.; CenturyTel of Minnesota, Inc. dba CenturyLink In the Matter of the Formal Complaint by Sprint Communications Company L.P. Against Embarq Minnesota, Inc. and CenturyTel of Minnesota, Inc. dba CenturyLink regarding Threatened Disconnection of Services. 1. Does the complaint fall within the Commission's jurisdiction? 2. If the Commission finds that it has jurisdiction, how shall the parties proceed? (PUC: Fournier, O'Grady) The following items will not be heard before 10:30 a.m. 3 E-002/M-09-1048 Northern States Power Company d/b/a/ Xcel Energy In the Matter of the Petition of Northern States Power Company, a Minnesota Corporation, for Approval of a Modification to its TCR Tariff, 2010 Project Eligibility, TCR Rate Factors, Continuation of Deferred Accounting and 2009 True-up Report. Should the Commission toll the time period for reconsideration? (PUC: Gonzalez, Fittipaldi) *4 Elll/GR-09-175 Dakota Electric Association In the Matter of a Compliance Filing Submitted by Dakota Electric Association, Pursuant to the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission's May 24, 2010 Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Order. Should the Commission approve Dakota Electric's 5/28/10 rate case compliance filing? (PUC: Kami1 OES:Ouanes) *5 E015/M-10-273 Minnesota Power In the matter of Minnesota Power's Petition for approval of its Renewable Resource Rider for the Bison 1 Wind Project pursuant to Minn. State 216B.§ 1645. Should Minnesota Power's proposed Renewable Resource Cost Recovery Factor to permit recovery of costs associated with the Bison 1 Wind Project ("Bison 1" or the "Bison 1 Project") be approved? Should the Commission grant Minnesota Power's request for an exemption to Minnesota Rules 7825.3200 and allow the Renewable Resources Factor to be effective April 1,2010? (PUC: Kami) 6 IP6838/CN-10-80 Prairie Rose Wind, LLC In the Matter of the Application of Prairie Rose Wind, LLC for a Certificate of Need for a 101 MW Wind Project and Related 115 kV Transmission Line in Rock County in Southwestern Minnesota. Should the Commission extend the time allowed to make a determination on completeness? Should the Commission accept the application as complete? Should the Commission direct the use of the informal review process? (PUC: Eknes) *7 PL95/PPL-07-361 Enbridge Energy Company, LLC In the Matter of the Applications of Enbridge Pipeline, LLC. Should the Commission process the Dyrdal complaint(s) using the Commission's formal complaint process or the pipeline routing permit complaint process? If the Commission elects to use the formal complaint process, does the Commission have jurisdiction over the matter and are there reasonable grounds to investigate the matter? (PUC: DeBIeeckere) **8 E002, ET2/TL-09-246 Northern States Power Company (dba Xcel Energy); Great River Energy In the Matter of the Application for a Route Permit for the Monticello to St. Cloud 345 kV Transmission Line Project. Should the Commission find that the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and the record adequately address the issues identified in the Scoping Decision? Should the Commission issue a Route Permit identifying a route and permit conditions for the Monticello to St. Cloud 345 kV Transmission Line? (PUC: DeBIeeckere; OES: Birkholz) ORAL ARGUMENT ITEMS No Items * One star indicates agenda item is unusual but is not disputed. ** Two stars indicate a disputed item or significant legal or procedural issue to be resolved. (Ex Parte Rules apply) STATE OF MINNESOTA) )SS COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE I, Margie DeLaHunt. being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That on the 25th day of June, 2010 she served the attached NOTICE OF COMMISSION MEETING. MNPUC Docket Number: N/A XX By depositing in the United States Mail at the City of St. Paul, a true and correct copy thereof, properly enveloped with postage prepaid XX By personal service XX By inter-office mail to all persons at the addresses indicated on the attached list. Subscribed and sworn to before me, a notary public, this C^9P day of 2010. A Notary Public t ROBIN J BENSON Nolary Public Minnesota nssion Finpifpn Jnnmiry .11, 2015 Agenda List For 07/08/2010 LASTNAME FIRSTNAME DELIVERY COMPANYNAME CONTACTADDRESS METHOD Agrimonti Lisa Electronic Briggs And Morgan, P.A. [email protected] Anderson Julia Electronic Office of the Attorney General-DOC [email protected],us Ayotte Mark Electronic Briggs And Morgan, P.A. [email protected] Birkholz David Electronic Office of Energy Security [email protected] Brusven Christina Electronic Fredrikson & Byron, P.A. [email protected] Chavez Linda Electronic Department of Commerce [email protected] Clucas Cathy Electronic Embarq Minnesota, Inc. [email protected] Cupit Bob Electronic Public Utilities Commission [email protected]. us Eknes Bret Electronic Public Utilities Commission [email protected] Ferguson Sharon Electronic Department of Commerce [email protected]. us Franklin Michael Electronic Minnesota Chamber Of Commerce [email protected] Haar Burl Electronic Public Utilities Commission [email protected] Haar Burl W. Electronic Public Utilities Commission [email protected] Hammel Karen Finstad Electronic Office of the Attorney General-DOC Karen. [email protected]. us Heydinger Beverly Electronic Office of Administrative Hearings [email protected]. us LASTNAME FIRSTNAME DELIVERY COMPANYNAME CONTACTADDRESS METHOD Hoyum Lori Electronic Minnesota Power [email protected] Jensen Linda S. Electronic Office of the Attorney General-DOC [email protected] Krikava Michael Electronic Briggs And Morgan, P.A. [email protected] Lindell John Electronic Office of the Attorney General-RUD [email protected] Mihalchick Steve Electronic Office of Administrative Hearings [email protected] Moeller David Electronic Minnesota Power [email protected] Pile Deborah Electronic Department of Commerce Deborah. Pile@state. mn. us Simpser Zeviel Electronic Briggs and Morgan [email protected] Smestad Jennifer Electronic Otter Tail Corporation [email protected] Thompson SaGonna Electronic Xcel Energy Reg ulatory. [email protected] Topp Jason Electronic Qwest Corporation [email protected] Ahlers Dennis Paper Integra Telecom 6160 Golden Hills Drive .Golden Valley , MN , 55402-2489 Blazar William A. Paper Minnesota Chamber Of Commerce Suite 1500400 Robert Street North.St. Paul, MN , 55101 Browning Diane C. Paper Sprint Nextel KSOPHN0212-2A411 6450 Sprint Pkwy.Overland Park. KS , 66251 Church Kodi Paper Briggs & Morgan 2200 IDS Center 80 South Eighth Street,Minneapolis , Minnesota, 55402 Daum Charlie Paper Geronimo Wind Energy, LLC 5050 Lincoln Dr Ste 420 ,Edina . MN , 55436-1155 LASTNAME FIRSTNAME DELIVERY COMPANYNAME CONTACTADDRESS METHOD Gasele John R. Paper Fryberger Buchanan Smith & Frederick PA 700 Lonsdale Building 302 West Superior Street.Duluth , MN , 55802 Johnson James P. Paper Xcel Energy 5th Floor 414 Nicollet Mall,Minneapolis , MN , 55401-1993 Kanvik Joel W. Paper Enbridge Energy Company, Inc. Suite 3300 1100 Louisiana Street,Houston , TX , 77002-5217 Kaul Will Paper Great River Energy 12300 Elm Creek Boulevard .Maple Grove , MN , 55369-4718 Kingstad Jon Erik Paper Lake Elmo Bank Bldg. Suite 260 600 Inwood Ave. N.,Oakdale , MN , 55128 Lahr Damn F. Paper Xcel Energy 8701 Monticello Lane .Maple Grove , MN , 55369 Larson Kent Paper Xcel Energy 414 Nicollet Mall MP 800,Minneapolis , MN , 55401 LeVander, Jr. Harold Paper Felhaber, Larson, Fenton & Vogt, P.A. Suite 2100 444 Cedar Street.St. Paul, MN . 55101-2136 Lipschultz Dan Paper Moss & Barnett 4800 Wells Fargo Center 90 South Seventh Street,Minneapolis , MN , 55402 Luehring Janette Paper Sprint Communications Company L. P. MS: KSOPHN0212-A511 6450 Sprint Pkwy.Overland Park , KS,66251 Miller Gregory C. Paper Dakota Electric Association 4300 220th Street West .Farmington , MN , 55024 Moratzka Andrew Paper Mackall, Crounse and Moore 1400 AT&T Tower 901 Marquette Ave,Minneapolis , MN , 55402 Overland Carol Paper Legalectric,
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