UNITE D NATIONS-ÍSS-NATIONS UNIES FILE NUMBER:. NO. DU DOSSIER Ol ID 1ГГ/—T. uNrc/38/Rev.i 22 July 1948 FILE TITLE: TITRE DU DOSSIER HUMAN RIGHTS INTERNATIONAL BILL OF RIGHTS DRAFT INTERNATIONAL DECLARATION ON HTJUAN RIGHT DRAFT INTERNATIONAL COVENANT ON HUMáN RIGHTS & QUESTION OF IMPLEMENTATION COMMENTS FROM ORGANIZATIONS NOTICE: USE.THE B. Fi - DO NOT HOLD THIS FILE WHEN LAPSES IN ACTION ARE NECESSARY. AVIS: UTILISEZ LA RUBRIQUE В. F. - NE CONSERVEZ PAS CE DOSSIER S'IL EST NECESSAIRE D'EN REFERRED TO p. A: P. A. DA.£ OR DATE INIT. DATE REFERRED TO 1 h 1, 1 ~~~ • OR DATE INIT. TRANSMIS A B. F. В. F. ' il T к 1Ii . •? % '% • V . ' . sod I ' •f ' •ii • S. J \f Tl i f- F % 1 - Jí f '• El • <; *4 ;. f. >- i ' ! • •.)•-.'. V ' -|ï : • • • h - .••л, ,.-)••> *'•••• 11 TT»'"1. j- ., I- '- 1; . ''.''''7 ;- • I- .i- / . - • |: I t У!: • . -/¡i • •- f.. ' \ Г- UNOG Library• / . - h ' . г. • ' - * .*• ' ! ' :' ':' ^ '. i: _ • . : í * ; ' PART_í2_ CLOSER зоОгсп» SEE PART_J? REEL No. Sequence No. ? UNOG Library File No- -1.7-/1 /03. Name Indexed.... DEPT. of SOCIAL AFFAIRS JUL 1 1948 BRA hl°\ Dear ï*. JaTfét Jfcsjic you very aich for your letter of & Mgr and ibr the wlco» ам «liât I had ton re-elected a onber of the toterraticml Law jft^wtlfln. I «a sending you a cheque fbr est annual subscription with this I intend to take advantage of ay masheruhlp in «I» /íasoeiaUon end to attend the шеШ^е at Brussels when the subject of •••* BE • ÉHM MË ИЕа She Coraœaseion on Itoan ïïl Milita has now esssuetad its third session art to finished its nock on the draft ШтШкяХ Declaration of ï fusion Rights *hich will 30 before the Зсошийе and Social Сошж11 in Ju3y. .J»ther the Declaration (without the Covenant or Htasuras Xbr Ttsjlemntation) will reach the /'••ortiy this fell or not, I earns* say* ^ ^ jpwwr»^^ NI ™ W V ^и**" *^ * 4iw#i m ^ШЩЦР^И ваГеЗу and were distributed to the шв&ег* of the Coctalssim. Professor Isuterjiacht fctraself was here to a couple of deys en bis way to Cobrado but I do not pay British insoxaa tax and hate not therefore eejasletsd Им seven veers* irwmsiit that vas sent to I*WT'»» if ЧЛЯЕШ* VW? WMMV WAWWW j^W* WEUV IAV МАТЕ thanking you again* Z aw etc* njvislm of 1&шп Bights îlr. Arthur Jaffa* * САШПРАUNOGТ ibiMincjMI B Library File No... Name Indexed DEPT. of SOCIAL AFFAIRS* JUL 2 Ж8 30 juin 1948 Cher Monsieur» îfoua avons parlé ce matin d'une collaboration possible entre le Bureau International pour la Codification du Droit Pénal et la Division des Droits de l'Homme et je vous ai alors promis d'établir une liste des problèmes eu sujet desquels votre organisation pourrait utilement nous apporter son aide* Je vous enverrai une telle liste u ... itôt ¿ue pooüiblö« 2n aí;;,erKbnt » у~ ЩШЩЕШШЕШШ Si problems de l'asile et d'une convention relative au droit d'asile* Comme voue / le savez, la Commission des Droits de l'Homme e adopté* lors de ее deuxième session une résolution qui figure à la page 14 du rapport de la Commission et qui se lit comme suit» "La Commission a décidé* d'examiner aussitôt que possible la possibilité d'inclure dans la Charte des droits de l'homme, ou dans une Convention spéciale élaborée â cette fin, des dispositions / / relatives eu droit d'asile des réfugiés en butte â des persécutions." / Veuilles agréer, cher Monsieur, l'expression de ses sentiments Ш i \ les plus distingués. (f John P. Directeur S.S. Monsieur le professeur Vespasien V* Pella Division dee Droits de 1' Président du Bureau International pour la Codificat ion du Droit Pénal 215 IntovillUNOGe Roa* Library Great Neck, N.T. File No- ö|ll DJ.... Name lud \ed DEPT. of SOCIAL AFFAIRS JUL 2 1948 BKA. _ JO juin 1ДО Cher tons leur» Noue avons parla ее matin d'une collaboration possible ontre l'Association Internationale du Droit Pénal et la Division ses Droits de l'Homme et Je voue ai alors premie d'établir une liste dee problèmes au sujet desquels votre organisâtiou pourrait utilement nous apporter son aide« Je vous enverrai une telle liste aussitôt que possible* лп attendant», je peux muntionnor le problème de l'asile et d'une convention relative au droit d'asile» Corme voue le eaves » la commission des Droits de l'Homme a adopté lors de ea deuxième sees ion use resolution qui figure â la page 14 du rapport de la Commission «tiqui se .Ut совете suit» •I» Commission a décidé d'examiner aubâifcôt que possible la possibilité d'inelum dune la Cfevts des droits de l'homme, ou dans une Convention spéciale ¿labores â cot.e fin, dos dispositions relatives au droit d'asile dee réfugiés en butte Ä dee persécutions.'' Veuilles agréer, cher asna leur» l'expression de mes sentiments les plus distingues. John JP» lîumphrey Directeur S.u. Monsieur le professeur Yespasien V. Pella Division des Broite de l'í tamas Secrétaire gJneral de l'Association Internationale du «äroit i-énal 215 Lakoville Poad Great Neck,UNOG N.Y. Library CABLE ADDRESS : UNATIONS NEW YORK ADRESSE TELEGRAPHIQUE':' UNATIONS NEW-YORK Г UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES LAKE SUCCESS, NEW YORK rIELDSTONE 7-1100 File No, Jl&AJJ REFERENCE: Nime Indexed ЕГТ 01 s 25 Jane 19*|вР < JUN 28 The Director of the Division of Human Rights of the United Nations acknowledges with thanks the receipt of your letter dated 5 May 1948, enclosing a aopy of • resolution passed by the Board of Directors of the London Missionary iociety. The Director wishes to draw your attention in this connection to Resolution» Nos. 75(V) and 116A(VI) of the Economic and Social Council, which requests the Secretary-General: "(a) to compile a confidential list of communications received concerning human rights before each session of the Commission on Human Rights with a brief indication of the substance of each; (b) to furnish this confidential list to the Commission, in private meeting, without divulging the identity of the authors of the communications, except in those, cases where the authors state that they have already divulged or intend to divulge their names or that they have no objection to their names being divulged; (c) to enable the members of the Commission, upon request, to consult the originals of communications dealing with the principles involved in the promotion of universal respect for and observance of human rights; (d) to inform the writers of all communications concerning human rights, however addressed, that their communications have been received and duly noted for consideration in accordance with the procedure laid down by the United Nations. Where necessary, the Secretary-General should indicate that the Commission has no power to take any action in regard to any complaint concerning human rights; (e) to furnish each member State not represented on the Commission with a brief indication of the substance of any communication concerning human rights which refers explicitly to that State or to territories under its jurisdiction without divulging the identity of the author, except as provided for in paragraph (b) above." îîev. A.M. Chirgwin, Genera tecretary, Lor.co:; KiesionarUNOGy Society, Library Livingstone House, 42, Broadway, stainster, 5.W.1 File Ko._S_0A (7/t/oà Name Indo-. ÜEFT. of SC JUN 25 194Г. ¿OA/I7/V03/KÍ) 24 Juau 194Ô I have bssn requested by the ,:ieeratary-Gor.cral to acknowledge the receipt of your letter No,129(687/13/40) dated lb June 1946» enclosing copies of a letter dated 31 feay 194Û frua the Liberal Jewish Щрйдщв in London together with aople« of the two resolutions .aient Loned therein. I have the honour to Infor» /ou that theee reeolutione will be brougU U the attention or the dcattieeion on Humar :üc.hte in accordance with the procedure laid down by ^solutions 75 (?) end 1Ш(Н) of the äoonoaio and Social Council. I have the honour to bo, Sir. Your obedient servant, Kr. J.J. Searnley John P. United Kingdom Delegat! n to the Director United Nations Division of Human 'iighte P. 0. Box 3^4 Hew York,UNOG fc.I. Library File No. Name Indt-vd DEFT, of SOCIALAFFAIRS JUN2 4 BRAu\ .... -A*.* 30* 17-140 3 June 1%8 Ь Ш of ïlr* Henri Lauster, I wait to thai* V 1;ra» i?* -*ûaovô3i tiiich you aunt to hfca or his inXanrntdm on 19 ¿uno. £»ejelJdfioor to tí» Se***ary*Oaneral of sooial Af iîaîre ta, I'te^r rtafcfcdn Chain aa of tlw Doara ?Äu,"ft,ta"*""1' UNOG»aw York 24, N.T. Library THE INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE FOR THE RIGHTS OF MAN Incorporated under the Laws of N. Y. State as the International League for the Rights of Man and for the New Democracy Honorary President 86 RIVERSIDE DRIVE, NEW YORK 24, N. Y. HENRI LAUGIER Vice-Presidents ENDICOTT 2-0678 NORMAN ANCELL A Non-Governmental Organization with Consultative LOUIS DE BROUCKERE Status in Category "В" with the United Nations JUSTIN GODART HENRI GRÉGOIRE £. J. G UMBEL FIORELLO H. LAGUARDIA LI YU YINC New Address Fib No. B. MlRKINE-GuETZEVITCH 756 Seventh Avenue GAETANO SALVEMINI JULIO ALVAREZ DEL VAYO New York 19, N.I. DL FT, oí SOCIAL AFFAIRS Secretary FRITZ KAUFMANN June 19, 1948 Treasurer Ш 2 2 1948 DAVID HAHN BR./-- .».^lOiiiY Representative at U.N. UJ" Щ MAX BEER General Counsel RAYMOND L. WISE Hon. Henri Laugier, Assistant Secretary General Secretary THOMAS STERLING United Nations Administrative Secretary Lake Success, N.Y. HETTIE DYHRENFURTH DIRECTORS Dear Mr. Laugier: Chairman ROCER N.
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