September 8, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 154, Pt. 13 17979 in which we are engaged, and the im- ticed law in Richmond from 1945 to nasts at Chow’s Gymnastics and Dance measurable pain that comes with so 1967, establishing himself as a formi- in West Des Moines, where she has been great a loss, I pray that Jon’s family dable trial lawyer representing crimi- training since she joined the facility at can find comfort in the words of the nal defendants as well as dozens of in- age 6. Her training and her strong com- prophet Isaiah who said: surance companies. mitment to the sport have propelled He will swallow up death in victory; and On August 30,1967, Judge Merhige was her to success in the series of competi- the Lord God will wipe away tears from off appointed U.S. District Court Judge for tions that led her to the Beijing Sum- all faces. the Eastern District of Virginia, Rich- mer Olympics. May God grant strength and peace to mond Division by President Lyndon B. In addition to her rigorous training those who mourn, and may God be with Johnson, serving as a Federal judge of up to 25 hours per week, she has also all of you, as I know He is with Jon. until 1998. In 1972, Judge Merhige or- excelled academically. She is now in f dered the desegregation of dozens of her junior year at Valley High School Virginia school districts. He considered in West Des Moines, and has been on NAMING OF U.S. COURTHOUSE IN the ‘‘A’’ Honor Roll. I believe very RICHMOND, VA himself to be a ‘‘strict constructionist’’ who went by the law as spelled out in strongly that promoting fitness and Mr. WARNER. Mr. President, I rise precedents by the higher courts. In providing quality education are both today to speak on S. 2403, a bill to 1970, he ordered the University of Vir- key factors in ensuring that children name the new United States court- ginia to admit women. As evidence of have a bright and successful future. house in Richmond, VA, for two distin- Judge Merhige’s groundbreaking deci- Shawn Johnson is an inspiration to guished jurists and sons of VA. sions, he was given 24-hour protection Iowa’s young people to stay active, be Senator WEBB and I introduced this by Federal marshals due to repeated studious, do what they love, and follow bill together last year, and the bill threats of violence against him and his their dreams. passed the Senate on June 24, 2008. The family. His courage in the face of sig- I would like to congratulate Johnson House of Representatives is expected to nificant opposition of the times is a for bringing home four Olympic medals pass this bill tonight, with a minor testimony to his dedication to the rule and commend her for her outstanding technical change. It is my hope that of law. commitment to the sport of gym- the Senate will accept this minor As my colleagues may be aware, I nastics. I hope that she continues to modification and pass this bill when have worked to name the new court- pursue her passion and that we will see the legislation returns to the Senate house in Richmond for these two men her endearing smile and more of her tonight or early tomorrow. amazing performances in London in Our bill will recognize two of Vir- for several years. I am proud that the Virginia Congressional delegation, the 2012. ginia’s outstanding jurists: Spotswood f Robinson III and Robert Mehrige, Jr. Virginia Bar Association, the mayor of They were lawyers who throughout Richmond, and many others decided COMMENDING OLYMPIAN LOLO their careers adhered to the principle that the best way to honor both men JONES of ‘‘equal justice under law.’’ was to have them equally share the Mr. HARKIN. Mr. President, today I The first, Spottswood William Robin- honor of having the courthouse so honor an Iowan who has courageously son, III, was born in Richmond, VA, on named. pursued her dreams through great ad- July 26, 1916. He attended Virginia With the ribbon cutting for this versity and who has displayed out- Union University and then the Howard grand facility tentatively set for Octo- standing character and grace through- University School of Law, graduating ber 17 of this year, I can think of no out her life. Lori ‘‘Lolo’’ Jones re- first in his class in 1939 and serving as better time than now to move this leg- cently returned from Beijing, where a member of the faculty until 1947. islation in honor of Spottswood Robin- she competed as a hurdler in the 2008 Judge Robinson was one of the core son and Robert Merhige. I thank the Olympic Games. Lolo made us all very attorneys of the NAACP Legal Defense committee for the consideration of this proud as she represented the United and Educational Fund from 1948 to 1960, bill and look forward to working with States in Beijing. Although she did not achieving national prominence in the my colleagues in seeking its passage. come away from Beijing with a medal, legal community with his representa- f she realized her dream of competing in tion of the Virginia plaintiffs in the COMMENDING OLYMPIAN SHAWN the Olympics and was a model of 1954 U.S. Supreme Court case Brown v. MACHEL JOHNSON athleticism, sportsmanship, and deter- Board of Education. Brown outlawed mination. public school segregation declaring Mr. HARKIN. Mr. President, today I Lolo has had seemingly limitless en- ‘‘separate but equal’’ schools unconsti- honor an Iowan who has shown tremen- ergy, a positive attitude and an intense tutional. dous strength of spirit, as well as a focus on running since she was a child. In 1964, Judge Robinson became the fierce determination and world-class It is these characteristics that have al- first African American to be appointed talent. Olympic gymnast Shawn lowed her to overcome what many to the U.S. District Court for the Dis- Machel Johnson has been and con- would consider to be challenging cir- trict of Columbia and, in 1966, Presi- tinues to be a model of character and cumstances, including the fact that her dent Johnson appointed Judge Robin- fitness, as well as a source of inspira- family relocated frequently throughout son the first African American to the tion for all Americans. her childhood. United States Court of Appeals for the Shawn recently returned from Bei- As a student at Roosevelt High District of Columbia Circuit. Finally, jing, where she made us all very proud, School in Des Moines, she excelled at on May 7, 1981, Judge Robinson became competing in the 2008 Olympics and running as well as academics. After the first African American to serve as winning one gold and three silver med- graduating from Roosevelt, Lolo be- chief judge of the District of Columbia als. The gold medal was for her per- came the first in her family to attend Circuit. formance in the balance beam finals, college when she enrolled at Louisiana Our second jurist, Judge Robert R. while the silver medals were for the State University, where she excelled on Merhige, Jr., was born in 1919 and later team competition, the women’s all- the LSU track team. She graduated attended High Point College in North around, and the floor individual finals. with an economics degree and a minor Carolina. He subsequently earned his Since Johnson was 3 years old, she in Spanish, yet deferred seeking a ca- law degree from the T.C. Williams has exhibited a love for gymnastics, reer in her field of study, determined to School of Law at the University of and received constant support and en- pursue her running career instead. She Richmond, from which he graduated at couragement from her parents Teri and worked part-time jobs to support her- the top of his class in 1942. Doug Johnson, and coaches Liang Qiao self and to have free time to travel for From 1942 to 1945, Judge Merhige and Liwen Zhuang. She is greatly ad- competitions. After missing an oppor- served in the U.S. Air Force, he prac- mired and respected by her fellow gym- tunity to compete in Athens in 2004, VerDate Mar 15 2010 10:00 Mar 16, 2011 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR08\S08SE8.000 S08SE8 WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 17980 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 154, Pt. 13 September 8, 2008 her former LSU coach persuaded spon- cluded Trisha Moise, Tiia Groden, casted in high definition and is acces- sors to recognize Lolo’s great poten- Gabbie Whitney, John Pleasants, Dan sible from mobile devices across Michi- tial, allowing her to devote herself to Tracy, John Coletta, Nick Oliveira, gan. Listeners can tune in to program- becoming a world-class professional Nick Montecalvo, Ryan Zins, Cam ming from National Public Radio, Pub- athlete. Burns, Matt Petrarca, Mark Sullivan, lic Radio International, and the BBC, Competing in and winning many Valentina Szlashta, Michael as well as local programs, such as the races around the world in the years Commendatore, Alex Schlageter, Sean Environment Report and Jack leading up to the 2008 Beijing Olym- Walsh, Kevin Cronin, Molly B. Allen, Lessenberry’s Essays and Interviews. pics, Lolo became a highly respected Katie Ryan, Emily Maher, Colin Whit- WUOM has been the recipient of athlete, not only for her performances, ney, Ashley Smith, Stephen many awards throughout its history. In but for her exemplary sportsmanship Zukauskas, JR McKenzie, and Michael the past year alone, Michigan Radio and generosity.
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