Abstracts www.anatomy.org.tr doi:10.2399/ana.15.001s Abstracts for the 13th Turkish Neuroscience Congress April 30th 2015 to May 3rd 2015, Konya, Turkey Anatomy 2015; 9(Suppl 1):S1-S69 ©2015 Turkish Society of Anatomy and Clinical Anatomy (TSACA) Invited Lectures and Conferences (C-001 — C-52) Thursday, 30 April 2015 Scientists in molecular biology and genetics were ultimately able 17:30 – 18:30 to reveal a fascinating inter- and intracellular microarchitecture OPENING LECTURE (CONFERENCE 1) such as receptors, microtubules, mitochondria and synapses. New perspectives in neurosciences Scientists in physics and chemistry finally succeeded to bypass Chairs: Prof. Dr. Nuran Hariri & Prof. Dr. Serdar Gergerlio¤lu Abbe’s optical limitation of 0.2 micrometers and the nanoscope was born. This latter achievement opens a new era in biology and C-001 pathology, allowing the study in-vivo of ultrastructures. The New perspectives in neurosciences visualization of living ultra- micro-structures is a great accom- plishment, a culmination of centuries of scientific endeavors.In Yaflargil G contrast, the phylogenic aspects of vascular, neoplastic, degener- Department of Neurosurgery, Yeditepe University, Faculty of Medicine, ative, toxic and viral diseases of the CNS had hitherto found only Istanbul, Turkey marginal attention. The clinical, neuroradiological and neu- ropathological observations on a large number of patients with Intensive research activities within the past 200 years have neurovascular and neoplastic lesions, degenerative diseases and revealed that the central nervous system (CNS) is a heteroge- viral infections alerted us to specific predilection sites of these neous, heteromorphic, multidimensional and multifunctional diseases, which affect certain compartments of the CNS, in rela- compound organ system. Scientists working in Comparative tion to their phylogenic, ontogenic, histogenetic and angiogenic Anatomy and Embryology determined that the transformative- order. The adjacent compartments remain unaffected. The con- adapt›ve evolution of the CNS occurred over an extensive time duct of these lesions teaches us new aspects in neuropathology. period of 500 million years and continues to unfold and progress. The phylogenic, ontogenic, histogenic, angiogenic, endocrino- These observations will be presented and discussed. genic and immunogenic defined compartments of the CNS pres- ent a unique macro- and microarchitecture along the spinal cord, Friday, 1 May 2015 brain stem, diencephalon and telencephalon with archipallial, 8:30 – 10:30 paleopallial and neopallial intertwining architecture. The contin- uing upswing in scientific technology is providing medicine and SYMPOSIUM 1 surgery with tools of immense value; the availability of achro- Neuroendocrine control of reproduction matic microscope, free from spherical aberration, invented by J.J. Chairs: Prof. Dr. Haluk Kelefltimur & Doç. Dr. Süleyman Sandal LISTER, 1830, in the United Kingdom, later the formulation of the equation “Angular Aperture” by Ernst ABBE, in 1880, Zeiss C-002 Company, Jena, Germany, followed by the Electron Microscope Neuroendocrine control of hypothalamus-pituitary- in 1933, Scanning Tunneling Microscope in 1981 and Positron gonadal axis Microscope in 1987. Scientists in biology and neurobiology have thus been compelled and stimulated to initiate profound studies Kelefltimur H on morphology and function of all organs and their cells. Department of Physiology, F›rat University Medical School, Elaz›¤, Turkey S2 13th Turkish Neuroscience Congress, April 30th 2015 to May 3rd 2015, Konya, Turkey Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) is a hypothalamic hormones but also to understanding of related pathophysiolog- neuropeptide that regulates the release of follicular-stimulating ical processes that are clinically relevant. Neuroendocrine sys- hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) from the anteri- tem performs a vast variety of functions with ubiquitous neu- or pituitary. These gonadotropic hormones lead to gonadal roendocrine cell types including anterior pituitary cells, hypo- growth and production of gonadal sex steroids, eliciting the thalamic supraoptic and paraventricular neurosecretory cells, development of secondary sexual characteristics. The pulsatile pancreatic islet cells, parathyroid cells, chromaffin cells, Sertoli pattern of gonadotropin-releasing hormone release has a critical cells, renin producing cells of the kidney, atrial natriuretic pep- importance in the intermittent release of these gonadotropic hor- tide producing cells of the heart, G cells of the gastric antrum, mones from the pituitary. Unlike the other hypothalamic cell the gastrointestinal enterochromaffin cells and Merkel cells of groups, GnRH neurons originate from the olfactory placode the skin. The neuroendocrine cells share the characteristics of region to the hypothalamus during embryogenesis. The activa- excitable cells as electrical activity plays important role in inter- tion of these neurons occurs during juvenile development, yet cellular communication in the stimulus-secretion coupling a initiates puberty via their reactivation. However, the mechanisms process involves, action potentials, cell surface receptors, volt- underlying this reactivation are not well understood. During the age and gated ion channels, intracellular signaling (including last decade, our understanding of this hypothalamus-pituitary- intracellular calcium signaling). Utilization of electrophysio- gonadal axis has quickly expanded. Two novel hypothalamic Arg- logical techniques in the relatively new research field of neu- Phe-amide- related peptides, kisspeptin and gonadotropin- roendocrinology have a great potential of clarification of phys- inhibitory hormone (GnIH), may be important regulators of the iological and pathophysiological roles of neuroendocrine cells reproductive axis. Kisspeptin neurons of the arcuate nucleus and these information have a great potential to be translated (ARC) of the hypothalamus have been proposed as a critical com- from bench to hospital bed. ponent regulating the pulsatile release of GnRH, and its modu- Activities on electrophysiological characteristics of neuroen- lation by endogenous steroid hormones and exogenous environ- docrine cells are supported by TUBITAK (proje No: 114S179). mental cues. GnIH may also directly modulate GnRH secretion because GnIH-immunoreactive neurons have been shown to form close appositions with GnRH neurons. GnIH have C-004 inhibitory actions on GnRH neurons. In summary, kisspeptin Calcium signaling in hypothalamus neurons and GnIH appear to be involved in GnRH secretion. These find- 1 2 3 2 ings may have translational importance for understanding the Özcan M , Kelefltimur H , Ayar A , Canpolat S basis for human disorders in which central control of GnRH 1Department of Biophysics, F›rat University, Faculty of Medicine, Elaz›¤, secretion is impaired. Turkey; 2Department of Physiology, Firat University, Faculty of Medicine, Elaz›¤, Turkey; 3Department of Physiology, Karadeniz This study was supported by TUBITAK Project No:113S193. Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey Keywords: GnRH, kisspeptin, GnIH The pulsatile pattern of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) release from hypothalamus, which results in the inter- C-003 mittent release of gonadotropic hormones from the pituitary, has Electrophysiological features of neuroendocrine cells a critical importance for reproductive function but the factors Ayar A responsible from this release pattern are not known. A rise in intracellular free calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) is the common Department of Physiology, Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of trigger for exocytosis in most cell types. There are some agents Medicine, Trabzon, Turkey which regulate GnRH secretion from the hypothalamus by changing [Ca2+]i. The effects of kisspeptin, melatonin, leptin, Neuroendocrine cells, so called because they are structurally orexin, alfa-MSH and NPY on [Ca2+]i were investigated in similar to neurons and they secrete hormones like endocrine GT1-7 cells, an in vitro model of GnRH-secreting neurons. cells, are present throughout the body and constitute the dif- Kisspeptin-10 caused a triphasic change characterized by an ini- fuse network of neuroendocrine system. In accordance with tial small increase followed by a significant decrease and increase their wide distribution they play crucial roles in variety of phys- in [Ca2+]i. Melatonin caused increase in intracellular Ca2+ tran- iological bodily functions by responding to stimuli and their sients in GT1-7 cells in a dose-dependent manner. Similarly secretion products. In addition to their physiological and orexin caused a significant increase in [Ca2+]i compared to basal pathophysiological functions, neuroendocrine cells can some- levels in GT1-7 cells. Leptin caused an increase in [Ca2+]i which times, like other types of cells in our body, develop into cancer is localised to certain sites of GT1-7 cells rather than being wide- and lead to serious medical conditions, including neuroen- spread and can not be detected significantly when the whole cell docrine tumors. Use of electrophysiological techniques is a area is measured. Alfa-MSH and NPY did not have any signifi- useful tool for investigating the neuroendocrine cells primary cant effects on [Ca2+]i in GT1-7 cells. The results suggest that functions, namely controlled secretion of neurotransmitters agents may exert their effects on GnRH release by producing dif- and hormones, at single
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