Anthropological Abstracts Cultural/Social Anthropology from German-speaking countries edited by Ulrich Oberdiek Volume 2.2003 ___________ LIT Contents Editorial 7 General/Theoretical/Historical Studies 9 Regional Studies Africa 113 The Americas 177 Asia 205 Australia & Oceania 247 Europe 257 Periodicals scanned 293 Author Index 295 Subject Index Editorial This reference journal is published once a year and announces most publications in the field of cultural/social anthropology from the German language area (Austria, Germany, Switzerland). Since many of these publications have been written in German, and most German publications are not included in major, English language abstracting services, Anthropological Abstracts (AA) offers an opportunity and convenient source of information for anthropologists who do not read German to become aware of anthropological publications in German-speaking countries. Included are journal articles, monographs, anthologies, exhibition catalogs, yearbooks, etc., published in German. Occasionally, publications in English, or French, are included as well if the publisher is less well-known and when it is likely that the publication will not be noted abroad. The present printed volume of Anthropological Abstracts (AA) (2.2003) includes no. www-4 of the internet version (www.anthropology-online.de ’ Anthropological Abstracts ’ no. 4.2003); the printed version has about 30% additional material, however. Starting from the present volume the layout (size of script etc.) has been changed to ensure better readability. Some technical remarks This reference journal uses a combined and flexible approach of representation: While in most cases abstracts are supplied, for some anthologies and journals (e.g., Zeitschrift für Kulturaustausch, Kea) - because of space limitations - the Current Contents principle is applied, i.e. only authors and titles are printed. So technically, this is a combinded approach: that of an Abstracting reference journal, and the Current Contents principle listing names and titles only; all of the material has been indexed, however. Abstracts supplied by authors are marked by ## before and after the abstract. Due to space limitations they may be abbreviated. Up to three editors of an anthology will be listed. Only those papers in journals, yearbooks, catalogs and anthologies will be abstracted that are relevant to cultural/social anthropology - which is mainly applicable in the case of interdisciplinary publications. AA also tries to cover subjects related to, or influencing, anthropology, i.e. if they are relevant for present discourses. Thus, there may be material from history, folklore studies, linguistics, sociology, philosophy, etc., if there is an intersection with present debates in anthropology. Keywords after each abstract serve as an "abstract of the abstract" - for quick reference. Page numbers in the Subject Index refer to the page of Keywords listings; i.e. the abstracted article or book may begin on the preceding page. Regarding alphabetical order the German Umlaut (ä, ö, ü) will be broken up into ae, oe, ue in the text, but is disregarded in the indexes. The publishers, museums and research institutions must be thanked for their generally prompt deliveries of the books requested for Anthropological Abstracts. And last but not least: many thanks to Veit Hopf (LIT Verlag) for publishing this journal! Dr. Ulrich Oberdiek Quäkerstr. 7 D-79102 Freiburg/Germany Phone+Fax: Germany: 0761/70 72 344 e-mail: [email protected] GENERAL/THEORETICAL/HISTORICAL STUDIES ALT, KURT W. & ARIANE KEMKES-GROTTENTHALER (Eds.) Kinderwelten. Anthropologie - Geschichte - Kulturvergleich Köln: Böhlau Verlag 2002 501 pp., Euro 44.90; ISBN 3-412-03102-X Worlds of the child. Anthropology, history, cultural comparison 36 papers explore the life sphere of children - starting from the insight that a sheltered kind of childhood is a rather recent, western phenomenon. The papers discuss life worlds of children chronologically as well as interculturally - from ancient Egypt and Rome to children living in slums of 'third world countries'. The authors are physical anthropologists, cultural anthropologists, archaeologists, historians, educationists, medical practitioners and psychologists. They intend to inform about children's worlds in diachronic and cultural anthropological comparison. The major headings under which the papers are grouped are: Nature vs. culture - an evolutional biological view; reconstructions of historical children's worlds; child mortality in different times and cultures; demographical aspects and infertility; comparative aspects (gender effects, UN children's rights, slum children, education and children, infant life in three continents, infants in tribal societies), and growth and development. Keywords: childhood and culture, slum children, comparative childhood, tribal children, nature and culture, culture and nature ALTHOFF, MARTINA Die soziale Konstruktion von Fremdenfeindlichkeit (Studien zur Sozialwissenschaft 203) Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag 1998 282 pp., Euro 24,-; ISBN 3-531-13236-9 The social construction of xenophobia Xenophobia has been of considerable influence in German society. This sociological analysis of the political dimension of xenophobia is connected with the question of how society reacts on xenophobia. Althoff analyzes media reports concerning the riots of Rostock/Lichtenhagen in August and General/Theoretical/Historical Studies ____________________________________________________________ September 1992, a time when there where rising numbers of asylum seekers in Germany - when a refugee asylum was set afire by several hundred people, and the present people applauded. Althoff sees the necessity of longitudinal studies for a topic of this kind. She did not find individual action predominant, but instead general frames of interpretation as a structure. The latter are rather stable over time, and it takes time to establish them. Once established they tend to last, they are of longue durée. Specific arguments (such as: asylum seekers being criminal), once they are established as consensus, can be 'legitimately' used to opine against them, and it serves to legitimize action against them as well. Keywords: xenophobia in Germany, Rostock riots, asylum seekers, refugees, stereotypes ASSMANN, ALEIDA Vier Formen des Gedächtnisses Erwägen Wissen Ethik 13,2.2002:183-238 Four forms of memory ##Memory research has become a prominent topic during the last decade. While we are confronted with a plethora of international multidisciplinary studies, there is also a growing danger of losing an integral vision of the topic within highly specialized and fragmented fields of research. The following contribution is meant as a map for possible connections within this area. It starts from the observation that individuals participate in multiple formats of memory of various social and temporal scope. Four such formats of memory will be discussed which pertain to the individual as a member of a family, a generation, a nation and a culture (to be referred to here as individual, generational, collective, and cultural memory respectively). Although it is impossible to succinctly separate these memories from each other, it is highly instructive to distinguish them in order to highlight their various degrees of narrative elaboration, unity or diversity, volatility or permanence, embodiment or externalization. It is the aim of this paper to investigate some of the specific mechanisms, features and problems inherent in each of the four presented formats of memory.## Keywords: memory formats, cultural memory, collective memory, individual memory 8 General/Theoretical/Historical Studies ____________________________________________________________ ASSMANN, JAN Das kulturelle Gedächtnis Erwägen Wissen Ethik 13,2.2002:239-280 Cultural memory ##Culture is memory: this thesis highlights the mnemotechnical aspects and functions of cultural "morphology" in general and of formed speech in particular. On the basis of K. Ehlich's notion of text as "reproduced communication" in the frame of an "extended situation", culture is interpreted as the totality of extended situations, in which "cultural texts" are continually reproduced and an "extended situation" is institutionalized that may extend over several millennia. In this way, specific temporal horizons are formed which given societies claim and remember as "their" past. This form of cultural memory grows complex in the process of growing literacy. Around a core of highly normative and formative cultural texts, an ever growing periphery of texts is developing which fell out of use but are still preserved in written form. This dynamic of forgetting and remembering becomes dramatic in cases when a society rejects its past altogether and not only "forgets" but suppresses its cultural texts as was the case when emerging Christianity rejected pagan antiquity.## Keywords: memory and culture, culture and memory, culture as text, text and culture, Ehlich, K., literacy, oral texts, normative texts AUGST, CHRISTINE M. Selbstreflexionen im höheren Lebensalter. Inhalte und Strukturen von Lebensbetrachtungen (Erlanger Beiträge zur Gerontologie 2) Münster: Lit Verlag 2003 183 pp., Euro 19.90; ISBN 3-8258-6771-4 Reflecting the self at a higher age. Contents and structures of reflecting the life course Triggered by characteristic physical, psychological and social change in the process of aging, reflecting on one's life (life reviews) is a frequent phenomenon.
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