CATHOLIC CHRISTIAN WINTER 2013 / HIVER 2013 OUTREACH Good News From Catholic Christian Outreach / Bonne nouvelle de CCO: Mission-Campus ANIMER AVEC PASSION P.5 RISE UP ANSWERING P.3 THE CALL BY NICK MEISL P.13 DÉCOUVERTE D’UNE MÈRE ACTIVE P.9 DISCOVERY INTERACTIVE TRAINING P.8 WINTER 2013 | HIVER 2013 | CCO.CA/GRAPEVINE WINTER EDITION /ÉDITION D’HIVER CELEBRATING 25 YEARS! CCO EXPANDS TO RYERSON, FALL 2013 EXPANSION DE CCO: MISSION-CAMPUS À NOS 25 ANS EN FÊTE! L’UNIVERSITÉ DE RYERSON À L’AUTOMNE 2013 In 1988, André and Angèle Regnier founded Catholic Chris- At the invitation of Cardinal Collins, Archbishop of Toronto, tian Outreach at the University of Saskatchewan. This year, CCO will be expanding to Ryerson University, Toronto, in the 2013, marks the 25th Anniversary of CCO. To celebrate, we fall of 2013. CCO will be partnering with Ryerson Catholic are launching a year long campaign, “Leading Discovery”. Campus Ministry led by Fr Michael Busch, Rector of St Mi- Learn more at www.leadingdiscovery.ca chael’s Cathedral, and Oriana Bertucci, Director of Campus Ministry. En 1988, André et Angèle Regnier ont fondé CCO: Mis- À l’invitation du Cardinal Collins, archevêque de Toronto, sion-Campus à l’Université de la Saskatchewan. L’année CCO: Mission-Campus va commencer son travail d’évan- 2013 marque le 25e anniversaire de CCO: Mission-Campus. gélisation à l’Université de Ryerson à Toronto dès l’automne Pour souligner cet anniversaire, nous lançons la campagne 2013. CCO: Mission-Campus travaillera en collaboration avec annuelle: «Animer Découverte». Pour en apprendre davan- la pastorale universitaire catholique de Ryerson dirigée par tage, visitez www.leadingdiscovery.ca (version française à l’abbé Michael Busch, recteur de la cathédrale St Michael, et venir) Orianna Bertucci, directrice de la pastorale universitaire. A redesigned online presence/ Une présence internet redessinée CCO has refreshed its online presence! Two new sites have launched: RISEUP.CCO.CA and CAMPUS.CCO.CA We will complete our new look, with new sites to be launched later this spring. CCO: Mission-Campus a renouvelé ses ressources en ligne! Nous avons lancé deux nouveaux sites internet: RISEUP.CCO.CA et CAMPUS.CCO.CA. Encore d’autres nouveaux sites seront accessibles dès le printemps; restez à l’affut de notre nouvelle image sur le web! WHAT’S INSIDE / À L’INTÉRIEUR A STUDENT LED MOVEMENT LEADING / 1 DISCOVERY INTERACTIVE TRAINING / 8 DISCOVERY CATHOLIC MISSIONARY IDENTITY / 9 RISE UP / 2 AT HOME & ABROAD / 10 LEADING WITH PASSION / 4 PRAYER INTENTIONS / 12 ANIMER AVEC PASSION / 5 + Yes! I want to make a special gift to CCO + CCO Summer Mission Projects DÉCOUVERTE D’UNE MÈRE ACTIVE / 6 ANSWERING THE CALL / 13 + CCO Cookbook 25th Anniversary A BUSY MOM’S DISCOVERY / 7 CATHOLIC CHRISTIAN OUTREACH gv A Student Led Movement Leading Discovery by Julia Bolzon, a student at McMaster University Last semester at McMaster University, there were 11 Over the years the Lord has blessed our campus with Discovery Faith Studies led by students on campus, many faith-filled students. This year I’m serving as the and 40 students took a study for the first time! McMas- Ministry Leader, and with our student executive, we run ter does not have a chapter of CCO present on cam- events and activities to lead students to both begin and pus nor any missionary staff working with our students. deepen their relationship with Christ. The CCO faith Where did we find the students to lead and take the studies are an invaluable tool that allows us to grow studies? as leaders and to share the Gospel to students who have either never heard it before, or who have grown It all started in my first year at McMaster in September up Catholic but have never been exposed to an un- 2009. I had been paired up with a second-year stu- derstanding of their faith in such a clear, concrete, and dent named Teanna through my faculty’s mentorship sharable way. program. I immediately noticed two things about this girl that struck me as different from anyone else I had In September, MACSA (McMaster Catholic Students As- ever met: her vibrant and contagious personality, and sociation) used a 60-second survey during our clubs her ability to speak freely about Jesus as if he were day to gain contacts, and through a week of phone a real person in her life. Though we didn’t have much calls and personal meetings, we invited students to in common other than our program, we soon became participate in MACSA events and join a faith study! It good friends, and later on she invited me to take part has been so inspiring to see those students who we in a faith study she was leading that semester. Being met through a survey last term, then strangers, now in- curious about my faith, I took part in it, but more so be- viting their own friends to take part in a study that they cause I was attracted to what Teanna was experiencing might lead themselves! in her faith life that I was so clearly lacking. My first year of university was a transformative period of “MY ENCOUNTER WITH JESUS WAS my life where I can say with certainty that I encountered ONE THAT CHANGED MY ENTIRE LIFE, the person of Jesus in a way that I had not before, and AND I WANTED EVERYONE TO KNOW!” in a way that I did not know was possible! My encounter with Jesus was one that changed everything about my This January was our first ever Mission Week, where life, and I wanted everyone to know! A great desire was we conducted surveys for three days in the student born within me to spread Jesus to others, especially to centre. Ware now working to phone those that left their students like me who just never knew that it was possi- information and personally invite them to check out a ble to live in a relationship with Him. Through Teanna’s study. Though the work is challenging, and at many friendship in my life – her guidance and mentorship – I times discouraging, there are many wins that remind led a faith study on my own in my second year, and us of the importance of our outreach! The best part is was also driven to take part in CCO’s summer mission seeing the new student leaders that have encountered called Impact in Ottawa 2011. After she graduated, I Jesus and now desire to make Him known. Because gladly took on the role of coordinating the faith studies of them, other students will hear the message of the for our campus in my third year, as I was coming back Gospel perhaps for the first time this term as they go to campus with a new zeal and training from CCO mis- through Discovery. sionaries after having done a summer mission. 1 / CCO.CA/GRAPEVINE RISE UP gv Forgiven Freedom Overshadowed Dismas, Rise Up East Rachel, Rise Up East Nicole, Rise Up West “I went to confession for the first “I had a really big fear of putting “For me, this yes was a chance to time in ten years. After going, I felt a God at the centre of my life, but start new. By me making this yes, great sense of relief.” at Rise Up I’ve learned that God is the Holy Spirit has overshadowed love and with love you can get rid me and has replaced hate with love. of all your fears.” I have given my heart, my ears, my mind, my hands to God and I want Joy everyone to know Him.” Liam, Rise Up West “There is so much joy in me, I want to explode!” Loved by the Father Compelled Avery, Rise Up East Heather, Rise Up West “God loves me for who I am, just as “I came to Rise Up, I didn’t know God loves you for who you are. what to expect, but today my life Make something of that.” changed. When the priest asked people to come forward to say yes, I felt compelled to go. I had to say it!” TO HEAR MORE STORIES GO TO YOUTUBE.COM/CCORISEUP 2 / CATHOLIC CHRISTIAN OUTREACH gv Bénis par l’Esprit Nicole, Rise Up ouest Liberté «Ce oui était un nouveau départ Rachel, Rise Up est pour moi. En disant oui, l’Esprit Saint «J’avais très peur de mettre Dieu est venu sur moi et a remplacé la au centre de ma vie, mais à Rise Up haine par l’amour. J’ai donné mon j’ai appris que Dieu est amour et cœur, mes oreilles, mon esprit, mes que l’amour fait disparaitre la peur.» mains à Dieu et je veux que tout le monde le connaisse.» Pardonné Dismas, Rise Up est Aimé du Père «Je suis allé au sacrement de la Avery, Rise Up est réconciliation pour la première fois «Dieu m’aime comme je suis. Nous en dix ans. J’ai ressenti un grand devons tous agir sur la vérité que soulagement après avoir reçu le Dieu nous aime.» pardon de Dieu.» Invité Heather, Rise Up ouest «Je suis arrivé à Rise Up ne sachant Joie pas à quoi m’attendre, mais au- Liam, Rise Up ouest jourd’hui ma vie est transformée. «Je suis tellement heureux que je Quand le prêtre a demandé à ceux qui voulaient dire oui de s’ap- vais exploser!» TO HEAR MORE STORIES GO TO YOUTUBE.COM/CCORISEUP procher, j’ai senti l’invitation de me lever.
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