3PECIAL RELEAS GEORGELMBUEHi~rt;,c\ivm~1l:Elr~mJ~'c13urrrr.n TOP PLAYER IN SO~~ GIU~It,.~ .. "":. Jr:~r:Q9TBALL FOR 1964 FOR RELEAS~~: ..~·, ' ~AY'·ArTERir66if;"· jA:WAlty '~'I.',~~~~. ", ay a.m. 1_~_~~~~U~~~~=:~=~r:~;~~'~N~EiSi:~:~:~:~~~:~t:~:g~:~:_H:~:·~:-w::::- led coaoh Vic Lopez' Cardinals to a final ClF playoff victory over Loyola 21-14 and in the doing snapped a Cub 35-game win streak, the longest ever in ClF grid play, was acclaimed "AAAA" Pla.yer of the Year by members of the Helms Feundat1nn's All-Southern Californ­ ia. Board of Athletics for the 1964 season. Selection of Buehler and three CIF nAAAA" Division teams was made at the 28th annual selection meeting of prep writers fram throughout Southern C&ifornia at Helms Hall in Los Angeles. Buehler and two teammates -- quarterback Tim Walker and tackle Tam Seminnff -- were named on the elF honor teams fnr 1964, as Whittier made it through a tough playoff schedule following a Pacific League tie with Alhambra. In the playoffs, Whittier defeated pasagena (13-13 on first downs), Santa Ana Valle-y (14-7), Long Beach Poly (27-12) and the Loyola Cuba (21-14). At 6-feet, two inches and 235 pounds, Buehler is among the strongest players to have performed in prep grid annals in the South­ land. He was ~963 heavyweight wrestling champ in elF ranks. He put the shot over 60 feet in track. He is extremely aggressive and from his ~inebacking position on defense has an amazing ability to diagnose plays. Coach Lopez informs that the Poly coachin.g; staff -- the Cards defeated them 27-12 -- feels that Buehler will be another Mike Ditka. For having been named CIF "AAAA n Division Player of the Year for 1964, George Buehler, along with players named for first, second, and third team honors, will be honored at the 28th annual All-Southern California Board of Football Awards Program to be held at Helms Hall an Saturday morning, January 16, at 10:30 a.m. Players, coaches and dig­ nitaries from the football scene will be in attendance. Loyola's Mike Bergdahl, Buehler and Poly's Gene Washington are the only repeaters from last year's team. Santa Ana Valley, Sunset League co-champs and first round victor over Ramona, 35-7, before bump­ ing into Whittier(lost 14-7), placed three performers on the squad. Woody Deckard, Valley's fine QB and guard Dale Moeding were naned to the first team, while end Jim Champion was a third-team selection. Long Beach Poly's fabulous duo of Gene Washington and Al Nichols accounted for over 3,000 yards in total offense for the Jack­ rabbits in 1964. Washington (706 rush and 887 pass) and Nichols (1596 rush and eclipsing Willie Brown's marks) managed 3,189 yards between them. Twenty-six ClF nAMA" Division scho~ls are represented on the 1964 all-star teams. All players selected are seniors. \Vhittier coach Vic Lopez will receive a special silver tumbler award recogni~ing him for his coaching efforts in 1964_ PAST C.I.F. HIGH SCHOOL PLAYERS OF THE YEAR YEAR PLAYER S G H 0 0 L' n~ PLAYER SCHOOL 1937 Frank Albert•••• Glendale••••••••• 1952 Ronald Knox••••• Santa Monica 1938 Har~ Karns ••••• Pomona••••••••••• 1953 Ernie Zampese••• santa Barbara 1939 John Petrovich•• Alhambra••••••••• 1954 John Hangartner. Hoover, Glendale 1940 Peter Zucco ••••• Santa Barbara•••• 1955 Mickey Flynn•••• Anaheim 1941 NewellOestrich. Inglewood•••••••• 1956 Mickey Flynn.... Anaheim 1942 Glenn Davis ••••• Bonita••••••••••• Randy Meadows •• 0 Downey 1943 Norman Veeh••••• Tustin••••••••••• 1957 Ga~ Craig•••••• Riverside 1944 Bill Martin••••• Mark Keppel•••••• 1958 Dee Andrews ••••• Poly, L.B. 1945 Al Pollard•••••• Loyola••••••••••• 1959 Willie Brown •••• Poly, L.B. 1946 Al Pollard•••••• Loyola••••••••••• 1960 Jim Ivlurphy •••••• santa Barbara 1947 Bud Woodward•••• Jordan, L.B••••• 1961 ' Paul Horgan••••• Loyola 1948 John Olszewski•• st. Anthony•••••• 1962 Steve Grady..... Loyola 1949 Jim Contratto••• Compton •••••••••• 1963 Don SWartz•••••• Loyol@. 1950 Charles Powell•• San Diego•••••••• 1964 George Buehle<r•• v.Jhittier 1951 Marty Keough•••• Pomona All SoutherrJ. California CIF Football Players of the .Year have their photo­ graphs posted in Helms Hall :in the special High School Hall of Fame chambers and their names are engraved upon t,he Pa,)l H. Helms perpet~llr"'l1 t'~'>'Phy :Lodge1 permanently in Helms Hall. -- over -- more -- - ALL-SOUTHERN SECTI' -r.F. "MAAtt DIVISIONF' trL TEAM -- 1964 FOR RELEASE: WEDl\fi. AFTERNOON, JAN. 6 and sday a.. m. ~} ~} * DO j,\JOT RELEASE PRIOR TO JAN. v.cli ••••p.m. t!- ALL-SOUTHERIJ SECTION C.I.F. nAAAA n FOOTBALL TEAM FOR 1964 "~·":,"~,"FIRST TEA M YEAR POSITION P LAY ER SCHOOL HEIGHT WEIGHT SCHOOL End......~~GEORGE BUEHLER ••••• WHITTIER .. 6-3 235 Sr. End••••• FAIR HOOKER ••.••••• ~10NROVIA .....•• 6-1 175 Sr. Tackle•• GEORGE KUNZ •••••••• LOyOLA ••.....•• 6-4 225 Sr. Tackle •• BRUCE WALLACE •..••• ALHA!1BRA .•..••• 6-1 222 Sr. Guard••• DALE M.OEDING ••••••• SANTA ANA VALLEY 6-2 195 Sr. Guard••• JIM HAMILTON ••.•••• ANAHElr-1 •....••• 6-2 180 Sr. Center•• CLIFF BILEK•••••••• RArIfONA, RIVERSIDE 6-1 195 Sr. Back •••• ~'"MIKE BERGDAHL •.•••• LOYDLA. •.••••.•• 6-1 200 Sr. Back•• it-'~t-GENE ltlASHINGTON •••• POLY, LONG BEACH 6-2 170 Sr. Back•••• AL NICHOLS ••••••••• POLY, LONG BEACH .5-10 160 Sr• Back •••• TIM WALKER ••••••.•• WHITTIER .•.•••• .5-11 170 Sr. Back•••• WOODY DECKARD •.•••• SANTA ANA VALLEY 6-0 17.5 Sr. ~~i'"~'"SECOND TEAM End••••• DAVE OLWIN ••..••.•• PASADENA . 6-3 210 Sr. End ••••• RON KENNEDy•••••••• COI1PTON .. 6-2 18,5 Sr. Tackle •• TOM SEMINOFF ••••••• WHITTIER ••••••• 6-1 19.5 Sr. Tackle.. PHIL HESSER . SERVlTE, ANAHEIM 6-1 230 Sr. Guard••• GARY SHATTUCK•••••• !'IIRA COSTA ..••• 6-0 200 Sr. Guard••• TIM BUCHANAN ••••••• MUIR, PASADENA. .5-11 203 Sr. Center•• KENNETH CARPENTER •• DOIlINGUEZ •.•••• 6-.5 230 Sr. Back•••• JIM WHITELy•••••••• GLENDALE ••••••• 6-0 19.5 Sr. Back•••• DANNY SCOTT •••••••• EL RANCHO •••.•• .5-10 189 Sr• Back•••• GORDDN NADEL ••••••• SANTA BARBARA •• 5-8 190 Sr. Back•••• TONY GARDEA •••••••• VlATER DEI•••••• 6-0 20.5 Sr. Back•••• BILL HERREA •••••••• OXNARD ••..••••• .5-11 175 Sr• -~r i~ ir THIRD TEA M End••••• DOUG MOOERS •••••••• WESTERN, ANAHEIM 6-5 220 Sr. End••••• JIM CHAMPION ••..••• SANTA ANA VALLEY 6-0 200 Sr. Tackle •• JERRY WITTE •......• ANAHEI~1 . 6-0 221 Sr. Tackle •• RON SAMSON ••••••.•• WARREN, DovfNEY. 6-1 222 Sr. Guard••• EDDIE EVANS •••••••• PACIFIC,S. HERDOO 6-0 182 Sr. Guard••• CALVIN GARLAND .•.•• PASADENA .. 6-0 205 Sr. Center•• DAVE ARCHER ••.••••• GLENDALE ••..••• 6-2 205 Sr. Back•••• GILBERT BLADES •...• MUIR, PA SADENA • .5-8 16.5 Sr. Back•••• LARRY WALTERS •••••• LAKEWOOD •.••••• .5-10 160 Sr• Back. • •• Tlr1 THOl4AS .. HAWTHORNE .. 5-10 160 Sr. Back•••• JIM CURTICE •••••••• SAN- NARCOS ••••• .5-9 160 Sr. Back•••• ULYSES ALLEN••••••• CATHEDRAL •••••• .5-10 170 Sr. {r 1st Team in 1963 ~Hr 2nd Team in 1963 -~HH~ 3rd Team in 1963 HELMS ATHLETIC FOUNDATION'S ALL-SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BOARD OF FOOTBALL Ralph Alexander, Los Angeles Herald-Examiner Floyd Schneidermann, Pasadena star-News Jeff Prugh, Los Angeles Times Garland Rose, Riverside Press-Enterprise Mannie Pineda, The Citizen News Claude Anderson, San Bernardino Sun Van Barbieri, San Pedro News-Pilot John strey, ~Vhittier News \iayne Wilson, Van Nuys News Phil Patton, santa Barbara News-Press Eddie West, Santa Ana Register Doug rves, Long Beach Press-Telegram Bob Hopper,. San Gabriel valley-Tribune Al Ames, Glendale News-Press Nat Wess, santa Monica outlook Chuck Thomas, Ventura star Free-Press ~"lillis Arrington, Huntington Park Signal Dick l~ite, Redondo Breeze Braven Dyer, Jr., Secreta~ Bill Schroeder, Chairman VOlT RUBBER COMPANY**TO PRESENT* HONORED* PLAYERS* *WITH FOOTBALLS As it has so kindly done over the past 15 years, AMF-Voit Rubber Company of Los Angeles will have a special Voit Football award for each player named to the CIF "AAAA tt Division teams for 1964. Loyd Tutor and Mell Barton, who have participated in honoring the South­ land's top prep footballers during these years, will be on hand at Helms Hall to make the presentations. This marks the 28th year that Helms Athletic FOlmdation, through All-Southern California Board of Athletics, has hOL0red the Southland's finest gridiron performers from our high schools. Honored players receive scroll awards, beautifUlly framed, while players of the year and CIF title-w~ing coaches receive special medal and tumbler awards. This year's awards program will be held at He~s Hall on Saturda~ morning, January 16th, at 10:30 a.m. * .5PECIAL RELEAS HELMS HALL. 8760 VENICE BOULEVARD • LOS ANGELES. CALIFORNIA 90034 TERRY NEWLIN (ST. FRANCIS), STEVE PRICE (COACHELLA) , & BRIAN KILPATRICK (RIM OF WORLD) "~;~L FOR 1964 -----4'FOR RELEAS .... SDAY AFTERNOON". a.m. 11J~~~e~:f~~4ii:~:ep~'~Cla"~ed Player of the Year in ,,~~:n~n grid playas members of Helms All-Southern California Board of Football met at Helms Hall to make their annual football team seleotions. The Helms Board, following a pattern set last year, named four "small­ school" teams, two in "AAA-AA tt and two in "A-Small School" oategories. steve Price and Brian Kilpatrick, who led Coachella and Rfm of the \vorld to "Au and "small-Schooltt elF titles respectively, were accorded "Co-Player of the Year" honors for their respective division. Newlin, who was named the top offensive back in Santa Fe League play was one of three St. Francis performers to be named to the 1964 first team. Teammates Dennis Flagg (QB) and center George Contreras were the others honored. The Knights, defending !tAAA 1t champs whipped Garden Grove (34-32), Pomona Catholic (21-14), Santa Maria (20-12) and Claremont (14-0) in the finals. Fullback Steve Prioe or Coachella, who gained 1,295 yards in total offense this year and 1,400 last, led his Arab teammates to the "An Division crown with wins over Hemet (25-14), Laguna (20-l9) and Mission of San Luis Obispo (28-6) in the finals.
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