Follow Us On National Animals and Birds List of National Animals, Birds and Flowers: National Symbols represent the culture and tradition of a country. These symbols can be animals, birds, plants, fruits etc., These symbols are used as emblems by the country's government. Read the article to know more about the countries and their national symbols. You can also try the quiz on “National animals and birds” here – Quiz Link National Animals of World Countries Country Name of animal Scientific name Algeria Fennec fox Vulpes zerda Angola Red-crested turaco (national bird) Tauraco erythrolophus Anguilla Zenaida dove Zenaida aurita Antigua and Fallow deer (national animal) Dama dama Barbuda Antigua and Frigate (national bird) Fregata magnificens Barbuda Antigua and Hawksbill turtle (national sea creature) Eretmochelys imbricata Barbuda Argentina Rufous hornero Furnarius rufus Australia Red kangaroo (national animal) Macropus rufus Dromaius Australia Emu (national bird) novaehollandiae Azerbaijan Karabakh horse Equus ferus caballus Bangladesh Royal Bengal tiger (national animal) Panthera tigris tigris Bangladesh Magpie robin (national bird) Copsychus saularis Bangladesh Ilish (national fish) Tenualosa ilisha Belarus European bison Bison bonasus Belgium Lion (heraldic Leo Belgicus) Panthera leo Belize Baird's tapir (national animal) Tapirus bairdii Belize Keel-billed toucan (national bird) Ramphastos sulfuratus Bhutan Druk Mythical Bhutan Takin Budorcas taxicolor Brazil Rufous-bellied thrush (national bird) Turdus rufiventris Cambodia Kouprey Bos sauveli North American beaver (sovereignty Canada Castor canadensis animal symbol) Canada Canadian horse (national horse) Equus ferus caballus www.recruitment.guru/General-Knowledge/|1 Follow Us On National Animals and Birds China Giant panda (national animal) Ailuropoda melanoleuca China Chinese dragon (national animal) Mythical China Red-crowned crane (national bird) Grus japonensis Colombia Andean condor Vultur gryphus Costa Rica Yigüirro (national bird) Turdus grayi Costa Rica White-tailed deer (national animal) Odocoileus virginianus West Indian manatee (national aquatic Costa Rica Trichechus manatus animal) Croatia Pine marten Martes martes Cuba Cuban trogon Priotelus temnurus Cyprus Cypriot mouflon Ovis orientalis Czech Republic Double-tailed lion Mythical Democratic Republic of the Okapi Okapia johnstoni Congo Denmark Mute swan (national bird) Cygnus olor Denmark Small tortoiseshell (national butterfly) Aglais urticae Egypt Steppe eagle Aquila nipalensis Estonia Barn swallow (national bird) Hirundo rustica Ethiopia Lion Panthera leo Faroe Islands Eurasian oystercatcher (national bird) Haematopus ostralgus Finland Brown bear (national animal) Ursus arctos Finland Whooper swan (national bird) Cygnus cygnus France Gallic rooster Gallus gallus domesticus Germany Unspecified Eagle Members of Accipitridae Greece Phoenix Mythical Greece Dolphins Delphinus Guatemala Quetzal Pharomachrus mocinno Haiti Hispaniolan Trogan Priotelus roseigaster Honduras White-tailed deer Odocoileus virginianus Mythical (most Hungary Turul probably Falco cherrug) Iceland Gyrfalcon Falco rusticolus India Bengal tiger (National predator) Panthera tigris tigris India Indian peacock (National bird) Pavo muticus India King cobra (National reptile) Ophiophagus hannah Ganges river dolphin (National aquatic Platanista gangetica India animal) gangetica www.recruitment.guru/General-Knowledge/|2 Follow Us On National Animals and Birds Indian elephant (National heritage India Elephas maximus indicus animal) Indonesia Komodo dragon (national animal) Varanus komodoensis Indonesia Garuda (historic national animal) Mythical Iran Persian lion Panthera leo persica Iraq Chukar partridge Alectoris chukar Goat Iraq Capra aegagrus ( KRG) Israel Hoopoe (national bird) Upupa epops Jamaica Red-billed streamertail Trochilus polytmus Japan Green pheasant (national bird) Phasianus versicolor Japan Carp (national fish) Cyprinus carpio Latvia White wagtail (national bird) Motacilla alba Latvia Two-spotted ladybird (national insect) Adalia bipunctata Lithuania White stork Ciconia ciconia Macedonia Lion (in Macedonian heraldry) Panthera leo Malaysia Malayan tiger (national animal) Panthera tigris jacksoni Malta Pharaoh Hound (national animal) Canis lupus familiaris Mauritius Dodo Raphus cucullatus Mexico Golden eagle (national animal) Aquila Chrysaetos Mexico Xoloitzcuintli (national dog) Canis lupus familiaris Mexico Jaguar (national mammal) Panthera onca Mexico Grasshopper (national arthropod ) Sphenarium purpurascens Mexico Vaquita (national marine mammal) Phocoena sinus Moldova Aurochs (national animal) Bos primigenius Nepal Cow (national animal) Bos taurus indicus Nepal Danphe (national bird) Lophophorus impejanus Netherlands Lion (heraldic symbol) Panthera leo Netherlands Black-tailed godwit (national bird) Limosa limosa New Zealand Kiwi Apteryx sp. North Korea Chollima Mythical Norway Lion (royal national animal) Panthera leo Norway White-throated dipper (national bird) Cinclus cinclus Norway Fjord horse (national horse) Equus ferus caballus Oman Arabian oryx (national animal) Oryx leucoryx Pakistan Markhor (National animal) Capra falconeri Indus river dolphin (National aquatic Platanista indicus minor Pakistan mammal) minor Pakistan Chukar (National bird) Alectoris chukar www.recruitment.guru/General-Knowledge/|3 Follow Us On National Animals and Birds Pakistan Indus crocodile (National reptile) Crocodylus palustris Falco peregrinus Pakistan Shaheen falcon (Heritage bird) peregrinator Pakistan Snow leopard (National predator) Panthera uncia Panama Harpy eagle Harpia harpyja Papua New Guinea Dugong (national marine mammal) Dugong dugon Peru Vicuña (national animal) Vicugna vicugna Philippines Carabao (national animal) Bubalus bubalis Philippines Philippine eagle (national bird) Pithecophaga jefferyi Poland White-tailed eagle (national bird) Haliaeetus albicilla Poland White stork (national bird) Ciconia ciconia Poland European bison (national animal) Bison bonasus Qatar Arabian oryx Oryx leucoryx Romania Lynx Lynx lynx Russia Eurasian brown bear Ursus arctos arctos Rwanda Leopard Panthera pardus Saint Vincent and St Vincent parrot Amazona guildingii the Grenadines Serbia Wolf Canis lupus lupus Serbia White eagle Mythical Serbia Lynx Lynx lynx Somalia Leopard (national animal) Panthera pardus South Africa Springbok (national animal) Antidorcas marsupialis South Africa Blue crane (national bird) Anthropoides paradiseus South Africa Galjoen (national fish) Dichistius capensis South Korea Siberian tiger Panthera tigris altaica South Korea Korean magpie (national bird) Pica (pica) sericea Sri Lanka Sri Lankan junglefowl (national bird) Gallus lafayettii Tanzania Giraffe Giraffa camelopardalis Thailand Elephant Elephas maximus Turkey Grey wolf Canis lupus United Arab Arabian oryx (national animal) Oryx leucoryx Emirates United Arab Peregrine falcon (national bird) Falco peregrinus Emirates Lion (United United Kingdom Panthera leo Kingdom, England, Scotland, Wales) United Kingdom Bulldog (Britain as "British Bulldog") Canis lupus familiaris www.recruitment.guru/General-Knowledge/|4 Follow Us On National Animals and Birds Mute swan (English, Celtic and Irish United Kingdom Cygnus olor traditions) United Kingdom Red kite (Wales) Milvus milvus United Kingdom Unicorn (Scotland) Mythical United Kingdom Y Ddraig Goch (Welsh Dragon Wales) Mythical United States Bald eagle (national bird) Haliaeetus leucocephalus United States American bison (national mammal) Bison bison National Birds of all Countries Country Common name Scientific name Afghanistan Tulip Tulipa gesneriana Australia Golden Wattle Acacia pycnantha Bangladesh Shapla Nymphaea pubescens Bhutan Blue poppy Meconopsis grandis Cambodia Rumduol Sphaerocoryne affinis Chile Copihue Lapageria rosea China Peony Paeonia Cook Islands Tiaré Flower Gardenia taitensis England Tudor rose N/A Sikkim Noble orchid Cymbidium goeringii India Lotus Nelumbo Iran Persian pearl Tulipa pulchella Kashmiristan Rhododendron Rhododendron ponticum East Turkestan Persian Poppy Papaver bracteatum Malaysia Chinese hibiscus Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Maldives Pink Rose Polyantha Nepal Rhododendron Rhododendron arboreum Pakistan Poet's Jasmine Jasminum officinale Palestine Palestinian poppy Anemone coronaria Samoa Red ginger Alpinia purpurata www.recruitment.guru/General-Knowledge/|5 Follow Us On National Animals and Birds Singapore Orchid Orchidaceae South Africa Protea Protea cynaroides South Korea Rose of Sharon Hibiscus syriacus Sri Lanka Water lily Nymphaea stellata Tonga Heilala Garcinia sessilis We hope you are satisfied with the information we have provided for you. 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