SOLTRANS PUBLIC ADVISORY COMMITTEE (PAC) AGENDA Public Advisory Committee 5:00 PM, Tuesday, December 04, 2018 Benicia Community Center, Program Room 2 370 East L Street, Benicia, CA Public Comment: Pursuant to the Brown Act, the public has an opportunity to speak on any matter on the agenda or, for matters not on the agenda, issues within the subject matter jurisdiction of the agency. Comments are limited to no more than 3 minutes per speaker unless modified by the Board Chair, Gov’t Code § 54954.3(a). By law, no action may be taken on any item raised during the public comment period (Agenda Item IV) although informational answers to questions may be given and matters may be referred to staff for placement on a future agenda of the agency. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): This agenda is available upon request in alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by the ADA of 1990 (42 U.S.C. §12132) and the Ralph M. Brown Act (Cal. Govt. Code §54954.2). Persons requesting a disability related modification or accommodation should contact Suzanne Fredriksen, Clerk of the Board, at (707) 736-6993 during regular business hours at least 72 hours prior to the time of the meeting. Staff Reports: Staff reports are available for inspection at the SolTrans office, during regular business hours, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday. You may also contact the Clerk of the Board via email at [email protected]. Supplemental Reports: Any reports or other materials that are issued after the agenda has been distributed may be reviewed by contacting the SolTrans Clerk of the Board and copies of any such supplemental materials will be available on the table at the entry to the meeting room. Agenda Times: Times set forth on the agenda are estimates. Items may be heard before or after the times shown. 1. CALL TO ORDER (5:00 - 5:05 p.m.) 2. CONFIRM QUORUM/ STATEMENT OF CONFLICT 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 4. OPPORTUNITY FOR PUBLIC COMMENT (5:05 - 5:10 p.m.) 5. ACTION ITEMS 5.A. Proposed Plan for Comprehensive Operational Analysis (COA) Suggested Action: 1) Provide feedback on the Initial COA Recommendations of service alternative packages and direct staff to forward the feedback received to the Board of Directors for their 1 The complete SolTrans Board Meeting Packet is available on SolTrans’ Website at www.soltransride.com consideration; and 2) Forward a recommendation to the Board of Directors to approve the Recommended Plan of service alternatives. (PRESENTER: Bisi Ibrahim, Program Analyst II) Staff Report - Proposed Plan for COA.pdf Attachment A - Memorandum_Initial SolTrans COA Recommendations.pdf 5.B. SolanoExpress Corridor Study Phase II Update - Red Line Suggested Action: Provide feedback on the proposed interlining of Routes 80 and 85 to form the Red Line, and direct Staff to forward the feedback received to the Board of Directors for their consideration. (PRESENTER: John Sanderson, Operations and Planning Manager) Staff Report - Red Line Update.pdf NON-ACTION/ INFORMATIONAL 6. DISCUSSION ITEMS 6.A. System Performance Report for First Quarter Ending September 30, 2018 Suggested Action: Informational. (PRESENTER: Dennis Ybarra, Program Analyst II) Staff Report - System Performance Report.pdf Attachment A - System Performance Report PowerPoint.pdf 6.B. Curtola Park and Ride Hub Update Suggested Action: Informational. (PRESENTER: Patricia Carr, General Services Manager) Staff Report - Curtola PNR Update.pdf Attachment A - Curtola PNR Brochure.pdf 7. NON-DISCUSSION ITEMS 8. STAFF BRIEFINGS This time is reserved for SolTrans Staff to provide a five-minute briefing to the PAC on various items of interest. No action will be taken on these matters except to possibly place a particular item on a future agenda for PAC consideration. 9. ADJOURNMENT MEETING MINUTES Meeting Minutes of December 4, 2018 Suggested Action: Informational. PAC Meeting Minutes of 12-04-18.pdf 2 The complete SolTrans Board Meeting Packet is available on SolTrans’ Website at www.soltransride.com SOLTRANS ACRONYMS LIST OF TRANSPORTATION TERMS Solano County Transit Last Updated: November 8, 2018 A MPO Metropolitan Planning Organization ABAG Association of Bay Area Governments MTC Metropolitan Transportation Commission ADA Americans with Disabilities Act N, O, & P APC Automatic Passenger Counter NEXT National Express Transit APTA American Public Transit Association NTD National Transit Database AVL Automated Vehicle Location System O&M Operations and Maintenance B PAC Public Advisory Committee BAFO Best and Final Offer PARS Public Agency Retirement Services BART Bay Area Rapid Transit PCC Paratransit Coordinating Council C PNR Park & Ride CalACT California Association for Coordinated PPP (3P) Public Private Partnership Transportation PTAC Partnership Technical Advisory CalOES California Office of Emergency Services Committee Caltrans California Department of Transportation PY Prior Year CAM Cost Allocation Model R & S CARB California Air Resources Board RFP Request for Proposals CCC Contra Costa County Connections RM2 Regional Measure 2 Funds CMAQ Congestion Mitigation & Air Quality Program RVH Revenue Vehicle Hours CNG Compressed Natural Gas RVM Revenue Vehicle Miles COV City of Vallejo SNCI Solano Napa Commuter Information CTA California Transit Association SRTP Short Range Transit Plan CTC California Transportation Commission STA Solano Transportation Authority D STAF State Transit Assistance Fund DAR Dial-a-Ride T DBE Disadvantaged Business Enterprise TAC Technical Advisory Committee DOT Department of Transportation TCP Transit Capital Priorities E & F TDA Transportation Development Act FAST Fairfield and Suisun Transit TIP Transportation Improvement Program FAST Act Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act U, V, W, Y FHWA Federal Highway Administration UA Urbanized Area FTA Federal Transit Administration VMT Vehicle Miles Traveled FY Fiscal Year VTC Vallejo Transit Center G, H, I, & J WETA Water Emergency Transportation GFI Gen-fare Industries Farebox Authority GP General Public (as in GP Dial-a-Ride) YTD Year to Date GPS Global Positioning System HOV High Occupancy Vehicle IFB Invitation for Bid IPR Initial Project Report JARC Job Access Reverse Commute JPA Joint Powers Authority L & M LCTOP Low Carbon Transit Operations Program LoNo Low or No Carbon emissions MCI Motor Coach Industries 3 MOD Mobility on Demand MOU Memorandum of Understanding PUBLIC ADVISORY COMMITTEE Public Advisory Committee. Each Member Agency will appoint three members of the public with demonstrated expertise or special interest in, transit issues and who reside within the boundaries of the agencies that they represent to serve on a Public Advisory Committee (PAC). This will include representatives selected by each Member Agency. The PAC will serve as an advisory committee to the SolTrans Board and will review and comment to the SolTrans Board on the following matters: i. Service and fare adjustments, 11. Development of Short Range Transit Plans, and 111. Review SolTrans' annual work plan. (SolTrans JPA, pg. 6) City of Benicia Representatives Vacant Trevor Macenski Daniel Smith Solano Transportation Authority Representatives Vacant Tom Bartee Cori LaBrado City of Vallejo Representatives Richard Burnett Michael Milan Drew Skau 4 5 6 ATTACHMENT A Agenda Item 5A TRANSPORTATION PLANNING AND TRAFFIC ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS 2690 Lake Forest Road, Suite C Post Office Box 5875 Tahoe City, California 96145 (530) 583-4053 [email protected] www.lsctrans.com MEMORANDUM To: Bisi Ibrahim, SolTrans From: Gordon Shaw, PE, AICP, LSC Transportation Consultants, Inc. Date: November 19, 2018 RE: Initial SolTrans COA Recommendations This memo presents LSC Transportation Consultant’s initial comprehensive package of service modifications for the SolTrans Comprehensive Operational Analysis (COA) study. This work builds upon the detailed analysis of the individual service alternatives presented in Working Paper Three: Service Alternatives Analysis (November 5, 2018), as well as staff-level comments received regarding the individual alternatives. However, there are a myriad of ways that the 27 individual alternatives studied can be combined. Comments and alternatives for consideration are very welcome, as we work towards a final plan. A full recommended plan is first provided, followed by some less-aggressive options. Recommended Plan This final and most significant package of service alternatives consists of the following: Grand Circle Scenario – This reconfigures the Vallejo local routes to (1) make an important new east-west connection across northern Vallejo improving travel times, (2) enhances service in the Route 3 southwest Vallejo area, (3) solves inefficient route segments such as the northern portion of Route 2 and (4) reduces the need for transfers. Short-Term BRT Light Scenario – This provides convenient 15-minute service frequency along the key North Sonoma corridor using Route 1 and Route 2 and sets the stage for longer-term improvements in this key development corridor. Weekday Service Until 9 PM – This will enhance access to jobs, shopping and classes in the early evening and is a very popular request among riders. Provide Consistent Hourly Service on Saturdays – Service frequency in the middle of the day will be improved. 7 SolTrans COA Service Modification Packages Page 2 Provide Consistent Hourly Sunday Service on the Grand Circle Route and Route 1 – This expands the area of Sunday service, and fills the mid-day gap in service. Eliminate Route 20 – This is a very unproductive
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