:J,F:. t 7~/7~ I/,I'iIIB~A ~i (';" . , MImMM TERRACE.KITIMAT m all h• ,re ' VOLUME 72 No, t0t 20e THURSDAY, MAY 2S, 1978 Terrace Council Looks at Student Community Centre Proposal Fd~hty-eavon per cent of The project first started as eafMevin, and other facilities Terrace people asking only $1.'5 million to construct. the peopl9 in Terrace who a class educational ex. and would be large eaough to three questions: if there was Funding application would reslP0n~ed to a survey want a perlence, a student accOmmodate future a need fqr a community be made to the Federal community centre, Terrace apekeaman said, but grew growih. centre )187 in favor), if it Public Works and the c0umcll was teld.at Monday into a serious interest when Students chose various should be designed for any Provincial Public n~,ht'u special meeting. students realized there were possible locations for the particular age group (no- Recreational Facilities and A group of students from few recreational facilities in 32,6(}0 square feat of floor 163), and how it should be if received, woul leave the Caledonli Senior Secondary town for teenagers and space, such as Lower Little funded (majority chose community respeeeible for School presented counci entire families. Park or a portion of the land grant funding over volunteer only one-third of the cost. with a propo~d for a com- The cmtre, as outlined by at Kalum , and Olson contribution and property monity coatre along with the the students, would include a designated for the proposed taxes.) This money could come results of the survey done by ~ymn~inm, ~ and crafts health unit and com'thouse. According to the students, from local fund raising the students. rco~, mcetLsq~ rooms, a The survey polled 215 an estimate from a local projects, property taxes or• contraetur on the cost of co-operation with the regional district. h building the centre was between ~oo,o0o and ~0,ooo Council referred the Jaycees Want Council and operating coats were matter to the recreation and estimated at $90,000 per planning committees for year. study, although council Aid. Vie Jolliffe, however; members were wary of •.. to Free Enterprise disagreed with the building making any statements as to Terrace and District received 'poll of local The Jaycoes feel that "free cost esltmate. He said the the possibility of~council- Jeycoea have come out in businessmen asking for enterprise should be ellowed centre could cost as much as approved funding. • favor or repealing the retention of such a by-law. freedom in its hours of munidipal shop cloning hours Council said they are operation so that ,he in- by-law, but Terrace council wnitim far invited input terests of both merchan and Curfew Law Mrs. Gertrude Reay of Kitlmat, winner of the Herald.Overwaltea three minute shopping accepted this viewpoint with from the merchants on the public could be best spree, waits with h~ load as a cashier totals her winnings. More on page 9. [ tittle comment at .Monday's drawing up u new'~by-law serviced," Gilham said in his council meeting. before they go ahead with letter. ' Jamie Gllham, by-law third reading of the repeal Aid. Jack Talstra pointed committee chairman for the by-inw and adoption. out that repeal of the Criticized African Whites Dread Jaycoes, asked council in a In the meanllnem, municipal by-law will still letter to "free enterprise... hawevcr, the B.C. Govern. not free merchants to Although one alderman - Cc~cil members agreed and remove a restrictive ment Employees Union is operate their businesses at called it "a ridiculous by- they would like to see stiffer trades-practice by-liw from conducting a survey of area whatever hours they chose, law," Terrace council ap- penalties for breaking the those of the corporation." shoppers which they will • since they would still be provod a new by-law setting curfew, but the $5 maximum Racial War in South A by-liw to repeal the present to council at the next subject to provincial curfew bours far youngsters fine is set under the existing municipal shop under the age of 17. Municipal Act. JOHANNESBURG (AP) - For some it strmgthened Hers," the pro~overnment June meeting, statutes. The massacre of whites by their resolve against easing Johannesburg Cltizm said in hours by-liw received two According to union Howevar, ff stere hours Aid. Alan Soutsr said be Ald. Jack Talstra moved readings at an earlier black rebels in Zaire has white control over the 18 the headiine for an editorial represmtative Ro~er Davis; were regulated under the objected to the by-law that ceuncil write to the churned up old fears in million blacks .in South which said: cotmcll meeting, but council a strong trmd in voting Municipal Act, district became the maximum fine Attorney-General ex- white-ruled southern Africa, members were stopped from Africa' a/~d against turning indicates shoppers want personnel would, rite be which could be imposed on. pressing their concern about the century-old dread that South-West Africa, also ""The Zaire drama should further action when they unrestricted store hems. " responsible for enforcement. parrots of nocturnal wan- thesmallfinoandsuggesting raeiai war finally will rid the derars is $5. the maximum be increased. called Namibia, over to be a warning to the op- A fine of $5 is such "a tiny Council gave the by.law continent of European guerrilla-backed black pesitien Progressive Federal ' domination. militants. party and other liherals in slap on the wrist," Soutar three readings and will be "The Shaba invasion in this country; The continent, ., Mill. Worker Tests said, that teenagers in that officially adopted at the next In Rhodesia, the Znirb position "would likely just In fact, is stillpeeeeeeed of an "o"owrn Kitimat ' "laugh at the law." council meeting. Zairelittle sandis proof is positiveleft in thatthe ~lcodbuthconviction mightof many bolster whites tha inherent savagery." • ' ' The now curfew bv.law, ~m_s___ ~ . hourglass in this part of the that white. Prime Minister 7 ivl mpre nanc ,, , , Commenting on the siege .... which is ,,~rtliilv the result g Y world, S6uth-Weat Africa s Ian Smth s internal set- mentality, the liberal . V.AN~O.U~..R. (CP) , The proMain. .i~ v.cluntsl'y.. The study wlil be aea~vead of i~ ~'~VI~ ~n~put, sets . ' suit " i ~thate ~e~dde~'f3arthinUs..flw~t~t~wl~sco~£u~g~ ncwspuper Rand Daily.Mail umon •e,tttetais say mill but Young sat.a me umea at'the. uni~tya:,~rim:.J~e hQurs:~.~f!:c~..e~v.,~at ~1 , .-i ../../. :. ,,~:~, , . :" , .Y0, . >. ,.,~.... ; ~oap.,~: .... ,. / .... , pa • of Johannusl~*g~ eeid.white workers' at the Britiah~ expe~ts ti~t~tof the ~.~t|~abo~t~.~.~Tflf~}~tX:..~:~G,.. MIke"tAP) ~ ther~i..~:.:~_~/~...-...L!.~.. b~,~-ma.j..o~..t.yride, ... ...fea~. ~ovO~ ,.~, .t. .of tl~, ~ ~bla Farekt ~cid m~ell~ii~i,~'~0Fharst0 ': threamea~i~f~theflml' JulymidA~t, ondl0p.m. A man who: impre~nated his . "me t~.~m,;woimce m . .ff'.wm b~r~.tlfe zniro VJaence are the Wr~k plant in Crofton on' Van- take part. results are available.. The..for the othe~" months:of the wife after undergoing a muse m mrzca, ee~e~mmauouoxtmoueemns kind of emotion to expl0if' •couver Islind will be tested Hesaid the workers will be cost of the study, between year. vasectomy is entitled to-sue Dire warninga like Steyn's of all races to see that the "One shonld be cautious in for possible airborne con- given individual repart~ $5,000 and $16,-000 is being Previous curfew hours • for malpractice, the stats and the headlines in the forces Of law and order are one's reaction to such events tamdnauts which may be showing if there are any divided among the two were one hour earlier.. ' Court of Appeals has ruled, region's newspapers in the maintained in a state of not do leap to unjustified afbc~mg their lungs, problems with their lungs, unions and the company. " Ald. Helmut Giesbrecht The appeals court Menday last week--"Zaire Horror disciplined" efficiency," said conclusions and The tenting is being expleined'thatthepurpeseof reversed a 1977 Emmet Or~, Revealed;" "Drunk the pro-government ganorailzations, _pe..ruc#rly spomored by the largest the by.law is to give police County Circuit Court verdict Boys On Rampage" - have Rhodesia Herald newspaper. in a country like South tmion in tile plant, the Pulp, Communication the authority to pick up dismissing a suit filed by sent shudders of ap- "Without t~t presence, any Africa, where public Paper and Woodworkers of juveniles late at night "if Thomas and Kay Bushman prehension through many of government, new or old, will emotions can so easily tip Canada (PPWC). Full Blamed In there is a problem" and agaiustBurnsClinicMedisal South Africa's 4.4 million be easy prey for the over to destructive supiz~ is being given by added )hat he is not ex- Centre of Peteekey and Dr. whites. enemy." "No Kolwesis racialism." enmpany as well as by the pecting "a mass campaign" John Hull. It sent the case An ustimatod 100 or more Canadian Paperwarkers • Cranbrook Crash byRCMPtoelearthestreets back to Judge Martin white reeidents'Were slain by Union, the other union rep- By BRIAN POWER " . The aircraft aborted the after U. Breighner for another trial. rebel invaders who last weak mmtod in the plant. ~,NBROOK. B.C, (cP). landing, but crashed ,and Organized Crime .occupied Kolwesi, in Zairo's The three parties are -- A coroner s Jury probing burned when a tl/~ust Shaba province. The the cost of the study, the death of 43 persons in a reverser braking Pronch, who sent a ealimatod to be between Feb.
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