Agriocnemis lepida sp. nov. from Lao PDR 1st June 2020177 Agriocnemis lepida sp. nov. from the Annamite Range in Lao PDR (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) Malte Seehausen Museum Wiesbaden, Naturhistorische Sammlungen, Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 2, 65185 Wiesbaden, Germany; <[email protected]> Received 4th February 2020; revised and accepted 5th April 2020 Abstract. Agriocnemis lepida sp. nov. is described and figured (holotype ♂: 20-ii-2003, Lao PDR, Khammouan Province, 2.5 km WNW Ban Tathot, Tham Kamouk, 17.6316°N, 105.1250°E, 200 m a.s.l., P. Jäger leg.; deposited at the Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum Senckenberg, Frankfurt am Main, Germany). Additionally, illustrations of the male append- ages and the posterior lobe of the prothorax of A. clauseni, A. minima, and A. nana as well as photographs and a Selys watercolour of the female holotype of A. carmelita are provided. Agriocnemis carmelita is shortly discussed with references to the genus Mortonagrion. Further key words. Damselfly, Zygoptera, new species, cobra-hood, Agriocnemis carmelita, Mortonagrion Introduction The genus Agriocnemis Selys, 1877, comprises 44 species (Schorr & Paul- son 2020) distributed in Africa, Asia, and Australia. However, some of the species are only known from the type series, and at least the status of A. cor­ beti Kumar & Prasad, 1978, is considered doubtful (Mitra 2010a). Most recently, A. kalinga Nair & Subramanian, 2014, had been described from India as well as A. canuango Dijkstra, 2015, and A. toto Dijkstra, 2015, from Angola. At least seven species of Agriocnemis are known to be native to mainland South-East Asia. These are A. pygmaea (Rambur, 1842), A. femina (Brauer, 1868), A. lacteola Selys, 1877, A. minima (Selys, 1877), A. carmelita Selys, 1877, which is only known from the female holotype collected in »Annam« (today’s Central Vietnam), A. nana Laidlaw, 1914, and A. clauseni Fraser, 1922 (Hämäläinen & Pinratana 1999; Dow 2011b). Yokoi & Souphan- thong (2014) listed A. dabreui Fraser, 1920, A. femina, A. minima, A. nana, Odonatologica 49(1/2) 2020: 177-190Odonatologica – DOI:10.5281/zenodo.3823341 49(1/2) 2020: 177-190 178 M. Seehausen and A. pygmaea from Lao People’s Democratic Republic. However, the corre- sponding records of the Indian A. dabreui need verification because records from Thailand and Malaysia actually refer to A. minima, and it seems likely that this is the case for Lao PDR and Vietnam as well (Mitra 2010b ). Thus, at least four species of Agriocnemis are known to occur in Lao PDR. During studies of a collection from Lao PDR a male Agriocnemis remained unidentified (Seehausen 2018). Due to further research and comparisons it turned out to be an unknown species, which is described here. Material and methods Only a single male of the new species could be studied, which is why pre- dominantly male specimens of congenerics were examined for comparison. Collections with material studied: IRSNB – Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Brussels, Belgium SMF – Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum Senckenberg, Frankfurt am Main, Germany ZSM – Zoological State Collection, Munich, Germany Other material studied: Agriocnemis carmelita Selys, 1877: 1♀ [Holotype], Annam [Central Vietnam], Coll. Selys (IRSNB). Agriocnemis clauseni Fraser, 1922: 11♂, viii-1952, Baragolai, Ober Assam, India, H. Neuhaus leg. (ZSM). Agriocnemis lacteola Selys, 1877: 1♂ [Syntype], Bengale, Coll. Selys (IRSNB). 2♂ [Syntypes], November 1868, Diuxna Ghats, Atkinson leg., Coll. Selys (IRSNB). 1♂, 30-vi-1914, »Fung Wahn«, China, ex. Coll. Mell, Coll. Ris (SMF). 1♂, »W6696«, China, ex. Coll. Mell, Coll. Ris (SMF). 1♂, 15-vi-1919, »Sumpfplatz«, China, ex. Coll. Mell, Coll. Ris (SMF). 1♂, 04-vi-1937, Shaowu, Fukien, China, 500 m a.s.l., J. Klapperich leg., Coll. G. von Rosen No. 7084 (ZSM). 1♂, 01-viii-1937, Shaowu, Fukien, China, 500 m a.s.l., J. Klapperich leg., Coll. G. von Rosen No. 7085 (ZSM). 1♂, 07-viii-1937, Shaowu, Fukien, China, 500 m a.s.l., J. Klapperich leg., Coll. G. von Rosen No. 7086 (ZSM). 8♂, viii-1952, Baragolai, Ober Assam, India, H. Neuhaus leg. (ZSM). Agriocnemis minima (Selys, 1877): 1♂ [Holotype], Java, Coll. Selys (IRSNB). 1♂, v-1889, Süd Ceylon [likely mislabelled], Fruhstorfer leg., ex. Museum München, Coll. Ris (SMF). 1♂, 07-viii-1972, Ang Kep Nam-Bang Phra, S Chon Buri, Thai- land, G. von Rosen leg. (ZSM). 1♂, 27-v-2003, Prek Toal, Tonle Sap Lake, Battam- bang, Cambodia, J. Constant & K. Smets leg. (IRSNB). Odonatologica 49(1/2) 2020: 177-190 Agriocnemis lepida sp. nov. from Lao PDR 179 Agriocnemis nana Laidlaw, 1914: 3♂, v-1889, Süd Ceylon [likely mislabelled], Fruhs torfer leg., ex. Museum München, Coll. Ris (SMF). 4♂ 1♀, Burma [Myan- mar], ex. Coll. E.B. Williamson, Coll. Ris (SMF). Abbreviations used: Hw – hind wing; Fw – fore wing; Pt – pterostigma; Ax – antenodal cross-veins; Px – postnodal cross-veins; S1, S2 etc. – abdominal segment 1, 2 etc. Terminology used follows Dijkstra & Clausnitzer (2014). Agriocnemis lepida sp. nov. (Figs 1–6) Holotype ♂: Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Khammouan Province, 2.5 km WNW Ban Tathot, Tham Kamouk, 17.6316°N, 105.1250°E, 200 m a.s.l., 20-ii-2003, P. Jäger leg.; deposited at the Forschungsinstitut und Natur- museum Senckenberg, Frankfurt am Main, Germany (SMF). Etymology Latin lepida means graceful as well as cute and jocose (feminine adjective); all attributes fit in my eyes to members of the genus Agriocnemis in general and to the new species in particular. Male (holotype; Figs 1-6) Head – Labium pale; labrum and genae blue, upper margin towards ante- clypeus reddish-brown, blackish in the middle; ante- and postclypeus blue; antefrons blue, broadly black in the midline with black margin towards postclypeus; postfrons black with two black, spot-like elongations on each side of the midline reaching towards antefrons; vertex and occiput black except for pale ocelli, blue comma-shaped post-ocular spots and blue oc- cipital bar; rear of head bluish; pale bluish spot at upper margin of antenna base; first segment of antenna brown with apical margin yellow-ocher; rest of antenna yellow-ocher. Thorax – Anterior lobe of prothorax light blue; middle lobe black dorsally, the black colour reaching from posterior lobe to lateral half of middle lobe diagonally downward with wavy margin, lower half of middle lobe light blue Odonatologica 49(1/2) 2020: 177-190 180 M. Seehausen laterally; posterior lobe in lateral view processed, smoothly curved, apical half light blue, basal half with black saddle; in dorsal view the apical margin of posterior lobe process is light blue, rounded and lifted so that it looks like a basin that is open towards the middle lobe; synthorax with mesepisternum black except a light blue ante-humeral stripe; mesepimeron almost entire- ly black; metepisternum and metepimeron light blue with posterior end of metapleural suture black; venter of synthorax pale; coxae, trochanters, and remainder of legs pale whitish-yellow, outer side of femora with black stripe broadened towards tibiae, inner side of femora with washed blackish stripe at the lower third; tibiae with upper half of inner side with washed blackish stripe; tip of tarsi and tarsal claws washed brownish; spines blackish. Wings – Membrane hyaline; veins brownish; arculus in both wings situated about its own length beyond Ax2; medio-anal link zig-zagged; number of Px in Fw 5–6, number of Px in Hw 4; Pt diamond shaped, brown, each an- terior margin pale whitish. Abdomen – S1 blue, black dorsally; S2 blue, black dorsally with an oval blue window at each side (“cobra-hood” mark), black narrowed down posteri- orly; S3–S6 dorsally blackish-brown with slight lateral extensions towards the posterior sixth on S3–S5, laterally blue but narrowing from S3 towards S6 and yielding to pale yellow; S7–S9 pale yellow-orange; S10 brownish, laterally lower third pale; cercus pale, laterally with brownish stripe, about as long as S10; in lateral view broadly triangular with apex rounded, ven- trally produced into a downward directed hook-like tip; hollowed in dorsal view; paraproct pale, very short and almost entirely hidden by S10; a tiny brownish spine directed backward is seen from lateral view, a stouter spine directed inside is seen only from dorsal and ventro-lateral view. Genital ligula – Terminal segment ventrally somewhat rectangular with a pair of broad apical lobes, deeply V-shaped ventrally, tips laterally curved; terminal segment laterally with some broadly rounded extensions. Measurements [mm] – Total length (with appendages) 21.5; abdomen length (without appendages) 17; cercus 0.25; Hw 10; Fw 10.9; Pt in Fw 0.5. Odonatologica 49(1/2) 2020: 177-190 Agriocnemis lepida sp. nov. from Lao PDR 181 Female Unknown. Diagnosis and remarks Apart from Agriocnemis lepida sp. nov., the group of congenerics with a “co- bra-hood” mark on S2 in India and Southeast Asia comprises A. clauseni, A. corbeti Kumar & Prasad 1978, A. dabreui, A. kalinga, A. keralensis Pe- Figure 1. Agriocnemis lepida sp. nov., holotype male in lateral view. Focus stacking photo: MS Figure 2. Agriocnemis lepida sp. nov., holotype male. S2 with “co- bra-hood” mark in lateral view. Fo- cus stacking photo: MS Odonatologica 49(1/2) 2020: 177-190 182 M. Seehausen ters, 1981, A. minima, and A. nana (Lieftinck 1930; Fraser 1933; Nair & Subra manian 2014). Within this group, the morphology of the male ap- pendages of A. lepida is especially similar to that of A. nana. However, the cercus of A. nana appears hardly triangular because of a slightly curved up- a b c Figure 3. Agriocnemis lepida sp. nov., holotype male, head. a – Frontal, b – dorsal, c – ventral view. Focus stack- ing photos: MS a b Figure 4. Agriocnemis lepida sp. nov., holotype male, posterior lobe of prothorax. a – Dorsal, b – lateral view. Focus stacking photos: MS Odonatologica 49(1/2) 2020: 177-190 Agriocnemis lepida sp.
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