£. 00 > >- — HUIJ X) O- O Co ••W.ii'-V o -A r" o z <a I— o iio s; — »—* o >-< in > 0 co XI > XI Ol 7S < IT) Q c >XI Oo Z ~o o 1 o o t—I n • CO J-V<?J_/» N^;|>g^;^^SPRINGFI^N.j- 1HURSDAY. JULY 19,1984 en£b Cuts possible in deaf classes O3 , yy impaired, cjiildrep are intQgraled each of its own hoaring-im'paired /. • h Board President 'Jeorge (ionics ,,-t- . ,T e possible. dissolution of a into a "mainstrcamedV class with children, oul-of-dislricl children pay advised the boar'l In also cmiMdrr qlSlHcl program for preschool non-handicapped children <it the tuition: the (jiissible Jack of classrooms, il hearing-impaired . children'., was same"age. After selection at ago :i, the slate does not.grant permission The district would therefore incur discuised by the Springfielg d Board the npn-handicappepp d children.ma.y lor the district to continue tising'six & flff RdnralloRdl n -at—itg~xonf^fepcg' "remairemain in the program fof r twt o expenses for 12 children, minus the rooms in Ihe'riielinaSjindoicieriin'r VV '-• "ieeting Jjuly 11 j and expetted t6"be""'years, pafiicipaling as peer models. stale aid. while receiving luilion fur A ByCYBpiCKFIELD turnaround for him,"since he had same, time, the American Medical -^-yeatrrcompared' to a 4.8 percent ,Iames (,'aldwell schools dial wen- .In voted, on at last night'night s formal Dr. Fred Baruchin, superin- eight..' '. t •'• . ' Execntive director strongly opposed the Carter Ad- Association has asked physicians ' meeting in Chicago., voted increase in the cost of. all labor . , . superin termed "substandard " in ;i rcccni £ - _ American Association '.meeting, ' . • . - . : ministration's .hospital: cost con:, across the. country to freeze: their • unanimously: to. Urge.^toV^i.'JQ;^seryfc&V : .>?::<••.: .' •'••'•'" ' " • lendenl of schools, commented that lioard memlxrrs discussed the stjilein.speclion. •2 ' • of Retired Persons tainment bill in 1977.-; : -:•-[..'•:•• fees voluntarily- for one,'year, A .^'accept -reduced"fees^'whtti"S;;-V All;af)lliese developments point to •'. The, • PYDEE Program, Deaf the.'dislricrs program is "unique I'vasibilljly «l dissolving the program * Here's some ^good news from the Meanwhile; in Arizona, four major beginning, immediately, to help warranted." from patients under. Youngsters Deserve - Early because it is the only programJhal i; health care front! an I emerging consensus among ^high-technology companies — combat ris]Dg._med.ical..- eosts__ ^Educilion.-which has been in effect | .In Washington.. D.C.. ..legislation 4ws.ine8smenV"woiK.ei's, Aliierlcaris".' •^^iry,"HoneywenrTH4lor61a "and' "Doctors all over this country are-' for nine years, came under fire from >- which' would limit increases in unemployed,, the uninsured and of all , ages and even some Garrett — are spearheading a drive increasingly concerned about the board, members because of the cosl , 21' ospilal costs and physician charges those receiving Medicare. • :-T •';>. 'enlightened health - ,0are prap- for Voter approval of a ballot increase in costs of medical care." . Jnsuxced by _the.idistricl_iot_the— D 'ir hospital services in order to save •'•>'•'According "to the7U.S: Bureau of. initiative-that would help control according to the AMA's president- 1 8 let^care from insolvency was in- Labor Statistics, doctors' fees in- reasonable restraints on fte rateof projected number ' of' students 'health care' costs. Under'the elect. Dr. Joseph Boyle. ",-. creased 7.5 percent nationwide last •,'• growth In health care fees. ' enrolled. •'.-..,. students should get/as much' in- impaired programs z ioduced in the Congress. 1 The properly is, located adjacent proposal, o state agency would be '.Currently, only two Springfield dividual attention its possible. The The slate mandated a year ago 2 The "Medicare Solvency and empowered to set hospital prices for lo the Culdwoll School and .Imfild • Health Care Financing Reform Act children require the special PYDEE PrngrumTuns for the entire that 'districts were required In all payers in more than 400 diagnosis "program designed for hearing- school year on half-day sessions. members in the pasl have expressed ' if 1984." introduced in the House by related categories, similar to the educate preschool handicapped inloresl in acquiring il - '.i.S. Hep Richard A' Gephardt ID- prospective payment, plan impaired 3- and-fyeaFoIds. The rest Last year's arogram cosl per pupil children. , Mo.) and in the Senate by US. Sen! of the projected class for 1984-85,. was approximately $:!,B!M. For I!)K4- established last year for Medicare. .The possible purchase and use ul Kdward Mft Kennedy ib-Mass.), is Price increases would have to be presently includes eight out-of- 85, since ooi less sludeol is expected The ill normal-hearing children lesigned to keep Medicare solvent district hearing-impaired children to be enrolled, the cosl per pupil is ate selected for the program the properly/was, expected in lie approved by the agency after public SEAGRAM'S discussed last night According in without' increasing out-of-pocket "hearings. aria .10 Springfield children with estimated at $5,571. • through a lottery. According lo payments by beneficiaries, or SEVEN normal hearing. • Baruchin, interested parents enter 'DiCiiovanni. when a use is decided, u Accordingto a "Business Week" MICHELOB h district will receive an an- will be spceiliod in a resolution One liayroll taxes for wqrkers. as Well as story, the companies last year Your-Choicejtegular and Light CROWN : At i age 3 and 4, the hearing- ticipated $1,200 in.slate funding for their children's names in a drawing. IO slow skyrocketing costs After the names are chosen, the -possibilly the hoard will consider i- throughout the health caresystem. founded a 1.300-membcr Arizona to use the properly lor playground . Coalition for Cost-Effective Quality children are .screened for .pro- The bill would set overall federal, Health Care, which represents a ' indergarten readiness/ and space. limits on the rate of increase in wide range of consumer, labor and Condos lose again maturity. hospital costs and in charges for business groups.. The coalition is BV THE BOARDS—Quiet summer afternoons In • As ol Tuesday.motions placed mv physician services provided within seeking 109.000 signatures in order Spr;lngfleld's playgrounds are often spent by the in Its second vote on the issue, th. Opposing the complex were Dr. Dr. Leonard DiGiovanni, board last night's agen'du included the hospitals. States ; would be en- to place the proposal on the ballot. It youngsters play1ng~board rjanies. Above, at Irwin Park, Springfield Board of Adjustment Howard Walter and William Hatpin. secretary, said the normal-hearing hiring of four teachers lor ihe couraged to develop specific plans to contends that the current cost-plus Paola Conte -contemplates the ramifications of her once again knocked down an/ap- Edward Olesky; who voted against children play an important role in DYDEE Program. The positions keep cost increases within those . reimbursement system has failed checkers move. Below, Anthony Cohen gets ready, to plication for a variance from the the complex three months ago, did helping the hearing-impaired recommended were lor a classroom limits. A stale's plan could include a and that slowly emerging efforts to make a move In a game derived from Chinese checkers Greenbriar Service Corporation' to not attend the meeting'. ' 'children develop "inter-personal teacher and aide, a speech teacher regulatory, voluntary, competitive promote competition among • under Paolo Insauto's watchful eye. Playground news construct a five-story condominium . ' Yale Greenspoon, board attorney,- relationships." and an art education teacher.. or prospective payment system, or hospitals will not yield benefits soon appears oh Page 8. complex at the top of'Wilson and who previously slated that he was' any combination thereof. Only if a enough lo alleviate sharply rising ShUnplke Roads at its/fteeting July sure the case would go to court if il — Tuition in the two other districts The board had also projected the state failed to keep costs within the hospital costs. • '••. , tPhotosby John Boutsikarls) X2. was not reopened, said, he still that offer the grogram_was_rj;pijnted_ limits would the federal government pp "Arizona is ,lhe most dramatic fonts-^—In—the become involved. ~To~be approximately $4,:)00 per pupil. last night's meeting. It was an- _nexampje of a_—new. national— neighborhood of/Baltusrol Way, Greenbriar could also go lo the It would also cost the district ap- p phenomenon of employers deciding, ticipated that Suburban Cablevision initially relieved that the board Township Committee with an appeal proximately $2,500 in transportation would be present to yidcotapethe merely cut benefits or raise taxes to they must do something-fast about failed to approve the application in of,its application. costs for euch child. try to save Medicare, this bill ad- : session. health care costs." Richard E. April, had to sweat out the issue once dresses the real cause of Medicare's Curtis^'director o( health policy for problem — continued cost- again wher/it was announced that • the National Governors Association! the case would be reopened. ' escalation throughout the health , told "Business Week." He said. pleads guilty to assault care system. Rather than merely "Theylve decided they cannot afford :Aj(ter^tne bpard's denial in April, tryirjg to find more and more not to." ' • • •' • UA. BEER TEXAS LIGHT STEINBRAU Greenbnar's attorney, Ralph ' A Springfield man awaits'-'sen- and one 18, they were under arrest, The assistant prosecutor also said revenue to pay the nations's health from (NonVUoohollc) i W>MIW Griepo, requested the .board to lencing after pleading guilty to a . AARP has endorsed the ballot AnhauMr Btwoh (NofWUootMUc) according to {be prosecutor, Sutton. ihat-Suuon-told Campbell he would care bill, this proposal would ac- initiative. It is also working with the V*B»»,/Ue.Contwl i the hearing for one ad-' charge of aggravated sexual assault who was employed by the Nilscn- turn over t,he women lo him and his tually help reduce that bill: state legislature in' an attempt to' m dldonal witness'testimony.
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