TB[K PRESS • THE PRESS An Institution Which Works Ate •v A Home Town Paper For fh . v f For Community Ad- Home Town , vancement. Folks. THE ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED l|f i^I^LD, CONN. pi pfeii FORTY-SEVENTH YEAR—NO. 29. THOMPSONVILLE, CONNECTICUT, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1926 J PRICE $2.00 A YEAR—SINGLE COPY 5c. v>\'r $*•,;/ ,-; Bigelow-Hartford Carpet. Co. Plan­ PLAYERS PLAN Of Wisdom of the Complete Audit i ning Semi-Annual Opening Dec. 1st PRODUCTION FOR ITHIN the past few days the town officials of Enfield have had additional proof of the wisdom of the action taken with regard HE semi-annual opening of the Bigelow-Hartford Carpet Company WOMAN'S CLUB W to the audit of the tax collector's books when the shortage in T has been definitely set for Wednesday, December 1st. It will these accounts was disclosed last spring. This evidence comes from as usual take place at the show rooms of the company in New Funeral Service Held In an incident which occurred during the past week in the city of Mrs. Fanny A. Mulligan York. Preparatory to this event the local plant of the company is Mystery Comedy, "The . St. Patrick's Church on Bridgeport. Five years ago the tax collector of that city was de­ busily engaged in turning out the samples of the rugs and carpets feated for a re-election -and immediately left the city. A shortage Passes Away Suddenly which will be displayed at the opening. This is a' semi-annual event Hidden Guest" To Be /Monday—Was Leader of approximately $80,000 was discovered in his accounts and he was Last Saturday After­ in the carpet business,_ and its success usually presages the charac­ later apprehended in New York and sentenced in the Superior Court ter of the business which the carpet industry is going to experience Presented at the High In the Real Estate and of this state to serve from j>ne to six years in State's prison. Ap­ noon—Was Mother Of for the six months following the sample display. Local officials of School Auditorium On parently the audit of the tax collector books made at the time was the company are decidedly optimistic over the outlook of the busi­ Insurance Business. not as thorough an investigation as it might have been, however, Atty. Wm. J. Mulligan. ness for the next six months. Already the company has extended Thursday, Dec. 2. for within a few days the city of Bridgeport officials have run across its working hours and added a considerable number to its force of The funeral of Martin J. Gorman, an additional shortage of $22,000 in the former tax collector's ac­ The funeral of Mrs. Fanny A. Mul­ operatives. Some of the departments are working overtime and in The Board of Directors of the En­ for many years a prominent business count's. The new shortage was discovered in tjie books of 1917- ligan, widow of the late William Mul­ others a night and day • shift is being used. The opening this year by the local company has been deferred to a later period than usual, field Players announced this morn­ man of the town and one of its lead­ 1923. This will bring the tax collector's defalcation up to over $100,- ligan, who was for many years a 000. Meantime he is out on parole and the Bridgeport officials do but it appears to have in no manner effected the business of the ing the cast of the three-act mystery ing real estate dealers, was held on not contemplate further prosecution. The incident is pointed out business and civic leader of the town, concern which is showing a steady improvement. Should it develop comedy, "The Hidden Guest," which Monday morning from his late home, by the officials of the town as a sample of just about what might took place last Tuesday morning with that the introduction of the new designs will meet the favorable re­ is to be given under the auspices of 25 Walnift street, followed by a sol­ have occurred here some time in the future had the audit of the services, at St. Justin's Church, Hart­ ception which the officials anticipate, it means that the local plant emn requiem high mass at St. Pat­ will be fully employed for the following six months. That the out­ the Woman's Club of Enfield in the books of the defalcating tax collector of this town been given only ford, and burial was in St. Patrick's rick's Church at 9 o'clock, celebrated the cursory examination which was made in Bridgeport. So far as come will be as anticipated is evident in the opinion of the manage­ New High School Auditorium on by the pastor, Rev. Daniel J. O'Con­ the embezzlements were concerned the circumstances were almost Cemetery here. Mrs. Mulligan died ment, for past experience has demonstrated that when the trade con­ Thursday evening, Dec. 2, at 8:00 P. nor, with Rev. 'John F. Kenney deacon identical even to almost the same number of years' service. The on­ last Saturday afternoon at the home ditions are at all favorable, and they are said to be at the present M. Miss Edna Plamondon, star of and' Rev. Edwin Gaffney, subdeacon. of her son, Attorney William J. Mul­ time, the distinctive designs of the local company have always been ly exception being that the Bridgeport situation was disclosed through last season's dramatic production in Mrs. Frederick R. Furey was poloist. a change being made in the office. The additional difference was ligan, 69 Bloomfield Avenue, Hart­ well received by the trade. President John F. Norman of the Com­ The floral tributes were numerous that the local officials insisted that an expert examination of the ford. She had been ill for a few days pany visited the local plant last Tuesday in connection with the pre­ the local high school and "Ted" Sul­ and beautiful. The bearers were M. books be made for the full period, so that the complete facts would but had practically recovered from parations for the opening next month. livan, who has been prominent in loc­ W. Hullivan, Michael A. Mitchell, be known at the outset. the indisposition when she suffered a al dramatics for several years will Frederick R. Furey, Patrick F. Hen- sudden heart attack and expired im­ have the leading roles. Other favor­ neberry, Selectman James T. Murray mediately. ites to appear will be Mrs. Leon R. and John Holleran. The service was The funeral, which was largely at­ ARMISTICE DAY LOCAL MAN DIES Abbe, Miss Doris King, Frank R. largely attended by relatives and tended, many of those present being Bohman and Gabriel Pare. friends of the deceased, including a FORMER LOCAL HIGH SCHOOL her former neighbors and friends The complete cast is as follows: delegation of members from the Holy from here, was held at 9:30 from her CELEBRATION i IN AUTO CRASH IN John Judkins, a realtor, Frank R. Name Society of St. Patrick's Church late home and at St. Justin's Church Bohman; Bert Judkins, a college boy and Thompsonville Board of Trade, in WOMAN MARRIED HONOR ROLL IS at 10 o'clock. The services consist­ and son of John Judkins, "Ted" Sul­ which Mr. Gorman held membership. ed of a solemn requiem high mass, i EAST HARTFORD livan; Chester Briggs, employed by During the hour of the funeral ser­ of which Rev. Daniel J. O'Connor, John Judkins, George Spelvin; Tad vice the business places were closed IN NEW JERSEY ANNOUNCED pastor of St. Patrick's Church was Wilson, in college and a member of to enable the business men to attend. celebrant, Rev. Andrew J. Plunkett, Local American Legion jRocco Spinelli Of South the Theta Phi Gamma, Gabriel Pare; The committal service was in St. Pat­ State Chaplain of the Knights of Co­ McCarty, a policeman, Ira Bushnell; rick's new cemetery in King Street, Miss Agnes V. Wynne is List of Students Who lumbus, was deacon, Rev. John Mc- Post Have Planned Ex- j Street Dies in Hospital Otto Hubner, a convict, Myron Bur­ Rev. Edwin Gaffney conducting it. Bride Last Saturday in Have Excelled In Their Cabe of Jewett City was sub-deacon, gess; Ruby Mayfield, a debutante, Mr. Gorman, who was 64 years of and Rev. Andrew Kelly of St. An­ tensively For Event To From Injuries Receiv­ Miss Edna Plamondon; Minnie May- age, was a native of Thompsonville West New York, N. J. Studies For Months of thony's Church, Hartford, master of Be Held In High School ed In Accident Yester­ field, Ruby's aunt, Miss Doris King; and had lived here all his life. His ceremonies. Rev. Francis Nolan, pas­ Mrs. Barrington, a widow, Miss death occurred early Friday morning —Bride Was A Former Sept. and Oct. is Issued tor of St. Justin's Church read the Auditorium Tonight. day Morning. Vieono Kajander; Nellie Trotwood, a at his" home on Walnut street from Resident Here. By Principal Lee. epistle and gospel and said the pray­ society girl, Miss Althea Jones; Mel- a heart affection from which he had ers for the dead at the close of the What is being characterized by the , Rocco Spinelli, 34, of South street, anthuria ("Melons"), a servant, Mrs. suffered for several years. After at­ mass. The music for the mass was committee in charge, as the first real died at the Hartford Hospital last Leon R. Abbe. tending the local schools, Mr.
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