J'- * J i m • i ^DEVOTED. TO THE INTERESTS OF THIS SECTION Volume LXIIIt—No. 28. CHELSEA, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1984. SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 PER YEAR FENN’S DRUG STORE Many of-Our McKesson’s M ilk jil Magnesia*............ ............. ............... 39c ^-Customers Say A&f}-' - 5 lbs. Epsom Salts , ............................... .-St.......................... 39c 'Yeur new Ooedywr,. Dr. Miles Nervine-.......... ...............................................;...... 89c Pathfinder is the hest Crazy Water Crystals .............................. $1*50 Consolidation of Local Banks buy on the market" #■ We’ve made a lot of Pierce’s Prescription...... ................ ....,.$1.18 friends by eUinfi up Fletcher’s Castoria .... .............................. .................... 31c their driving needs and President Asks For Directors of Both Banks Vote^At Begular^Meet- recommending th m ew Rubbing Alcohol .................... 39c Improved Goodyear Bfomo-Seltzer ................. ........... ......... ••.•.......... 25c, 50c, $1.00 Scouts’ Cooperation Pathfinders. In many ings Tuesday Evening To Merge Financial cases they provide all Vick’s Vapo Rub............................. .................■'•....... .....31c, 69c the tire service a driver "A s many of you know, we are do­ Institutions; Will Provide Economy In can wse-r-and-lf-thatla^. -Pinkham?s_ Compound ............ 1.^™..... ............—......../$l-09 ing everything possible in this emer­ our opinion for your car, - DeWitt’s Expectorant ................................................... 50c gency to help suffering humanity?* Operation and Better Facilities. we’ll honestly say, so. - spoke, the President Saturday noon, Gome in and talk It Dr..West’s Tooth Paste'....'............. .............■».................. ........17c over, no obligation. Palmolive Shaving Cream..........^ ...... ...... ........ .... 25o to Boy Scouts all over the United At tire regular meetings of the Boards of Directors of. the States of America77’"He continued: "I Kempf Commercial and Savings Bank and the Farmers ‘ and High Quality at Special “56” fon Sore T h r o a t .... ...................................... 50c called upon the Federal Emergency Merchants Bank* held Tuesday evening, consolidation of the two Medium Price McKesson’s Cod Liver Oil ..... .......w...........................,..... • •75c Relief Administrator, Mr. Harry L. 4.4M T.............. $5.65 Hopkins, to tell me what kind of a banks was voted, subject to ratification by a majority of the _Div West^Economy Tooth Brush ......,29c stockholders of the two institutions. ------ 4.50-21 ......... 6^0 -notional good turn would be o f.th e 4.75-19 .........^ 6.85 greatest ..service* He has recommend­ -Notices of- special meetings were mailed to the stockholders 5.00-19 .......... 7.35 ed. that during the balance of the of the banks Wednesday evening; the meetings to be held on Sat­ .5.25-18 ... ...... 8.30 month of February every troop and urday, February 24, asking for ratiiication_of the action taken by -p 5,50*19 v( . 11 .-,t t 7". 9.60~ HENRY H. FENN every-scout do^ewrything possible^ the Boards, of Directors.- There are approximately 250 stock-j GOODYEAR their separate localities to . collect holders-in-the-two-institutions.- The proposed name- for’—the - such .household-furnishings, bedding merged bank is “The Chelsea State BankU^ ^ ^ — _____— and=elothe8f=as=people_*mayr!be-able- to share as g ifts to those who g reatly Action taken by the' Boards Is In need them." -| line with recommendations 6f both MOTOR SALES GILBERT'S CHOCOLATES "Therefore, Task you, under the di- DemocratsWili Rally the , State and Federal- Banking De- ESTABLISHED 191T- ----- rection^of-your rown-local-ofBcersjr*nd- At Michigan U n ionr paK^ents» ^.e main objective bei ng in conference with the representatives ........ .... •• ” ..... / ' to 0/1eConomize Isa inim ahawoopWation'Iiati nnnahd 4toa pro-. ■ of the Federal Relief Administration _ . , ., vide broader bahkincrfacrlities-to th?r and other local' social^ agencies, to Democrats ; fron> p»e Second r Con- community.’ It is recommended by gather up such of this material— as- gressional Dtstrict-Interested-Yn the, ^ bahklng departments that, where may be available foil distribution.** re-election of Congressman John P-j there are two banks in towns of this ^ Lehr w ill banquet at the Michigan , 8{ze ^ ey ^ merge(j j[f poggjble. J Tliis Week’s Bargains! In order to cooperate with the above -requesfPtlie Boy - Scouts of " Washte Union m Ann Arbor Dm^oursday^eye^ If consolidation of "the banks is: per-1 h. can D efiance C«K-oa , : , , . ; . , ,..21c- trawand LivingstonT i ' I ■- counties,‘_________ . l U v ,----- with ning, February 22i at ^:30. Everyone .fecte(j neither institution will be ! in the district interested^in-the-candi , W . • • 7 f ' .. 1---- . ( -f 2 pkgs. Oxydol (reg. 10c size) . , „ ___ _ 10c their_leaders will immediatelyiateiy p~ytin- harmed Jn any wav. The action will timperation. plans which have just dacy of Mf^ Lehr is invited to-attpnd.- strengthen materially the financial T large K ellogg’s A ll B ra ii~, .. ;t . .19c- been completed by the local Council Leonard Sauer, State .Committee- structure and with -the combined re-: 2 cans Gtildjust Scouring Powder .. >. 9c office. Patrol leaders W ill' assign cer­ 'mairTK>itrthtB“Countyrwill preside as sources -the one larger bank w ill be tain blocks^ to pairs of Sco.uts, each chairmaq of the meeting. Boyez better enabled to* serve the banking.j One jpkg*. Oxydol 10c - 2 for 11c 24bs> 50-60 size Prunes....... .^Tvr^rfTTTvf pair being given-a-~number of cards" .Monroe will— be toast1-- needs of the community. Combined with description of the . work oh one master. • i • « T 2 5 e side and list of items which are to be [ Speakers,, include Hon1. J. C; Lehty wSim ill ;total . approximately $1,000,000, i —2 doz.-Het-€fess-Buns ^Xluli pound Manarch-Egg-Noodles . ,15c chocked by each. householder.-of^gi£taaGeo^ J . Jlm?ke:-&f-:A:nn--A-pborr Gharle» -' -Chelsea-ha s-forUmately-he&v- served ! . - * ' • ' ■ 1 which they wish_to_contribute to this'-Blagdon of-Jackson,-Govi^-William A. b y’two of the_ strongest-banks^in- the.: 3 lbs. Extra Fine 4X Sugar * * ♦ • «— — i — m i i ■- ■ ■ » i. ■ 21c m m m m m m State1 and, their service to the comr • . ' '''•■* ' 1 , ■ ■ ^ ■■•.:’ •. emergency relief. ;./ (Comstock, Horatio J. Abbott, Ration- It is hoped that the boys w ill be; al Committeeman,’Mrs. Jas. Hi Mc- mublty has ’been interrupted “only 2 lb. pkg. Seedless Raisins .. .; 17c able to cover their district by Friday j Donald, President of the Washtenaw during the State and. National holi- 1 lb» can Fancy Fresh Mackerel lirifh a/v>lnry1 I pAnrx + sr D flw in n »fl 4 iA nlllK onrl davs callei hoirie, o f church duties. No collection i Burnett J. Abbott. Secretary of the ere among the first banks to be li- 2 cansJCampbell’s Tomato Soup-— -rv-.. 15e will be made at that time; but if pos- f State Administrative Board, ehsed by”9ie Federal government 1 lb. N. B. G. Chocolate Cookies 19c sible, should be done by Saturday,, preparations are being made to when the holidayjirder was lifted and February |7. , a ^ ; [seat between 400 and 500‘ v t „ l they secured without difficulty their Hot Cross Buns .. ., 13c doz. or 2 doz. 25c Arrangements, are being made for |qUet, ■ ' licenses to operate findOr the Federal Bring in your Kaffee-Hag Coupons. ...... ..................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- central depots in each town, where ' ' ■ 11 ■ ■. Deposit Insurance plan which became the boys may bring, the donations, and * LA FA YETTE GRANGE MEETS effective on January 1st, this year. They are worth 15c to you. 10 lbs. Pratt’s Dog Food .. .. .... 69c from which they Will be dispensed up- . - .. 0 ' . , , ■ i The- -Kempf---- - ................... .Commercial.— —and; . ~^T. Sav- on orders from the CWA ^ase work.-./. La ,ayette4.Grang° ^eId a veW f n.-j ings Bank was founded in 1876 and ers, Each group should arrange its j ^ a“Ie.lTieetmf ?? / e,^?ning ’ the Fanners and Merchants Bank was own transportation of articles from } at ^ie home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter j organized in 1908. * the homes to the central depot, ex- ^ Beutler, w itt a good attendance,-. - - .------ - ^GROCERIES and MEATS th‘ . * r 1*1 s k w o n Parents and friends.are urged to ifetin g , after which the program of, Town Hall Project "~ r cooperate wherever possible, by-noti-l ^ e evening was given as follows: l fvihg scouts of things they can sp a re ^ ^ ^ K : song^-'LitUe Church in [ , Little progress has been made by the Vale.** as well as helping in the use of cars, ^he-Sylvan-township-board—and -the and trucks-for transporting-goods to Roll call—Miscellaneous. village council during the past week ’ Reading—"Lincoln"—M rs. Geo. ,T. the central depots. in the matter ;of constructing a com COAL English. bination township and village hall oti Next Week for National guessing contest.- - the site, of the old towrh hall with Will Celebrate 50th Readings"Being a Neighbor" — r w T funda Wedding Anniversary Mrs, Mina Wiseman. Important Announcement Song—“MIchi^aji. My ! halrbeiTLw Iuring ^ Z* Discussion—“Should the Weight ■ S h“ e"f -g,” nroSosod h u E o An interesting occasion to the fam­ Tan-bo-boweroW-M by Geo. T, ^ T j.1 ^ 5 ily and friends of Mr, and Mrs. E . W . BUILDING SUPPLIES English. that formal application for {unds will McDanielsTs the fiftilth anniversary A pot .luck -supper was served, SHOP of their marriage at the horn? of M r. be-made to the county CW A directors I l8 S. Main Phone 281 Chelsea this week, — • and Mrs, Rha .Johnson ■ ^T1CE"1 (riYUR- PATRlINir I gUcces,i—of the project, depfmda 1 township,' Feb. 21,1884, On Wednesday, February 21, 1934 The birthday anniversary of George; the action to be taken by Congress in they will be at home at North Lake Washington, ' which falls on next | the matter of appropriating additional to all friends who care to visit them, Thursday, February 22, is a legal; CWA funds as well as approval of between the hours of one.
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