Wright State University CORE Scholar The Guardian Student Newspaper Student Activities 2-9-1976 The Guardian, February 9, 1976 Wright State University Student Body Follow this and additional works at: https://corescholar.libraries.wright.edu/guardian Part of the Mass Communication Commons Repository Citation Wright State University Student Body (1976). The Guardian, February 9, 1976. : Wright State University. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Activities at CORE Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Guardian Student Newspaper by an authorized administrator of CORE Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected]. r February 9.1976 Vol 12 Issue 33 Wright State University GUARDIAN Dayton. Ohio evacuation by Tom Beyerlein tribution, called security jus! Reports of smoke brought the before they called the fire de- Fairborn Fire department and partment. I didn't call in a fire, I the Wright State Security de- called in a burned out blower partment to the University lib- motor," Swigart remarked. rary last Wednesday evening. He said the motor which According to )ohn Wilkins, powers the ventilation system night supervisor for the library, for the building creased to func- a patron notified the circulation tion at about the same time the desk of smoke on the fourth smoke was reported. floor at approximately 7:10 Secuiity was alerted at 7:13 pm. The smoke seemed to be pm, claimed Commander coming from the area known as Charles Lee of Security. "Wego the "C" core on the fourth directly to the fire department floor, said Wilkins. He added in a case like this," stated Lee. that the staff immediately went "No one heard an alarm. into "emergency procedures" Somebody from the media lab which include evacuating the told us to evacuate," com- building and notifying campus mented another student. security. "I can tell you right now that "I heard people complaining no alarm was sounded." Wil- about the smoke at least a half kins commented. "We just sent hour before anything was some people around to make done." noted one student on sure everybody cleared the the scene. Finally, about 7:10, building." somebody said something. By Sue Campbell, assistant dean that time the smokt was con- of the library, gave official densing around the lights near cause of the smoke as a broken the air vents," he said. ventilation motor. "There was Richard Swigjrt, night no damage, except to the venti- supervisor tor equipment dis- Firefighters gather information on Library fire report. (Hazel Pai.leo photo) [Conti nued on page 3 J Med school applicants being screened for 76 by Susan Wiseman Representatives of rural Ohio, averages above 3.0. Five per- ing human beings that can re- Applicants for Wright State's women, and minority students cent of those or 142 applicants Sate to other human beings. School of Medicine are now are particularly encouraged to have gpa's of 3.8 or better and [Conti nued on page 21 being interviewed for the apply. 681 applicants have grade 1976-77 school year. There Suriano emphasized the fact point averages of 3.5 or better. Oelman have been 2,858 applications that all applicants would be "Grade point average is not a for the 32 openings. judged on an individual basis sole criteria," said Suriano. The The applicants are a diver- and the School of Medicine has School of Medicine doesn't object of sified lot ranging from students no quotas to fill. have a grade point average who will be completing their "We are looking for applic- cut-off. bomb threat their year of college this year to ants who show that 72 percent Suriano went on to say, by Pamela [dens those holding doctorates. have cumulative grade point "We're more interested in find- Oelman hall recently was the Dr J Robert Suriano, as- Chairer I f>vine comments latest target lor a Wright State sociate dean for Student affairs, bomb scare. and admissions, when asked This past Friday, according to about the requirements replied, Sergeant Carl M Sims, assistant "They're not that ligid." Art bases tenure on many factors director of Security, a call came Three years (90 semester by Ed Silver work are all factors in a deci- committees including the Uni- in to the dispatch center bet- hours or 135 quarter hours) of Tenure is very artificial and sion on tenture. Different versity Promotion and Tenure ween 2:50 and 2:55 pm, with collegiate preparation in an shouldn't be needed in a mod- philosophies and ideas are en- committee. the ominous threat, "Bomb approved college or university ern society according to Ed- couraged. Tenure forces one to make Oelman." in the United States or Canada ward Levine, associate profes- "Popularity doesn't mean decisions prematurely, said Following an established are required. sor and chairer of the art de- anything; effectiveness of the Levine. No department wants procedure, the building was Although the School of partment. teacher is what's important," to have all of its faculty to be evacuated and a search of the Medicine hasn't set down "Tiie purpose of tenure is to said Levine. tenured. According to Levine, various floors and offices was specific courses being absolute guarantee academic freedom, Even non-tenured faculty the goal is to have a core of conducted. However, no bomb requirements, applicants however a strong faculty would have a voice in decisions on tenured faculty members and was found. should have the usual premed- do just as well," said Levine. granting tenure in the Art de- an influx of new people. Sims remarked that he felt ical preparation, which is basi- Levine added that it might not partment. All faculty members It is very difficult to remove there was no connection bet- cally two years of chemistry, be easy to get the faculty to in the Art department vote for someone once he is granted te- ween this threat and the one one year of math, one year of support each other, however three people to serve on the de- nure. To do so one must first received a few weeks ago for biology, and one year of In the Art department a fa- partment's promotion and te- prove incompetance. People Millett hall. physics. culty member can be consi- nure committee. do not like to rat cn their peers The previous one was con- Applicants are also required dered for tenure upon request Usually one count of the this includes faculty, doctors, ducted in a different way, being to take the Medical College or when it is required in the three people on the Art depart- lawyers, and students, Levine late at night, and having a Admissions test at such a time by-laws. Consideration for te- ment's promotion and tenure continued. specific time set for the to insure that the results are av- nure is based on three criteria: committee is not tenured. levine said, "By and large "bomb" to go off. ailable to the Admissions teaching, service (to commun- When asked if non-tenured I'm happy with the faculty here S'ms noted that, this threat committee during the formal ity and the University , and faculty were at a disadvantage. now. They seem to be very de- could have been inspired by application filing period. scholarship. Anything else Levine replied that non-tenured dicated. A chairman can al- the recent publicity on bomb "What we want is a class of would be illegal, said Levine. faculty have limited rights. ways find fault but I suppose scares and the procedure for students witn diverse sociai, Papers, lectures, confer- Non-tenured facufty cannot they can find fault with me handling them." ethni^, and educational ences, exhibitions, unpub- serve on certain University too." He also said that, "During fi- backgrounds," itated Suriano. lished papers, and unexhibited nals week, the number of bomb threat calls get worse." 2 GUARDIAN February 9. 1976 Strawn new ICC chairer Also available from ICC will by !<m Pritchard catalogue in which all the stu- dent groups can have a section be a 50-copy free priming ser Dan Strawn has been named about their group with pictures vice to all the student groups new chairer of inter-Club interestc-d. council (ICC) in hopes of mak- describing their group and ac- tivities. The catalogue will be ICC has a lot of potential to ing ICC a coordinating unit help the students, said Strawn which all student organizations made available to all new stu- but can only be o< assistance ii can use to establich and prom- dents and would be a great op- the groups come to the meet- ote their activities on and off portunity to publicize student clubs and organizations, s*id ings and makt their opinion', campus. heard. "We have the resources and Strawn. the personnel to heip the or- ganizations." said Strawn. WSU documentaries may "(but we can't force them to use ICC." air on public television a,. Ol the over 80 groups on will present the film to organi- campus, only a few come to tht- zations around the com- meetings to voice their desires munities. Hutzel said. These except right before October groups, such as churches and Daze and May Daze. neighborhtKx) meetings will This. said Strawn, is the lault as a result of a $10,000 of the student groups and yet then give 'heir own ideas as to what they feel are the commun tfv?y complain that !CC doesn't The ieorge Guntl founda- 1 ity needs for the future.
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