• YEAR-END REPORTS OF AFGHANISTAN'S GOVERNMENT MINISTRIES 1 3 5 4 c o n t e n t s Ministry of Agriculture . .................. 1 Ministry of Information & Culture .•.•.•••• 4 Ministry of Mines & Industries .••••••.•••• 9 Ministry of Interior . ..................... 12 Ministry of Justice . ...................... 14 Ministry of Public Works • ••••..••.•••...•• 16 Ministry of Public Health . ................ 20 Ministry of Communications ••.•••••••.••.•• 26 miscellaneous Public Finance in the Afghan Economy ..... 28 ARCS Year End Activities Report ••••.•.••• 29 Implementation of Education Reform .•.•... 30 Art Education in Afghanistan ....•.•• ·.••.• 37 Proposed Programme for Pashto Dictionaries 39 Bakhtar Links Remote Parts of the Country 40 Supplement Summer, 1976 MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE - year end report for 1354 (KT, 4/23 & 24/76) · : following is the translat- Cotton proi:-ramme: · Establishment of fruit ga­ Disease-free seeds . an·d . An area of 112,000 heca­ ion of an interview with rdens under the World Fo­ seeds that can resist disc2-­ tres were under cotton cul· . Agriculture Minister A1.izu­ od l'roir,1111me in thl' abo­ sc and timely sr.cding ar!.' . tivation and 8,700 tons of llah Wassifi over the acli· ,·cmcntioned provinces. · factors that rrduce of pla­ cotton scrds were distribu· ""tirs of the Ministry · <.lur· · Supply ancl distribution nt diseases. ted. fol! the last Afghan year of 13,342 tons of seeds of l-'or prntection of plana )35'1 published in the cur­ . Distribution ·or 12,248 to· vcgctnhlcs such as onions, the project has carried c, t rent issue of the Jamhour• ns of urea and di-amoni­ turnips, toinatocs etc. · and the follo\\'ill:! acti,·itics: . um .. phosphate· Total col· fat mar:a1. i11c : 1 provicli,ig of technicJI gui­ 1- Campaign ~gainst ,­ ton out put was 150,000 tons. dance 'in · cultivating the ants disca::cs. frµit bcarini Agriculture Dc,·clopme11t Establishment of. 85 cx­ seeds in 22 provinces. and non- fruits, over l,44El. and Extcn!-ion Projoct: prrin1e11tal farms. Ul9 plants. The project is aimed at : Sugar - beet • program· · Jlolding of training cou· 2- Compaigu against gr- _ providing guid ance for . me: recs; !-eminars a nd worksh­ ape vine di~casc . farmers and lives\ock own· . Sugar-beet · cultivation Qps for I he personnel · of · 3- Sprayini against v c- er!- and acquaint them with cover<'d 4750 hectares of the Project for· different .,rctah'.e discasc O\"Cr a:l modern .farming so that land in Oaghlan. .l<'vrls. · .., ..;. 10,755 j<'ril>s of lands . .. .. .. ~ . they can •increase produc- DistriLulion of 160 tons tivity. ·. · . ~; seeds.' •· ncsc:nch a11<.l SoiJ studies: · .. 4-Spray.ing 1~ 13 jeri~ The activities of the Pr­ Distribution of .1004 tons ... i1( sugar- beet and cott :: oject arc focused on prop- c.hcmical fertili~er for ·27\ · This project is complcm· farms against disease. ogating hi!!h yield seeds sp­ farmers. cr:itary of the Exten..c;ion Pro­ 5-Campai!!n against k­ eC'ially wheat seeds, provid­ Establishment of 12 exp· jecl. The Hrs,:arch and Soil cust. ,.. ing g uidance on use of chem­ eri111ental farms. in Baghl· SludiC's Depart111e11t of the ~[inistry has selected "cliff- ical fcrtilisrr, popularisation an one\ Dahanac~ Ghori. ·. 6 ...:._ Campaign a~air:~: Production of 103,000 to­ f;1r111s mirc over· 2C9.4~ of mechanised fanning ·and crcnt ·spots ,,•ith diverse cli: ns sugar-beet. jeribs of farms. a~r~tcchniques. As a res- matic conditions to carry . ult or the help and guidan­ ... Sugar-hect. yield from 1- Distribution of 14_:;. out its scientific· studies. 75 quarantine certific.;~~ of technical personnel an '10 hectares land in Sa­ ce ·· These studies c-sta l>lishcd for exports. · of the Project followin~ mangan r<'ad1ed lo 8f>4 to- .the suitability of soil, Lime The curative a:-id prcn- works have been done du~ ns. · \. ... · ·· for sowing, time and am­ ntive campaign a;ainst ;-;. int 135-l: .. Production of sugar. · 13. ount of chemical fertiliser .inls disease will conlir.r~ Providing guidance in 000 tons." • to be used. amount . of irr­ throu~hout the S<'v<'n- Yt­ Jistribution of 70,000 tons · Also experimental farms igation, ways to fight plant m· Plan. cl1cmical fertiliser. have hcen cstahlishc<l for diseases. · · · growing sunflower in Ilal­ · The results .ichieved from . Nan~arhar Vnlley D e.f'- kh, Samanr.an, J auzjan, fa. thc soil studies arc dissem- · lopmcnt Project Wheal proirammc: ryab, Badghis, Herat and inat~d through extension · The . Project .is a regi:=,- Distribution of 22,493 to­ Takhar provinces. pcrsonnel to the farmers in al fru1lfu) pro1ccts of,~=- urea ar1d amonium phos­ ns Fruits and \'egctable pro- . various parts of the coun- . ~ounthry a1m?d lat dev~,c·;- phatr fcrt:lisH .-..nd 24,0.00 gramme: . lry. mg .t e ~gncu ~ur~. Jty~ tons sreds. F.xtension and guidance • lt ·. h t-pcking, increasing pro::.:- At ti 1C agncu u1a1 c c- t· ·t . h J)i~tribution of 2900 kgs for grafting and agro-tec· • t b t c 1v1 y. greening t c r~~-- I .insecticides and pcstiridcs. hniques of fruits in Kabul, m1s l)' a ora ory some 1367 . on and finally raising i.~ EstaLlishmrnt of 1142 pil­ Parwan, Logar. and ~raid­ sample~. of w~tcr, soil and living standard of the ~:-- plants rnclu<l1n g asfoetida cal people. ot ancl experimental impr· an provinces. and caraway hns been ana­ OV('d wheat farms. A total Establishment of orchar· of G7G tons wheat was ob· )yscd and a total of 12- · · During the Afgha n ye;:- tained from the experim­ :·_'els for.-,mproved fruits and 407 analysis has been carr­ 1354 some 101 per cen: :-: ental and pilot farms. The ·. commercial fruits such as irrl Out. the w ork envisaged unc:: overage yielu' from each grapes under the World The soil and water· stu<l­ the plan was imoleme:::... jcrib of experimental farm . Food Programme in llcrat ic!. will continue throu~ho­ .ed. During the y~.:.r _ _ ·· ' D:aln/<lir,han. · J>arwan, N.J ut. the Seven year Devc'op- fall fanning, collect:: :: has · l,crn 85 seer. equivale- mcnt Plan. ·: ;_ and export of citrus f :-..::­ nt of 592 kgs. m:~rhar, Laghman, Logar, · Ma1dan and Ghazni. · Plants protction an'd qu~ ts. supplying of fo"c:(:~ =-­ arantine project: rel atcd con st ruction w :::-- - l ~ 1:s, industrial cslablist:::­ There has also Leen an · - · 'o\'.'jnr, of 50 diffcr- l,:t l:(lii.t Dr,·clopmci1t rro. C'l1l and living quarters :::­ incr as~. of J60. 7 pr1· cent cnt pknts .md hu !> l1Ps in jcrt: wo1 l;.C'rs. productio n 0f C.= · in crops production peci- urc:i:.. relating to rubul. The. projr ct is aimed .:1 iry prt•ducts ;ind m ::::.:. ally wheat. - J'lant'1tion of pis L:l- fun·sl p1 t:scr\'alic,n arid . up,crv is1on and main:.:::­ In )3!:13, ) 50•1 tons of, chic, sap1i nr,s in • anwng,10 rcfo1 C' 5ta ticin in the· rcgic-,n ,ll1CC of irrir,ation sy~:r:::. wheat w.is obt.iincd fiom p rovince. and dr\'clopnwnt of loc r1 : a11d i;pilh•:'ly arid pow:: .:-- the P 1·0j0ct and in J3:i1 - P1oducliun of 146,0· agriculture: .incl inclu<tr ,·. r,cncr.iti11g ~>lant as v,~·:l . the prociuc:Lion r ached to O wur,dcn L,,::-.es for cx- J- H:1111l irraft prr jcct: ;is repair of machi!:e:'-" .2-1 17 tons. 'fl1erc h.1·, also pm t of grap(:, ancl pomcg- - l1J al:1ng of fu rnitu­ were suct<-'infullv cJr!" . s·~ bccn incrc~<;e in producti- ranatc~. re. windo\\'s, doo1~ . t:, blc•,:; out. • on at th<' livc!',tod; co 11p- - - Pru:t!n•alion and etc. :it tlic c;11 pc1 it,.ry The fill] f:i , 1ning in :.:.~ lex s of the prCJJC'ct. f'ur ~afq:u, JCli11g of puhlic p a- \\'orl;r.liop uf l};c· pt oj.:·ct. Projl'cl co,·cn.:d an 2:~.3 i nr.t,111C·! in 13:,3 the ll)ilJ: sturi.s in JG n0rthcrn, P 1\1duciJJg 111t•1,1 l f 1 ;:irnr s. of 1 J :1 LG !i jrril ~ of h,-::3 p r0cluction of the p roj,.,ct C' ilS{ 11or•h, v. c2 _nc·rt h ;incl \\ .:lcli.1~ l'quipn cn1, spare which co1np.q cu to 1:-:; w.is 7 1 J terns how0,·v1, in ccnti .il p:-ovinccs oJ the p :i1 l !; < k. ther0 had !,, ,'n an ir.c ~­ l3~>l ll>t• P rujcct w as :-1hlc· cnun!ry by 1w1r0n 11 el and - HC'p'li1in ~ of c:iff cr­ nse of '.2:3..10 .G jC'ribs in r-·-. to p1 tJtltH.l' , r.8 tons of pa:.tun s cuard~. nt maciii n'? ry o1 till' }: ri•. rulli\'ati,111. · milk - Prnp11r,~ t1 nn C>f cliff- j'- ct , nd i11cl1'.·idu.il ··t tl.c Jn an effo1 t to ·xp:- : :i The cun<;tru clion un;t or <'l c 11 t kif'd c,f fudtkr over n wtor \':od.slwµ of t, l r­ th ~· cll L'a for gtu\\'ir.c oli,·c: the Prnj-d iupleme1,kd ,tn , 1rc,, of ~~G JCl'ili~· of la- ojcct. J.:{00.000 ~('\"Cl ;I( \"C:-!J~ c::i its p rnjc·ct L· d J !:ms L_· Jiu - nds. 2- l't•rc (allo:1 pi-r,jct : 1. • . :ip,lllf> of olive s were s~- ndrccl per c ·n t spending CollC'ct inJ{ of ~t.1 tis L - Plantation of lC.-'..· p p ltl cl whirli sh,,w an !r::­ the a1.tic-iw,t 0 d .im~iunt or ic,,1 cl,1ta on ~,.0'.:],)7~ jer- Q()Q S' pJi;1 '.S, rc:1sc ct! f':O.
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