-- --rrr- --- t . fr r f-f- f ' . j HAWAIIAN GAZETTE, FRIDAY. MARCH 3. 1905. SEMI-WEEKL- Y, MRS. JANE STANFORD DIES AT MOANA HOTEL In Honolulu iilnce February 21st. been which could be caused by strychnine ford may be taken back to California one of the reasons she left California. She was accompanied on her arrival poisoning; nnd on the S. S. China, leaving here March She had drunk then from a Left hero by her secretary, MIbh Burner, Second, that strychnine has been 9. They will be urcompanled by Mlsi bottle of Mrs. Highton She , Told Henry and by a maid who Is known as May. In Poland mineral water and became very-ill- found the bicarbonate of soda in Eerner. The burial will take place at I Both women were completely pros ex- the vial from which Miss Bemer Stanford University In the family thuu-soleu- m and. It was alleged that strychnine-hu- trated by the suddenness of last tracted the fatal dose which Mrs. Stan- beside Because of At-- night's tragedy. the bodies of Leland been found In the water. Mls Ber-- San Francisco ford nfterwnrds swallowed. Stanford and son. ner Mrs. Stanford had made numerous How did the strychnine come to be said Mrs. Stanford was conscious edhVca mixed In with the bicarbonate of soda? THE AUTOPSY. to the last moment of her life, and the temot Made There on Her Life. tr Md tXnTcSe" This Is the question which the police The remains were removed yesterday latter had strongly asserted that Bhe V I She was hero In April, 1902, when the department Is attempting to unravel. morning to the Queen's had been poisoned. students gave her reception the Hospital where a at The police have the 'fact that Mrs. an autopsy was performed. The physi- As to the movements of the entire-part- Moana. She visited the islands again Stanford was almost poisoned In San cians performing on Tuesday, Miss In August, 1903, April, 1904, this work were Drs. Berner said. and in Francisco shortly before her departure Wood, Day .urs. wianioru. Miss stopped on her way home from a tour and Murray. The result Hunt, herielf and for Honolulu, and that strychnine had of the autopsy will not be given out a driver went over the Pall to Koolau. of the Orient. been found In the bottle of Poland mln. officially on a picnic trip. The lunch Sheriff Rawlins was the until the coroner's Inquest consisted .tra 3TClnv Deputy at eral water from which she drank. On place, of three kinds of sandwiches made - :. midnight, takes but It is known that the of x- 2JBifcw wfik. Moana very shortly nfter top of this fact comes the additional findings Graham bread, tongue, made close examination of the were that Mrs. Stanford came with Swiss T&. and a cne that Mrs. Stanford was poisoned a cheese nnd lettuce between amxMj,., room nnd the body of Mrs. Stnnford. to her death from tetanus of the re- the bread second time, and that strychnine was hard-boile- spiratory organs, and this could Jiave layers. There were also d He also summoned a coroner's Jury the drug used. ThlB also came from eggs, among guests been cnused by strychnine poisoning. pepper, salt, n fresh loaf of gin- from the of the hotel. ) bottle, (containing tiUMtmm&A a bicarbonate, how The were yesterday gerbread, cold coffee, oranges, choc- and declared his purpose to have a ever), which been In remains embalmed. i had the Stanford olate, candy, and sugar. The par-.- ty mzzw ( post mortem held early today. home In San Francisco prior (o Mrs. THE SUICIDE THEORY. , vT h "I found nothing wrong in Sirs. had an enjoyable trip and return- fi&5WU XSSSS Stanford's departure for Honolulu. The theory was ed to the Moana Hotel 4 p. ' Stanford's room," said the Deputy. Two were advanced during the about m servants of Mrs. Stanford Mrs. Stanford ate heartily of wRgWiz "Ilut there was a bottle of discharged from her service nfter the day that Mrs. Stanford may have com- the lunch, mi ate of soda, which Dr. Humphrls took and on returning to town said she had first alleged attempt. A theory of mitted suicide. Tne grounds for up town with him, and which I nm this had an enjoyable outing. She did not r vir. -- High Sheriff Henry, Is that the same, belief are that for many years Mis. ftffw ,l told did the work. Mrs. Stanford took touch the eggs. peisons mny placed In I upon have strychnine Stanford has been a sptrituall't and her At 6:30 Mrs. Stnnford. (lrpsulm- - a dose of that medicine tonight morn than one mind been Impregnated nfter retiring. The bottle was purchased In container. has with all with care, went down to The police here have obtained ewy manner of hallucinations. Although dinner, and; San Francisco, nnd some part of Its she nbout S:30 returned to room re- bottle ot medicine and other medicines talked rationally on some subjects, yet her and contents had been taken out. But It tired. Mrs. Stanford some-soda-. which Mrs. Stanford had,. Deputy when question of spiritualism was asked for had not been touched, before tonight, the Miss Berner went to .a. High Fherlff Rawlins has tukeVcharge brought up, she be- trunk since leaving the coast. bottle, showed an eager nnd procured It, said That i of of soda bottle, but she had the bicarbonate the lief In It. She Is known to have con- . I am told by people here the hotel, The maid, combine-Mrs- at cascaret capsules, some medicine used sulted mediums. who was lind strychlnne mixed with the BOda. I Stanford's hnlr, gave her a spoon. for nasal trouble, some homeopathic CORONER'S JURY. can say nothing positively as to this pills, and a partly filled bottle of ,The bicarbonate of soda was In a small until I se Dr. Humphrls. some Deputy High Sheriff Rawlins swore In glas bottle and was In bulk. She took questioned secretnry, Bartlett water of which Mrs. "I have her MIfs Stanford drank the evening of her the following coroner's Jury early yes- out a half spoonful and laid It on the Iiurner, a middle aged woman who has table. death. No other medicines or bever-age- s terday morning nt ,the Moana Hotel: Mrs. Stanford asked Miss Ber- been with Mrs. Stanford for twenty W. C. Peacock, J. II. Hertsche, T. A. ner to take some of It, but she replied years, were found. AH these ore to be and the maid, May, a woman of examined by the chemists. Hays, H. Jerfrey, J.'W. Harvey and E. she would take a cascaret capsule, and 20, can get no about but coherent S. Cunha. The Jurors viewed the re- one of these was also laid out statement from either of them. They Thus far, all theories, nil facts and for mains nt 3:30 n. m. Jury was Mrs. Stanford. The take-th- e completely all Investigation lead to the single, the- The then latter did not are prostrated by the ory dismissed subject to call of High soda at once, said she shock. ' that Mrs. Stanford came to' her the the but would death from poison criminally ad- Sheriff. The Inquest may be held to- wait and take a drink of wnter with ' 'fjhus strangely, far from the graves ministered by some unknown person day, but at any rate It will not be held Berner then retired and Miss Hunt jlhwWMm!mMMiiiA'' hffi of those two who have been to her nil or persons. until the examination of the contents left her mistress about 9 o'clock. Mrs. the world, Mrs. Stanford passes to her HIGH SHERIFF'S STATEMENT. of the stomach has been made. Stanford, It appears, fell nsleep then, long JANE L. STANFORD. rest. Long ago, In that fertile High Sheriff Henry, after making a DR. HUMPHRIS'S POSITION. but later awoke and took the medicine. plain of Central New York, to In Later in night Miss that has visit the laboratory which the Dr. Humphrls, the physician to the Berner wasi been proline of great men und women, chemists are making the examination called startled by hearing Mrs. cry attend the dying philanthropist, re- Stanford woman who the-nam- e this has been great In so of the contents of Mrs. Stanford's fused to give lout, "Bertha!" and then "May!" O4-0OO- muny ways gave out any statement yester- Hf her life Into the keep- stomach, made the following statement day. He of the maid. Both sprang up and KK4400444-f- ing of Leland Stanford. He was to the Advertiser: stated he would be a witness saw Mrs. leaning a at the Inquest, would no Stanford against the country merchant, nothing more. No "This Is a most mysterious thing. but make side of the, door, which she appar- Mrs. Jane L. Stanford died at the I It at- had man then could have foreseen hn appears an nttempt was made to poison statement beforehand. He did not ently opened. that tend the autopsy. was to be one of the bold spirits Mrs. Stanford In California a short I "Oh, get who When Dr. Humphrls was Bertha, a doctor right away Moana Hotel at 11:40 o'clock last night un- wuuiu uinu logeiner me opposite slues time before her departure for the Ha- first called I am suffering terribly here," was In to attend Mrs. Stanford he secured Mrs.
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