U.S. ARMY POSTS& INSTALLATIONS October 2009 I ARMY 309 port to more than 120 tenant and satellite or- Medical Cmd.; 16th Military Police Bde.; 507th This section includes posts and in- ganizations; major tenants are Defense Lo- Corps Support Grp.; and 525th Battlefield Sur- stallations primarily supporting the ac- gistics Agency; Defense Contract Audit veillance Bde.; U.S. Army Spc. Ops. Cmd.; SF tive Army in the continental United Agency; Defense Threat Reduction Agency; Cmd.; JFK Special Warfare Center and School; States, Hawaii, Alaska and Puerto Defense Acquisition University; U.S. Army In- Civil Affairs and Psychological Ops. Cmd.; Rico. Army ammunition plants and telligence and Security Cmd.; DeWitt Army 55,066 mil., 10,618 civ.; 160,832 acres, 10 Army installations in caretaker or inac- Community Hospital; Night-Vision and Elec- miles northwest of Fayetteville, 50 miles south tive status have been excluded. tronics Sensors Directorate; CECOM IEWSD of Raleigh. DSN: 236-0011; (910) 396-0011. Acreages reflect real estate under Projects Division; CECOM Software Center- Fort Campbell, KY 42223. Opened 1942; Department of the Army control in 2009. Belvoir; National Geospatial Intelligence named for BG William B. Campbell, a Ten- The DSN and commercial telephone School; Army Management Staff College; nessee hero of the Mexican War and gover- numbers listed are for operator assis- 29th Inf. Div. (Lt.) (ARNG); approx. 6,400 mil., nor of Tennessee; home of 101st Abn. Div. tance. 17,200 civ. (including tenants and DoD con- (Air Assault); 5th Spc. Forces Grp. (Abn.); Data are current as of August 7 and tractors); 8,656 acres, 11 miles southwest of 160th Spc. Ops. Aviation Rgt. (Abn.); 30,865 are based on information supplied by Alexandria and 17 miles southwest of Wash- mil., 4,569 civ.; 105,068 acres, 15 miles south each post or installation. ington, D.C. DSN: 685-2052; (703) 805-2052. of Hopkinsville, Ky., 10 miles northwest of Fort Benning, GA 31905. Established 1918; downtown Clarksville, Tenn., and 50 miles Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005 and named after BG Henry L. Benning, CSA; northwest of Nashville. DSN: 635-1110; (270) 21010. Opened 1917; home of 70 organiza- home of Army Infantry Center and School; 798-2151. tions, including Army Research, Development Army Marksmanship Unit; 3rd Bde., 3rd Inf. Carlisle Barracks , PA 17013. Established and Engineering Cmd.; Army Ordnance Mu- Div. (Mech.); Western Hemisphere Institute for 1757; site of U.S. Army War College; Center seum and Ordnance Center and Schools; Security Cooperation; 75th Ranger Rgt.; 199th for Strategic Leadership; Strategic Studies In- 20th Support Command (CBRNE); Army De- Infantry Bde.; 197th Infantry Bde.; 192nd In- stitute; Army Physical Fitness Research Insti- velopmental Test Command; Army Research fantry Bde.; 198th Infantry Bde.; Martin Army tute; Army Heritage and Education Center and Laboratory (Aberdeen site); Medical Institute Community Hospital; Medical Department Ac- Military History Institute archives; Peacekeep- of Chemical Defense; Aberdeen Test Center; tivity, Ranger Training Bde.; 30,638 mil., 9,026 ing and Stability Operations Institute; 540 mil., Army Materiel Systems Analysis Activity; civ.; 181,386 acres, 9 miles south of Colum- 760 civ.; 459 acres, 18 miles southwest of Har- Northeast Civilian Personnel Operations bus. DSN: 835-2011; (706) 545-2011. risburg. DSN: 242-3131; (717) 245-3131. Center; Army Evaluation Center; Center for Fort Bliss, TX 79916. Established as the post Fort Carson, CO 80913. Established 1942; Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine; opposite El Paso in 1848; named after LTC named for BG Christopher (Kit) Carson; Army Materiel Command Band; 4,312 mil., William Wallace Smith Bliss; home of the home of 4th Inf. Div.; 10th Spc. Forces Grp. 8,598 civ., 3,899 contractors; 72,229 acres, 32nd Army Air and Missile Defense Com- (Abn.); 4th Engineer Battalion; 43rd Support 35 miles northeast of Baltimore. DSN: 298- mand; 11th Air Defense Artillery Brigade; the Bde.; 10th Combat Spt. Hospital; 759th Mili- 5201; (410) 278-5201. 4th, 1st and 3rd Brigade Combat Teams, 1st tary Police Battalion; 24,600 mil., 5,700 civ.; Anniston Army Depot, AL 36201-4199. Armored Division; 5th Bde. Army Evaluation 137,403 acres adjacent to Colorado Springs Opened 1941; repairs and retrofits combat Task Force, 1st Armored Division; U.S. Ser- and 235,330 acres at Piñon Canyon Maneu- tracked vehicles, artillery and small arms; re- geants Major Academy; Joint Task Force ver Site near La Junta, Colo. DSN: 691-5811; ceives and stores general supplies, ammuni- North; German Air Force Air Defense Center; (719) 526-5811. tion, missiles, small arms and strategic ma- 20,000 mil., 7,000 civ.; 1.2 million acres. DSN Cold Regions Research and Engineering teriel; 59 mil., 6,825 civ. (including tenants 978-0831; (915) 568-2121. Laboratory, NH 03755. Opened 1961; field and contractors); 15,000 acres adjacent to Blue Grass Army Depot, KY 40475-5001. operating agency of the Army Corps of Engi- Pelham Range, 10 miles west of Anniston. Established 1941; performs total life-cycle neers Engineer Research and Development DSN: 571-1110; (256) 235-7501. management for DoD conventional standard Center (ERDC); conducts cold-weather civil Fort A.P. Hill, VA 22427. Opened 1941; and nonstandard ammunition; the Army’s pri- works and military research and testing; 2 mil., named for LTG Ambrose Powell Hill, CSA; mary provider for go-to-war chemical defense 200 civ.; 31 acres at Hanover, N.H.; 1 mil., 5 winner 2008 Army Communities of Excellence equipment; fabricates and manufactures civ. at Fairbanks, Alaska, and 3 civ. at Anchor- Award; 76,000-acre regional training center specified components and parts; supports age, Alaska, field offices. (603) 646-4100. used for active and reserve component train- the security and storage of on-site chemical Construction Engineering Research Labo- ing of all service branches and federal agen- weapons stockpile; approximately 1,200 per- ratory, IL 61826-9005. Established 1968; one cies; 27,000-acre live-fire range complex; sonnel; 14,500 acres, 6 miles south of Rich- of seven labs in the U.S. Army Engineer Re- 1,661 mil. and civ., 227 reserve components. mond. DSN: 745-6380; (859) 779-6380. search and Development Center; conducts DSN: 578-8760; (804) 633-8760. Fort Bragg, NC 28310. Established as a field research and development for Army Corps of For t Belvoir, VA 22060. An Army property artillery site in 1918; named after MAJ Braxton Engineers’ programs in facilities construction, since 1912; named for the manor house of Bragg, USA (he later served as a general in operations, maintenance and environmental Col. William Fairfax, 1736–1741, the ruins of the CSA); as “Home of the Airborne,” houses quality, including pollution prevention, compli- which remain on the installation; provides lo- the XVIII Abn. Corps; 82nd Abn. Div.; 1st The- ance and natural resource management; 330 gistical, intelligence and administrative sup- ater Sustainment Cmd.; 108th ADA Bde.; 44th civ.; 33 acres at Champaign. (217) 352-6511. 310 ARMY I October 2009 Corpus Christi Army Depot, TX 78419-5260. Opened 1961; DoD Center for Industrial Techni- cal Excellence for rotary-wing aircraft; performs overhaul, repair, modification, recapitalization, retrofit, testing and modernization of Army and DoD rotary-wing aircraft for all services and for- eign military sales; serves as depot training base for active Army, National Guard, Reserve and foreign military personnel; provides world- wide on-site maintenance service; aircraft crash analysis; oil, chemical and metallurgical analy- sis; and training support; 3,761 civ.; 158 acres (leased from Naval Air Station-Corpus Christi), 12 miles southeast of Corpus Christi. DSN: 861-3627; (361) 961-3627. Deseret Chemical Depot, UT 84074-5000. 18,681 mil., 4,396 civ.; 107,265 acres, 8 miles Fort Hamilton, NY 11252. Established 1825 Established 1942; Army-operated; responsi- north of Watertown and 78 miles north of as part of the New York harbor battery de- ble for the safe, secure and environmentally Syracuse. DSN: 772-6011; (315) 772-6011. fense system; named for Alexander Hamilton; correct storage and destruction of chemical Dugway Proving Ground, UT 84022. Estab- home to the New York City Recruiting Bn.; agents. Authorized strength: 2 mil., 400 govt. lished 1942; performs test and evaluation of Corps of Engineers, North Atlantic Div. head- civilians, 1,000 contractors; 19,000 acres at defensive chemical and biological materiel, quarters; New York Military Entrance Pro- Rush Valley, 40 miles southwest of Salt Lake environmental technology testing, meteoro- cessing Station; 1179th Deployment Support City. (435) 833-4295. logical and atmospheric transport modeling; 5 Bde.; New York National Guard Task Force mil., 1,450 civ.; 798,218 acres, 85 miles Empire Shield; provides administrative and southwest of Salt Lake City. DSN: 789-2116; logistical support for the Army and other DoD (435) 831-2116. agencies in the metropolitan area. DSN: 232- Fort Eustis, VA 23604. Established 1918; 4101; (718) 630-4101. named for Bvt. BG Abraham Eustis, Virginia Fort Hood, TX 76544. Opened 1942; named native and veteran of the War of 1812; home for GEN John Bell Hood, CSA; site of III of Military Surface Deployment and Distribu- Corps; 1st Cav. Div.; 4th Inf. Div. (Mech.); 13th tion Command Operations Center; Army Sustainment Cmd. (Expeditionary); 3rd Arm. Transportation Center and School; Army Cav. Reg.; 89th MP Bde.; 504th Battlefield Training Support Center; Aviation Applied Surveillance Bde.; 36th Eng. Bde.; 21st Cav. Technology Directorate; Army Aviation Logis- Bde. (Air Combat); 41st Fires Bde.; 4th Bn., tics School; 8th Transportation Bde.; 7th Sus- 5th ADA Bde.; 13th Finance Grp.; 53,000 mil., tainment Bde.; 4,777 mil., 4,905 civ.; 8,248 4,900 civ.; 209,486 acres adjacent to Killeen, acres adjacent to Newport News and 11 60 miles north of Austin and 150 miles south miles southeast of Williamsburg.
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