T H U R SD A Y , M ay 31, 2001 L ititz R ecord E xpress 125TH YEAR LITITZ, PENNSYLVANIA Two sections 3 0 C ents INSIDE An old-fashioned □ Social 2nd Cut-a-Thon day of family fun On Saturday, June 2 from 9 a.m.-3 p.m., the second Lan­ caster Cares Cut-a-thon will be LCC plans day of free events for community held at salons throughout Lan­ caster County, including sever­ KATHY BLANKENBILLER said. “That was a ‘family fun day’ al in Lititz and Manheim. Find Record Express Staff and that’s what we based this on. out more about this worthy “This event, however, will be cause and how you can help on LITITZ — It will be fun, it will Page 22. way beyond what we offered then,” be free, and it will harken to “good he added. “You see, in this event □ School old days” in the Lititz community. everyone is involved, not just the Ken Ebert, executive director of members. It is not just a Commu­ Music festivals the Lititz Community Center, has nity Center activity, it’s offered for issued an invitation to every family the whole community of Lititz.” This weekend, performers in in and around Lititz to take part in the Warwick School District will It was a local mysterious anony­ what promises to be one of the top mous donor who contacted Ebert end the school year in style, events in Lititz’s “family free fun” with a jazz concert on Saturday with the idea for this event, offer­ evening in the high school au­ history. Lititz Old-Fashioned Com­ ing to fund the entire day as long ditorium, and an orchestra fes­ munity Day will be held on Sun­ as one request was honored. tival at the Band Shell in Lititz day, June 3 on the grounds of the “The donor’s offer as well as the Springs Park on Sunday after­ Lititz Community Center, and cel­ request floored me, to tell you the noon. Details are on Page 6. ebrated ihroughout town. truth,” Ebert said. “The request Art in the Bag “The celebration will be akin to was that it not be a fundraiser; it the event held when the Commu­ Paul Sahd, 16, of Lititz will have an unsual work of art on nity Center first opened,” Ebert More COMMUNITY on A-4 display now at the Smithsonian Photos by Richard Reitz — an award-winning men’s Lititz Brownie Troop 256 honored veterans by placing flowers at their graves. Pictured are jacket designed from a re­ (front row, left to right) Savanna Risser, Savannah Grube, (back row, l-r) Colleen Summers, Taylor cycled paper bag. Page 6. Luckenbill, Clarissa O’Conor, Morgan Heckel and Greta Weidemoyer. Rain doesn’t wash out Business Lititz Watershed Days Big Biz Honoring those who gave all Last week, the Lititz Public Local youth learn in outdoor classroom Library unveiled its Biz Info to RICHARD REITZ________________________ Kochel said. He referred to a television commercial Grow resource collection to the that said home is were you can hide under the cov­ KATHY BLANKENBILLER a life-sustaining habitat. community, part of a county­ Record Express Editor ers and no one can get you. Record Express Staff Aided in their efforts with plant­ wide program to give small LITITZ — Memorial Day speaker Gerald Ko- ings donated by Neil Dreibelbeis of business access to more valu­ chel wants Americans to remember that this holi­ More MEMORIAL on A-17 LITITZ — This year’s Water­ Keller Mountain Garden Shop in able materials than ever before. day is not just an excuse to take a day off for an shed Awareness Day proved to be Lititz, the young environmentalists Page 18. outdoor barbecue. a valuable lesson in pride and pa­ were digging with fervor, tagging Artwalk Plans Fortunately, he found a large audience in Lititz tience. trees and running for more. In his monthly column, Lititz and Rothsville who agree with him wholeheartedly. Two days of rain early last week “I was going to just talk with the Retailers Association president After a weekend of steady rainfall, the clouds — as well as the impending threat kids about improving our environ­ Lon Heibeck shares details on vanished on Monday morning, as a clear blue sky of showers — kept fifth graders ment through native plantings,” plans for a local Artwalk in the and a gentle, comforting breeze greeting a crowd from taking a trip out to the War­ Dreibelbeis said. “But then I downtown area. It’s an event along Main Street that easily exceeded a thousand, wick Township Linear Park, War­ thought that actually bringing that will reward local residents young and old, who paid tribute to Americans who wick Township Riparian Park, and them here and letting them do the with access to local artwork, perished in service to their country. the Millport Conservancy. But the work would give them a lesson and retailers expect it to flour­ “We stand here today on this hallowed ground weather turned favorable on May they couldn’t learn in a class­ ish as an annual attraction. to honor those who kept the flame of freedom 23, and fifth graders in the War­ room.” Lon’s column is on Page 18. burning,” Kochel told the crowed that surrounded wick School District found them­ Mountain Ash were planted, Hollow Square in the Moravian Cemetery. He also selves learning about the impor­ which Will someday touch the sky I shared his thoughts at the Rothsville Memorial tance of the watershed in an at 60 to 70 feet in height. Red Cho- Day ceremony earlier that morning. outdoor classroom. keberries, a native berry-producing Cloud Gazing On Memorial Day, we are reminded that “free­ Mr. Tom Clausen’s fifth grade shrub, now dotting the wetland Columnist Rev. Martha dom is not free. The souls we honor here had to class from Kissel Hill Elementary area surrounding the pier, will one Sheaffer takes a closer look at pay the price to keep that freedom.” School experienced the “hands-on” day grow into dense thickets, pro­ the awesome mystery of clouds Kochel, a Lititz resident who served in the Army approach to helping the environ­ viding late winter feeding for local and why they are the perfect during the Korean War, explained his American ment by planting trees and shrubs songbirds. symbol for Ascension Day, pride, and compared America’s beauty to other to enhance the area by Linear “I strongly urge the parents to which was celebrated by Chris­ spots around the world. “The fertile crescent of the Park’s pier, turning it into a haven bring their children back here to tians last Thursday. Her inspir­ Nile is secondary to the garden spot of the world, of a habitat for local wildlife. see what their kids have accom­ ing insight can be found on The pier extends into the Santo plished,” Dreibelbeis said. “It’s Page 14. right here in Lancaster County,” he said, drawing an ovation from the crowd. Domingo Water Quality Facility, vital to instill that sense of pride in The soldiers who died for freedom did it to pre­ designed as a natural filtration sys­ helping make the environment □ Also Inside serve the one thing that kept them going during tem, which reduces sediment flow healthy; that pride will stay with GrAAAnd Opening those difficult times on the battlefield — for home. Lititz resident and veteran Kenny Freder­ into the Lititz Run Watershed dur­ “There is no feeling better than coming home,” icks waives his flag while singing “America.” ing heavy rainfall, while providing More WATERSHED on A-17 The Lititz branch of the American Automobile Associa­ tion opened recently at its new Broad Street location, and this weekend they will host an open house for the public. Page 3. 6A New Tomorrow’ Entertainment 22 graduate at Linden Hall ceremony ‘Misty’ Memories STEPHEN SEEBER_________ It was an emotional ceremony in which memories were shared, tears The Lititz Public Library re­ Record Express Staff cently hosted a special pro­ streamed and achievements were gram on the book “Misty of LITITZ — Behind the bagpiper applauded. The highlights were Chincoteague,” where a de­ followed a class of 22 who will for­ many. scendant of Misty’s attended. ever represent the Linden Hall Valedictorian Jui-Chi (Lucy) Page 16. School for Girls’ 255th Commence­ Huang, a native of Taiwan with an ment. aunt and uncle residing in Lititz, □ Out of the Past The threat of rain held off long challenged her classmates to “take enough on Friday, May 25, to advantage of opportunity given... Bobst graduates allow the Class of 2001, along with and when in doubt, smile.” One hundred years ago this their instructors and headmaster, Headmaster Thomas Needham week, pharmaceutical pioneer to complete the traditional proces­ was able to present a diploma to Elmer Bobst graduated from Li­ sion from the school, through his daughter Kathryn. titz High School. A photo of his Church Square and into the Mora­ Emily Vaughan joined Kathryn class, plus more items from the vian Church sanctuary for formal Needham to form the Lititz contin­ past, as reported in the Lititz exercises and the presentation of gent of this global class of scholars. Record and Express, can be found on Pages 21 and 28. diplomas. And during the previous day, In flowing white robes, mortar­ Jessica Leigh Shenker of Mercer, □ Sports boards and tassels, the seniors Pa. was voted May Queen by her passed a wall of family and friends fellow students. In addition to the Photo by Stephen Seeber Track Medals as they completed the transition crowning of the May Queen, Valedictorian Jui-Chi (Lucy) Huang leads this group of Linden Hall seniors during the May 25 Com­ into “A New Tomorrow,” the offi­ mencement procession in front of Lititz Moravian Church.
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