List of Participants CCIR – VIIIth Plenary Assembly (Warsaw, 1956) Extract from the publication : Documents of the VIIIth Plenary Assembly (Warsaw : 23 August – 27 September 1956) (Geneva : International Telecommunication Union, 1957), Volume II, pp. 9-29 This electronic version (PDF) was scanned by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Library & Archives Service from an original paper document in the ITU Library & Archives collections. La présente version électronique (PDF) a été numérisée par le Service de la bibliothèque et des archives de l'Union internationale des télécommunications (UIT) à partir d'un document papier original des collections de ce service. Esta versión electrónica (PDF) ha sido escaneada por el Servicio de Biblioteca y Archivos de la Unión Internacional de Telecomunicaciones (UIT) a partir de un documento impreso original de las colecciones del Servicio de Biblioteca y Archivos de la UIT. (ITU) ﻟﻼﺗﺼﺎﻻت اﻟﺪوﻟﻲ اﻻﺗﺤﺎد ﻓﻲ واﻟﻤﺤﻔﻮظﺎت اﻟﻤﻜﺘﺒﺔ ﻗﺴﻢ أﺟﺮاه اﻟﻀﻮﺋﻲ ﺑﺎﻟﻤﺴﺢ ﺗﺼﻮﯾﺮ ﻧﺘﺎج (PDF) اﻹﻟﻜﺘﺮوﻧﯿﺔ اﻟﻨﺴﺨﺔ ھﺬه .واﻟﻤﺤﻔﻮظﺎت اﻟﻤﻜﺘﺒﺔ ﻗﺴﻢ ﻓﻲ اﻟﻤﺘﻮﻓﺮة اﻟﻮﺛﺎﺋﻖ ﺿﻤﻦ أﺻﻠﯿﺔ ورﻗﯿﺔ وﺛﯿﻘﺔ ﻣﻦ ﻧﻘﻼ ً 此电子版(PDF版本)由国际电信联盟(ITU)图书馆和档案室利用存于该处的纸质文件扫描提供。 Настоящий электронный вариант (PDF) был подготовлен в библиотечно-архивной службе Международного союза электросвязи путем сканирования исходного документа в бумажной форме из библиотечно-архивной службы МСЭ. © International Telecommunication Union LIST OF PARTICIPANTS Page A. Officers of the VUIth Plenary Assembly ...... 9 B. A d m in istratio n s....................................... 10 C. Private Operating Agencies................................... 23 D. International Organisations................................... 25 E. Scientific and Industrial Organisations................. 27 F. United Nations (Specialised Agencies)................. 28 G. International Telecommunication Union............. 28 H. Secretariat................................................................. 29 I. Special Secretariat of the Polish Administration . 29 Note. — Titles in this list are given in the languages in which the delegates presented them. A. OFFICERS OF THE VUIth PLENARY ASSEMBLY Chairman Mr. Z.V. T o p u r ia Prof. P. S z u l k in Head of the Delegation of the U.S.S.R, Head of the Delegation of the People’s Republic of Poland Director o f the C.C.I.R. Prof. Dr. Balth. v a n d e r P ol Vice-Chairmen M r. B .V . B a l ig a Vice-Director o f the C.C.I.R. Head of the Delegation of the Republic of India Mr. Leslie W. H ayes Mr. B ra m el d e C l ejo ulx Head of the Delegation of France Secretary Mr. J.D.H. van der T o o r n Mr. Robert V. L in d s e y Head of the Delegation of the Netherlands Administrative Secretary to the C.C.I.R. — 10 — B. ADMINISTRATIONS ALBANIA (People’s Republic of) Delegates Head o f Delegation Dr. A. B o e n isc h Ministere des communications et de l’energie M. R. NAgo electrique Ambassade de la R.P. d’Albanie Wien Warszawa Mr. G. C a sp a r ARGENTINE REPUBLIC Oesterreichischer Rundfunk Wien Head o f Delegation Dr. G. S k a l a r Mr. J.C. V ilella Oesterreichischer Rundfunk Charge d’Affaires de la Republique Argentine Wien Warszawa Representative Secretary to Delegation Dr. H. S o bo tk a Radio Austria A. G. Mr. P. K a p r a w y Legation de la Republique Argentine Wien Warszawa BELGIUM AUSTRALIA Head o f Delegation Head o f Delegation Mr. P. B o u c h ie r Mr. J. D. C am pbell Ingenieur en chef Chairman of C.C.I.R. Study Group No. VIII Directeur d’administration f.f. Sectional Engineer Regie des Telegraphes et des Telephones Postmaster General’s Dept. Bruxelles Melbourne Assistant Assistant Mr. C. van de W alle Ingenieur en chef, Directeur Mr. W. B aker Regie des Telegraphes et des Telephones Officer in Charge Bruxelles Ionospheric Prediction Service Melbourne Delegates Delegates Mr. H. C laeys Regie, des Telegraphes et des Telephones Mr. J. M. D ix o n Bruxelles Engineer Mr. M. G e w il l ig Australian Broadcasting Control Board Ingenieur principal Melbourne Institut National de Radiodiffusion Flight Lt. E v a n s Bruxelles Australian Air Force Representative Mr. de K eyser London / Ingenieur, Directeur Secretary to Delegation . • Institut National de Radiodiffusioh Bruxelles Mrs. D. W ebber The Director-General’s Office Mr. A. L. R o rive Posts and Telegraphs Ingenieur attache au Cabinet de M. le Ministre Melbourne des Communications Bruxelles AUSTRIA Mr. P. S t a elens Regie des voies aeriennes Head o f Delegation Bruxelles Dr. I. A n t o n Mr. R. T a st e n o y Minister? des communications et de l’energie Ingenieur electrique Regie des Telegraphes et des Telephones Wien Bruxelles — 11 — BIELORUSSIAN S.S.R. Delegates Head o f Delegation Mr. P. C h r isten sen Ingenieur civil Mr. A. K ach el Ministere des Telecommunications Direction generate des postes et des telegraphes Minsk Kobenhavn Mr. F . D. H e eg aa r d BULGARIA (People’s Republic of) Chef de la Division technique Statsradiofonien Head o f Delegation Kobenhavn Mr. I. T r ifo n o v Mr. I. L. N ielsen Ministere des P.T.T. Direction generate des postes et des telegraphes Sofia Kobenhavn Delegates EGYPT Mr. N . I a b lin Ministere des P.T.T. Head o f Delegation Sofia Mr. A. El B a r d a i Mr. I. Ig n a t o v Telegraphs and Telephones Ministere des P.T.T. Cairo Sofia Assistant Mr. I. K r a stev < Ministere des P.T.T. Mr. M. E. E. A. F o u a d Sofia Egyptian State Broadcasting Cairo Mr. T . T o n t c h ev Ministere des P.T.T. Delegates Sofia Mr. A. A b u -K a n d e e l Egyptian State Broadcasting CANADA Cairo Head o f Delegation Mr. M. H a m d y Technical Research Department Mr. L. E . C offey Cairo Telecommunications Division Department of Transport Mr. A. F . E. Z a lam a Ottawa Telegraphs and Telephones Cairo CHINA SPAIN Head o f Delegation Dr. H. F. T c h e n Head o f Delegation Charge d ’affaires Mr. J. S. de E ric e y O ’Sh ea Ambassade de Chine Ambassadeur d’Espagne Paris Wien Assistants DENMARK Prof. J. M. A rto Head o f Delegation Ingeniero Jefe Departamento Internacional Direction General de Radiodifusion Mr. G. P ed er sen Vice-Chairman of C.C.I.R. Study Group Madrid No. IX Mr. L. U b a c h G a r c ia Chef de la division technique Consejo National de la Telecomunicaciones Direction generale des postes et des telegraphes Madrid Kobenhavn Delegates Assistant Mr. E. C u bero Mr. B. N ielsen Ingeniero de la Section de Radio Chef de la division radiotechnique Direction General.de Correos y Direction generate des postes et des telegraphes Telecomunicacion Kobenhavn Madrid — 12 — M . S. G alic ia Mr. W. Q. C r ic h l o w Ingeniero de Telecomunicacion Chief, Frequency Utilization Section Compania Telefonica National de Espana Central Radio Propagation Laboratory Madrid National Bureau of Standards M r. P. M affei Washington D.C. Ingeniero Jefe de la Section de Radio Mr. H. E. D in g er Direction General de Correos y Chief, Radio Interference Section Telecomunicacion Naval Research Laboratory Madrid Department of the Navy Mr. I. M iro Washington D.C. Ingeniero del Servicio de Television Direction General de Radiodifusion Mrs. F. T. D o w l in g Madrid Telecommunications Division Department of State Mr. J. Ruiz d e G q p e g u i Ingeniero de Telecomunicacion Washington D.C. Institute de Electronica Mr. W. D. G eorge Madrid Chief, High Frequency Standards Branch Central Radio Propagation Laboratory Representative National Bureau of Standards Mr. L . C aceres G a r c ia Washington D.C. Director Tecnico Transradio Espanola S.A. Mr. J. W. H erbstreit Madrid Chief, Tropospheric Propagation Research Section Central Radio Propagation Laboratory UNITED STATES OF AMERICA National Bureau of Standards Washington D.C. Head o f Delegation Mr. A. G. Je n sen Mr. J. S. C ross Director of Visual and Acoustic Research Assistant Chief Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. Telecommunications Division Murray Hill N.J. Department of State Washington D.C. Mr. W. M aso n Manager Assistant Radio Corporation of America Frequency M r. E . W . A lle n Bureau Vice-Chairman of C.C.I.R. Study Group No. V New York N.Y. Chief Engineer Mr. A. G. S k r ivseth Federal Communications Commission Assistant Chief Washington D.C. Technical Research Division Office of the Chief Engineer - Delegates Federal Communications Commission M r. D. K. B ailey Washington D.C. Chairman of C.C.I.R. Study Group No. VI Scientific Director Mr. G. S. T u r n e r Page Communications Engineers, Inc. Vice-Chairman of C.C.I.R. Study Group Washington D.C. No. VIII M r. E . W . B emis Chief, Engener Field Engineering and Monitoring Division Operation and Engineering Dept. Federal Communications Commission American Telephone & Telegraph Co. Washington D.C. New-York N.Y. Mr. A. Prose W a l k e r Mr. J. B. C o lem an Chairman of C.C.I.R. Study Group No. X Administrative Engineer Manager of Engineering Product Engineering National Association of Radio and Television Radio Corporation of America Broadcasters Camden N.J. Washington D.C. — 13 Mr. N. W hite Delegates Chief M r. P. A ba die Frequency Allocation and Radio Propagation Vice-Chairman of C.C.I.R, Study Group No.
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