IsDB REGIONAL COOPERATION AND INTEGRATION OPERATIONAL STRATEGY IsDB COUNTRY STRATEGY AND COOPERATION DEPARTMENT 2019 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Substantive comments on the RCI Operational Strategy were provided by the representatives of the OIC General Secretariat, GCC, ECO, NEPAD, AMU, ECOWAS, SESRIC, COMESA, UNESCWA, and other partner institutions. The RCI Operational Strategy was prepared under the overall guidance and supervision of Vice-President Sayed Aqa, and then Director CRMD Abdulhakim Elwaer. More recently, after the restructuring of the Bank, the RCI Operational XYWFYJL^ \FX JINYJI ܪSFQN_JI FSI HTRUQJYJI ZSIJW YMJ QJFIJWXMNU TK ;NHJ President Mansur Muhtar and Manager, Country Strategy and Market Integration (CS&MI) Syed Husain Quadri and Jean-Michel Happi, Director, CSC. The RCI Operational Strategy was thus revised and improved after the clearance of a RCI Policy by professional inputs and comments of the Task Team Members NSHQZINSL2TMFRRFI2NW_FJN0FMFLM&QN&GIJQWFMRFS2FMRTZI3F_FW)NFG Abdoulie Sireh Jallow, Imed Drine, Yoseph Ataa Alsawady, Mohammed Farag El 8FPJY&MRJI&Q6FGFS^2ZXYFKF(TWW&RNSZIINS2FY&WNKK0FWNR&NY(MFGFSJ 2FRTZI0FRFWF4XRFS'Z^ZPRZYQZ.()&SNXXJ9JWFN.9+((MJNPM&MRJI)NTU 2TMFRZI-ZXXJNS0MFQNK.(.*(2ZMFRJI?ZQPMNGWN.79.0MFQNQ-FXXFS.XXFMFV Umar Iddrisu, and Christopher W. MacCormac (Consultant). The supportive role of Iftikhar Bashir and Farid Tayya, in facilitating administrative issues required for preparation of the RCI Operational Strategy are also appreciated. 9MJ ܪSINSLX NSYJWUWJYFYNTSX FSI HTSHQZXNTSX J]UWJXXJI NS YMNX XYWFYJL^ ITHZRJSYITSTYSJHJXXFWNQ^WJܫJHYYMJ[NJ\XTKYMJ*]JHZYN[J)NWJHYTWXTKYMJ Islamic Development Bank or the governments they represent. The boundaries, colors, denominations, and other information shown on any map in this work do not imply any judgment on the part of the Islamic Development Bank concerning the legal status of any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries. Please contact the Country Strategy and Cooperation Department at [email protected] if you have questions or comments with respect to content of this document. CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 01 CHAPTER 2: Context and background 10 ABBREVIATIONS 04 2.1 Regional Cooperation and Integration in IsDB MCs 11 GLOSSARY OF TERMS 04 2.2 Stocktaking of RCI Interventions EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 06 by IsDB Group 12 CHAPTER 1: Introduction 08 CHAPTER 3: Strategy 16 3.1 Rationale and Objectives 17 3.2 The Role of RCI in Achieving the SDGs 18 3.3 Strategic Pillars 18 Pillar 1: Enhancing Cross-Border Connectivity 18 Pillar 2: Improving Investment Climate FSI(TRUJYNYN[JSJXXYT5WTRTYJ*]UTWY Oriented and Cross-Border Investment 20 Pillar 3: Mainstreaming Trade and Islamic Finance to Promote Cross-Border Development 20 Pillar 4: Facilitating Cooperation to Provide Regional Public Goods (RPGs) 21 CHAPTER 4: Operational Implications and Recommendations of the Strategy 22 4.1 IsDB’S Main Roles 23 4.2 Implementation 24 a: Programming and Selectivity Criteria 24 APPENDICES 30 b: Delivering 25 Appendix 1: Member Countries (MCs) of the c: 7JXTZWHJ2TGNQN_FYNTS Islamic Development Bank Group (IsDB) 31 d:0ST\QJILJ8MFWNSL Appendix 2: International Assessments of Trade and Investment Performance 32 e: Competency 27 Appendix 3: Some Programs f: Internal IsDBG Institutional Representative of IsDBG’s Support for RCI 34 Arrangements and Roles and Responsibilities 27 Appendix 4: TOWS Analysis (Strategic Options) for RCI at IsDBG 36 4.3 Outcomes (Results Framework) 27 Appendix 5: Indicative Criteria for 4.4 Risks and Mitigation 29 RCI Project Portfolio Review at IsDB 38 Appendix 6: Illustrative Catalog of RCI-Related Areas of Competency 39 Appendix 7: Indicative RCI Scorecard for Regional Projects and RCI Project Criteria 40 Appendix 8: Indicative RCI Regional Action Plan for 2020-22 41 Appendix 9:*]FRUQJXTK7(.5WTOJHY)JXNLS and Monitoring Framework (DMF) Criteria and .QQZXYWFYN[J*]FRUQJTKF5WTOJHYQJ[JQ)2+ Appendix 10: Sectoral Breakdown of RCI Baselines and Targets for IsDB Operations 47 ABBREVIATIONS GLOSSARY OF TERMS 10YS 10-Year Strategy Connectivity (also known as cross-border or regional CAREC The Central Asia Regional Economic infrastructure): There are two broad types - “Soft” cross- Cooperation Program border infrastructure that includes improved coordination COMCEC The Standing Committee for Economic and between customs and streamlined border procedures, and (TRRJWHNFQ(TTUJWFYNTSTKYMJ4WLFSN_FYNTSTK “Hard” cross-border infrastructure that includes improved the Islamic Cooperation physical connectivity (cross-border transportation links, CSC Country Strategy and Cooperation Department ICT connectivity, connectivity for energy transmission). This NSKWFXYWZHYZWJFNRXYTXYNRZQFYJXNLSNܪHFSYFRTZSYXTKWJLNTSFQ DMF Design and Monitoring Framework trade or is designed to connect to the network of a neighboring ETI *SFGQNSL9WFIJ.SIJ] or third country. FDI Foreign Direct Investment FPI Foreign Portfolio Investment Cross-border: & YJWR ZXJI YT IJXHWNGJ XUJHNܪH HFYJLTWNJX TK NSKWFXYWZHYZWJ FSI ܫT\X TK LTTIX XJW[NHJX NS[JXYRJSY GIS Geographic Information System information and people that cross national borders. GVC Global Value Chain ICD Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Geographic information systems (GIS): A geographic Private Sector information system is a computer-based system designed ICIEC Islamic Corporation for the Insurance of YT HFUYZWJ XYTWJ RFSNUZQFYJ FSFQ^_J RFSFLJ FSI UWJXJSY .S[JXYRJSYFSI*]UTWY(WJINY spatial or geographic data in a subnational, national or multi- HTZSYW^HTSYJ]Y ICT Information and Communication Technology IPA Investment Promotion Agency Globalization: The worldwide movement toward economic, IRTI Islamic Research and Training Institute ܪSFSHNFQYWFIJFSIHTRRZSNHFYNTSXNSYJLWFYNTS,QTGFQN_FYNTS ITAP Investment Promotion Technical Assistance implies the opening of local economic, trade and investment Program perspectives to a broader outlook of an interconnected and ITFC International Islamic Trade Finance Corporation interdependent world with free transfer of capital, goods, and services across borders. IsDB Islamic Development Bank IsDBG Islamic Development Bank Group Investment climate: The policy, regulatory, economic and KPI 0J^5JWKTWRFSHJ.SINHFYTW ܪSFSHNFQHTSINYNTSXNSFHTZSYW^TWWJLNTSYMFYFKKJHY\MJYMJW LPI 1TLNXYNHX5JWKTWRFSHJ.SIJ] businesses are willing to lend money and acquire a stake in the businesses operating there. MC Member Country MCPS Member Country Partnership Strategy Logistics infrastructure and systems: The continuing rise of MDB Multilateral Development Bank international trade and the desire by many countries to speed MENA Middle East and North Africa up the pace of integration within the global trading system depends not only on maintaining an open global economic OECD 9MJ4WLFSN_FYNTSKTW*HTSTRNH(TTUJWFYNTS system GZY NRUWT[NSL YMJ VZFSYNY^ FSI JKܪHNJSH^ TK YMJ and Development support structures such as the logistics services. Logistics is OIC 4WLFSN_FYNTSTK.XQFRNH(TTUJWFYNTS YMJ\F^FܪWRNSIZXYW^XJHYTWTWXZUUQ^HMFNSTWLFSN_JXNYX P5P President’s Five-Year Program transportation, warehousing, procurement practices, inventory, PPP Public Private Partnership customer service and information processing systems. Trade RCI Regional Cooperation and Integration logistics NX HTRUWNXJI TK RFS^ INKKJWJSY ܪJQIX FSI RF^ [FW^ RCO 7JLNTSFQ(TTUJWFYNTS4WLFSN_FYNTS from small to large scale. REC Regional Economic Community One IsDBG: Under the IsDBG’s 10-Year Strategy and the RPG Regional Public Good recent P5P (President’s Five-Year Program) the IsDBG aims to RTA Regional Trade Agreement improve and strengthen planning and operational coordination RVC Regional Value Chain and cooperation across individual entities. The “One IsDBG” SEZ 8UJHNFQ*HTSTRNH?TSJ approach should help to consolidate and strengthen IsDBG's SDG Sustainable Development Goal engagement with its stakeholders, improve cost-effective use SMEs 8RFQQFSIRJINZRXN_JIJSYJWUWNXJX of resources, and achieve better performance and results from certain types of operations in Member Countries (MCs). UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development Open Regionalism: "Open regionalism" represents an effort WTO <TWQI9WFIJ4WLFSN_FYNTS to resolve one of the central problems of contemporary trade policy: how to achieve compatibility between the growth of 04 regional trading arrangements around the world and the global Secondary development outcomes (also known as YWFINSLX^XYJRFXJRGTINJINSYMJ<TWQI9WFIJ4WLFSN_FYNTS “spillovers”): spillover outcomes from regional projects <94 .S YMJ HTSYJ]Y TK WJLNTSFQ YWFIJ FSI NS[JXYRJSY can include positive and/or negative effects on economic agreements “Open Regionalism” does not discriminate activities, communities or resources outside the scope of the against non-regional economies or even against other non- original investment project including those across borders. participating regional economies. The concept seeks to assure 9MJXJ XJHTSIFW^ GJSJܪYX ZXZFQQ^ WJXZQY YMWTZLM JHTSTRNH that regional agreements will in practice be building blocks for QNSPFLJX KTW J]FRUQJ UTQNH^ WJKTWRX YMFY QNGJWFQN_J KTWJNLS KZWYMJWWJLNTSFQTWLQTGFQQNGJWFQN_FYNTS INWJHY NS[JXYRJSY NSYT XUJHNܪH HWTXXGTWIJW UWTIZHYNTS networks and value chains generate new demand for goods RCOs: &7JLNTSFQHTTUJWFYNTSTWLFSN_FYNTS 7(4NXFSNSYJW and services from many small and medium-scale enterprises, country mechanism set up by and with the participation of which in-turn increases local employment and household neighboring countries to help overcome obstacles to regional incomes.
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