May 5, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H5109 Now, just this April, the U.S. Treas- 1993 World Trade Center bombing, teacher, while simultaneously earning her law ury froze the assets of Abdul Haq, the wrote just today that the administra- degree from Fordham University at night. She leader of this group, the Eastern tion is playing ‘‘fast and loose with the worked as an attorney the Queens New York Turkistan Islamic Party, known as declassification of information.’’ District Attorney’s office, where she helped es- ETIM. This is the same group that the Mr. Speaker, this information ought tablish the Special Victims Bureau. In 1978 detainees are reportedly affiliated to be released to the American people she ran a successful campaign to represent with. The Treasury Department tar- before any decision is made. And with New York’s Ninth District in the United States geted Haq as part of their efforts to that I thank the Chair. House of Representatives. Throughout her six shut down the al Qaeda support net- Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, I appre- years in Congress, she rose quickly through work. Upon making the designation, ciate the gentleman’s support for the the ranks to become a notable leader in her Treasury Under Secretary for Ter- naming of this Post Office Building on party. As a result of her success, it is no sur- rorism and Financial Intelligence said, behalf of Geraldine Ferraro. prise that in 1984 Walter Mondale selected At this point, I would like to yield 5 and I quote what our Treasury Depart- her as his running mate on the Democratic minutes to the gentlewoman from New ment said: ‘‘Adbul Haq commands a ticket, making her the first female vice presi- York (Mrs. LOWEY) who is also in her terror group that sought to sow vio- dential candidate. own right a champion of women’s lence and fracture international unity Although she did not win the election, she rights. So it is appropriate that she at the 2008 Olympic Games in China.’’ undoubtedly reshaped politics as we know it Few have been more critical of the speak on this bill as well. Mrs. LOWEY. Thank you, Mr. Chair- and paved the way for future women leaders. Chinese Government than I have. But man. She has since authored several books and terrorism is terrorism. American citi- Mr. Speaker, it is a pleasure for me has overcome a battle with multiple myeloma, zens were present at the Olympic to rise and associate myself with the a dangerous form of blood cancer. She now Games. Terrorism knows no bound- remarks of my friend, CAROLYN remains active in politics, weighing in on the aries. It must not be tolerated any- MALONEY, in support of naming a post issues and candidates that influence and where. American career government of- office after former Congresswoman shape our country. ficials risked their lives to capture Geraldine Ferraro. A daughter of Italian immigrants, Geraldine these people. What if they had not been Geraldine Ferraro was a great role Ferraro has been a trailblazer and role model, captured? Would they have then left model to thousands of women across not just for women, but for all Americans in this terrorist training camp and gone this country. Not only is she a mother, search of living the American dream. From off to wreak terrorism somewhere in not only is she a grandmother, not only congresswoman to vice presidential candidate China killing innocent men, women is she a wife, but she is telling all of to author to cancer survivor, Geraldine Ferraro and children of China? those little girls who are going to is a true inspiration and deserves to be hon- Yet the U.S. Congress and the Amer- school that you can be a great Con- ored for her achievements through this des- ican people are left utterly, and I’m in- gresswoman. You can run for Vice ignation. creasingly concerned, in the dark. The President of the United States of Mr. DUNCAN. At this time, I will administration will not allow any ca- America. One day, we will have a urge my colleagues to support this leg- reer person from the FBI, from the woman as President of the United islation. I yield back the balance of my CIA, or from the Department of Home- States of America, and Geraldine Fer- time. land Security to come up and tell the raro played an important role in pre- Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, I ask all Congress about these detainees. The paring the people for that event. Members to support both Member American people, Mr. Speaker, the Geraldine Ferraro is a fighter. She CAROLYN MALONEY, the lead sponsor of American people deserve more. After stands up for what is right. There are this measure, and Mrs. LOWEY, who learning that this decision was immi- some people who see a problem and just also spoke on behalf of this measure, in nent, I requested briefings from a num- walk on. And I know that my friend, naming this post office after Geraldine ber of relevant agencies. But all have Geraldine Ferraro, whether it was an Ferraro. told me that Eric Holder, our Attorney issue that she had to address in her I yield back the balance of our time. General of the Department of Justice, congressional district or whether she The SPEAKER pro tempore. The is preventing them from speaking out, saw a wrong in this great country of question is on the motion offered by speaking to me or other Members, if ours, she is the kind of person that the gentleman from Massachusetts you will, on this issue. says, I have got to do something about (Mr. LYNCH) that the House suspend Why, Mr. Speaker, is the Department it. So I’m very proud to have Geraldine the rules and pass the bill, H.R. 774. The question was taken; and (two- of Justice withholding this information Ferraro as a friend. from the American people? Why is I know that after the naming of this thirds being in the affirmative) the proper congressional oversight, which post office, there are many people who rules were suspended and the bill was American people expect of their elected will look at that post office and say, passed. A motion to reconsider was laid on representatives, now being thwarted? This is a good woman. I am going to the table. This is not the time to play games. The lead my life consistent with the prin- stakes are too high, not just with re- ciples that Geraldine Ferraro has f gard to this specific group of detainees; shared with all of us. CAROLINE O’DAY POST OFFICE but speaking more broadly, our enemy So I thank you all for taking this BUILDING is empowered by perceived weakness. step to name the post office. And I look Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, I move to What message are we sending when one forward to working together to ensure suspend the rules and pass the bill branch of government stonewalls an- that all the principles, all the values, (H.R. 1397) to designate the facility of other on a matter with undeniable na- all the commitments that Geraldine the United States Postal Service lo- tional security implications? Ferraro has made will be enshrined, cated at 41 Purdy Avenue in Rye, New Again, I call on the Justice Depart- and certainly she will continue to be a York, as the ‘‘Caroline O’Day Post Of- ment to declassify and release all in- role model for all those young people fice Building’’. formation regarding the capture, de- who come after her. The Clerk read the title of the bill. tention and threats posed by these de- Mr. KING of New York. Mr. Speaker, today The text of the bill is as follows: tainees or others that they may con- I rise in strong support of naming the United H.R. 1397 sider releasing into the U.S. Any intel- States Postal Service building located at 46– Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- ligence assessment of these Uyghurs 02 21st Street in Long Island City, New York, resentatives of the United States of America in must take into account not only their the ‘‘Geraldine Ferraro Post Office Building,’’ Congress assembled, previous training at terrorist training after former United States Representative Ger- SECTION 1. CAROLINE O’DAY POST OFFICE camps, but their potential subsequent aldine Ferraro. BUILDING. exposure and radicalization while they It is with great pleasure that I support this (a) DESIGNATION.—The facility of the were at Guantanamo Bay. designation, which commemorates the life of United States Postal Service located at 41 Andrew McCarthy, a former Federal Purdy Avenue in Rye, New York, shall be one of New York’s most remarkable women. known and designated as the ‘‘Caroline prosecutor who led the 1995 prosecution Geraldine Ferraro has had a distinguished ca- O’Day Post Office Building’’. against Sheik Omar Adbel Rahman reer marked with many achievements. She (b) REFERENCES.—Any reference in a law, who was found guilty of planning the began her career as a New York public school map, regulation, document, paper, or other VerDate Nov 24 2008 02:11 May 06, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K05MY7.021 H05MYPT1 wwoods2 on PRODPC68 with HOUSE H5110 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 5, 2009 record of the United States to the facility re- lessly advocated a dramatic expansion, death, Congresswoman O’Day began ferred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to or ‘‘national investment,’’ of Federal working on issues of social welfare and be a reference to the ‘‘Caroline O’Day Post programs to protect them.
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