ifllainSVmk Memorial Day parade and services set Molly Wepman saved the Lowell's annual Memorial fire department a trip on I);.y service to honor the serv- Thursday when the awning nn icemen of all wars, who died her Mam Street store caught for their country, will be held Monday morning, beginning fiie. from a careless smoker. with a parade at 9:30. While most of us would call the flreyncn, Molly just grab- The parade will leave Rich- bed a pail of water and a ards Park at 9:30 and march step ladder and climbcd up to Oak wood Cemetery, where and put out the fire. the Rev. Father Benedict Mar- • dlonious, of St. Mary's Church, Lowell Police Mere surprised will IK? the main speaker. to see a 13 year-old local boy Enroute to the cemetery, the towards summer trip driving a school bus through parade will halt at the west Mam Street at 5:30 a. m. on bridge over the Flat River, Sunday. where members of the Blue >y exchange students The hoy told officers he Star Mothers will cast a floral saw the bus with the keys in tribute on the water, and a The Voutl. Understanding program in Lowell High School Vol. 73—No. 7 THURSDAY, MAY 26. 1966 it. parked back of the school, firing squad will salute the men means a lot ihe students. Pictured above.. Joanne Myers, and deckled to take a ride. who died at sea. Vlce-Presld' ; the Junior Class, Is presenting a check for • The Memorial services, under $100 to the .i.Jarship winners. Christine Doyle, center, and Mrs, Effie Cox, Slx-yearold Dale Bender, the co-spor^orship of the V.F.W. Bunnle llartls, left. Chris and Bunnle, both members of the James T. Jones who lives at the comer of Post 8303 and the American Junior Class, will use this check and other monies raised by Planning Commission correspondent, South Hudson and Bowes Road, Legion Post 152. is open to par- the commitflee to pay for their trips abroad this summer. was struck by a car on his way ticipation for all servicemen, dies; rites held passes Friday to school last Friday. The ac- their families and the residents The Youth for Understanding change students, has helpfully cident occurred on South Broad- of Lowell and the surrounding Program here in this commu- passed on some of her knowl- way. when he ran into the side communities. nity is fast ipproaching the edge, and of course, it says seeks urban renewal Mrs. Effie Cox. McCords area in Gladstone of a car. climax of thi year for the that you can lake anything you news correspondent for the Low- The ceremonies at the ceme- At a meeting of the Lowell Lowell Granite Co., and the He was examined by a lo- terv will rommence with th" young people .^lively participa- can carry in your hands, over Planning Commission on Mon- King Milling Co. ell Ledger and Suburban Life, James T. Jones, aged 81, cal doctor, and no serious In- ting in it. Shortly after school your shoulder, or around your passed away Sunday, May 22, passed away Friday morning. Invocation by the Rev. Charles day, approval was given to No estimate of the cost of juries were found. Davis, of the Lowell Congrega- Is over in June, several teen- neck, so that may help. make a preliminary feasibility acquiring the land and clearing at Butterworth Hospital in May 20, at St. Francis Hospital • agers will be leaving familiar Christine Doyle, the daughter Grand Rapids, following a heart in Gladstone, Michigan, of a tional Chur-h. Presentations of study and to apply for federal it has been made at this time. Vandalism Is stUI costing lo- flowers by members of the bed and board to take up resi- of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Doyle urban renewal funds for the The preliminary study that will attack two weeks ago. heart condition. He was a well- cal business people money. Last dence with their adoptive fam- Hillside Court, will spend the known former Lowell resident V.F.W. Auxiliary, the American city. be given to the Planning Com- Widow of the late John Cox week McQueen Motor Com- ilies abroad. summer in West Germany in Born in Lowell. November 28. legion Auxiliary and the Wo- mission at their June 13 meet- of Quiggle Avenue, Cascade pany and Royce Story reported The annual scholarship the city Alfeld (Leine), a town Plans discussed called for 1885, he was educated in the men's Relief Corps, will then ing will give them an idea as Township. Mrs. Cox was 7G broken windshields on cars that awards, sponsored through the of about 14,000 population. clearing the south side of Main pubic schools of I-owell and the be made. to what amount of money is years-old; born October 25, were parked over night at their community and school, were She recently received a letter Street, between Lafayette Street Ferris Institute. He left Lowell Following Father Ben's main involved. 1889. garages. won by Bronwyn Harris and from her family, more specifi- and Monroe, back to the rail- in 1905 to work for the Marble address, the bands of Lowell road tracks; an area of about The Rev. Raymond Gaylord, McQueen also reported Christine Doyle, this year. cally her new sister, Brigitte, Ebrrhard Forces Action Arms Company of Gladstone, high school will play the "Star telling her of their happiness 4 acres. pastor of the Cascade Christian parts stolen from cars park- Spangled Banner." ended with Bunnle Harris, daughter of The request of Dok Realty in the upper peninsula, from in sharing their home with her Church, officiated at the funeral ed on their lot on South three volleys by the firing Herb Harris and the late Mar- Planning Consultant Walter Company to rezone a 7 acre which he retired several years this summer. ing at 11 o'clock at the Roth Broadway. squad. garet Harris, will be spending Bagby, told the Planning Com- area site on West Main Street ago. Brigitte. who is 18, spent a Funeral Home. • The traditional taps and echo the summer in Ireland. land of mission that there was at least for an expanded Eberhard Mr. Jones served as mayor of year as an exchange student, Lowell police revealed that will dismiss the assembly from the Blarney Stone and Lepre- a four to six year delay in get- Store has forced the Planning Mrs. Cox Is survived by one Gladstone, was a member of the right in this area. She lived in a 15-year-old local girl was the cemetery. chauns. She hasn't received any ting the work underway, if Commission to move to find ad- son, Robert of Grand Rapids; board of educaton, was active Ionia with Mr. and Mrs. George turned over to juvenile author- Roger Bieri, marshall of this definite news of her family over funds were sought through ur- ditional commercial property to six grandchildren; several niec- in the Boy Scout organization, Dolphin on West Main Street. ities, when her aunt and uncle year's parade, urges all persons there, but expects to enjoy the ban renewal. The federal gov- expand the business district. es and nephews; and a host of and director of Child's Welfare In her letter she spoke of this claimed that they had no con- to participate in the parade and summer very much. Bunnie, ernment would pay three-quar- Land cleared in the urban re- friends. Club. coincidence, and wondered if trol over her. all groups, etc., to be at Rich- who makes her home with Mr. ters of the cost of clearing an newal area would be sold to Following services, interment He was past master of Glad- possibly she had not seen Chris She had run away on sev- ard's Park prior to 9:30 for as- and Mrs. Bernard Kropf, 417 area that was found to be any business that wants to was made in Cascade Ceme- stone Lodge 396, F&AM, a mem- at some of the sports events eral occasions. sembling and preparations. Howard Street, is a busy girl, qualified under urban renewal. build But unless part of this tery. ber and past president of the • making lists and checking ev- between the two schools. She Property in this 4 acre site area is cleared under some Gladstone Rotary Club, Glad- Construction started on a erything from cameras, etc., was familiar with Lowell and is owned by R. G. Chrouch, other plan it would be several stone Country Club and the Es« new service station, self-serve over in preparation for this Grand Rapids and the surround- N. E. Borgerson, the Moose years before this shopping pla- canaba Country Club, and vice- laundry and dry cleaning plant trip. ing countryside. Lodge, the Odd Fellows Lodge. za or center would be ready Talent search president of the First National at the comer of West Street Bunnie and the rest of the The Graber's have 2 daugh- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fluger. for development. Bank. and West Main on Monday girls, will have quite a problem ters. Brigitte. and Jutta. who underway for Known as one of Delta Coun- morning and almost abruptly it would seem with the luggage Is 15. Mr. Graeber owns an ty community's top leaders, the stopped. allotment for the flight. How do electrical supply store in the Richard D. Johnson, 56, newly erected school in Glad- A stop order was issued by you pack all those curlers, cos- city and Mrs.
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