SPEC COLL BOXED LD 531 8 . A3 P347 VENGEANCE A PISH BEST SERVED iN THE CONVO • SPORTS, PAGE 9 «••*••'•<» ^ PAi^AHO Octobers, 1996 Volume 19, NMmber 20 ^mmm irK[i ^cscni^gcTi? m ^ 1 ^£"1' !'ui)ii':^ ij'r/i Food service provider offers increased selection, prices By Scott Heskew food .serviceJon Everett, who was pro- with Ihe university, and it is currently cue and Mexican food. Al the JPL Contributing Writer moled to an Aramark location in Iowa. under consideration. cafeteria, new menus emphasize sal­ Alcala slated that while "we Trotti .said that Aramark'scontract, ads, deli foods and a variety of low-fat Joe Alcala, Aramark UTSA divi­ (Aramark and the university) try very, which began Aug. I, 1992, and runs selections. sion manager, has promised that this very hard" to keep prices down, in­ until July 31,2004, allows the corpora­ Olhernew food services are a wider year, thc Uni versity "stood service pro­ creases in cost, due to the new higher tion to request price increa.ses at the variety of choices al the Chisholm Hall vider will be emphasizing greater vari­ minimum wage, may cause a small end of each fi.scal year, or during the csfeteria, and plans arc being made to ety, healthier food and customer satis­ price hike this semester. rest of the year if it can cite exceptional open a bistro in the new Business Build­ faction. According tb Powell Trotti, the di­ circumstances such as the minumum ing in November. Alcala said the bis­ Alcala. a 19-year employee of rector of general services, Aramark wage increase. tro will feature salads.dcii-style sand­ Aramark, replaces former director of has filed a request for a price increa.se Aramark's contract gives the uni­ wiches and pi/zas. versity control over price, sanitation Some studenis had mixed feelings standards and operating hours. The about Aramark. Senior Heidi Will­ contract al.so places Aramark under iams, an education inajor. said thequal­ the supervision ofthe Contracted Ser­ ity and variety of food was adequate, vices committee, an organizalion of but complained aboul the prices, say­ students, faculty and staff members ing that "you can go to Burger King who perform evaluations on all private and gel a Whopper for 99 cenls. hut companies contracted with the univer­ here you've got to pay two or three sity. bucks for a Whopper." Trotti was positive about Aramark's Sophomore James Rippeloe. a po­ performance, noting that it works hard litical .science major, also complained lo provide what customers want, add­ about high prices. "I know for a fact ing that Aramark consistently performs that thc Subway on campus charges above the national averages. ... on average aboul 50 cents higher In the University Cenier, Aramark than the olher Subways do. " Rippeloe now sells Starhuck's coffee as well as said. Gary Wrighl/Thc Paisano a variety of grilled items and "Light Alcala stated thai he believes very Between classes, Brandon and JoEllen Moore take a break for and Easy" choices, such as chicken strongly in making sure that Aramark brunch with their toddler, Nathanial. The Moores must bring Nathanial with them to school because of limited day care salad and sandwiches. offers something for everyone. "My options. "We do whatever we can," said Brandon Moore. "There Jary Wrighl/The Paisano The UC location aLso has a section philosophy has always been |thul) aren't any other day care options -1 work full time. I babysit Burger King remains a staple In the John Peace Library cafeteria, that offers different types of food on a we're here lo lake care ol Ihc customer while my wife is in class and vice-versa." Moore welcomes the though new menu items have been added. Some new food items rotating basis. Some of these se­ . my door is always open." idea of a UTSA daycare. "It [UTSA daycare] would help out a include a variety of salads, deli foods, and low-fat selections. lections include Chinese food, barbe- lot," he said. Learning Assistance serves VMI enrolls women cadets; growing number of students says exact same rules apply By Colleen BeBaise fitness tests are scored differently to When asked if he expected further By Carios Durand lems in a class with another student supplemental instruction services are College Press Sen iie take into account the physical differ­ litigation as a result of VMI's decision Contributing Writer who has already passed that particular free to siudents. A limited reserve of ences between men and women. For to have the same requirements for all class. textbooks is available in addition to example, women are given two min­ cadets, regardless of their sex. he re­ The Learning Assistance Center Supplemental instruction works on the tutoring and supplemental instruc­ LEXINGTON. Va.—Male cadels utes limger locomplele a two-mile run. plied "I do." has significantly increased in size from Women also are allowed to have their a .study group basis, where a small tion services. al the Virginia Miliiary Institute live in Lawsuits are nothing new to VMI. .serving 92 students in the spring 1992 hairaboui two inches longer than men. group of students meets five times a TTie center has five study rooms bleak barracks, rise before the sun and In fact, the decision lo admit women to 803 students in spring 1996. 'The week for one hour to solve classroom reserved in the JPL library, four com­ march single-llle on thc academy's But not at VMI, where thc only followed seven years of legal wran­ Learning Assistance Center has been problems. The study group is directed puters loaded with special learning parade grounds. planned changes so far are a separate gling. In 1990. the Justice Department operating since 1992, and keeps grow­ by students who have successfully com­ software, a full range of a.ssistancc For 157 years, that's been the rou­ shower and bathroom for the women sued VMI alter a woman, who has ing each semester, mainly because of pleted the course. Supplemental in­ videos, and 20 classrooms all over tine at the state-supported military col­ and dorm vvindow curtains. Like thc never been identified, complained the very demanding schedules that struction deals mainly with subjects cainpus scheduled at different times. lege. And .school officials say they're men, women will not have locks on about the admissions policy. students face," said Amy Birtchet, averaging 45 percent or higher of the their doors. The center also has classrooms re­ not about to change the routine now In June, the Supreme Court held in supplemental instruction coordinator student population who score a D. F, served in the downtown campus to that women cadels will bc"^^ioining their "There's been no schcwl that has a 7-to-l ruling that the Constitution's ofthe cenier. orW, pi ivide .services. The center offers ranks. ever given women crewcuts," said equal protection guarantee precludes Birtchet said the complete confiden­ OnSept.2l. VMI'sgoverningbody Johnson, a retired lieutenant colonel VMI from offering the unique educa­ center has been tiality to studenis voted 9-8 to admit female cadets in who served in the Persian Gulf War. tion it affords to men only. TTie ruling gaining a good repu­ who use its ser­ compliance with a June 26 U.S. Su­ "This has not been the tradition for d(x:s not apply lo single-sex private tation by helping Demographic Breakdown for Students vices. "The whole preme Court ruling that it must allow women. They're digre.ssing from the colleges. students to handle women or become private standard." Attending Learning Assistance idea of the cenier is The Citadel, lhe nation's only other the difficulties ofthe to help studenis to VMI was the lasl stale-supported NOW and lhe American Civil Lib­ hardest core state-supported military school, an­ Spring 19% achieve the best miliiary college for men only. erties Union have stated that VMI must nounced It would admit women two courses. She added scores they can. and Bul school otlicials insist thc same be closely nionilored as it begins ils days afler the Court's ruling and en- that studenis have the cenier has the overcome thc myth neces.sary tools for that only bad stu­ Unknown il. actually for some dents are the ones 7% particular subjects But school officials insist the same tough standards that now apply to male soliciting services to Frashman even the professors thc center. Birtchet 38% give extra tools to cadets will also apply to women. They will be required to get the same said that many stu­ the center." said crewcuts, live in the same dorms and meet the same physical dents seek help be­ Duncan. cause they are inter­ r'equirements as men. ested wilh scoring "Even while the Ihe best grades they center has severe can and increasing Sophomore budgetary con­ tough standards that now apply to male integration ol women. their GPAs to fur­ 22% straints we are ex­ rolled lour female cadels this August. cadets will apply to women. They will "I know it's hard for them to accept ther their career pecting lo exceed But VMI had put off its decision, be required to gel the same crewcuts. these changes," Johnson said. "Ifyou goals. 2000 overall stu­ weighing whether alumni could raise live in the same dorms and meet the serve in the military .. .you're going to Undeclared dents .served this se­ enough money to buy the academy "There are times Humein ities same physical requirements as men. have to get used to having women in 10' mester," added from the state and preserve its all-male where even the good 28% "Female cadels will bc treated pre­ the workforce." Birtchet.
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