University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Vol. 24, No. 6, September 6, 1979 Schur assumes chancellor post UWM Economics Professor faculty members on or about Sept. Leon M. Schur became acting 6 that would answer all questions. UWM chancellor Aug. 31. Schur assumed the temporary position Schur said he was appointed after being cleared in a univer­ acting chancellor by the UW sity investigation of any conflict Board of Regents with the under­ of interest in his association with standing that he would not be S.A.K., Inc. eligible to permanently assume However, Rep. William Broy- the chancellorship. He said he drick (D-Milw.) wanted to open an would be "very happy to go back" investigation, and met with UW to the economics department System President Edwin Young to when a chancellor was found by discuss the matter. the UW Search Committee. Schur and Eric Schenker, dean "I've never had any adminis­ of UWM's School of Business trative aspirations," said Schur. Administration, were identified as The deadline for chancellor vice presidents, directors and nominations is Oct. 1, and Schur stockholders of S.A.K. (Save a said it is possible that a final The first UWM/Medalist Kickoff Classic was held end. UWM placed third in the tournament. See Kilowatt). The firm was set up [turn to p. 2, col. 1] in Milwaukee at The Bavarian Field last week­ related story on page 11. to market a device that would Drowning rescue not without risks by Dick J Peck pulling her younger sister out LaBruce, who has never taken "They (the girls) kept bobbing of The Post staff even farther. a lifesaving course, was being up and down, choking, gasping The younger girl, already up to choked by the younger girl. for breath," said LaBruce, who She never found out the two her neck in water, was resist­ After freeing her neck from the added that even for non- young girls' names. Never found ing. "She was crying, 'No, younger girl's arms and grasping swimmers this is easier to do in out if the girls' parents were no! I wanna go in (to the the girl's wrist instead, LaBruce salt water than in fresh. ever told how very close their shore)!,' " LaBruce recalled. attempted to swim to shore with "We were making very little young daughters had come to "At that point, I almost inter­ her free arm while the girls progress. I was swimming with drowning and being washed out to vened," continued the music pro­ hung on instinctively for dear my one arm, but the undertow sea. fessor, who was swimming about life. [turn to p. 4, col. 1] But Evelyn LaBruce, a UWM 20 or 30 yards from the girls. music professor, did find out "But at the instant I was about Schur something during her nightmarish to do something, I hit the drop­ Administrative post struggle with the ocean's under­ off myself. tow one day this past July. "Then I realized it was no long­ extend the life of light bulbs She discovered that the sea she er child's play. They (the girls) changes announced by lowering the filament tempera­ had always loved so much could were both in way over their ture. become a wicked and even dead­ heads"—and the undertow was Meredith Watts, 38, the former recently appointed to the UWM It was alleged that UWM facil­ ly place if not feared and respect­ starting to pull them farther out assistant to UWM Chancellor School of Social Welfare Sullivan ities were used for the formation ed. to sea. Werner Baum, has been appoint­ Chair. and operation of the firm, headed This imminent danger became Both girls were now screaming, ed acting assistant chancellor of by Alan J. Weston, dean of more and more real to her that but they were too far from shore Student Services and^ Special Pro­ Watts, a professor of political UWM's School of Allied Health horrible day as she watched two and the wind was too, strong grams at UWM. Karen Robison, science at UWM, is co-author of Professions. UWM would re­ young girls playing in the water for their cries to be heard. La- 41, has been named assistant to the books "Legislative Roll Call ceive royalties from the sale of along a South Carolina beach. Bruce said it was fortunate Uiat UWM Acting Chancellor Leon Analysis" and "State Legislative each device under the firm's ar­ The girls were apparently sis­ she is a fairly good swimmer, Schur. Systems." He served as ad­ ticles of incorporation. ters, LaBruce said, and both look­ and that the wind was behind Schur announced the appoint­ ministrative assistant to Wiscon­ Schur and Schenker have sub­ ed younger than 10 years old. her as she swam quickly toward ments on Tuesday, Sept. 4. sin Gov. Reynolds in 1964 under sequently donated their stock to LaBruce, who was swimming at the girls. Watts, of 2309 E. Menlo Blvd., a National Center for Education in the»UWM Foundation. the time, noticed that the girls When she reached them, the Shorewood, will succeed Prof. Er­ Politics fellowship, held a Na­ Schur declined to discuss the were quite far from shore and younger girl grabbed LaBruce's nest Spaights, who announced tional Science Foundation Re­ S.A.K. flap this week and said were not being supervised, and neck tightly, and the older one his resignation in March in order search grant and won a U.S. Air he was sending a letter to all that the older of the two kept clung to the body of her sister. to return to teaching and was Force Commendation Medal for educational innovation and re- search. The new acting assistant chan­ Gus: persecuted or persecutor? cellor received a bachelor's de­ gree from Lawrence University and master's and ^doctorate de­ Mark Zemen. Lietzau took over readers find the cartoon to be an grees from Northwestern Univer­ by Dave Hendrickson drawing the strip when Zemen insult to their intelligence. Others sity. He joined the UWM fac­ of The Post staff graduated. have become Gus fans, even ulty in 1966 as an assistant pro­ going so far as to say it is the fessor. Like leprechauns who innocent­ Although Lietzau holds the pen, only thing worth reading in The the cartoon, he said, is written ly torment people with their Post. Karen ^Robison, an associate by everyone in the transit office. childish pranks, employees of professor of nursing, joined the "We try to show how ridicu­ UWM's Parking and Transit office UWM faculty in 1969." In 1978, lous he is in his attempts to have been tormenting some UWM Either reaction suits the Park­ she received the Amoco Award avoid the UBUS," Lietzau, a students and a little defenseless ing and Transit staff. Gus is, for Teaching Excellence. She UBUS rider, said. guy named Gus for the past year. after all, an advertisement. "It has been a practicing registered Gus is .he cartoon character gets people's attention," Lietzau Most of the ideas for the nurse in Chicago; Rochester, N.Y. who appears in UBUS advertise­ said. "I think it is an effec­ strip come from personal exper­ and Milwaukee. Robison, who ments in each issue of The Post. tive ad. We're getting our mon­ lives at 4478 N. Cramer, Shore- ience and get kicked around by ey's worth out of it.'' / Tom Lietzau, a Fine Arts se­ the people in the Parking and wood, attended Wheaton College nior, is the artist who draws Transit office until they are de­ and ChicagOrWesley Hospital Lietzau said someone once told Gus. He does not, however, veloped into a comic strip, he School of Nursing. She re­ take credit (blame?) for creating said. him that Gus was the most recog­ ceived a bachelor's degree from the character. That somewhat nized individual on campus. Peo­ Northwestern University and a dubious honor belongs to a former Since its inception, Gus has ple relate Gus to Parking and master's degree from the Univer­ Parking and Transit employee, received mixed reactions. Some [turn to back page, col. 3] sity of Rochester. uwni post P<W 2 MILWAUKEE'S FOREMOST PIPESHOP Schur takes charge WANTED JOYNT VENTURE [from page one] receive an "administrative incre­ Responsibile, aesthically inclined ment" in salary while he holds individuals for the position of: BOOX • PARAPHERNALIA • COMIX choice could be made by the be­ down the chancellor's office, but ginning of next semester. was unsure of the amount. He GRAPHIC DESIGNER also said he will not accept the Free Pack of ZIG-ZAG Papers Although his term as chancellor use of a university car. will probably be short, Schur said Attractive salary, practical ex­ he intends to publish a report Schur was with the economics perience, work study students for any customer which will rank UWM academi­ department at Louisiana State preferred but not required. cally with other universities University in Baton Rouge for 10 If interested, call Rich at 963-4570 with this ad nationwide. UWM will do well in years before coming to UWM in the ranking, he said. 1964. He received degrees from ( OFFER EXPIRES SEPTEMBER 30 ) UW-Madison and also did some Another goal, he said, is to work at UWM's, predecessor insti­ «& maintain academic quality and tution, the Milwaukee State minimize the impact of a pro­ Teacher's College. Schur was ASTOR AT BRADY jected enrollment decline. To born in Milwaukee and grew up in 271-PIPE achieve this, he said, he will West Allis.
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