Newt Holloway Nominated for Student Body President at theProgressive Party Caucus Newt Holloway, junior English major, was lhe approved by the Pro- Freshmen Bible. f In his Hesperia member, gressive at its Spruce member. and in the Party caucus l fraternity, Lambda Chi champion 1951, state ues- Alpha, he Womens’ Athletic day as Association, and fair reserve evening its candidate for been rush grand champion. At 1 1 ’ chairman, "D” club member. student delegate A &: M body president of the Virginia in the Little Inter- 1951-52. 11 national assembly, and I,ie art George Champion has attended P y accorded Monte Beli president. national, was the colt champion ts vite Colgate university, from 1948-50, the beef President, !,),Ue " b showman, show- ! Janet House e has been student champion ?/ , where lie was on the d v,te freshman foot- and the . president, ,0< v man, grand George Cham treasurer, representative to ball champion team, the Lacrosse the pi<m treasurer, and team, showman. She took seventh Virginia Paint- Leadership conference, member place of team, the er, swimming sailing team, in the secretary. livestock club, arena freshman-sophomore judging committee a member of the Vigilantes, a chairman, contest, is the vice president of Holloway, in the three publicity chairman, vice years he sophomore orientation and pep West ol the Rockwell, W.A.A. member, has been at A & president agricultural coun- M, has been council, and the book. At junio- cil, chairman year Rodeo dub member, tlass of agricultural dance, A & Haylofters president, automatic M, he is on the Ski club, and student I member, and Livestock club council laylofter club member, exhibition mem- member, on the constitutional re- sports reporter COL- ber. ,ou at - P Colorado vision committee Springs mem- LEGIAN. member, head of ber, IFC The Party accorded Bruce Far- panel at the representative, pacemaker Painter has group constitutional Virginia been a 4-H vet medicine committee, president of the hon- quarson, junior stu- convention, member of Leader since 1947. In the 1950 Lancers, dent, as its senior class Columbian orary agricultural fraternity, Denver Stock SI president Society vice Alpha low she took junior president Zeta. In the candidate; trank Stanko, in named on Who's Sigma Alpha junior Who in American Epsilon showmanship: and in the 1951, haternity. Bell has been physical education, vice president; Colleges and pledge show, junior reserve Universities, past treas- showmanship, Willie trainer, executive Wintz, junior urer ol the council, and at- Hereford English maj- Independent champion steer, and re- party, tended the or, Rod province convention. secretary; Wilson, pace-maker committee, serve champion carload lot. She has junior treasurer of Janet House has been psychology major, treasurer; Caro- Nkwt Holloway treasurer entered the Braiden Hall and state fair four years committee head oi the Spurs, Junior class treasurer, the consecutively, had county grand (Continued on page 12) Rocky Mountain COLLEGIAN K)L LX FORT COLLINS. - COLORADO FRIDAY APRIL 20. 1951 No. 25 Champ Judging Students May Apply Randall Peterson Wins Kotich-Mercer Now for Advanced ROTC AFD Budging Trophy; Ralph Arnold Second Says Ihe division of armed forces at KBRa.ai.ili Colorado A lie M Peterson. a junior \! I 2. Duane Phelps 222 college announced from Smith that foi Dakot.i. won the 3. Jack Maddux 221 today applications entrance Metw into the advanced and Air r judging <<>nirst I.im 4. Pat Harmon 218 Army bv force ROTC would be RRurdav two points over Ins 5. I-arry Sloan 217 courses ac- the between (omjH'titor, Ralph \rnoltl. SWINE WINNERS: cepted during period who totaled i. 16-28. Rjjamiall, 524 points in Tie, Pat Harmon 187 April Students ROTC basic HBc contest, is a member ol the Randall Peterson 187 taking submit their Pictured above is 3. Carl Holfman 186 courses may applica- one of the scenes in the Green and Gold Review tions their class to be shown at the auditorium 4. Alfred Alenham 185 during regular Junior High tonight and tomorrow night. Tickets periods. Others submit their are cents. 5. Tie, Kenneth Jurgens 184 may sixty to the mili- Marvin Swanson 184 applications by coming science building on the Ralph Arnold 184 tary SHEEP WINNERS: campus. lo for into the 1. Carl Hoffman ?42 qualify entry Green And Gold Revue Full Of advanced course an must 2. Randall Peterson 140 applicant meet the following requirements. 3. Dan Jones 131 Have successfully completed 4. Jim Sitton 125 Excellent Entertainment Acts the basic ROTC course or the 5. Ralph Arnold 123 equivalent thereof. by Pat Brewer Successfully pass a written As is the case when a show like the Greet* AGCT examination. always observing Be Cheerleader! and Gold a within the Revue, the reviewer runs into difficulties when it Be prescribed age many limit. comes to telling something about all the good acts. It is just three to Be In lie by the times hard this Tryouts accepted president as year since there are three distinct sections to the of the college and either the show, all with different casts and directors. But so much for the PMSfeT or PASIcT, depending The Oval Tuesday “in general” background. the branch of service ■ k \ni>ai i. Pftekson upon Act I under with Would you like to legally get chosen. gets way a and I.ivestock like Pass the Parisienne dance throughout the act are done in judging team into all games free? Would you prescribed physical high kicking per- I *l a,lf l formed good Eddie’s Farmhouse is his Ira to have the best seats in the examination. by Joyce Long, Pat Bast, style—particularly rendition of like The AGCT examin- Loloff, and Almeda "I’m all that’s left.” Rnity. "house?” Would you to see qualifying Marilyn Bliley, 1 11 7n Sets, vocal numbers, and band RS Fl.niuon. itr ation will be given at the done that "ou la la” Fol- ar- College Days queen Aggies have better school spit Military style. blend IRcndam and senior chant' Science on and them and rangements in Act 1 to give AH majot You would! 'l‘hen your building Monday lowing comes Gallagher m a of the the cheerleader Tuesday, April 30 and May 1. STteen, presented in a most rib- you nostalgic reminder ■iR* .Gunnison, proved that will be here soon with of old time vaudeville. will be held Persons to take this ex- tickling Dave Fonken and days is no slouch at judging tryouts. These tryouts desiring way by Rumba *or first in the amination should contact the divi- Bob Kibler. Then comes Interpretation IR—: in the swine class Thursday, May 3, at 11:00 Jack Act II ■Ro sion of aimed forces in the mili- Fields, with tuxedo, starts out with an authen- gariine.l a seventh place tie in Oval. is encouraged to complete Everyone tic Personal interviews wTnte rabbit, and touch of South America in the po'ti'.s. Never underestimate view —even tary building. pretty assistant, come the proceedings who dance routines of L.uis of interested in will be to all on gives a Vratny, a woman. if he or she is not given applicants highly entertaining Armando and 4. Col. old-time Such and Adolfo the cheerleader. May 2,3, according to magic act. acts as Vargas, R£ following are point becoming a j krafft. This E. Bullock, institutional Clock,” as danced trio, from stu<tents in the Stephen "Syncopated by hailing does of affairs at and Yam- Mexico, a in their " ul coordinator military Jean Weakland, “Yogi superb job the separate classes. ark,” with Claude Salomon interpretation of the rumba. A IRJNTEST WINNERS: the college. as a Meeting mind and dance routine Chuck Collegian reader, contribute no small song by Ra,uljll I'etcrson 524 KB? Hawkins and part to the success of the first act. Annette Baldwin, Ral,>l Arno,d 522 Toniaht at 5:00 IK ‘ two numbers trio Of special note is the of by a composed of Sitton 513 dancing lE’o Attention all COLLEGIAN Newell, Carl Ben Fauve and Jean Tostenrud to Nancy Nancy Henderson, fl,,ffnian 509 meet- In this issue: V K There will he a and Louise and h rejrorters! an arrangement of Keith Bolz’s Hayes, a solo by 500 office I Kt i° in the COLLEGIAN Pa^e Bruce Clement add much Du;,,,e ing “Broken Promises.” In this, they to the 1I- I’hclps 502 5:00 and this afternoon at p.ni. 2 act. off the second act Intramural Choir not make use of an unusual Topping ** ... only tC> at N'lrmon 501 If 9 I attendance is required. their is a act your Foreign 2 band arrangement, use of twirling by “Gege” Betz,' I Maddux 501 R not grade old you are present your Overheard 4 lighting is strictly "out of this nine-year winner of this year’s l,arlod 499 I Hunt and ma\ ■ , be lowered you 6 world.” Eddie and state twirling contest. U' r may Elections Song stylings by 1 V Sloan 499 BE llr„ Galbreath FF lose credit altogether. Meet DU 9 Dale Amen, Hazel Fender, Melvin Jack and Marilyn » 'VINNERS: Ags THERE! and Gibbons B°h Chubb, M y r n a (Continued on page 3) I■' Zimbleman 226 2 A P RI L. 2 0. 1951 - C OLLE GIAN fro m Colorado A & M t o H o st R e gi o n al C h or al Si n g wit h 3 0 0 Si n g ers Si x Schools ( ? ? ?) Colorado A. & M will b e h o st t o o v er t hr e e h n e xt Sunday, A pril 2 2, when t h e S second a n n u al %| 1 I nt er- c oll e gi at e C h or al F e sti v al will h e h el d h er e l a st w a s st art e d y e ar when c h oir s fro m si x f or C cl u ni v er sit y a d a y of si n gi n g a n d g etti n g acquahto/* °r J A g ai n t hi s y e ar t h er e will b e si x A- 8 c h oir s p arti pi “ C h or al F e sti v al.
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