WELL STARTED ALL QUIET The new year is well started. Let It's all quiet around here u.s unite in efforts to keep up the cept for the hum of industry. pace. Traffic lights and improved There are fireworks in Washing­ roads in sight. ton, but they bode well. >fflce 1S26. THE KUTZTOWN PATRIOT VOLUME LI KUTZTOWN, PA., THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1926 No. 33 ^old- of DONATIONS FOR KUTZTOWN ! DEISHER STOCKHOLDERS HUNTINGTON TAKES NEW TOWN REMEMBERS CLOWN fctora isac- GIRL RUN OVER IN BAND AMOUNT TO $280.80 RE-ELECT DIRECTORS FORMAL OPENING JOB IN PHILADELPHIA BAND ON FIRST SERENADE 82ND ANNIVERSARY 'rnay will said New Tear's Day the citizens of Kutz­ The annual meeting of the stock­ Russell H. Huntington, who had To the citizens of Kutztown "Tim [1321. FOG AND BADLY HURT town were serenaded by the Kutztown holders of the Deisher Knitting Mill OF THE KUTZTOWN been in the employ of the Kutztown Temp's" Clown Band is grateful for OF FIRE COMPANY 1:3ft Band, as has been the cusom of this was held Tuesday afternoon at the Publishing Co. for the last few years, the liberal donations received on its organization for many years. They plant, on Xoble street, for the purpose NATIONAL BANK relinquished his position here and ac­ first New Year's serenade. The Clown Mabel M. Stump Found Lying Band played gratis for the town on To Be Celebrated Latter Part of started at 8:30 a. m. The first to be of electing directors for the ensuing cepted a similar one In Philadelphia. several occasions, but never thought Unconscious and Severely In­ serenaded was the chief burgess, Dr. He expects to move to that citv with This Month With Fine Pro­ |ook- year. The entire board was reelected, that the town folks would respond so his family in spring. / ifac- jured on Highway — Three U. S. G. Bieber, who invited the band as follows: TO BE HELD TUESDAY OF generously to their efforts. Should gram—All the Members Ex­ II be into the house, where he treated them President, John R. Gonser: vice His many friends here, and ^speei- there be any need for this musical or­ the NEXT WEEK, WITH MU­ Docto, 5 Called—To Hospital royally, besides giving a liberal cash president, C. F. Siegfried; secretary, ally the neighbors in the East Walnut ganization the management would be pected to Attend Event Pa- row, where the Huntingtons reside, donation. Thence they made the Phaon S. Heffner, all of town; Philip glad to hear of it. They are willing 1 nt SIC ALL DAY regret that this sociable couple and s fk rounds of town, missing no one sec­ D. Hoch, Manatawny; Rudolph Ang­ to do their share. They collected >ther stadt, Dryville; George A. Dreibelbis, their interesting family will not con­ be- Great excitement was caused here tion. The strains of music could be $265.05. The Kutztown Fire Company will Virginsville: Fred A. Marx, Reading, tinue their residence here. heard floating through the air as late celebrate its eighty-6econd anniver­ when in the fog Tuesday morning Miss and D. S. Wolfe, Shoemakersville. Public to See Improved and En­ The solicitors. Yernon Kemp. For­ Mabel M. Stump, sixteen-year-old as 5:30 p. m. They were kindly re­ BACHMANS SERYE DICK rest Stein and Harry Frederic, had sary with a very interesting literary of sore ankles, but persisted in helping daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anson ceived by all and every one eave gen­ I>evan Turkey Dinner larged Building — Assets Now program, Saturday, Jan. 29, when a -nn- Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Bachman, East the band. erously. The total collection amount­ The following were guests at a tur­ well known speaker will deliver an ad­ Stump, of Greenwich township, was Exceed $2,000,000 Main street, entertained at a duck din­ The following organization was ef­ |ter« ed to $280.80. key dinner at the home of Mr. and dress and light lunch will be served. >ove found unconscious and severely in­ ner Sunday Dr. and Mrs. M. E. Hart­ fected: President and leader, James The band is very grateful for the Mrs. Charles Levan Saturday: Mr. and All the members of the company, ac­ to man and children Russell. Catharine Kemp; secretary. Harry Kemp; treas­ jured on East Main street. At first it cash received. The money will be Mrs. Adam Gruber, Brooklyn; Mr. and —5 companied by wife or friend, are ex­ |e of and Earl, of Fleetwood. During the urer, Russell A. Stein; trustees, Milton looked like a "hit and run" case. used for the payment of rent for its Mrs. A. X. Levan, of town: Mr. and The formal opening of the improved pected to be in attendance. The af­ lake afternoon the entire party enjoyed a Oswald, Harry Knittle and Scott "Ritz­ lima quarters, music, janitor's services, re­ Mrs. Winfleld Arnold, Daniel Arnold. and enlarged building of the Kutz­ The accident happened about 6:15 trip to Easton, where Russell Hart­ man: manager. William D. Kemp. fair will be neld in the fire hall. This the pair of instruments, purchase of new Allentown; John Gruber. Sinking o'clock, while Miss Stump was pro­ town Xational Bank, to be held co­ man, a student at Lafayette College, Requests for engagements during th? was decided on at the January meet­ is' « ceeding to work in the silk mill from instruments and new uniforms. Spring. remained to resume his studies. tke incident with the annual stockholders' summer have alreadv been received. ing of the fire company held Monday the home of her brother-in-law and meeting Tuesday, Jan. 12, from g a. m. evening. The anniversary committee sister, Mr. and Mrs. John Bailey, consists of the following: Llewellyn where she boards. Other persons on to f p. m. will be an unusuaKy inter­ their way to work found he.r limp KUTZTOWN PARK LIKELY TO LEASE ALL ITS esting occasion, not only foj/those who TOWN COUNCIL HAS LOVE FEAST AS THE Angstadt, chairman; H. P. Boger, form lying on Main street, east of the hold the shares, but a\s,f/ for the de­ Harry Frederic, William Serfass, U. B. P. <fc R. Railroad crossing. She was CONCESSIONS TO A RESPONSIBLE PARTY positors, clients and other citizens of Ketner, Martin Kressley and Harry- picked up anl carried into the home this community. There will be music- BURGESS AND NEW MEMBERS TAKE OATH Reed. Itora. of Llewellyn Meitzler. Here she was ley. all day. An invitation has been ex­ It was learned at the meeting that treated by Dr. X. Z. Dunkeiberger. two-thirds of the cost of the new fire tended to the general public to attend 1-ater Drs. S. E. Rager and L. D. Dun- Prospective Lessee Would Spend $40,000 the First Year on Repairs Squire Sharadin Administers Official Attestation to Dr. U. S. G. fighting apparatus has been paid * kelberger were also summoned to the this opening, and a large attendance is through the energy of the firemen, t ot Meitzler home. After a consultation, and Astounding Improvements — Financing Would Be Done hoped for. Bieber and Messrs! Kemp, Siegfried and Seidel—Reorganiza­ supported generously by the citizens (le­ the physicians decided to have Miss Entirely by Himself—Board to Decide at Meeting Next Week The combined assets of the commer­ of the community and particularly by tters Stump removed to a hospital. The Al­ cial and the trust department now ex­ tion Follows—Many Respond to Chairman's Call for Remarks 1 the the Ladies' Auxiliary. Plans are un- lentown Hospital ambulance was sum­ The annual meeting of the stock-*' — ceed $2,000,000. It may still be fresh [been —ss—««»— •• »———s in »• »• "1' der way for the mapping of the water moned to convey the -injured girl to holders of the Kutztown Park Associ­ MRS. BIKBKKS BROTHER in the memory of some of the local The most interesting feature of the supply and the location of catch basins that institution, where she arrived citizens when the announcement was MRS. C. LUCKENBILL TAKES of ation in the town hall Tuesday, Jan. LAID AT REST IN KUTZTOWN first session of the Kutztown Borough in the territory covered by the Berks to about three hours later. FIRST PRIZE AT BIEBER PARTY 12, at 8 p. m., will very probably be made that the assets of this bank had Council for the year 1926 was the ad­ Fire Zone No. 1. |vln»T passed the million doMar mark in itate one of the most important sessions Mrs. Ellen Bieber attended the fu­ ministrations of the oath of office to d to On Operating Table 1917. On Aug. 20. 1*21, he capital Mrs. Edgar Bieber had as her guests ever held by this organization. The neral of her brother, Charles Bloch, the reelected ourgess, Dr. C. S. G. Bie­ SEIDEL-LORVH PARTY It was found she was suffering from stock was increased from $50,006 to the members of the five hundred club, directors are giving very serious con­ aged 71 years, 11 months and 2 days, ber. and to he new councilmen. a compound fracture of the right $150,000. The shares then sold at of which she is a member. Every A dinner, the occasion for which 1 sideration to a plan whereby all the held from the funeral parlors of Un­ Jacob D. Kemp, Andrew J. Seidel and IS- lower leg, severe lacerations and abra­ $185 each, par being $100. Xow the was a double birthday anniversary, sions of the body, a badly lacerated concessions in the park would be dertaker Seidel in Reading Saturday shares are selling at $245 each, an in­ member was present.
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