Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 2-26-1998 The BG News February 26, 1998 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News February 26, 1998" (1998). BG News (Student Newspaper). 6297. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/6297 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Story Idea? dt^k Bowling Green . 52 MEN'S TODAY M ^^ Miami 61 HOOPS / CAMPUS•5 // you have a news tip or have an idea tor a story, call us between noon and 7 p.m. 59 WOMKN's ' |j^\ ROTC sponsors discrimination pro- High: 47 372-6966 ^^^ Bowling Green . .69 HOOPS gram from WWII Low: 39 * * * * * THURSDAY February 26,1998 * * * Volume 84, Issue 106 Bowling Green, Ohio News • * • * • "An independent student voice serving Bowling Green since 1920' Open house designed Squawk! to connect community □ An open house is planned to help bridge City the gap between city OPEN HOUSE residents and University Where: students. "It was cool to know Renaissance Art and how supportive Frame Inc. at By WENDY SUTO rheBGNews Bowling Green 113 North Main residents are to the Street. In order to help bridge the gap between the residents of Bowling campus community Green and the University stu- after I attended some When: dents, the first ever community of these events." 7 p.m. on Thursday open house will be held down- and Friday. town. The event will include speakers, music, refreshments Open to students and and, above all, communication. Tiffanie Csortos community residents. Beginning at 7 p.m. this Thurs- senior fine arts major day and Friday, the Renaissance Art and Frame, Inc. gallery on 113 North Main St. will host stu- environmental issues during stand, acknowledge and work for dents and community residents. Thursday's meeting. Kenny solutions to various problems They will gather for an evening Schweickart, director and foun- they may face. of informal socialization to der of "For A Better Ohio," will The idea to have a community bounce ideas back and forth be speaking as well as Brendan open house began in the summer about city and environmental is- O'Keefe about the University's of 1996 when Tiffanie Csortos, sues, as well as have a good time. 100-acre restoration and organic senior fine arts major, noticed There will be a different theme farming on the north side of Poe that although many events were each night, according to senior Road. Other land issues will also going on around town, many stu- environmental policy and analy- be discussed. Later that evening, dents never knew about them. % sis major Brendan O'Keefe. He students will be playing acoustic "I never knew about those said he hopes students will attend guitar folk music. events,"Csortos said. "It was cool this event instead of going to the On Friday night, the theme will to know how supportive Bowling bars. focus on Black History Month. Green residents are to the cam- "It is a nice alternative to the Matthew Boaz, a public adminis- pus community after I attended bar scene and will be focused tration graduate student, will be some of these events." around relevant issues they face talking about minorities and This event will be open to the as well as hear and support some higher education. Jazz music will public and is sponsored by Anti- people who are expressing their be played following the speaker. Racist Action, the WEB student need to acknowledge the prob- O'Keefe also said that what he co-op, and For A Better Ohio. For BO Newt Photo by Jeremy Martin lems we deal with regionally and hopes students will get out of this more information, contact Lyn- BG News photographer catches a close-up photo of a seagull as it rested on a branch in Toledo in general," O'Keefe said. open house is a renewed sense of nette Berkey at 372-5648 or Tif- Wednesday. JJ The theme will center around the human capability to under- fanieCsortos at 353-0181. Flower sale gives aid Community offended by student signs to cancer research □ Oxford residents ask the City Council to regulate "offensive" □ Students volunteer to signs displayed by Miami Uni- help raise money for Campus versity students. cancer research through flower sales. The Associated Press By TRACY WOOD OXFORD, Ohio - Residents in this col- The BC News lege community say they are offended by some signs Miami University students Spring break is just around the post outside their houses, and they have corner, and once again it is time asked the city to put an end to it. to think of spring and the daffodil For decades, students have posted in season. ' front of their homes signs bearing such Daffodil Days at the Universi- names as "Bored of Education," "The ty is not just another flower sale, Playground" and "Boxed Inn." But some rather it is an effort to raise residents are upset about more recent, money to support cancer 4-foot-wide signs that read "Butt-Ox" and research, education and patient "Sex on the Beech" services. Kim Gill, whose "Sex on the Beech" sign Students will have the oppor- is derived from the home's Beech Street tunity to show their support an! location, said her sign is not going any- provide hope 'or the 600 Wood where. County cancer patients fighting "If this city wants to pass a law in oppo- BUTT-OY for their lives by purchasing daf- sition to our First Amendment rights, then fodils March 2-6, according to I'll take my sign down, and I will hate this Linda Glomski, coordinator of city even more," she said. "But I'm not Uuclated Prtii photo Daffodil Days. dents and campus organizations. about to please this city by conforming to The cost of the bouquets are $5 Volunteers arc responsible for its definitions of appropriate until I'm and are bursarable. The money planning, delivering, ordering forced to." Two Oxford residents lean out of their window which displays their sign. The signs are causing a disturbance within the small college town. raised is used to assist cancer and unloading the bouquets to Miami University's administration tries patients and their families in to remind students to show respect for cancer patients in Wood County. purchasing supplies they cannot Frannie Leass, junior social others in the community, but is otherwise afford, and the flowers are a gift staying out of the fight, university The City Council wants students to re- Amy Keller, a resident of "Butt-Ox," work major and volunteer, said of hope to the patients. she wants college students to spokeswoman Claire Wagner said move objectionable signs voluntarily. said the sign is just for fun and is not in- Glomski said she commends know cancer can strike people of Wednesday. tended to be offensive. the volunteers for their efforts in all ages. "It's off campus," Ms. Wagner said. "We "We're hoping people will take it upon trying to help the patients and try to remind students that they are part of themselves to exercise good judgment," "It is important that college "I know there are families around here their families. students are aware cancer a larger community and need to be re- Mayor Bill Snavely said. "If they don't, I ... and I don't think our sign is offensive," "This year we have a terrific spectful." would not be surprised to see legislation ... strikes people of all ages, and we she said. "I'm sorry that some people do, group - one of the best we've always think just because we're Sue Ann Beer, a resident, has asked the either regulating the content or eliminat- but I think it's just amusing." ever had, and we hope to see a lot young we will not get it, or no one City Council to regulate the signs. She said ing them altogether." Bob Karrow, a seven-year Oxford resi- some are too offensive for her 7-year-old of response from the Bowling in our family will get it," Leass dent, said he doesn't want to see legislation Green community," she said. son. At the mayor's request, members of said. monitoring the signs but thinks students Many students have vol- Orders can be made starting "If It's not a sign that's inherent to a Miami's Associated Student Government should be reasonable. unteered their time in order to Monday in the Student Union be- business or direction, like my address or recently visited homes they thought had "It really trivializes the First Amend- make this fundraiser a success. tween 9:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. or the name of my street or my name, then it inappropriate names and asked residents ment to stand behind it for a dumb house The goal this year is to raise through order forms posted shouldn't be on the nouses," she said. to remove the signs. sign," he said. $5,000 with the support of stu- around campus. A ne BG News Thursday, February 26, 199ft Opinion Editor Natalie Miller H OPINION 372-2604 The BG News The question of beliefs is essential Last week, I wrote an article minutes and polonium-214 has a without exception, information is about circular reasoning surround- half-life of 1.6 X 10-4 seconds.
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