Digital Tools for Qualitative Research Digital Tools sessions at The International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign May 18-20, 2017 The full conference program from May 17-20, 2017 is available at http://icqi.org/program/ Sponsors We would like to thank the following sponsors for their donations! They funded our social at Joe’s Brewery on Thursday, May 18 th , 7:30pm Be sure to join us! History In 2008, this group met for the first time during the pre-conference day, Technology in Qualitative Research, comprised of eighteen presenters and sixty-two participants. The group introduced a Digital Tools for Qualitative Research Strand during the 2015 Congress, and in 2016 we became a Special Interest Group (SIG). https://digitaltoolsforqualitativeresearch.org/ [email protected] 303-832-9502 https://www.facebook.com/DigitalToolsforQualitativeResearch https://twitter.com/digital_qual Please let us know if you are interested in the positions below. We would love to talk to you about them! Chair The chair is the primary contact point with ICQI and coordinates and sets the agenda for SIG business meetings in preparation for and during ICQI. The chair assists the coordinators with their tasks and helps organize plenary sessions during ICQI. The chair is responsible for overall trouble-shooting and working with the DTC during the transition period. Program coordinator The program coordinator constructs the “mini-program” of DTQR sessions from the proposals submitted to the SIG. The program coordinator organizes the paper proposals into panel sessions according to the conference schedule timetable and sends this back to ICQI for inclusion in the final program. Communications Coordinator The communications coordinator maintains a list of SIG Members and recruits new members. The communications coordinator coordinates a welcome event during ICQI and recruits sponsors, serving as a liaison between QDAS developers and other potential sponsors. The communications coordinator reviews the program for sessions related to digital tools that were not submitted to the SIG and invites the presenters to the SIG social event in order to grow the community. The communications coordinator works with the DTC to promote activities in social media and email outlets. Term of office Each office has a two year term, with incoming officers working closely with former officers. WATCH FOR THIS SPECIAL ISSUE OF QUALITATIVE INQUIRY! Digital Tools for Qualitative Research: Disruptions and Entanglements July, 2017: Volume 23, Issue 6 Introduction Paulus, T., Jackson, K., & Davidson, J. Digital tools for qualitative research: Disruptions and Entanglements Digital Tools Do, J. & Yamagata-Lynch, L. Designing and developing cell phone applications for qualitative research. Robins, C. & Eisen, K. Strategies for the effective use of NVivo in a large-scale study qualitative analysis and the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell . Davidson, J., Thompson, A., & Harris, A. Qualitative data analysis software practices in complex research teams: Troubling the assumptions about portability and transparency. Leblanc, A.M. Disruptive meaning making: Qualitative data analysis software and postmodern pastiche. Digital Spaces Byrne, C. Anonymous social media and qualitative inquiry: Methodological considerations and implications for using Yik Yak as a qualitative data source. MacLaren, J. Georgiadou, L. Bradford, J. & Taylor, L. Discombobulations and transitions: Using blogs to make meaning of and from within liminal experiences. Digital Futures Jackson, K. Where qualitative researchers and technologies meet: Lessons from interactive digital art. COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Thursday, May 18th Meet & Greet • Time: 7:30-10 pm • Location: Joe’s Brewery, 706 5th Street (a 10-minute walk from the Illini Union) • The first drink is on us (while supplies last!), thanks to our generous sponsors: Atlas.ti, Dedoose, MAXQDA (Verbi), NVivo (QSR), QDAMiner (Provalis), Qualitative Data Repository, Queri, Quirkos, and Transana. Friday, May 19th Digital Tools for Qualitative Research Plenary Join us in updating the Wikipedia entries related to qualitative research: A Hands-on Experience. You are invited to learn more about Wikipedia and how you, as a qualitative researcher, could participate in the generation, editing, and critique of the information available to the larger world about qualitative inquiry. We strongly urge all who are coming to the Wikihack to bring their own computers, if possible • Time: 11am - 12:20pm • Location: 205 Architecture (a room just across the hall from the Ricker Library of Architecture and Art). • Follow this link for additional information: https://tinyurl.com/qualwiki Saturday, May 20th Digital Tools for Qualitative Research SIG Meeting Join in a planning meeting for the Digital Tools for Qualitative Research Special Interest Group. We will elect officers, review our budget, collect feedback and plan for next year. • Time: 11:00 am – 12:20 pm • Location: Gregory 215 PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS Thursday, May 18th • 8:30-11:30am o Kristi Jackson, Qualitative Data Analysis Software (QDAS): An exploration of closeness and distance in qualitative research with NVivo. o Sharlene Hesse-Biber, Mixed Methods Research and the Next Generation Qualitative on- line Research Tools—Mobile Technologies, Research Apps and the Rise of “Big Data.” • 12:30-3:30pm o Trena M. Paulus, & Jessica N. Lester, Digital Tools for Qualitative Research o Anne Kuckartz, Qualitative Data Analysis (QDA) – enhanced outcome by software support. A hands-on introduction to MAXQDA. o Valerie Janesick, Oral History in the Digital Era. 1 GENERAL CONGRESS The following sessions are not part of the Digital Tools for Qualitative Research SIG, but the presenters asked to be included in our program and are interested in connecting with members of the SIG! Thursday (Poster) Program # of # Title Presenters Time/Location Page papers* Photovoice as a developmentally relevant Nuria Jaumot-pascual Group 7; methodology for older adults 2:30pm 195 NA Illini Room B Friday Program # of # Title Presenters Time/Location Page papers* A Digital Autoethnography of Co-Authoring Raul A. Mora 1pm 91 4/5 Peggy Semingson Lincoln 1066 Using Qualitative GIS to unearth the rural Anna Montana Cirell 9:30am struggle for geography and spatial justice English 150 208 3/4 amid the electoral “sleeping giant” Black Motherhood in the age of Kerry Wilson 9:30am 218 4/5 #BlackLivesMatter Union 209 Tweeting His Way into the White House: Mike Katovich 9:30am Donald Trump’s 2016 Twitter Campaign Shingling Chen Union 314 A 219 1/3 Revealing multiple voices in peer Miwa Aoki Takeuchi 9:30am collaboration in urban schools: Video- Venise Bryan English 108 224 1/5 mediated interviews Contextualized Subjectivity: Blending Social Marissa Kaloga 11am 236 3/4 Network Analysis and Qualitative Inquiry English 115 How to “Get Your Qual On” – A Story of a Sarah Jane Tracy 11am Qualitative Research YouTube Channel Matthew C. J. Donovan Union 406 239 1/3 Sarah Jones Qualitative Research Magic and Kakali Bhattacharya 11am Superpowers: Anchoring Learning Union 406 239 3/3 Experiences in an Online Qualitative Methods Class Qualitative Research on Adolescents’ Social Mardi Schmeichel 1pm Media Use: Commentary, Critique, and Union 406 256 3/5 Commendation Photovoice: Rethinking the Method in the Melissa Freeman 1pm Digital Age Nuria Jaumot-pascual Union 406 256 1/5 Ayanna Robinson 2 Friday (cont.) Program # of # Title Presenters Time/Location Page papers* Tracing the Genealogy of Photovoice: How Amanda Latz 2:30pm 263 4/5 Did We Get Here? Lincoln 1060 Digital Research in the (More) Public Sphere, Nancy Baym 2:30pm Part 1: The Challenges and Benefits of Union 314 A 273 3/4 Influencing Human Technological Futures Digital Research in the Public Sphere Part 2: Annette Markham 2:30pm The Reprise of Critical Theory as Public Union 314 A 273 4/4 Contribution Autoethnographic Reflections on Dating App Janelle Ward 4pm 282 2/4 Self-Presentation Lincoln 1022 Blurring the Conversation: Scholarly Mitch Allen 4pm Publishers’ Use of Social Media for Product Union 406 290 2/4 Promotion The researcher selfie: The new season´s Julianne Cheek 4pm 290 3/4 ´must have` fashion/research accessory Union 406 Encountering post-truths and fabricated Mirka Koro-Ljungberg 4pm subjects in social media David Carlson Union 406 290 4/4 Anna Montana Cirell Saturday Program # of # Title Presenters Time/Location Page papers* Narratives about Autism: An Analysis of Henry Angulo 11am Weblog Entries by Individuals Who Self- Laura S. DeThorne Union 209 316 3/4 Identify as Autistic “From the Roof” and Mourning: Making Craig Gingrich-Philbrook 1pm 318 4/4 Digital Audio as a Way of Knowing Union 404 Exploring ‘agency’ through digital video Masayuki Iwase 1pm production with Asian immigrant youth in Lincoln 1060 322 3/4 Japan: A posthumanist approach College & University Social Media: Examining Paul William Eaton 1pm Discourses of “Public Good” as Performed English 115 328 1/4 Homogeneity~Heterogenetic Dissensus? Possibilities and Dilemmas of Mobile Michelle Bae-Dimitriadis 2:30pm technologies in Qualitative Research: Lincoln 1066 340 4/4 Minority Girls’ Cityscape *Because this session may be in a time slot with presentations that are not related to Digital Tools for Qualitative Research, we are providing the order of the paper and the total number of papers to help you. 3 FRIDAY Session: Fri 101 Gregory 215, 8:00-9:20 am Navigating Diverse Qualitative Research Practices
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