BaptistsTexas Committed February 2007 Newsletter of Texas Baptists Committed and Mainstream Baptists It’s Convocation Time! Mainstream Baptist Convocation in the Dallas area on February 23-24, 2007 The Mainstream Baptist Network (made up of organizations similar to TBC) will be meeting with us for the first time in Texas! We have planned a special program centered around the theme of “Voices of Hope: Why I’m Still a Baptist.” We will meet at the Marriott Hotel and Resort, DFW Airport, 8440 Freeport Parkway, Irving, TX. Registration is $60 per person (everyone has to register), which covers both Friday night’s banquet and Saturday morning’s breakfast. The regular rate is $249, but we have a block of rooms reserved for $99, which is a super price. Please call the TBC office today at 325-659-4102 to reserve your room by February 15th to get this special rate and register for the convocation. The very gifted muscian and TBC Online! Dove award nominee, George INSIDE www.txbc.org Gagliardi will be leading the Matter of Perspective music as he did for the first David Currie ......................... 4 TBC 1993 convocation in San Antonio, Texas. New Baptist Covenant Articles ........................... 2,4,5 Church-State Separation Articles ............................ 8-11 For the Record Michael Bell........................ 12 George A Rancher’s Rumblings Gagliardi David Currie ....................... 13 Convocation Program and Speakers ........................ 14-15 — 1 — Carter, Clinton announce 2008 convocation designed to unite North American Baptists By Marv Knox and Greg Warner pressed will be set free, and that the time www.abpnews.com/www/1603.article of the Lord’s favor has come.” Baptists — North and South; from Those themes comprise the core of the ATLANTA (ABP) — Baptists from North American Baptist Covenant, drafted the U.S. and Canada and Mexico; across North America will convene in At- last April in a meeting at the Carter Center black, white and brown; lanta early next year to emphasize their attended by about 20 of the Baptist leaders progressive, moderate and compassion rather than the racial, theologi- who announced the 2008 event. At the time, conservative in theology — can cal and social conflict that has divided them they announced their intention to find a focus on issues that bind us for decades. way to unify Baptists around Christ’s com- Former presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill passion for people he once described as together as followers of Christ. Clinton — two of the world’s most famous “the least of these” in society. —Bill Underwood Baptist laymen — announced the Celebra- In two meetings since, they acknowl- tion of a New Baptist Covenant, tentatively edged they could be divided by their his- set for Jan. 30-Feb. 1, 2008. The announce- tory of racial tension and theological dis- tists. He offered the resources of his foun- ment came Jan. 9, after the ex-presidents sension. But they agreed Jesus’ mandate, dation to help participants make specific had met with about 80 leaders from 40 as well as their shared heritage and core commitments to become actively involved Baptist organizations in the United States commitments, provide a platform for work- in the issues they will discuss in Atlanta. and Canada at the Carter Center in Atlanta. ing together. “This is an attempt to answer: What The 2008 convocation will be “one of The overall endeavor is the brainchild would our Christian witness require of us the most historic events — at least in the of Carter and Bill Underwood, president of in the 21st century?” Clinton said. “It is a history of Baptists in this country, maybe Baptist-related Mercer University in Atlanta part of our faith obligation. But it also is a Christianity,” Carter predicted. and Macon, Ga. part of our common life .... This is an im- Baptist harmony was broken, at least in “Baptists — North and South; from the portant event in the history of Christianity the United States, in the mid-1800s. That’s U.S. and Canada and Mexico; black, white — how faith should react on public life.” when divisions between Northern and and brown; progressive, moderate and con- William Shaw, president of the National Southern Baptists overwhelmed the mis- servative in theology — can focus on is- Baptist Convention, USA, Inc., a predomi- sionary spirit that previously brought them sues that bind us together as followers of nantly African-American group, echoed together, Carter said, lamenting the schism Christ,” Underwood said. Clinton’s observations. that lasted for generations. The 2008 convocation in Atlanta will “One of the challenges this places be- “We hope to recertify our common faith build on the themes of the covenant docu- fore us as Baptists and as believers is to without regard to race, ethnicity, partisan- ment. According to Jimmy Allen, the South- live up to our faith,” Shaw said. “God is ship and geography,” in the 2008 meeting, ern Baptist Convention’s last moderate moving to make faith real, addressing the he said. president and chair of the program-plan- issues we face in non-political ways and Participants in the meeting surrounding ning team, plenary sessions will address non-partisan ways, but in prophetic ways. the announcement reflected his wish. They large issues while breakout seminars will We look forward to this with tremendous included representatives of groups con- offer specific ways for Baptists to make a celebration.” nected to the North American Baptist Fel- practical difference in solving the problems DeWitt Smith, new president of the Pro- lowship, a 20-million-member regional af- Jesus addressed. gressive National Baptist Convention, filiate of the Baptist World Alliance. Lead- The organizers said they expect about pointed to the Old Testament prophet Micah ers of the four predominantly African- 20,000 people to attend the convocation. as a guide for how the 2008 convocation American National Baptist conventions at- Topics for the breakout sessions — which and its resulting activity should be pat- tended, as did leaders of U.S.-based His- still may number 2,000 to 3,000 partici- terned. panic, Japanese, Laotian and Russian-Ukrai- pants in each — will include prophetic “If we say we love God, we will ‘do nian Baptist groups, plus Canadian Bap- preaching, ecology, sexual trafficking, rac- justice and love mercy,’” Smith said. “Lip tists and heads of Baptist state conventions ism, religious liberty, poverty, HIV/AIDS, service is fine, but we are looking for ways in Missouri, Texas and Virginia. dealing with religious diversity, public to put feet to our faith. It is possible to be Their goal is to demonstrate Baptist har- policy, youth issues, evangelism, steward- together and differ on opinions. But when mony, based around the themes Jesus ship and spiritual discipline. it comes to what matters to humanity ... it preached on in his inaugural sermon, re- “In the process, we will be looking at will work.” corded in the fourth chapter of Luke’s Gos- ways to network,” Allen said. “Every per- The convocation will move Baptists for- pel. Quoting the prophet Isaiah, Jesus said: son who comes ought to be able to find ward, Carter stressed. “The Spirit of the Lord ... has anointed me some specific way to put their faith into “Our goals are completely positive ... to bring good news to the poor. He has sent action.” and all-inclusive,” he said. “We call on all me to proclaim that captives will be re- Clinton expressed hope for what he said Baptists who share these goals to join with leased, that the blind will see, that the op- might become “a movement” among Bap- us.” — 2 — Conspicuously absent from the gather- ing were representatives of the Southern A “Byte” of Baptist History Baptist Convention, which with 16 million FBI Shadowed SBTS Professor for 17 Years members on its rolls is the largest single Baptist body in the world. Although SBC leaders were not invited to the Atlanta meet- By Robert L. Richardson feet” giving instructions to the agents not ing, Carter and Clinton said they are wel- In 1957, the Federal Bureau of Investi- to come to their home or call their home, gation (FBI) began covert surveillance of but to contact Henlee at his office. They come to join. Dr. Henlee Barnette, Professor of Christian protested the unexpected visits that some- In recent years, Southern Baptists with- Ethics at Southern Baptist Theological times involved hours of interrogation and drew from the Baptist World Alliance and Seminary. His office and home phones were frequently interrupted their plans. Occasion- its North American Baptist Fellowship be- tapped, his classes were monitored, his trav- ally, Barnette challenged the agents by say- cause of alleged liberalism — a charge the els were recorded, his daily activities were ing, “These are the same old stupid ques- cataloged, and some of his mail was open tions I have been asked over and over group and its affiliated Baptist bodies flatly 2.1 denied. when delivered. These secret operations again.” were conducted unknown to Dr. Barnette On one occasion, the FBI unexpectedly Underwood said an invitation hadn’t for almost twelve years.1.1 showed up at the back door of their tempo- been formally extended to SBC officials Apparently this classified investigation rary home in Florida explaining that the because the North American Baptist was prompted when Barnette traveled to front screen door was locked. The screen Fellowship’s membership provided the core the Soviet Union in the summer of 1957 door had no lock. This time Barnette’s wife, of the Carter Center gathering. “But it’s with a small group led by Dr. Jerome Davis, Helen, “launched into the agent with such former Professor of Ethics at Yale Divinity a severe ‘talking to’” that Barnette “actu- important to say that a number of people 2.3 here are Southern Baptists,” he added.
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