SUMMIT ERALD Serving Summit Since 1889 >t«>*(* M S*costd €>Mi M«tt« •> ih* Pott Office at Summit, N.J. 07§tH. U*tfc» tt*g Act ©I Meet* I, 1 VOL. 89, NO. 19 273-4000 S«*fi»id CIlM PostMgfe Pwa »t Summit. N.J THURSDAY, SKITEWBEH IK 1977 •Battle of the Experts Lack of Plaque Fair Oaks,Opponents Nixes Cerem by »<•(<_ If a member of the Summit Bicentennial Committee Conclude Zone Case; had not driven by out of curiosity two weeks ago, the city's official monument to the bicentennial year would have been t!eukt*u=u ui»» Satufuav wiih the nwsi im- portant part missing Removed from its location in the small Union County Decision is Awaited park on Stanley avenue wasa 12 by is inch bronze plaque with the inscription: "V.SA. Summit, New Jersey, by Lucy Meyer j Memorial Field and the YWCA. ' As vice A battle of the experts the city's tennis courts I president of the nsigh- took place before the Zoning don't think this is fair borhood group, he saidj he Board of Adjustment Kesidt'Dts have U> pay U> UM- was "niiockeu" when he Mondav night Residents them " discovered the slue of the also spoke concerning the On the witness stand. planned expansion iiie expansion of Fair Oaks William it Clabby, 25 Tulip hospital had called the Private Schools Hospital trom 108 beds to street, spuke lor Uie iieigti 155, with parking spaces for bore saying: "It's a fine inform them of the proposed 1(10 cars. The loning or residential district The changes. "The neigh dinanee requires 213, homes are better borhood regards the ex- Offer Lunch Plan Calling themselves maintained today than when pansion as a threat," he Oratory Prep School , l ceeds the guideline*, but if Residential Neighborhood I moved in 13 years ago said Beverly road, and Oak the family experiences Defenders, 20 families in die Most are occupied by the Fair Oaks Hospital, a Knoll School of the Holy special hardship conditions, area of the hospital hired an owneVs." fully accredited and Child 44 Biackburn road, including unusually high attorney and a planning Hie conceded that also iu licensed private psychiatric facility, mast reconstruct have announced thai low l p, hlt expert to represent them. '.Me area were garden cost, nutritious school costs in excess of SO per cent They also circulated a apartments, a publisher and lunches are available to of the family income, petition and obtained 237 children enrolled in the special education expenses signatures. The petition was schools. or disaster or casualty presented to the Board Ai Saint Teresa's School, losses. liie signers agreed thai Council to where there is no hot lunch Applications, which have the expansion plans: program, the same already been sent to all -are incompatible with the guidelines apply to free families enrolled in both residential character and milk. schools, provide for a zoning of Prospect and Tulip Report on Minibus In addition, meals will be certifying signature and the streets WINS BY A NOSE—Violet Gutei, president of the Summit Animal Welfare league, provided free or at greatly indication that the ap •represent a "very A report on the Minibus to Common Council for receivesM thankyou nuiule from Tabett!, Best of Show in Sunday's Dog and Cat Sho* >i reduced-prices to children plication is being make in significant and detrimental Service's operating costs annual review covers the the Sealer High Sc&oel ElkabeiA Lawrrate (right), showed her dog. Tabeau was eligible from families whose gross connection with the receipt intrusion" of this institution over the last 10 months Dec, l, 1S76 to September, for the top award as one of two dogs whe won the "comes Ibe fastest" contest. (Judy Brick incomes fall within specific of federal funds. into the residential neigh should be ready for 1977 period. Thompson said Freetfntan photo) income scales. ' In addition, the ap borhood presentation at the October the Minibus deficit, Free lunches and or milk plication points out that do "irreparable harm" to < Common Council meeting, projected far this year at will be provided to children sekaoi officials have the the Master Fian and the aoeardfag to Minibus $117,000, vril! be affected by whose family incomes range right to seek verification of several new circumstances. balanced and "harmonious" Manager Fred Thompson. More money is coming '.<< from $3,930, annually, for information on the ap- development of Summit as a Thompson's latest figures Road Accidents Injure Ten a family of one, to $15,590, plication and that while, at the same time, residential community. show a significant increase operating costs and the fare annually, for a family of 12. misrepresentation may Joan Murphy, 34 Prospect in both revenue and Ten persons were injured was iaeniitiea as carmine Keduced-pr!«"»<i meals subject the applicant to twve been 'lowered. avoid the accident street, told the Board she ndershtp in August of the Thompson pointed out" that in seven automobile ac- Stengonc, 65, of Milton On Wednesday, one will be supplied to children prosecution. bought her house three year as compared to cidents here last week. AU avenue whose family incomes No child will be the service has cut back to person was hurt in a two-car years ago thinking the August, 1976. Totals for one bus only on Saturdays were taken to Overlook Police said the mishap crash at Morris avenue and range from $6,120 annually, discriminated against hospital would stay the August, 1977 show 6,101 Hospital for treatment. occured when the boy for a family of one, to because of race, sex, color, and during slower hours on Kent Place boulevard. The same. "Now, I will have ISO passengers and in revenue, weekdays, keeping the other On Sunday, Gregory allegedly failed to halt at a injured was identified as $24310. annually for a national origin or ability to people across the street." whereas August, itf?6 stop sign and collided in the family of U. (For the pay and no child will be two buses available for Monroe, 14, of Sheffield Sylvia W. Woolf, 62, of The tall evergreens along figures indicate 3,430 riders charier use The 50-cent fare road, was injured when the intersection with the Sheffield road, driver of one specific guide, see page 23 of identified as a recipient of a the parking lot will be taken and Si,213 in cash deposits bicycle he was driving Stengone car which had the car. Michael Brounstein, last week's Summit free or reduced price meal. down, and she will see a collided with a car at Broad right-away Police said Mr. 84, of Morris avenue, was Herald ) All information supplied brick wall, she pointed out The report to be submitted street «r>d SprtngGeld Stengnne could not have identified 28 the driver of For families in excess ef by parents wit! be kept During the recss;, she avenue Driver of the car possibly halted in time to the other car. He was 12 members, an additional confidential and will be used noted that the recreational uninjured. Police said Mr. $3'tO annually is added to the only to deterssias eligibility fadiities fsr teenagers at Board to Vote on SHS Brounsteta allegedly went scale for free meals, while for participation in the child the enlarged plant would be through a red light. an $1,420, annually, is added nutrition program. inadequate "During "20 and Out" Passage Also on Wednesday, to the scale for reduced Applicants will be advised testimony (at previous Assistant Principal drivers Anthony Mobilio, 58, price meals as to children's eligibility hearings) we were told of Belleville, and Marian If a family's income ex- teenage patients would be The Summit Herald School Silverman, 43, of Watchung, learned yesterday morning Dr Swirsky received his Urged by PBA Leader were injured when their that Dr Daniel Swirsky has doctorate from Teachers cars collided at Broad street been recommended to be College, Columbia and has Passage of a bill which local officials who fear that and Springfield avenue. Record 9 Merit Scholars Named named assistant principal at held teaching and ad- would grant $10 million pension reform would cause Dorothy M. Egger, 55, of Summit High School. The ministrative posts in toward the proposed Police an increase in local property Nine high school students selected from Oak Knoll is interested in studying recommendation was made various school systems Warren, driver of one car, from Summit High School, liberal arts for a career in and Firemen's Pension taxes." and a passenger in the car, School. by Dr. Richard L Fiander, includLng Teaneck, Scar- Reform Bill, also known as Mayor Lehr, however, Kent Place and Oak School At present Miss Casey is the fine arts, while Miss superintendent of schools sdale and Mamaroneck. Olga Aimasy, 57, of Schools have been named Hutchinson is undecided "20 and Out,' has been thinks that local property Mountainside, were injured undecided on a college or during a workshop session New York urged by Patrolman John J owners would still pay more semifinalists in the 23rd what she wUl major in, about a major or a career at of the Board of Education in a two-car crash at River annual National Merit present. Also up for a vote tonight Heffernan, jr., executive under the so-called "20 and road and Morris avenue last while Graham expects to Tuesday night. will be the adoption of the state delegate of Summit out" plan. "Even if the state Scholarship program The study engineering at an Miss Quinn at Oak Knoll Friday.
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